Broad World

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Apprentice graduation

Henry came to the gate of Gaolibao again and was quite moved. This time of experience allowed him to experience the first transformation in this world, and he determined his life philosophy, values ​​and views on the whole world. He made a huge change in just a few days. Walking to the gate of the castle, the door opened automatically. The Great Master Tyrantir stood at the door and opened his arms and said to him: “Welcome back to my apprentice, and of course this lovely little warlock girl. Habasser has told me all about it. It seems that your mastery of alchemy is very good. Yes, he is full of praise for you.” Henry bowed slightly and said, “This is all the teachings of you and Master Habasser. Amy will stay with me for a period of time. I hope you can give her a room. As for Ah. Reese and Banburk let them live next to the kitchen, I think they will like it there.”

The archmage smiled and said, “Of course, I will give this little girl a room and teach her for a while. I have never taught a warlock before. This will definitely be a brand new experience. Okay, let’s go in. “After that, I took everyone into the castle. After simply allocating the rooms, the little girl and the animals went back to their rooms. The old man took Henry to his room on the top of the tower alone, and asked after each seated, “Now I should ask you about your choice of magical path. It is generally known that the current magic is divided into eight schools, the protection department, and the spell system. , Prophecy, enchantment, plastic energy, illusion, necromancer, and transformation. Generally speaking, at the moment of becoming a mage, most wizards will choose one line for specialization in exchange for more spell slots. Of course, there are At a price, they can no longer learn and use the spells of the opposing faction. But I found that you did not choose any faction. Can you tell me what you think?”

Henry stood up and nodded slightly to his mentor and said: “Of course my teacher, I love magic and don’t want to give up any opportunity to learn it. The ultimate goal of my magic path is to learn all the spells in this world. And I think that giving up a school means incomplete spell preparation. Inadequate preparation is the enemy of the wizard. You should know that. As for the lack of spell slots, it is not a problem. I am still a druid with natural magic to make up for it. This defect.”

“Well, my dear disciple. You have chosen the path of a generalist. I would like to express my appreciation for your ambition to learn all the magic in this world. Finally, I will ask one more question about your future path in life, no matter what you choose. I will not interfere, do you choose good or evil?” the old man asked at last.

Henry stood quietly for a minute and then said: “In my opinion, good and evil are just different scales of evaluation. I chose the neutral way. Everything and everything will always adhere to their own views and will not go to any side. Compromise. There is no good, no evil, only people who look at good and evil.”

When Tyrantil heard what he said, he smiled and said: “Very good, quite in line with your identity as a druid. I think you have found your own path in the future, then I wish you further and further along this path. Your graduation question and answer is over. From tomorrow on, you will follow me to do magic experiments every morning. And when you leave this castle, I allow you to choose two cards of eighth level, two cards of seventh level, four cards of sixth level and four cards of five. Grade Spell Scroll.” Henry thanked the archmage for his generosity and then returned to his room to rest.

The following days are busy and fulfilling. Every morning, follow the instructor to carry out some advanced magic experiments, such as summoning demons, exploring other worlds, making golems, exploring planes and other dangerous and interesting things. In the afternoon, he hid in the room to make some potions. Now that he has decided to go to sea to find his own territory, money is an indispensable link. Making potions is his best way to make money, and his spare time is used to make transistors. Originally it was impossible to make it by hand, but fortunately it has pure silicon. After many experiments, he finally found the doping ratio, and mixed a certain proportion of pure phosphorus and pure boron into two cut small silicon wafers to form P-type and N-type semiconductors respectively. Then link the two slices together to form a diode. After simple circuit processing, two diodes form a triode, which is the basic component of a transistor computer. And these simple and delicate tasks are basically done by him instructing Pique Louise, which cannot be done with human fingers. Even so, the scrap rate is still high.

Amy has accepted the systematic teaching of the Archmage Tyrantir during this time, and the lack of patience of the sorcerer has not been reflected in her. Every afternoon, I took notes and came to the master to listen to the lecture on time, and asked some questions from time to time. In the morning, a small amount of magic experiments and low-level items were made. During this time, her missile staff was sold very well and was well received by adventurers, thieves and merchants. In just one month, she earned 1,500 gold coins. When she got the money, the little girl jumped up happily. When Henry heard the news, he gave her a dimension bag to hold his own things.

