Broad World

Chapter 159

Chapter 158 Soldiers approach the city

PS: I would like to thank the book friends who gave monthly tickets and reward support last month. I hereby guarantee that this month will continue to update steadily. Some book friends said that the recent plot is a bit slow, I will speed up, and strive to officially enter the plot of Baldur’s Gate 1 in the middle to late.

In the next two days, Zuwoza didn’t mention joining the blood axe mercenary group, and the others happily added another trusted partner. In addition to checking the information sent back by the scout every day, Henry stayed in the room for the rest of the time. He and Amy seized every second of their time, making magic potions and transcription scrolls.

In the evening of the third day, the mayor Heim walked in with a green face. “Count, those **** orcs are here. They number at least 35,000, and I have seen at least one hundred and fifty giants.”

Although Henry had been mentally prepared for a long time, he couldn’t help frowning when he heard this number. “Now let’s take a look at the city wall. It seems that everyone will spend the night there in the next few days.”

Heim walked down the street with a group of people, and the doors and windows of the houses on both sides were closed tightly. All shops and taverns have ceased operations, and the whole city is filled with the atmosphere of a war that is about to begin.

Henry asked as he walked, “The food and stocks in the city are okay, right? I guess this siege is likely to last for a long time. The orcs have gathered such a large army. If you don’t lose more than half of them, they will definitely not retreat easily. .”

“The grains of the farms around Sundaba have been concentrated in underground warehouses, enough for the whole city to eat in the first half of the year. Weapons, armor and arrows do not need to worry at all. The dwarf craftsmen here will continue to do so. Production is enough to keep up with the speed of the army’s consumption.” After that, Haim looked at the pedestrians hurriedly passing by with worried eyes. Once the city gate is breached, these civilians will definitely be destroyed.

Henry was also relieved to hear that there was no problem with the supplies. The most important thing in a city defense battle is adequate supplies. As long as the energy from behind is continuously sent to the city wall, the orcs will definitely not be able to attack them based on the number. As for other special means. I can only wait until the time comes.

After ten minutes, the group finally climbed up the city wall. Henry lay next to the arrow tower and looked down. A large group of orcs were cutting down trees outside the city to make various simple siege tools to prepare for the attack tomorrow. A little farther away, some tents made of animal skins were erected, and the whole scene seemed orderly. Much more disciplined than the orc tribe I saw in the hilly area last time.

“Let’s just wait for them to build ladders and catapults to attack? Couldn’t we send someone out to harass, even if we can’t destroy those things, we can delay the progress.” The orc warrior pointed to the busy orc army below.

Heim shook his head with a serious expression, and rejected Vaughan’s proposal. “You must have never fought with the orcs here. Ordinary harassment has no effect at all. The long-term battles have made these guys particularly vigilant. They have special scouts staring at the city. As long as the mage here is lifted into the sky, there will be immediately There are countless crossbows for aiming.”

Henry estimated the workload of the enemy. Made his own suggestions. “According to the work schedule of these guys, the attack can start at noon tomorrow at the latest. Today is the last peaceful night, try to let all the soldiers rest. I am afraid that we will be greeted in the next few days. A long-running battle. Whoever can persist to the end will win the final victory.”

“I will arrange these things, and you should go back and rest soon. Once the opponent’s spellcaster joins the battle, it’s up to you to defend it.” Heim finished arranging guards on duty. Let the others go back to the barracks to sleep.

Just as Henry and his party hurried back to their residence to rest, an interesting scene was taking place in the orc camp outside the city. Sackm was kneeling on the ground with his head down, expressing surrender to Sim who was sitting in the chair. He knew very well the character of the guy sitting in the chair. As long as you are a little bit disrespectful, it is likely to cause unnecessary suspicion, which is very detrimental to the next plan.

Sim is a powerful one-eyed warrior, even stronger than Sackham. His blind eye was dug out by himself during a special ceremony. There are only a handful of orc warriors who use two-handed axes. Only have the opportunity to obtain such qualifications. They sacrificed one of their eyes at the celebration of the orc **** “Gewush” and couldn’t make a sound during the whole process, otherwise they would fail.

Successful people will get huge benefits. They can feel everything around them without their eyes, and they also have the special ability to be violent. Even the saliva from their mouths can make the enemy’s eyes temporarily blind. But the loser will always lose one of his eyes. This ritual can no longer be performed.

