Broad World

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Set sail back to the island

Henry got up from the bed and started putting on clothes. Shikoudi opened her eyes and found that her husband was already dressed and standing in front of the window. She tried to sit up, but the pain in her lower body made her fall on the bed.

Henry turned around and smiled to his wife and said, “Okay, my dear, according to my estimation, you won’t be able to get up today. Let’s rest now. We will leave for the territory in two days.”

Shikodi squeezed her hair back and blushed and said, “Don’t worry, I can go back with you at any time. And there is a merchant ship called the Countess parked in the harbor with me on it. All dowries.”

Henry walked over and kissed Shikoudi and said, “I will take your Countess when we set sail. Now you can sleep well for a while. How long did you sleep last night.” After that, he walked out of the room and closed the door.

Shi Koudi watched her husband leave and lay on the bed thinking that the situation is better than she expected, at least she did not marry an older and ugly businessman like her sister. I heard that she is not doing well now, and because her husband has been unable to meet her needs for a long time, she has begun to become debauched. Thinking of this, Shi Kodi thought that the crazy face with her husband started to redden slightly last night, and it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep with a smile. For a young girl, the exercise last night seemed a little bit fierce.

Henry walked down the stairs to find his mother and others were sitting at the table looking at him with a smile. Lily looked at her son and said, “Henry wishes you a happy wedding, and Shikodi will definitely become a good wife.”

Henry walked to the table and pulled a chair and sat down: “Thank you mom, I decided to return to the territory in a few days. What else do you need? Buy some as soon as possible these days, otherwise you will want to go back and forth after you leave. It will take about half a month.”

Mother nodded: “I will make a list in the afternoon for the butler to buy.” “Your Excellency, your lunch and soup.” The butler walked over with a tray and put the food on it in front of Henry.

Henry said to Hawke who was smoking while eating, “How is our plan to recruit people?”

The old captain spit out a breath of smoke and said, “It went well. I hired a few bards to adapt your deeds into stories and sing them around the city’s taverns. Then you advertised that your territory is fertile and the climate is pleasant. The most important thing is that there is no variety Human-eating monsters. Now we have recruited more than 3,000 people, plus the rewards given to you by the council, we have nearly 10,000 people who can fill the newly built city.

“That would be the best. In fact, both our Emerald Island and Hart Island can raise more than one million people. For a long period of time, we need to keep introducing people. In addition, Shikoudi said she was in the port. There is a Duchess full of her dowry. I hope you will take it together.” Henry said and took a sip of the soup. Suddenly he fished out the **** of some kind of male animal from the soup.

“Butler! What’s the matter with this soup? How come there is such a thing in it?” Henry asked the butler.

The butler walked over and bowed and replied: “Earl, this is a soup for newlywed men in all noble families. It is said that it can increase male fertility and give birth to a qualified heir to the family as soon as possible.”

Henry patted his head and felt nauseated. He said to the butler: “Don’t give me this kind of food anymore. If you have special food in the future, it is best to show the ingredients to me before making it.”

The butler nodded and replied meticulously: “According to the earl.” After lunch, Henry began to deal with various things. Including buying some cloth, carpets, clothing and daily necessities, and then sending someone to the Yanquan headquarters to notify Shika of the departure date. A few days’ time was quickly passed in a busy schedule.

On the morning of the third day, Henry took his newlyweds, relatives and friends aboard his huge ship, accompanied by the Chief of Flame Fist Skar. Duke Anta Silvershield and Jasso, the leader of the Seven Suns Alliance, personally came to the port to see him off.

The Duke stood on the shore and said to Henry: “Your Excellency, I wish you a good journey, and remember that next year I will visit your territory personally on the spice matter.”

Henry waved his hand and said, “I look forward to your arrival. Don’t worry, I will prepare enough spices for you to ship.”

After the Duke left, Jasso walked onto the deck and said to Henry: “Your Excellency, my fleet will go to your territory next month to fetch salt. I hope that there will be enough supply at that time.”

Henry smiled and said, “Don’t worry, my friend, the output will surprise you by then.”

After biding farewell to all the people who saw him off, he said to Hawke: “Admiral! We should go home.”

The old captain laughed and shouted: “Everyone prepares! Depart from the port and set sail.” With an order for the sailors to get busy, soon the ship left the port and sailed slowly towards the sea. Henry’s two ships also followed these dozen merchant ships, all of which were carrying many people to settle on the island.

