Broad World

Chapter 172

Chapter 171 Traditional

A roasted golden deer was quickly eaten and cleaned. All three of them lay on the hides and closed their eyes to go to sleep. Ares guarded the door as always. The biting cold wind blew through the woods from time to time, making a whining sound, sounding like someone crying in a low voice, making people uncomfortable.

The orc warrior lay beside the campfire tossing and turning, and couldn’t sleep. His head was full of duel tomorrow. The invincible image of his father has always been deeply engraved in his heart, and this feeling of admiration and hatred made him feel very uncomfortable. After lying down for a while, realizing that he couldn’t fall asleep at all, he got up and started dancing in the tent with his weapon.

Henry didn’t fall asleep either, and the strange migration of the Winter Wolf kept him hanging in his heart. For fear of being surrounded by the frost giant army overnight, or suddenly rushing out a white dragon to sweep the entire Ice Wind Valley. Seeing Vaughn getting up to exercise, he also laughed at himself, feeling that he was really too sensitive recently. Vaughan exercised for more than an hour, and his whole body was drenched with sweat. Then he inserted the giant sword back into the sheath and lay down contentedly. After a while, the grunt sounded.

Near noon the next day, the three talents got up one after another. They cleaned up their personal hygiene and started eating by the campfire. Zuvosa asked as he ate, “It will be noon in another two hours. What happens if the challenge fails? There will be no life-threatening?”

Vaughan smiled bitterly and shook his head. “My father is a proud warrior. Many people have challenged him before and were not killed after failure. The most likely thing is that I was expelled from the tribe and never returned here.”

Henry sat aside and couldn’t help reminding him: “Relax, since there is no danger, then treat him with peace of mind. You are not in the right state now, think about your father, he even saw the dragon head No change in face, no fear.”

Vaughn took a deep breath and held it back, then vomited it after a while. “Head, I have been looking forward to this battle for many years. As long as you can defeat him today. You can get rid of all the confusion over the years. You should know how important that is to the fighters.”

Henry patted his shoulder with a smile after hearing these words. For the Orc warrior, it was equivalent to something like a demons. As long as he can defeat his father today, his self-confidence will be greatly improved. This is a process of self-affirmation, and no one else can help.

After eating, Vaughn took off all his magic items. Including dragon leather armor, leggings, magic boots, great swords, throwing axes, and helmets. I only wore a thin single garment and sat in the same place. He intends to fight his father fairly without resorting to any external force to see how much he has grown over the years.

Soon a barbarian walked in and said loudly, “Dear Dragon Slayer! Vaughan. The ceremony is ready. According to tradition, I will inform you. Please be there within half an hour, otherwise it will be treated as Abstain.”

Soon Henry and his party followed the barbarians to the center of the tribe, where a circular arena has been besieged by the city. The surrounding water is impervious. It seems that everyone in the entire tribe has arrived. The old chief didn’t wear any protective gear either. He held an ordinary warhammer and stood in the middle, revealing a motionless aura.

Vaughn drew a two-handed giant sword from the weapon shelf next to him, and walked into the arena without hesitation. The two people held weapons in this way, standing still staring at each other.

Suddenly a bell rang, and the duel officially began. The orc warrior attacked first, and the giant sword swept first. Immediately afterwards, there are power splits and upswings. A dazzling set of fighting skills forced the old chief to retreat. However, the old man did not sit and wait for death. While blocking with the warhammer in his hand, he used a special step to circle around.

Vaughan’s fierce attack did not last long, because he found that his father was patiently draining his energy. Seeing that his son stopped attacking, the old man nodded slightly. “It seems that these years of adventure life have made you mature a lot. I remember you never noticed these details when you were fighting.”

“Yes, I have grown up, but you are old. Give up those so-called traditions. It will only bind us to this frozen land. Didn’t you find out? There is a dangerous force in the north? As it is approaching, even the Winter Wolf is starting to flee to the south.” Vaughn watched his father try to impress him with words.

The old chief glanced at Henry who was watching the battle, and then sneered. “Old? Wait until you beat me to talk such big talk. The tradition of barbarians for thousands of years has given us strong physique and unyielding will. If I read correctly, the southerner who walked with you should be one A mage.”

