Broad World

Chapter 124

Chapter 123 Arrive in Yatta

Henry and Barry have become good friends since they last chatted together. The two of them often chat together about their own experiences and talk about their adventures. After three days, the huge turtle shell on the deck was finally cleaned up. Henry cut it into small pieces according to the pattern above, and put them into the dimension bag respectively. He intends to use these things to make an active armor to resist physical attacks for himself.

While Henry and his party were sailing on the sea, Shikoudi in the Lord’s Mansion of Bluewent went round and round in a hurry. Four days have passed since the attack at sea, and she has not seen her husband. The only thing that is certain now is that they are still alive, this is the result of Debra’s divination with prophetic spells.

“Don’t worry, they will all be fine. Didn’t the Mage Tower already give the results of the divination? Sit down and calm down. I believe there will be definite news soon.” As Lily walked over and took Shikoudi’s hand, She pressed onto the chair.

Shikodi scratched his hair anxiously. “You were not there, and you didn’t see how terrifying that huge monster was. It is bigger than our ship. I can’t imagine what will happen if people fall into the sea.” Lily also sighed when she heard her. Sigh, sitting in the chair and thinking about it.

After a while, the guard at the door ran in with a note. “Madam, Mage Tower has just sent someone to send the latest news of the earl.”

Shikoudi suddenly stood up and ran over and snatched it over. She was anxious to see the news of her husband’s safety. It reads on the open note: “I just received a message from the earl using magic. The group of them has been rescued safely. They are on their way to Silvermoon City.” After reading it, Shikoudi relaxes and sits directly. To the ground.

The housekeeper hurried forward to help her up. With a worried face, he asked, “Madam, are you okay, do you want to call you a priest or a druid?”

Shi Kodi smiled, and a smile appeared on his haggard face. “Finally got the news that they are safe, I can go to sleep well.” After speaking, she fell asleep.

Lily glanced at the content on the note and breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was more confident in her son, she felt relieved after receiving the exact news. Soon the butler asked the maid to carry the sleeping countess back to the bedroom, and Henry’s mother returned to her room to get a good night’s sleep. After a few days of worry and fear. The Lord’s Mansion returned to calm again.

After sailing for more than ten days at sea, Captain Barry commanded the sailors to drive the boat into the Desharin River. The orc warrior looked at the deep water city that was gradually going away, and felt his spirit a little trance for a while. He suddenly felt that he had been away from home for too long, and he seemed to have never returned since he became an adult.

Henry noticed Vaughan’s strangeness and walked over and asked, “Are you okay, I seemed to be stunned by seeing you just now.”

The orc warrior laughed mockingly. “Head, when I come back, I want to ask you for a leave. I don’t know what happened recently. There is always a voice in my heart calling me back.”

“No problem. I also want to take a look at Icewind Valley. I heard that the ten towns there are very distinctive.” Henry immediately raised his interest when he heard that he was going to the Far North. It can be said that he wants to go most. One of the places.

“Characteristics? That’s right! The biggest characteristic of the ten towns is that whoever has the big fist depends on whoever has the biggest fist. In this extremely harsh environment, except for Brin Sander, almost all people depend on fishing for their livelihoods. Every year because of the fishing grounds, there will be several large-scale weapon fights, and the dead are thrown into the lake to feed the fish.” The orc warrior looked into the distance, telling the cruel reality of the extreme north.

His words aroused Amy’s curiosity, and the girl came over and asked, “If that place is really so bad, why don’t those people flee to the south?”

Vaughan was amused by her question. He reorganized his own language to answer: “There are murderers, thieves, savages, robbers, and guys like me who are not welcome in human society. Most of these people have been wanted. They left. Ten towns are hard to survive.”

Amy’s eyebrows had become a ball, and she pulled her hair down one by one with one hand. She really didn’t understand how such a group of people built a town and maintained local order.

Henry smiled and stopped the hand that was pulling his hair. “If you drag your hair again, it will fall out. The reason is simple. As long as the intelligent life gathers, there will be a kind of rule. Maybe it is rough and has many holes. But it cannot be denied that this is also the order. Even the most chaotic multiverse The devil also obeys the unspoken rule of the weak obedient to the strong. As for cities and towns, humans are too fragile compared to other species in this world. They must build high walls and hide behind to feel safe. Especially ice. In a wild land full of dangers like the Valley of the Wind, it is easy to be killed by other monsters without adequate protection.”