Days passed, Henry’s knowledge increased day by day, along with the increase in the amount of potions he made and the number of transistors. Amy’s knowledge is also growing. What grows up with her is the various notebooks. In a blink of an eye, almost a year passed, except for Morian who occasionally came to fetch potions, spell scrolls and magic items to bring his mother a few letters, Henry never returned home. The contract with the Seven Suns Trading Company was fulfilled smoothly. A large number of potions and scrolls, as well as a small number of missile staff, were sold to various places in the North through their channels. Of course, a certain amount of commission must be given to the archmage, after all, it is using the energy of the mage tower.

It’s finally time for him to leave the tower. After he found the butler golem in the basement, he began to choose the scrolls his instructor had agreed to give him. Eighth-level scroll: Spell activation, Big Bai Juli Fist. Seventh-level spell: limited wish, ruby ​​reversal ray. Sixth-level spells: protection against magic weapons, misdirection, advanced acceleration, protection against magical energy damage. Five-level spells: spell immunity, spell shield, death cloud, and mental retardation. After getting these scrolls, Henry carefully put them into the scroll box. It should be understood that it is basically impossible to buy magic scrolls of level 5 or higher outside, and almost all magic organizations will not sell these high-level magic scrolls as commodities at will. He hung the necromancer’s magic arts around his waist, and on the day he got it, he tried the system and there was no way to copy the magic above. There is no way for Henry to use it as a disguise. It’s a pity that the above spell is a pity. Once an enemy steals this spell book and kills him, he will be able to surprise the enemy instantly.

When he came to the lobby on the first floor, he saw Amy, Ares, Bamberk, his teacher, Master Tailan Tier, and Merikan in the rebellious period. He smiled and said to the instructor: “Thank you again for your teaching. Without you, there would be no me today.” The arch mage looked at him with satisfaction and said, “You are the best student I have taught. I hope you will keep going. On the road of magic. I am proud of you. Now I announce that you have graduated!” Mei Likan also came over and patted his shoulder and said, “Congratulations, I wish you a good journey. I made a magic belt overnight. It can help you protect you from some puncture injuries and give it to you as a gift.” Henry took the belt and tied it up unexpectedly and said, “Thank you Merikan, don’t make a temper with the teacher in the future, he is for your own good.” Likan nodded and said, “I know that we are only a matter of attitude towards magic. But I still insist on my opinion.”

Henry shook his head and thought, “I hope he won’t turn himself into a little girl in a few years.” Turning around, he looked at Amy and the two animals behind him and asked, “Are you ready? If we are done, we will set off.” Amy nodded eagerly, Ares let out a roar, and finally Banburk shook his head and said, “Go! My sharp claws have long been horrible.” After hearing the answer, he said to Tyrantir: “Then I will leave now, and see my teacher.” After speaking, he took everyone and left Gaolibao. This time he didn’t use the invisibility technique, but swaggered out. Under the crush of Ares, these fragile skeletons did not pose a threat at all.

The first goal after leaving the boundary of Fort Gaoli was Belgoost. Henry didn’t go home, he took people directly to the Wildhammer Blacksmith’s shop. When he reached the door he shouted: “Cagan, come out! I’m here to pick you up.” After a while, a bare-chested dwarf ran out to Henry and said to Henry, “Hahaha! Are you coming to pick me up? Have you gone out to send an adventure?” Henry smiled and said to him: “Yes, my friend, UU reading, I only give you a quarter of an hour. You know that I came here without even returning home. Here, after you have packed up, we will set off directly.” Cagan turned around and ran back into the house, and after only five minutes he stood neatly dressed and stood at the door. The dwarf said to the apprentice at the door: “After I leave, the blacksmith shop will be handed over to you. Don’t let me down. If you behave well, I will teach you the real secret of dwarf ironing when you come back.” The apprentice heard excitedly. “Don’t worry, I will not let the Hammersmith’s ashamed.” Kegan nodded and turned to Henry and said, “What are you waiting for! Let’s go! My blood has started to burn.”

Henry looked at the dwarf with excitement, and it seemed that he had been held back these days. Adventurers rarely stop, unless they are old enough to walk or disabled. After leaving Belgost, the group went straight to the Baldur’s Gate, passing by the Arm of Friendly and never stopped. It is already spring, the season of recovery. The food in the wild begins to be sufficient and camping is not so dangerous. In order to hurry up and set off at dawn, the group stopped to rest until dark. Because the living conditions in the wild are not too bad with the dimension bag, put up a tent, lay a sleeping bag, choose a camp site, and have a bonfire. A lot of food is also prepared. On the sixth day, they finally reached the entrance of the Dragon Bridge, and after paying the entrance tax of three people and a bear, they entered the Baldur’s Gate again. It was too late after entering the city, everyone was going to the thieves’ union tomorrow to take Robert out first after a one-night rest.


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