Vaughan frowned, he knew very well the attitude of these savages towards magic. Since language cannot communicate, the only thing left is to use weapons. The two people had a brief conversation. Collided together again. The old man’s warhammer kept hitting the sword, and the vibration made the orc warrior’s hands a little numb. He tried several counterattacks, but none of them achieved very good results.

“This is the so-called dragon-slaying warrior? Wouldn’t you just meet a silly dragon sleeping fast?” The chief attacked while stimulating Vaughan with words. The orc warrior was immediately enraged. Both of his eyes started to flush, which was a precursor to the activation of his violent ability.

The old man swung his warhammer to open the opponent’s weapon, and then he threw his left fist and hit his son hard in the face. This powerful uppercut knocked out one of Vaughan’s teeth and at the same time restored his sanity. He spit out the broken teeth in his mouth and threw the giant sword vigorously.

The chief swiftly made a sideways dodge movement, the sword blade ran across the skin of his chest, leaving a long blood trail. Vaughn took advantage of this time to rush up quickly, and he waved his sandbag-big fist at his father and beat him violently. The old man obviously didn’t expect this, and was beaten into a dizzy moment.

The old chief soon discovered that the speed of a warhammer attack was not as fast as a fist. He simply threw his weapon aside, and started a most primitive fight with his fists. It can be said that the two people fist to the flesh and see blood from the bottom. This brutal fighting method quickly consumes the physical strength of both sides.

After a while, Vaughan, who had the ability to recover, had the upper hand. He punched the old man in the stomach, and then quickly waved his arms. The left and right continuous swinging punches all hit the head, and the old chief’s eyes began to be a little erratic. Before the end of this round of attacks, he fell to the ground and passed out completely in a coma.

Vaughan raised his blood-filled hands aloft and let out a roar, and the barbarians around also cheered loudly. From this moment on, he not only got rid of his shadow for many years, but also became the leader of all the barbarians of the Otto tribe. Just as they were about to start the celebration, suddenly a countless number of white figures appeared in the woods outside the camp.

“It’s the Winter Wolf! They must come back for revenge! Everyone is ready to fight!” I don’t know who shouted, and the barbarians picked up their weapons and stood in a row by themselves. Henry hurried over and cast several healing spells on the old chief who was lying on the ground. The old man soon woke up. He glanced at his son standing next to him, then looked at the wolves outside the camp, quickly got up, grabbed his weapon and stood with the others.

Vaughan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his father didn’t react excessively. He picked up the great sword and walked forward. When the barbarians around saw the new chief, they gave way. The winter wolves did not attack as everyone expected, they just surrounded the entire camp and turned a blind eye to the deer in the distance.

Before the war, Zuvosa ran back to the tent and took the equipment of the Orc Warrior. When he was dressed again and neatly, suddenly there was a howl of a wolf not far away. It didn’t take long for a winter wolf with an exceptionally strong physique to slowly come out from behind. From the respectful attitude of the wolves, it can be seen that this guy must be the head wolf of the race.

It came to a place near the camp gate and stopped and said to everyone: “Listen to the guy inside! I now give you two choices. Either hand over the murderer who killed our people, or hand over enough meat. We have to hurry, and if there is no reply within a minute the wolves will launch an attack.”

Vaughan heard this guy and was about to rush out to fight, but Henry grabbed him. “Don’t be impulsive, let me negotiate first. After all, there are still many women and children here. Once the war starts, they will suffer heavy casualties. If there is no way to reach an agreement, it will not be too late to fight to the death.” After saying that he walked out of the camp. .

The wolf looked vigilantly at the humans who came out suddenly, and its animal instinct felt the danger. “Stop! Just stand there and say something, don’t play any tricks, the power of the wolves is beyond your imagination.”

“Don’t be nervous, I just want to ask, what happened in the north that allowed you to migrate like this.” Henry raised his hands and said that he was not threatening.

The wolf instantly noticed the robe under his cloak. “A mage? What an unexpected harvest.” As he said, it slowly walked over and circled Henry twice, sniffing from time to time. “Are you interested in accepting commissions from the wolves? We can provide a lot of treasure as a reward. You know those things are meaningless to the winter wolves.” After speaking, the guy sat down and raised his head to wait for Henry’s reply. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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