“Head, you are right. Without the leadership of Brin Sander and strong walls, Ten Towns would have been captured by barbarians and endless monsters.” The orc warrior completely agreed with Henry’s statement.

After listening for a long time, Amy finally understood what happened to Ten Towns. They were just a group of fugitives’ means to protect themselves.

The boat went all the way north along the river, quickly passed through the golden fields and stone bridges, and arrived at the Yatta Fortress in just three days. Henry stood on the ship and looked at the tall city walls and guards patrolling around. It seemed that the security situation here was very bad, otherwise he would not be so vigilant in broad daylight. The ship sailed slowly into the dock of the river, and Henry resigned to the captain as soon as he reached the shore.

“Thank you very much for the care along the way. We are now going to Silvermoon City, and we will leave now.”

Barry patted Ares’ sturdy body and pointed to a dirt road in the distance. “Go along this road and you will reach Aylward in about a few days. At that time, you will hire a small boat there, and you will be able to reach Silvermoon City in a day. Finally, I wish you all the best.”

Henry gave the captain a hug and took the group of people to the northeast. As soon as they walked out of the dock, they were stopped by a team of guards. The leader of the team said loudly to them: “Recently, there have been horrible robbers on the road to Aylward. We suspect that it is a ghost made by a giant on the eternal wasteland. You must know that three batches of caravans have been attacked this month. Except for some blood stains, there is not even a single hair left. If there is no emergency, it is best not to go this way, otherwise, don’t blame me if something goes wrong. Did not remind you.”

Hearing this news, Henry secretly lamented that he was really unlucky on this trip. First, I encountered a group of dragon turtles and sharks while riding a boat, and then I encountered a road that was blocked by giant robbers. I really don’t know if I offended the Goddess of Doom before going out, otherwise the recent frustration has always haunted him. Calculate the days, there are less than ten days before the harvest celebration, if you don’t hurry up, there is no way to arrive early.

“It doesn’t matter, we are all adventurers, and that big brown bear is my animal companion. I believe that I can deal with these robbers, and maybe I can help you solve them.” Henry pointed to the companions behind him.

The captain nodded looking at the sturdy orc warrior and the huge brown bear. As for Amy’s automatic neglect, he doesn’t think this girl who looks weak and weak can have any fighting power.

“Well, Yatta offered a reward of five thousand gold coins. If you solve these bandits, remember to cut off their heads for the reward.”

Just when Henry wanted to reply, a lady in a long skirt next to him walked over and asked: “Are you going to Aylward City?”

“Yes, Ms. Marlene, these adventurers want to solve the robbers who have been making a lot of noise recently.” The captain gave a salute and answered the woman’s question.

Marlene came to Henry and smiled and asked: “This gentleman, are you willing to travel together? I would like to invite you to join the caravan and walk through the eternal wilderness together.”

Henry looked at the woman, who was about thirty years old, in a traditional blue dress. It seemed that she should have some identity, because the soldiers around looked at her with admiration and awe. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he could agree to this request. After all, there are more people, so he can take care of things. Even if ordinary mercenaries don’t have much combat effectiveness, there is no problem in attracting the enemy’s attention.

“No problem, but I want to give some guidance on the size of your caravan.”

Marlene took a peek at the strong orc warrior and replied with a smile: “Of course, the whole team has a total of one hundred and fifty people, one hundred men and fifty mercenaries. There are about forty-two carriages of goods. ”

Vaughan felt the woman’s gaze, and glanced at her suspiciously Bamburk flew to his shoulder and was about to start singing a nasty song. Amy rushed over when he saw the signs. Covered its mouth. Henry gave a fierce look at the parrot making trouble behind him. He regretted now that he had brought such a troublemaker out.

“We are in a hurry now, don’t know when your caravan is going to leave?”

“My caravan is already ready, you see they are all over there.” After speaking, Marlene pointed to the long series of carriages beside the city gate.

Henry glanced at these mercenaries and found that their equipment was not bad, at least they were all wearing half-length armor. Although the weapons are quite diverse, they are not bad.

“Madam, in that case, let them start on their way, and try to get out of Yatta’s sphere of influence today.”

Marlene nodded and waved the handkerchief in the distance. A steward called these guys and mercenaries, and the scene looked a bit chaotic. It didn’t take long for these people to start moving slowly in a carriage. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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