Broad World

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 storm

The voyage of the Sword was as smooth as ever. There were no pirates, sea monsters, storms, or even a little bit of weather along the way. By the eighth day, the sailors were still a little bit anxious. They had never left the land so far. Both Henry and the captain found out about this situation. Hawke thought about it and found Henry and said to him: “Mr. Employer, if we can’t reach the destination within a few days, sailors may have riots. I think you’d better Pay attention.” He thought for a while: “Mr. Captain, I have noticed this situation. Don’t worry, if the sailors have a riot, I will suppress or even kill them all within a few minutes. But considering their panic recently Three times the supply of drinks these days, it should make the sailors feel better.” Hawke nodded and said, “Well, I will tell the kitchen to open the supply of drinks.”

Henry stood on the deck and let the warm sea breeze blow his hair. He had been sailing for so many days. The ship has already entered the warm waters, and the sea breeze is obviously damp and hot. There were obviously more fishes following the boats, and the sea changed from the deep blue in the north to the tropical green. It should be coming soon, he told himself in his heart. Turning his head, he just saw the dwarf fishing on the bow, but the fish he was fishing was not an ordinary shark. After a while, the sailors who were standing around yelled: “Quick! Quick! Drag it up.” Kegan yelled, “Look at me!” The dwarf’s arms began to be bloodshot and grabbed hard. With the rope. The tenacity and strength that belonged to the dwarf came into play, and a huge shark was lifted up by a hook. “See you! This guy is five meters long.” Kegan shouted excitedly. It seems that he has adapted to life on board and is no longer seasick. The surrounding sailors yelled so as to vent their emotions. The sailor on the boat took a harpoon and stabbed the shark to death, which was still struggling violently.

Captain Hawk came out and said loudly, “Good job! What a big guy. Okay guys, I now announce a good news! I just discussed with the employer, and he agreed to start the drinks on the boat from today. Triple the supply.” “Long live! Long live the captain! Long live Mr. Henry! Long live the spirits!” the sailors yelled happily, and the tremendous pressure was vented. Henry saw that everyone’s mood improved significantly and then turned his head and nodded to Captain Hawke, then climbed up the mast to find Robert. He said to the young thief: “Robert, be careful when you watch the night tonight. When you find something wrong, come to me immediately. I have a hunch that something big will happen.” “I understand the master, and the thief’s instinct also tells me. Something bad is about to happen. In fact, everyone feels it, but they are not as sensitive as we are. Today I will be up to the point.” Robert said.

Henry came to the kitchen during dinner and found that the sailors’ emotions were obviously higher. Many people drank wine and ate chunks of fish and bread. This kind of dinner was already a sumptuous meal for ordinary sailors. He ordered a piece of fish, two apples and a piece of bread, and the cook on board also gave a piece of marinated steak separately. The sailors around just looked enviously and didn’t feel any dissatisfaction. He exists widely in this world and he is quite generous to the crew as an employer. Back in his cabin, he began to slowly feed the food. Suddenly the door was opened, and Robert walked in and said to him: “Master, your premonition has been verified. I found that the nearby seabirds are getting restless, and there are some abnormalities in the distant clouds.” Hearing this, he immediately stood up and said : “Go, let’s find the captain right away.”

Hawke’s dinner was very happy, and the anxiety on the boat was calmed down. There is neither danger of riots nor **** pirates. It would be perfect if it kept going on like this. He poured himself a glass of fine wine gently, took a sip of the glass and tasted it. The captain’s door was suddenly opened and he was startled. When he saw that it was his employer, he put down the cup and said, “Oh, Mr. Henry, you scared me to death. What can I do if you are so anxious to find me?” Henry looked on. Seriously said to him: “Captain Hawke, I think we are in big trouble. The seabirds on the mast panicked abnormally, and according to Robert’s observation, the clouds in the distance are also obviously abnormal. I expect a storm to come, and The scale will not be too small.” The captain turned pale when he heard the news and said angrily: “Damn, I knew it wouldn’t be so smooth sailing. Okay! Don’t worry too much about the employer, at least you did one thing right. The thing is to buy this big ship. At least ordinary storms won’t do anything to her.