Sim looked at Sackham with that one eye. He had recruited the legendary fighter many times, but he was rejected every time. Today this guy came here abnormally, saying that his tribe was ruined by a group of adventurers. Then I want to be my own subordinate and contribute to attacking Sandaba. I have to say that this is too suspicious, it is comparable to the inconspicuous adventure story in the mouth of a bard.

After thinking about it for a long time, Sim decided to accept it first. After all, the legendary fighters are too rare, especially for the orcs who have fought for years, each one is very precious. And this time I also took on a not-low-level soul shaman, no matter how you look at this kind of thing, it is a steady profit.

“Get up, Sackham, I accept your allegiance. Don’t worry, as long as the adventurers are in this city, they will definitely not be able to run. When you catch these guys, you can do whatever you want.”

After hearing these words, Sackm secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the first hurdle of the plan finally passed. If things go as smoothly as they are today, then Sim’s current position will soon be his.

“Thank you very much for your stay. Let us two homeless orcs find a place to stay. In order to express my gratitude, I hope to give me a team of people when the city is attacked tomorrow, and then give me a good job to those on the wall. Weak humans and dwarves take a look.

Sim waved his hand to stop his proposal. “No need, I have prepared a secret weapon. The attack a few days ago was just a test. After these guys in the city relax their vigilance, there will be another surprise attack, and they will be caught off guard. At that time, this is called never The fallen castle will become our cyst.”

Sackm heard the three words secret weapon, and subconsciously glanced at Kesi who was standing next to him. The latter shook his head slightly, and then secretly made a gesture of peace and security.

“Everything is as you wish. If there is nothing wrong, I will go to rest first. If there is anything needed, please let me know.”

Sim stood up from his chair and pointed to the tent not far away, and said, “It will be given to you as a place to rest for a while, sleep well, and wait for tomorrow to see how my army is attacking the city.”

The two bowed, then turned and walked towards the tent. Sackham looked back and found no one was following, and then asked in a low voice: “What would that so-called secret weapon be? He looks confident?”

The old orc shook his head and replied: “This is not easy to say, but I have a foreboding that his plan will not go smoothly. After all, it is okay to have the help of those adventurers to guard the wall.”

“It’s best not to make anything wrong, otherwise the two of us will never have a chance to turn over.” Sackm muttered as he got into the tent, and soon the two of them found a deerskin cushion to sleep under them.

Amid the noise of the orcs, the night passed quickly. At dawn the next day, Henry took everyone to the direction of the east city gate. He had a foreboding that this would be the enemy’s main attack area. Because of making siege weapons overnight, the orcs did not immediately launch an attack. They all went back to the camp and slept for the whole morning. After lunch, they began to lift the ladder and the hammer and slowly approached the city gate.

Heim calmly commanded the soldiers to prepare with their crossbows and javelins, and only waited for the enemy to enter the attack range, and then carried out a round of intensive shooting and throwing. At the same time, a large number of soldiers were arranged at the gate of the city. They held the logs and stared at the gate made of steel to prevent being knocked open by the siege hammer.

Heng touched his finger with a little saliva and stretched out into the air to feel the direction and speed of the wind. Today’s weather is good for the defender, and the wind is blowing towards the opposite side Soon the orcs stepped into the attack range of the arrow tower, holding a full-height wooden shield. The archers standing on the heights began to shoot one after another. They used magic arrows to match the ordinary arrows, and in the blink of an eye, the guy who rushed in front was killed and injured.

The orcs quickly dispersed after entering the firing range, and they quickly formed a siege echelon with a hundred people as a unit. The centurion shouted loudly to the guy holding the ladder. Soon more than forty ladders were put in place, and all the soldiers began to climb up desperately. At the same time, the bows and arrows in the distance began to throw at the city wall, completely ignoring whether it would be accidentally injured.

Henry saw this situation and immediately blessed himself with a three-level magic “protective long-range weapon”. The arrows that fell from the sky were spread out by invisible magical positions. He sneered when he saw that the other party was not following with a priest, and released three second-level magic “Smelly Clouds” in succession at the guy below.

The disgusting stench quickly dissipated with the wind speed, and most of the orcs began to vomit non-stop, and the rest could only take a breath temporarily. The soldiers defending the city saw this situation and immediately began to counterattack. They killed or pushed down the enemies who had climbed up, then grabbed the javelin next to them and dropped them. Soon these unresistible orcs were massacred, and the first attack also failed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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