After entering the deep sea, Henry said to Skar: “We will have to sail for about ten days to reach the territory. If you are fine, you can walk around on the deck to fish. If you are tired, go to the cabin and sleep for a while. You must know that sailing at sea is one thing. Very boring thing.”

Skar looked at the sea and said, “Thank you for your reminder. I will adjust myself, so don’t worry.” After saying that, he walked to the stern and started to learn some things about sailing at sea from the sailor. Seeing nothing happened, Henry took his wife to the bow and watched the seabirds flying around and the dolphins occasionally jumping out of the water. Shikodi, who went to sea for the first time, looked very excited, running around with Lina like a little girl, curious about everything. As there were many merchant ships behind, Hawke took the approach of sailing during the day and stopping at night to rest. It took half a month to reach the Angome Islands all the way.

When seeing the two huge islands for the first time, Shi Koudi widened her eyes in surprise. She said to her husband: “My God! You never told me that your island is this big and there are still two. This It’s just a continent.”

“How good is it? This will be our home in the future.” Henry smiled and thought that when on earth, Taiwan Island was only 36,000 square kilometers. The two islands together exceeded 50,000 square kilometers. After the camp is complete, there is no problem in establishing a kingdom. After reaching the shore, my sister quickly rushed out and yelled, and her mother hurried to catch her. Henry looked at the whole port city after he got on the dock.

Robert walked over and said to him: “Master, our sewer system has been completely completed. Now we can start large-scale construction of houses and city walls.”

Kegan also walked over and said: “I went directly to the blast furnace. If there is anything to do, go there and find me.”

Henry nodded to Cagan and said, “Go, turn the steel blocks into weapons, armors and farm tools. First, forge them according to 2:2:6.”

Kegan said without looking back, “I see! Give it to me with confidence there.”

Henry turned around and said to Robert: “Now transfer your work to Hawke first. I now want you to start preparing the underground intelligence agency for the territory, responsible for monitoring the entire territory. If you find other forces start If you infiltrate, you will uproot me, and if the opponent is strong, come directly to me.”

When the young thief heard it, his eyes gleamed to Henry and said, “Don’t worry, master, I will do this.” Henry handed him a large bag of gold coins and patted him on the shoulder. Robert turned around with the money. Leaving, preparing to form his underground guild.

Skar took a look at the scenery on the island and walked over to Henry and said, “Your Excellency, your territory is really big enough. When can the people on the boat go ashore.”

Henry looked at the slaves who were building houses and said: “You can log in now, but now they can only be ordinary workers and can only settle down when the city is completed. Of course I will pay them at the price of Baldor’s Gate. .”

Skar thought for a while and said: “No problem, I will be responsible for comforting these people. After sending these people ashore, I will leave directly, and the parliament is still waiting for me to go back and report the route.”

Henry nodded and said, “The facilities on the island are still incomplete and I won’t keep you. I hope you will come to play for a few more days after the construction is completed.”

Skar nodded and turned to shout to the merchant ship parked on the berth: “Now everyone is in line to disembark.” More than 10,000 people dragging their families onto Hart Island, with a little dazed face on their faces. A little hope. Subsequently, these people were assigned to various construction sites as a family unit to start building their own cities Henry arranged his wife, mother and sister in the largest house to temporarily live in, and then began to let Hawke Send people to organize a group of slaves to leave the port to open up villages in the countryside for agricultural production. Henry brought four thousand new residents to Emerald Island to build several settlements, and cleared a large area of ​​forest by the lake to plant pepper, nutmeg and ginger. Then he began to use the druid’s ability to spawn these plants and let them enter the fruit-bearing period.

In the following days, he selected a dozen children from minor slaves as druid apprentices, and opened up a small village in the valley of Emerald Island for them to live and study. A month later, Jasso’s ship arrived in the unbuilt city as scheduled, and Henry asked Amy to bring a dimensional bag with 50 tons of freshly produced salt to the warehouse.

The captain of the team ordered the sailors to load all the salt into wooden barrels and transport them back to the ship. He took out a few gold tickets and said to Henry: “Your Excellency, these are the gold coins settled last month. Please take it. Thirty We sold half of the ton of refined salt, and the total is 500,000 gold coins. According to the contract, the tax is removed. The two hundred thousand gold coins are your reward.”

Henry took the golden ticket and said to him: “Thank you, when I go back, say hello to Mr. Jasso and help me ask when the craftsman will arrive.”

The captain touched his beard and said, “I must bring the news. If there is nothing to do, I will lead the fleet back to Baldur’s Gate.” Henry nodded and said, “I wish you all the best and goodbye.”


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