Broad World

Chapter 170

Chapter 169 Procurement and bad news

Miraba’s night is exceptionally hustle and bustle in other cities, and the hammer builds weapons and armor day and night. However, the location of the “Golden River” Hotel was relatively remote, and the sound of iron strikes in the distance could not be heard. After eating a big pot of stew, Ares lay down beside the stables contentedly and fell asleep. Bazel glanced at it with a smile, and walked in to fill the three horses with fodder.

The next morning, as soon as it was dark, Henry got up, and after a simple cleaning of his personal hygiene, he came to the lobby on the first floor. Vaughn was chatting with Bazel in front of the bar, and the two of them laughed loudly while drinking. I can see that they are very familiar with each other, maybe they are companions fighting together.

“Looking at you guys so happy, it wouldn’t have been a night of chatting.” Henry walked to the front of the bar and found a chair to sit down.

The one-armed old man laughed and took out a glass and poured him a glass of wine. “We started at about four in the morning, and this guy said he couldn’t sleep, and he had to pull me up to talk about the experience during this time.”

The orc warrior drank the wine in the glass and burped. “Hey! This is your clamor to hear the adventure story, but now it’s on me instead.”

Henry pushed the wine glass in front of Vaughn calmly, then looked at the two people and asked: “By the way, who knows the more famous shops in the city, I want to buy some fine gems and rare metals.”

“Haha! These things are the wisest choice to buy in Miraba. I suggest you go to the Thunderstone Shopping Center in the East City. Although the dwarves have a terrible temper, their mining skills are definitely top-notch.” Bazel took out a pipe and lit a pot of shredded tobacco.

Henry stood up and patted Vaughan on the shoulder and said, “Go, take me there and see. When we come back, we will have breakfast and continue on the road.”

The orc warrior stood up and waved at Bazel, and walked towards the door with Henry. Since the dawn of dawn, most of the residents of the city have not yet gotten up. The streets were deserted, and except for the occasional patrol team, no one could be seen. Lei Shi’s business management is not far away. It took only twenty minutes for the two of them to get there.

Vaughn pointed to the copper door in front of him: “Head, here is it. But you’d better go in by yourself, knowing that the dwarves here are not very friendly to half-orcs.”

“Then you go back to the hotel first, remember to call Zuvosa to tidy up, and leave when I get back.”

The orc warrior nodded, turned and walked back. Henry saw him disappearing from sight, and then stepped forward and knocked **** the brass ring on the door. Not after a while. There was a cursing sound in the house, and then a rude voice asked loudly: “Damn! Who knocked on the door so early, we haven’t started business yet.”

“You stone mind, the people here must be guests. Don’t roll over and open the door quickly, otherwise your wine sale tonight will be cancelled.” Another voice threatened.

“Oh! God! How can you be so cruel, okay. Okay, I’ll open the door now.”

Soon a man in pajamas opened the door. He looked down at Henry and asked, “Hello, disturb other people’s dream guests. This is Thunder Stone Business Hall, do you want to buy anything?”

Henry smiled and nodded. He didn’t care about the complaining dwarf. “I’m here to buy some fine gems and some rare metals. But the quantity may be a lot. I don’t know if you have enough stock.”

“Yes! Of course there is! We have the most perfect gems cut in the city, and rare metals are also well stocked. As long as you have enough gold coins, of course it’s okay to use magic items to pay the bill.” Hearing the word a lot in the room, Immediately came out another dwarf. While inviting Henry into it, he diligently introduced various commodities.

Henry found a chair casually, sat down and said to the dwarf: “Take a look at the gems you have here. Remember, I only want the best. Don’t all those that are not big enough or have flaws in cutting.”

“No problem, please wait a moment.” The dwarf kicked his fellow violently. “Rurik! You lazy fellow. Why don’t you go to the storeroom and get all the finest gems out.”

The kicked guy ran all the way towards the house, and it didn’t take long before he walked back with two big boxes. I saw him fiddle twice in the keyhole of the box with his stubby fingers. After a “click”, the whole box opened automatically. The inside of the box is divided into countless small grids, each of which contains cut gems. In order to prevent them from colliding with each other and causing scratches. There is a thick animal skin under the grid.

