Broad World

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Return to Baldur’s Gate

Two days later Henry took Kagan, Amy, Ares, Banburk, Vaughn, and Hawk away from Hart Island, and took away the Sword and a two-thousand-ton heavy warship. There were only forty sailors, and the only cargo on board was salt. After bypassing the storm zone in front of the island, the sailing was soon confirmed, and the two ships headed straight for the Baldur’s Gate in the direction of the wind. Henry stood on the deck and let the wind gently blow his face. Vaughan walked over and asked with some concern: “Head, I won’t cause you any trouble at Baldur’s Gate, right?” Henry said to himself After combing his hair, he said, “Don’t worry about my friend. I’m going back this time to acquire a title and become a nobleman. Soon I will be able to put my family crest on your armor. When that happens, anyone will Don’t dare to provoke you easily.” The orc warrior said thank you shyly, then returned to the stern and looked at the sea silently.

Amy sat beside the cable on the deck, holding a copy of “The History of the Unicorn Farm” in her hand, reading quietly, putting her feet on Ares’ thick fur. She likes this book about the birth of life very much and is deeply fascinated by it. Looking up at the ferret, the little guy ran to the brown bear’s **** and took a nap. Seeing the cute look of Mo Chong, she gently touched Shirley’s little furry head with her hand. At this time, the disgusting Bamberk flew over and said with its squeaky voice: “Oh! Come and scratch the feathers of the biggest parrot in history. These **** sailors have been eating fish for me lately, and I am uncomfortable. “Amy looked at the big-mouthed parrot and smiled and said to him: “Do you want me to tickle you with magic missiles?” “Damn! You broke up with them recently. I lost it. I thought you were a pure little girl, but unfortunately you have become an evil witch.” Banburk flew away as soon as he finished speaking, making Amy flushed with anger. Cagan listened to a happy laugh beside him, and Banburk stood proudly on the mast singing the sailors’ pornographic tune.

The happy sea voyage did not last long. The ship returned to Baldur’s Gate in only eight days in a downwind state. The first thing Henry did when he got off the ship came to the headquarters of the Seven Suns Business League in the southwestern district of the city. This is a tall two-story building with a flag embroidered with a purse hanging at the door, which is the symbol of the Commercial League. After revealing his identity with the guard at the door, the guard saluted him and said, “Commercial League welcomes you here, Master.” Henry was slightly startled after hearing that, “Master? Are you talking about me?” The guard After seeing his doubts, I explained it to him. In the past year or so, the pharmacy with Henry and his signature has been widely used. He became a recognized master of pharmacy by everyone due to the large variety and huge number. Henry thought that the title of Master Pharmacist was good, and might bring some convenience to this trip.

After entering the lobby, Jasso, the leader of the Commercial League, walked out. He hugged Henry and said, “Welcome, Master Henry. Your medicine has benefited the Commercial League a lot in the past year. I don’t know what’s going on today. “Is it?” Henry said, “Yes, I have a business to talk to you this time. But I need a quiet place.” Jasso stretched out his hand and said in a please gesture: “Then let’s go to the second floor to talk. , I have always been interested in your business.” The two came directly to Jarsod’s office after arriving on the second floor. After sitting down with each other, Henry said, “That’s it. I went on a voyage a few months ago and found the legendary Angkor Island. Now I want to hope that Seven Suns Trading Co. can support me to become a nobleman. I can justifiably turn this island into my private domain. Of course, I won’t let the Chamber of Commerce suffer. This time I brought back 30 tons of salt and can be sold by the Chamber of Commerce.”

After being taken aback, Jasso looked at him and said, “Thirty tons of salt! This is really a big deal. It is not too difficult to help you become a nobleman. You have a strong teacher and a relationship with Master Habassah in the city. Not bad. In addition, your reputation is quite good, and you are also a well-known pharmacist. But I want to take the liberty to ask that your territory produces salt?” Henry looked at Jasso quietly and wanted to guess his purpose. , But obviously it did not succeed. After thinking for a while, Henry said, “Yes, my territory can produce salt. But anyone who wants to take the production base from me will become my enemy. I have always used whatever means to the enemy.” Jasso waved his hand. Said: “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have this idea. I’m just a businessman looking for a long-term source of supply. You provide us with salt and we are responsible for selling it.”

