Broad World

Chapter 157

Chapter 156 Start again

Shaman X, who had been missing since the start of the war, suddenly appeared on the spot out of thin air. His body was so dry that he didn’t even touch a drop of water.

“Sacham, I hope you can accept this lesson and don’t make the same mistake again in the future. Remember not to underestimate any adventurer. Sometimes their power can even surpass the gods. You are very potential, I believe you can’t use it. How long will it take to make a comeback.”

Sackham gave a wry smile when he heard the familiar voice, and turned to look at the old man who was old enough to be his grandfather. He had long known that this old guy would never die at all. As a powerful soul shaman, the soul can help him foresee a lot of dangers.

“Rise again? Sim has secretly wanted to annex us for a long time. He will be very happy to hear that the entire tribe is annihilated. He doesn’t want anyone to threaten his position, so he won’t give me a chance.”

Kers smiled and stroked his gray beard. “Sim is now organizing an army to besiege Sandaba, wanting to occupy this fortress city that claims to never fall in one fell swoop. Although he has gathered many tribes now, he has overlooked a very serious problem, that is, those in the cave. Adventurer. If I’m not wrong, these people should be reinforcements sent by the Silver Moon Alliance. Just imagine if Sim was accidentally killed in a war, what would happen?”

“You mean to help these adventurers secretly, let them kill Sim, and then seize the leadership of all the tribes?” Sackm asked with bright eyes, and the old words made him instantly see more Further hope.

The pupils of both eyes of Ks began to dilate, and it took a while for them to return to normal. “Let’s go, first go to Sundaba to seek a better position in Sim, so that you can wait for the opportunity. I just fortune-telled, the form of the North Land will change drastically in the near future. You’d better do it in advance. ready.”

“You will help deal with Sim then, right? I am not that guy’s opponent myself.” Sackm asked the old orc, looking for his great axe on the ground.

“Of course. I am very optimistic about your future, and have always believed that you have the ability to change the living conditions of the Orcs in the North.” After talking, Kesi cast a spell, and a giant axe not far away emitted a red light.

Sackm quickly walked over and picked up his weapon, and then shouted at the old orc: “If so, what are you waiting for, let’s go now. Otherwise, the adventurers will come out in a while, I can’t guarantee that I can control it. Myself. Don’t rush over and hack them all to death.”

Kers turned his head and took a meaningful look at the depths of the cave, then quickly caught up with Sacham, and the two walked all the way towards Sandaba.

After the flood and the “drowning ghost” passed, the orc warrior turned and ran towards the cave. It didn’t take long before he saw his companion who was setting up the trap. “Head! I’m back, you’d better move faster. That “drowning ghost” will definitely not be the opponent of the legendary warrior.”

As Vaughan opened his mouth to speak, the invisibility effect on his body gradually faded, and his figure slowly emerged from the air. His appearance caused a commotion, and Henry smiled and walked over and punched him in the chest. “Just come back. I’m still going to find your corpse and prepare for a resurrection ceremony.”

“Don’t worry, it’s okay. This battle has helped me a lot. When I finish digesting these things. My strength will definitely improve.” After Vaughan greeted each other with others, everyone saw him After coming back alive, I was very happy.

Zuvosa touched the bruise on his face and asked, “How did you survive that guy? I was knocked to the ground in less than a second after I fought him.”

“My luck is good enough to be rescued by the monster below at a critical moment. If it’s one minute in the evening, maybe the resurrection ceremony will come in handy.” The orc warrior laughed mockingly.

The spell trap was quickly set up, and everyone retreated a certain distance, quietly waiting for the enemy to arrive. It didn’t take long for the “drowning ghost” to appear at the other end of the tunnel. She ran here quickly. Hundreds of dwarf souls followed behind him.

“Everyone prepares! Take advantage of the duration of the breathing potion has not ended, quickly kill her. I don’t want to be washed by the flood again.” After Henry began to chant a spell, he was preparing for a powerful and righteous god. Surgery.

The “Drowned Ghost” immediately speeded up after discovering that there was a living person in front of her. The instinct of undead creatures made her hate all the living creatures. The moment this swollen corpse stepped onto the magic trap, a pillar of fire sprang up from the ground, causing a lot of damage to her.