Henry stood up and took a closer look at a ruby. The sections were very smooth and the cut edges and corners were perfect. Such a gem can store at least a seventh-level spell, or be inlaid on a powerful magic item. He casually looked at the other pieces. Found that the quality is not much different.

“Please rest assured, our dwarves have always done business with real materials. Every gem here has been carefully crafted to ensure that there will be no defective products.” The dwarf boss patted his chest while doing it. Guarantee.

Henry put down the sapphire in his hand and nodded in satisfaction. “It’s very good indeed, I want them all. How much are these gems worth together?”

“I heard you right? You mean you want it all!” The boss opened his mouth in surprise. Although he knew that the young man dressed as a mage would be rich, he still exceeded his expectations. “Please wait a moment, I need to do some calculations. Rurik! Haven’t you seen the big customers come to your door? Why don’t you start counting the quantity with me!”

The two dwarves poked their hips and counted the gems by type, and finally the boss came over with a list. “There are a total of forty rubies, 38 sapphires, 25 diamonds, and 60 emeralds…Finally, you need to pay a total of 215,600 gold coins.”

Henry did not hesitate to take out the dimension bag and pay the cash. Before setting off, he stuffed the general taxes in the territory into his pocket. In the southern region, let’s not mention whether you can buy a gem of such a good quality, the price alone will at least triple. The face of the dwarf boss was full of joy. While counting the gold coins on the ground, he asked the guy to transport it to the warehouse behind.

When the two dwarves were done, Henry bought some rare metals and got up and went back to the “Golden River” hotel. As soon as he entered the hall, he saw the orc warrior and the ranger sitting wiping their weapons. It seemed that they had already had breakfast and were ready to set off at any time.

Seeing Henry sitting down, Bazel pushed a breakfast on the table over. “Hurry up after breakfast and set off. I just got bad news. The caravan coming back from Icewind Valley said that after the beginning of the spring, I don’t know what’s going on. The packs of winter wolves ran south like crazy. They attacked many barbarian tribes along the way, and Vaughan’s tribe is likely to be among them.”

Henry glanced at the half-orc warrior, and then began to eat quickly, a large plate of food was taken out in only five minutes. “Thank you for the news, we will leave now, hope it’s not too late.” As he said, he took out a small bag of gold coins and put it on the table, turned around and took his two companions to the stable.

Vaughn kept his head down and gloomy along the way. Although the Barbarian Tribe was not a persimmon, it still seemed a little vulnerable in front of the hordes of winter wolves. Especially his father is over fifty years old this year, which is a rare longevity for humans living in the extreme north.

“Don’t worry too much. The tribes along the way of the Winter Wolf attack will not be attacked as long as they don’t move south.” Henry saw the worries of the orc warrior and patted his shoulder on the horse to comfort him.

Vaughan smiled bitterly and shook his head. “You don’t know my father at all. He is a stubborn and powerful warrior. If he hears of winter wolves nearby, he will lead his tribe to hunt. This is my biggest concern.”

Zuvosa stared at him in surprise. “You mean they will take the initiative to attack the packs of winter wolves? This is crazy. I can’t believe anyone would do such a thing.”

“The barbarian’s way of thinking is a bit different from ours, but these are not important now. Hurry up and get to Ten Towns as soon as possible to find out what is going on.” Henry urged the horses to speed up. UU Reading

A group of people ran fast along the road leading to Luskan, and then turned to the north when they were about to approach. As the towering and contiguous mountains in the distance became clearer, the surrounding temperature became lower and lower. The Orc warrior pointed to a path that was stepped on and said: “From here, it only takes a day to see the Giant Cone of Kane. If we pass over there, we will actually step into the land of Icewind Valley.”

Henry glanced at the rugged mountain road and sighed. It seemed that he couldn’t ride a horse here. He jumped off his horse and walked forward with difficulty step by step with the reins. There was hard frozen ground all the way, and there was no trace of what spring should be seen here.

“Damn! It’s hard for me to imagine that someone can survive in such a harsh environment.” The ranger tightened her cloak, and it was obvious that she was very uncomfortable with the high winds that passed by here.

“Humans are one of the most adaptable races in the world. They can be seen even in the toxic gas-filled places of the Abyss.” After Henry blessed himself with a spell, the wind here is really too great. Big. The cold wind blew through the valley and made strange noises, and it felt as if someone was wailing in pain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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