Broad World

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Cloak forest

Henry stayed on the edge of the cloak forest for three full days, before moving on on the fourth day. But he has one more animal companion that he can rely on. Ares, a juvenile brown bear with a rough life experience. After performing a “pointing north technique” to confirm the direction, one person and one bear walked toward the west. Henry walked and thought: “From now on there is no ready road. I am afraid he will spend the next few days in the woods.”

When the sun was approaching noon, he planned to find a safe place to have lunch and take a break. Just as he took out the pot to start a fire, several javelins came through the air. Henry’s upper body leaned back sharply, and his keen skill helped him again. “Puff puff puff”, all the javelins were poked on the tree behind him. He quickly got up and saw four green-skinned humanoid monsters rushing towards him. “Damn it, how come you meet forest trolls in such a place! Ares entangles them.” Henry shouted to the brown bear.

The bear understood what he meant and rushed over quickly, and slammed into two of them with his body. Turning his head, he uttered a huge roar at the other three. Henry took the opportunity to prepare the spell. He knew that ordinary injuries were of no use to the trolls, only acid could prevent their wounds from healing. The flame can really kill their cells. A few seconds later, an entanglement technique was performed, and the two trolls fell to the ground and were **** into rice dumplings by tree vines. The other three also began to struggle desperately. The brown bear was also implicated innocently, and it desperately bit the plant wrapped around its legs with its mouth. And get rid of it quickly.

“Aris, come back.” Henry shouted at the bear. The bear heard his yelling and turned and started to run back. Seeing his animal companion left the entanglement area, he closed his eyes and started preparing for the spell again. When Ares ran back, his spell was ready. “Fireball” with an explosion, five trolls were blown up and all became fire men. They struggled to put out the fire on themselves. After Henry used another flame knife, he carried the long sword formed by the flame and made up the sword one by one. After confirming that every piece of meat of the troll was completely dead, he began to direct Ares to help put out the fire.

After more than ten minutes of hard work, creating water, the brown bears rolled and slapped into battle. The fire was completely extinguished. Henry sat on the floor exhausted and panting. It’s so exciting, he doesn’t want to cook at all now. Ares walked over and arched Henry’s hand with its huge bear head, meaning to let him get something to eat. No way, because it performed well in the battle just now. Picked up the pot and set up the campfire, took out a large piece of bacon and threw it directly into the pot, put some water and turnips to stew slowly.

Ares stared at the pot with round eyes, as if that were all in its life. Henry touched his face and found that it was all black, and used magic to simply clean up his body. After a while, the pot opened, and the smell of the meat slowly floated out. The brown bear’s nose twitched a few times, and the saliva began to trickle down its mouth uncontrollably. “Foodies, the supplies I brought with me this time are not counted as your share. If you continue like this, we will start hunting in a few days.” Henry patted Ares on the head and took out the bread from the dimension bag. And the bear’s food bowl.

After lunch, I will continue to drive one person and one bear. As it was approaching winter, the grass on the ground began to turn yellow, and the trees also began to shed their leaves and accumulated a thick layer on the ground. Many small animals have begun to store food for the winter, and herbivores have also started to seize the time to grow more fat on their bodies. In the evening, two people came to the door of a hut, which was built by a druid or a ranger to rest the travelers passing by.

Henry walked in after confirming that no one was using it for a long time, preparing to spend the night in the house. As he started the campfire, Ares stood up alertly and stared at the door. Henry noticed the brown bear’s anxiety, and stopped moving as much as possible to keep himself from making any noise. For a while, there were footsteps outside the door and then someone started knocking on the door gently. “Is there anyone? I’m a passing traveler and want to spend the night here tonight.” A young woman’s voice said.

Henry secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least not a monster. The troll’s surprise attack during the day made his nerves a little nervous. After asking Ares to step aside, he opened the door and saw a girl standing there. Purple hair is tied with some plants as decoration, pale yellow eyes and wide forehead, wearing an ordinary tight leather armor. A stick is pinned to his waist. Exudes a wild breath. There are no metal objects all over the body. Henry can immediately confirm that this is definitely a druid.

The girl looked at the brown bear standing by and said to him, “Good evening, I am sorry to disturb you and your animal companion. My name is Fado, and I am a natural avenger. Can I stay here for one night tonight? “Henry couldn’t refuse the request of a young girl, and he didn’t build this wooden house. “Of course, my name is Henry, an ordinary druid. It is very desirable to be able to explore the mysteries of nature with a beautiful druid girl.” He then agreed and gave up a place by the campfire.