Taking advantage of the time when the “drowning ghost” put out the fire, everyone used long-range weapons to launch an attack. All of a sudden. Throwing axes, arrows, and magic missiles all fired, slowing the charge of the undead.

Henry quickly completed the spell and casting action, and a strong sunlight fell from the sky. With him as the center, the range of five to six meters is full of positive energy from Heavenly Mountain. The dwarf ghost rushed in and covered his eyes in an instant. Then he wailed silently.

The “drowning ghost” looked at Henry walking towards her with horror. The energy he radiated was a deadly poison to all undead creatures. The Orc warrior saw that this guy was scared, and immediately ran to stop her retreat.

Henry is now very satisfied with the power of this sixth-level divine art “abnormal dawn”. Look at the large number of ghosts that have been purified around, and this “drowning ghost” who is retreating non-stop and has white smoke on his body. They are all being continuously injured by this magical technique, as long as they are invaded by Zheng Energy, they will be destroyed and purified immediately.

The “drowning ghost” finally couldn’t stand the pain of being burned. She desperately spread the moisture around her, trying to suffocate everyone around her. But this is completely useless for people who have already drunk the breath potion. Ares rushed forward and threw the monster to the ground. Vaughan also drove over with a huge sword, and cut off the head of the “drowning ghost” in one fell swoop.

With a gloomy scream, the monster was quickly invaded and burned by Zheng Neng, and in the end there was no corpse left except a gem. Henry squatted down and picked up the gemstone and took a closer look. He soon discovered that it was not a natural gemstone. The back of it was carved with countless complicated magic patterns. There seemed to be a pair of angry eyes in the middle, which appeared from time to time. .

Henry used a “recognition technique” on the gem, and the specific information came to mind in an instant.

The deep blue of aria:

This gem is a gift from a dwarf lord to his lover, and a powerful water element is forcibly sealed inside. But because the seal was not thorough enough, the angry soul in the gem dragged the wearer into the water and drowned alive. The holder of this gem can gain the ability to manipulate the flow of water, but be careful, the water element full of resentment can very well involve you.

Special effect:

Water shocks can be launched twice a day, but they are not effective in deserts or arid areas.

The user has a 50% chance of being washed away together.

Henry smiled and threw it all out of the dimension bag. He has never caught a cold with such unstable magic items. Unless the situation is critical and there is no other way, this gem will never be used.

“Master, is there any problem with that gem? I have never seen it before. You throw a magical item aside so casually.” Amy asked curiously.

“It’s nothing, it’s just a cursed item. Leave it alone now, let’s worry about what happened to the orcs outside.” As Henry began to chant a spell, it didn’t take long for a “farsightedness” to be displayed.

He observed the situation outside the tunnel from a high altitude. The dead bodies of the orcs were washed everywhere, including a large number of old people, women and children. I simply counted the numbers and found that all the people in the entire tribe were basically dead, and there was no living person in this area.

Henry cut off the spell and said to the others: “It’s safe outside. The orc tribe seems to be dead. There is nothing but a large number of corpses.”

“Impossible! Sakum is the legendary warrior, he can’t die so easily. Maybe this guy is hiding somewhere outside, attacking as soon as we go out.” Vaughan shook his head. Said that after this match, he fully understood how strong Sackm’s vitality is. Water currents of this magnitude would not cause him any harm at all.

Henry frowned and thought about it for a while also thought that the words of the orc warrior made sense. After years of training, the legendary fighters have muscles like iron blocks, and their bones are comparable to stainless steel. Even if you don’t wear armor, it is difficult for ordinary weapons to make wounds on the skin.

Thinking of this, he raised his head and said to the orc warrior: “Go out and have a look. After all, staying in a cold and humid tunnel is not a way. We now need to find a dry place, eat some hot meal, and take a good rest. , There is mud all over here, and there is no fire.”

“Yes, I don’t want to stay in this ghost place for a moment.” Amy looked at her soaked clothes and complained with the muddy ground under her feet.

Vaughan sighed as he looked at the harsh environment around him. “Everyone try to be careful. Our enemy is no ordinary stuff.” As he said, he took the lead and walked in the direction of the exit.

A group of people quickly passed through the tunnel, and soon came to the entrance of the cave. They watched the surroundings carefully, for fear that Sackm would suddenly rush out from any corner. In such a tense atmosphere, everyone finally left this place before dark. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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