Hawke brought his employer and Robert to the restaurant. Most of the sailors were still drinking and chatting. He walked to the center and clapped his hands and said, “Be quiet! I have a bad thing to announce. According to observations, the storm is coming. Everyone is moving! First mate, you take someone to the cargo hold to tie up our supplies and Tools. Captain sailor, you take the crew to the deck to roll up the sails. In addition, fix the things on the upper side. Everyone prepares a rope to tie up their waist and find a strong place when the storm comes. Tie yourself firmly.” The captain methodically directed everyone to prepare to fight the storm.

As the storm came as planned near midnight, the originally mild sea changed in an instant. The huge waves make the boat roll up and down, feeling like it will be overturned at any time. The dwarf and the brown bear trapped themselves on the pillars of the cabin, while Amy and Robert tied themselves to the hammock on the hull. Henry cast himself a flying technique on the deck to help those who fell into the water without being tied up. Captain Hawke was at the helm alone, using his rich experience to steer the entire ship along the waves of the waves. In this way, the hull rupture caused by the rollover of the ship can be prevented to the greatest extent.

Henry rescued all the people who fell into the water and got trapped under the main mast. The sailors shouted thankful words to him. After saving people, he went to the bottom of the cabin and performed several ironwood techniques on the fragile parts of the bottom of the ship. This spell can make ordinary wood as hard as steel, so that it will not sink due to a leaking ship. I have done everything I can do now, depending on when the storm has passed. He came to the cockpit and saw that the captain was manipulating the rudder with his steady hands. The violent shaking of the ship did not affect him at all. Henry flew over and smiled and said to him: “Hi! Captain Hawk, it seems that I hired you is a very correct choice.” The captain smiled bitterly and said, “I don’t think my choice is right at all. Look at this terrible storm. The bottom of our ship will definitely leak.” “Don’t worry, Captain, I just went to the cabin underground to see that there is no water leaking and I also used iron wood technique on weak places. In 24 hours. The bottom of the ship will be as strong as steel.” After hearing the news, Captain Hawke also laughed and said, “Haha, this is the best news I have ever heard in my life. Since there is no worries, let us enjoy it. A rare storm!”

After talking with the captain, he came to the deck alone to look at this great power. This is the distant sea, so the power of Talos, the **** of storms, and the goddess of the sea, Ambo, can’t affect this sea area. This is the pure force of nature, which he can clearly feel as a druid. The storm lasted all night, and finally passed when the sky was shining slightly. After putting it on, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the captain ordered to check the entire ship and found that there were no problems, and opened up the drinks and food to celebrate. After walking through the storm area, Henry found that the area just now was a place where a tropical cyclone was rising violently. It is no wonder that Chanem also encountered a similar encounter in the game. This kind of place will form a storm almost every few days and it is inevitable. It seems that there is a safe buffer time after getting the island. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to pass this section of water safely. Just as he was thinking about it, the watchman rang the alarm and shouted: “Land! There is land ahead!”

Put on everyone and ran out until twenty minutes later everyone saw the scene in front, a lush tropical island. Henry found Hawke and said, “Mr. Captain, I suggest stopping the ship for a rest. The storm last night made the sailors very tired. I will first go up and scout.” The captain agreed to his request and announced to the crew of the ship. Everyone understood the captain’s kindness and found a place to sleep After the ship was anchored, Henry blessed himself with an invisibility technique and a flying technique and came to high altitude. After he reached an altitude of 500 meters, he did a scouting and discovered that there was more than one island here, and Angome was an archipelago. There are two huge islands, the largest of which is about 30,000 square kilometers, and the smaller one is about 21,000 kilometers. There are about thirty small islands scattered around, not far away. This is really a huge territory, although it has not yet been actually occupied, it already belongs to him in Henry’s heart.

He first scouted the big island. In his mind, the werewolf would live in a larger place first. As a result, except for some beasts and a large lake, there was no more attention. Then he came to a small island, where he found a werewolf village and large farmland. Seeing this large village of nearly 6,000 people, he began to feel that he was trapped by the game. He thought that a village with only a dozen people in the game would have at most a few hundred people in reality, but considering that the original werewolves have reproduced here for five hundred years, it is not outrageous that there are so many. He needs to adjust his plan.

After confirming the goal, Henry returned to the boat. After a few hours of rest, everyone regained their energy. He asked the captain to dock the ship in a natural harbour on the big island because it could avoid the sight of the opposite island. After landing, the sailors happily hunted down some nearby beasts and started barbecues on the beach. Henry also paid the other half of the salary and bonuses to the sailors, and everyone’s morale was very high.


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