Broad World

Chapter 146

Chapter 145 Hilly area

Everyone got goose bumps when they heard the ranger’s words, and they felt uncomfortable when they thought of the dense army of carnivorous ants. I am afraid that nothing can stop these terrifying predators except a large area of ​​killing spells.

Henry lowered his head to consider for a long time, then raised his head to look at Amy. “When you reach the edge of the forest, you bless everyone with an invisibility technique. Let’s take a risk and go straight across the most conspicuous place.”

Zuvosa shook his head and immediately rejected the proposal. “No! Wolves have a very sensitive sense of smell. It won’t take long for them to smell the remaining odors, and then find us one by one.”

“Do you think I would make such a suggestion without any preparation?” As he said, Henry took out the unused perfume on Werewolf Island last time from the dimension bag. “This is the medicine used to interfere with the sense of smell when dealing with werewolves. I believe it is more than enough to deal with wolves.”

The ranger took the bottle and opened it carefully and smelled it. A strong floral fragrance floated out of it, causing her to sneez several times in a row. “Where did you get this thing, it’s too savage. But it is a good way to deal with sensitive animals, at least so that they can’t smell our own.”

Henry smiled helplessly. “This is a perfume extracted from blooming flowers. It was originally intended to be used as a luxury accessory for women. However, I have not found a flower with a moderate fragrance, so I only made a few samples. The result is that you are now The smell in my hand is so pungent, there is no way to sell it.”

“Master, you have made enough money, there is no need to develop any new products, right?” Amy has handled the salt trade, so she is very clear about Henry’s current annual income.

Henry touched the scum on his chin and explained: “No way, after this trip, I will start some big experimental projects. It is estimated that money will be spent at that time, and it will be easy to be forced if there is not enough funding. Interruption. Don’t think we have ample gold coins now. In fact, it’s far behind those real archmages.”

“Stop talking, and quickly sprinkle some of this thing on to cover up the smell on my body. Not far in front is the hilly area, I don’t want to be discovered by those wolves.” Said Zuvosa sprinkled a few on himself. Drip, then handed the bottle to Amy.

The girl stopped and continued to question, she also simply poured it over and handed it to the orc warrior. A few minutes later, except for Ban Burke. All the others exude a strong floral fragrance. Soon everyone came to the edge of the forest, and they saw the wolf wandering not far away at a glance. The fur of these guys is mostly gray or dark brown, and their eyes are cunning, cruel and cold, and their sharp fangs can be seen clearly even from such a distance.

The ranger hid behind the tree carefully observing the movement of the wolf, and it didn’t take long before he saw the panicked deer herd. She explained in a low voice to the others behind her: “These guys are hunting for the last time before the winter. They are only responsible for repelling the prey. It will not be long before the hunting forces of the orcs will follow. This large group of elk may even One-tenth can’t escape. What do we do now? Should we wait for the end of the hunt or continue?”

Henry frowned and asked, “How long will this hunting end? And how many people are there in the hunting team of orcs in general?”

Zuwoza observed the number of wolves, then bowed his head and considered for a long time before answering: “Normally, the orcs will not be more than three hundred at a time, and the hunt will last for two to three days. They will stay where they are. After processing all the prey, leave with edible meat and warm deerskin.”

Henry shook his head as soon as he heard it for three days. “It’s too long, we can’t wait so long. Amy starts to bless the invisibility spell, I use the summoned creatures to draw their attention. Everyone passes through from the side.”

After the girl got the order, she began to chant a spell in a low voice, and soon the power of magic made everyone disappear. Except for occasional unusual fluctuations in the air, there is no way to see how many people are standing here. Henry used the fourth-level magic to summon five evil wolves, and then commanded them to run in the direction of the wolves.

“Let’s go quickly, these summoned creatures won’t last long.” As he said, he took the lead and ran forward.

The group stared closely at Banburke, who was standing in the air in front. That was the only reference they could see. Because of the invisibility technique no one can see, everyone is very careful, for fear that they will get separated from others if they are not careful.

Five evil wolves were running fast not far away. Their sudden intrusion quickly attracted the attention of the wolf leader. The pitch-black one-eyed giant wolf let out a howl, and the guy who was still chasing the prey immediately stopped. They gathered together slowly, waiting for the next command from the leader.