Seeing that there was nothing more, Aries went back to Henry and continued to lie down and close his eyes to rest. Henry continued to pick up the pot and began to stew potatoes and corned beef. He turned the pot and said to Fado as usual: “Is there anything wrong with a druid girl coming to the cloak forest alone?”

Fado wrinkled his nose and said, “The Archdruid said that the forest has changed recently. Let me see what happened.” Henry frowned and thought for a while and said, “I know some information, the forest. Some pterosaurs have recently appeared in the north. And their numbers are growing very fast.”

“What? Where did you get this news? If it’s true, you must report it to the Arch Druid.” The girl was surprised and said.

Henry looked at her with a panicked expression and said: “The news that I spent 500 gold on the thieves’ guild in Baldur’s Gate should not be wrong. Okay, don’t think about it, eat something.” He said to Sheng. A bowl of beef stewed potatoes, picked up a piece of bread and handed it to Fado. Then I gave myself another serving, and all the others were poured into Ares’s food bowl.

The girl was silent when she heard the news. She quietly took the food and said thank you for taking a small bite. After supper, Henry got into his sleeping bag after giving the **** to Fado. It is still very safe for the brown bear to block the door. Just as Henry was about to close her eyes and start sleeping, the girl opened her mouth and said: “Henry, can you return to the residence of the Shadow Druid tomorrow with me? This news is really important.”

“Of course, every druid has the obligation to maintain the balance of the forest. Don’t think too much, take a good rest, nature will guide us.” He said to Fado. Anyway, I planned to go to the Shadow Druid residence to inquire about the news. It is better if someone leads the way.

“You are right, when the time comes, the great will guide us. Good night, Mr. Henry” The druid girl nodded at him and lay down and began to sleep. The night is quiet, only the firewood occasionally makes a crackling sound.

The next morning, Henry was woken up by a bird in the forest. He got up and found that Fado was still asleep. Seeing a throbbing in the girl’s peaceful face, he hurriedly washed his face with cold water. Standing at the door of the house, I gave a wry smile and thought that it seemed that this body had reached puberty, and I should pay more attention to it in the future. Don’t accidentally be charmed by water fairy, lake spirit, succubus, succubus, these alien species, don’t know. The cold air outside the house made his burning ** quickly subsided. Dig out the potatoes that were placed under the campfire yesterday and start peeling the skins. This is today’s breakfast.

Fado woke up soon, seeing Henry and Ares having breakfast, got up and blushed, made some water and started washing his face and brushing his teeth. After washing, I sat down and picked up a potato and began to peel the skin and said to Henry: “We have to return to the Shadow Druid’s station as soon as possible. The fastest way is to go through the spider forest. But it is quite dangerous, all kinds of giant poisonous spiders. , Sword spiders emerge in endlessly. If you are unlucky enough, you may encounter phase spiders. And because there are so many kinds of spiders that have spider webs everywhere, if they are accidentally glued, they will become their food reserves.”

Henry frowned after hearing this and wanted to see that the giant poisonous spiders and sword spiders were a little better, and they all depended on toxins and fangs to hunt. Phase spiders can be a headache, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, they can use a special talent similar to teleportation to directly pass through the spirit world and come behind the prey to launch a fatal blow. Usually when the prey finds them, they are already dead.

“Bless bark surgery when you are on the road today, at least it can make their teeth not bite through the skin and inject toxins.” He proposed a fairly feasible method. Fado also nodded and said, “I only remembered one bark surgery today. How about you?” “I remembered two, and I will bless Ares with one later. It can be of great use when it is critical.” Henry Talking and twisting Ares’ round ears caused the brown bear to growl.

After packing up, Fado led the way Henry and Ares followed and quickly marched towards the spider forest. They must get out of there before dark, after all, there is no way to camp in a place full of spiders. After two hours of rushing, I finally arrived. Standing outside the towering woods, the druid girl said: “Here, let’s start blessing the bark technique. After entering the forest, you must be careful with your feet, and finally use a branch to explore the way. Otherwise, you will die if you fall into the spider trap. “After speaking, she began to chant divine arts.

Henry also began to prepare. A few minutes later, the magic was blessed on the body. The two Yixiong, whose skin became as tough as a tree, entered the gloomy woods. Both of them held weapons in one hand, and picked up a long wooden stick in one hand and kept poking the ground in front of them. The more you go in, the darker the light becomes, and it soon reaches the point where you can no longer see. After casting two lights, it was slightly relieved. Ares followed Henry nervously, and the instincts of animals told him that this place was a bit bad. ———————————————————————————————

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