After hearing this, Henry relaxed a little and said, “Are you sure you have digested so much salt around Baldur’s Gate? My output can be increased a bit.” Jasso laughed and said, “This Please rest assured that the Seven Suns Merchant League in Amn also has considerable power to consume all your production. And what do you think salt is? They can be replaced with the same weight of silver! Now all the cities and villages in the west are in A state of salt shortage, there is no need to worry about selling it.” After hearing Jasso’s analysis, he finally understood how scarce salt was in a place where productivity was in the Middle Ages. “I can entrust all the salt to you for sale, but there are conditions. I hope that you will come to the island to collect the goods. And my territory is now seriously lacking in labor. I hope you can help me find some merchants, scholars, blacksmiths, and craftsmen. People come to settle in my city. Of course, other healthy ordinary people will come.”

Jasso answered without hesitation: “These are all okay, but I now want to know your limit output. I need to make some preparations in advance.” Henry simply calculated the number of his own salt pans and said: “At least increase it to more than four times. It’s not a problem.” The leader of the Commercial League smiled brilliantly and said: “That’s great. We can monopolize the salt trade from Jianwan to Baojianhai by more than 50%. This will make us a fortune. I hope that we will be divided into five to five, and the settlement will be done once a month. What do you think?” “No problem, but I hope that the title matter will be done as soon as possible. I have to rush back to build it. The island is very busy now. You can send it tomorrow. People come first to fetch salt.” Henry replied. Jasso took out his pen and paper and began to draft the contract and said to Henry: “That’s great. I will start signing the contract now. Tomorrow I will convene a parliament in the name of the Seven Suns Business League, and there will be no more than three days. The exact news.” After the contract was drafted, the two signed each other’s names. When he left, Henry handed the Podean Butter Knife to Jasso and said to him: “Oh, yes, I found Podean’s belongings on the island. I think giving this to the council and the princes should reduce it. Some unnecessary resistance.” Jia Suo took the knife and observed it carefully. “My God, this is actually a genuine product. It can sell at least a few thousand gold coins, and there will be many nobles, merchants, and pirates. I am willing to collect it. With this, I don’t think everyone can find any reason not to let you become a noble. In the future, I can only go to the Palace of Xuanqi if I want to see it.” Henry smiled and said, “That would be great. But, let’s say goodbye today and see you on the boat tomorrow.” After speaking, he turned and left the business alliance.

After returning to the ship, Hawke hurried over and asked: “How? What is the outcome of the negotiation?” Since the ship arrived in the port, the old captain has forbidden everyone to leave the ship. He was very nervous about the cargo in the cabin and went to check it in person every day. “The negotiation went smoothly. The people from the business alliance will hold a parliament to discuss the matter of making me a nobleman. Jasso said that there should be no big problem. In addition, we signed a contract for the salt, and they sold it for fifty-fifth. Monthly settlement. They will send someone to pick up the goods tomorrow morning.” Hawke said with a sigh of relief: “That’s great, but I’m ready to run away at any time. Although these merchants are very kind on the surface, they are actually some. A guy who eats people and doesn’t spit out bones.” The orc warrior came over and said, “I totally agree! The **** businessmen in the Northland said they wanted to hire me as a guard, but when they arrived at the destination, they changed their words. I was a robber and let the city guards arrest me. If I didn’t run fast, I would have to be hanged.”

Henry looked at the two cynical looks and smiled and said: “In fact, the businessmen are only looking for benefits. As long as the risk is higher than the return, they will choose to retreat and compromise. When the profit is higher than the risk, they will be like a shark smelling blood. Rushing up frantically. UU reading Vaughn If you had a few accomplices at the time, do you think those merchants would dare not pay you gold coins? I let Jasso understand that the danger of being an enemy is far higher. Because of the income, he won’t take the risk.” Vaughn touched his chin and thought for a while. He felt that this question was a bit difficult for him to understand. He had never liked to think about these complicated things. Then he opened his mouth and said, “Head! You should consider these things. I’m only responsible for following the orders and then cutting people.” After that, he walked to the side and continued to sharpen the axe. Henry smiled and shook his head. He understood that most half-orcs don’t like thinking and their intelligence is not very high. They prefer to use simple and rude methods to solve problems, such as using a big axe to chop off someone’s head. This is also the reason why it is difficult for them to be accepted by the human group. Most areas where civilizations are concentrated do not like these guys who do things without considering the consequences.

He walked to the orc warrior and sat down and said to Vaughan: “You need to exercise your brain, Vaughn, so that you can better use your advantages.” Vaughn scratched his head and said: ” I still have the advantage? Why didn’t I notice it?” Henry pointed to his sturdy arm and said, “You are stronger than most fighters, have more steady steps, and are very fast when attacking. These are your advantages, you As long as you make good use of these, you can defeat enemies that are stronger than yourself. You need to develop your own fighting style.” The half-orc nodded seriously and said: “I understand, I will find a solution as soon as possible.” His own guard was a little stunned, and Henry walked away, leaving Vaughan sitting there and thinking quietly.


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