The summoned evil wolves attacked as soon as they approached the pack. They fiercely threw down a female wolf and snapped its throat in the blink of an eye. This sudden attack surprised the leader of the wolves. It originally thought that these guys were here to run to the wolves, and was planning to get rid of it. But I didn’t expect them to be crazy. How dare to attack so many of the same kind.

The wolves quickly recovered from the shock. Under the command of the leader, all the wolves rushed up to start a hand-to-hand battle. For a time, the pack of wolves surged and their flesh and blood flew all over. In just a few minutes, five evil wolves were bitten and wounded all over. Even standing is a bit difficult. The Wolf King slowly walked out of the wolves. He admired the fighting style of these guys very much, and planned to try if he could surrender.

Just when the leader was about to speak, the time for the summoning of the five evil wolves came, and a light circle appeared under their feet, and they disappeared completely on the spot. The knowledgeable wolf king immediately understood that it was being tricked by the caster, and that these summoned creatures just rushed to attract the attention of the wolves.

“Someone has entered this hill! Notify all the people of the same kind, and find them now! I’m going to shred the throats of these guys!” It became annoyed and yelled at its own tribe in the language of the wolves.

Henry and the others, who were accelerating, heard the howls of wolves one after another before long. Zuwoza listened carefully and said to Henry with a wry smile: “I think your summoned creatures must have angered them. This kind of call is equivalent to a wanted order. As long as we are discovered, it won’t take long for the other wolves. Will rush over.”

“No way, if we attract attention, it will be difficult for us to avoid the wolves that are running at any time. If we are accidentally hit, it is estimated that the result will not be better than now.” Henry spread his hands helplessly, he I didn’t expect these wolves to hold such hatred.

The orc warrior smiled and patted the throwing axe on his waist. “Head, don’t worry. If these guys dare to appear in sight, my throwing axe will make it too late to make any noise.”

Amy shook her head. “I’m afraid it’s difficult. Most of the time, the wolves appear in groups. Generally speaking, there will be at least six. I am afraid that if you only have time to kill one or two, the other wolves will run away.

“While the effect of the invisibility technique is still there, let’s speed up. I hope these guys don’t be too patient, otherwise we won’t think about taking a good rest these days.” Henry took the lead and speeded up the march.

The ranger was holding a crossbow, watching his surroundings nervously as he walked. She knows wolves better than most people. These ferocious beasts are very resistant and can often follow their prey day and night. Just when her nerves were highly nervous, a deep horn sounded suddenly in the distance, and then a large figure of people slowly appeared on the horizon in the distance.

Henry looked at the green-skinned orc in the distance, and his most worried thing happened. This tribe of migrating orcs seemed to have at least tens of thousands of people, and they blocked the entire road ahead. Now I can only find a place to hide first, hoping these guys can leave quickly.

“Let’s go to the side to hide. There must be many priests and shamans in such a big tribe. I don’t want to be discovered by their detection spells.” As he said, he began to look around to see if there was a place to hide.

Zuvosa pointed to a rocky hill not far away and said, “There should be the only place to hide around here, but I’m not sure if the orcs will pass there by then.”

Vaughan looked at the orc tribe slowly approaching in the distance with a bitter face. “Do you think we still have a choice now?”

“In that case, go and hide it, they will come soon After saying that Henry turned the golem into a golden book, he started trotting in the direction of the rocky hills. Others People followed him closely.

It didn’t take long for everyone to find a gap formed by several huge rocks pressed together, and when they got closer, they found that the space inside was enough to accommodate everyone.

“You stay here first, I’ll find a big rock to plug the hole.” The orc warrior ran out, and soon came back with a big rock.

After blocking the hole with stones, Henry cast a spell to make the hole look like a complete rock from the outside. After completing these tasks, everyone sat quietly on the ground with their eyes closed. In about ten minutes, they heard a lot of noisy noises outside, followed by sporadic orc scouts, and after a while, the whole tribe came outside the cave, and it seemed that they were going to camp here.

Henry and Zuboza looked at each other, then both smiled bitterly and shook their heads. They didn’t expect that these orcs would actually camp here, and now the situation has become more subtle. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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