Broad World

Chapter 87

Chapter 87 Herast’s Labyrinth 4

It didn’t take long for the scent of the food to come out. Henry walked over and opened the lid and saw that the meat and potatoes inside had been simmered. After he packed the three people’s shares, he brought the whole pot to the polar bear. The big guy smelled it and gobbled it up. Henry touched its smooth fur and said to Vaughan: “You will have a good rest in a while, and you don’t need to watch the night today. With this polar bear, he will be in danger. inform us.”

The orc warrior replied while eating the food, “Okay, I’ll sleep well after I eat something. I believe this snowy field should be small, and we can go out tomorrow.”

“How do you know that it’s not big here?” Debra asked a little curiously when he came over.

Vaughn lifted a little blanket slightly and pointed to the snowy ground outside. “Because we have not yet encountered herbivores, if the area is really large, reindeer and various birds should be seen everywhere.”

Henry nodded and agreed with him. “That’s right, I also found something wrong with the other party. The cold weather and heavy snow here seem to be caused by spells. I felt the fluctuations in magic power. Okay, don’t worry about it now. Our goal is just to get out of here. Eat. Take a good rest after you have finished your things. It is impossible to predict what will happen in front of you now.” As he finished eating the food in his bowl, he went into his sleeping bag and started to rest. Debra prepared for a while and started to sleep afterwards. The orc warrior glanced at the polar bear that was already asleep and then closed his eyes to rest.

Sleep makes time pass quickly, and ten hours pass in the blink of an eye. The people who woke up packed up their things and started to go back on the road. Before leaving, Henry left a large piece of bacon for the polar bear for accommodation. Stepping on the snow that is no more than knees, a group of people walked forward slowly. Henry walked and said to the other two people: “After I go back this time, I must make a magic sleigh and put it into the dimension bag. If we encounter this situation, we can sit on it and gallop in the snow.”

“This is a good idea, I hate the snow now.” Debra complained, lowering his head.

Vaughan smiled and shook his head. Just as he was about to say something, dozens of black spots suddenly appeared. The two wizards quickly started casting spells before the battle when they saw them, and a few minutes later, the protective spells were blessed on them. Vaughn pulled out his weapon and stared nervously into the distance. When these black spots got closer, he saw the rotten gray skin on their bodies. “It’s a troll! We are about to prepare for battle. It is impossible for us to run past these guys on this piece of snow.”

“Then kill them all and support each other for a while. These guys are not afraid of death at all. Once they get close, they will tear our flesh and blood apart.” He said that Henry gave the Orc Warrior a protection against fire damage.

Vaughn was a little confused, he scratched his head and asked: “Head, why are you blessing this for me?”

There was a mysterious smile on Henry’s face. “You’ll know in a while, keep it secret for now.”

Debra seemed to understand Henry’s intentions, hiding aside and smiling secretly. Soon the trolls rushed over. They hunched their backs, swinging their arms randomly, and dragged them to the ground from time to time, looking clumsy to death. But Henry knew that this was just what it looked like. In fact, these monsters were very agile, at least faster than most people.

Seeing that the troll was about to approach, the orc warrior rushed out. After running dozens of steps, he used the sprint speed to split the troll’s head at once. The flame damage on the sword prevented the troll’s regeneration ability. Just as he was about to make up for the fallen corpse two more times, a fireball flew behind him suddenly, followed by the explosion of air and blew him out.

A few seconds later, Vaughan got up from the ground, and he patted his still dizzy head. The protective flame protected him from any burns, and a small amount of impact was nothing to a strong orc. Soon Vaughan rejoined the battle with the giant sword. He slashed left and right in the middle of the troll. After a while, countless broken arms and limbs appeared on the ground.

Then two more fireballs flew over, and Vaughan fell down immediately when he saw it. Then a huge explosion sounded among the trolls, most of the monsters were directly burned into charred corpses, and only a few survivors were still struggling desperately, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies. He stood up and carried the giant slayers to kill all the remaining trolls one by one.

Seeing that there are no more enemies, Vaughn turned his head and shouted at Henry behind him in a joking tone: “Head, I finally know why Wulfgar hates magic so much. You mages always like to be behind you. I will remember this. I learned it the second time, and I’m starting to hate magic now.”

Debra laughed at the gloomy expression on the orc warrior’s face. “This is for tactical needs. You see how many spells are consumed by so many trolls if they want to fight head-on, and now they only use one protective flame and three fireballs. And you should use your own mind. Otherwise, sooner or later you will be as stupid as that barbarian.”

“Really? I’m already thinking about whether to believe what you say. And I just don’t like thinking, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” Vaughan retorted.

Henry smiled and said to the two people: “That’s the end of the joke, I will tell you in advance if there is such a thing in the future. Let’s continue to set off now.”

used a “pointing north technique” to reconfirm the direction, and the group of people continued to move in one direction. Before the sky turned dark, the three finally found a portal in the snow. Henry checked and found no problems. He beckoned to the next two people, and then everyone got in.

came out of the door, Henry found them back to the dark underground. There is a suspension bridge not far in front, and a pair of huge steel golems stand on either side. Just when he wanted to use magic to detect it, one of them said: “Welcome you, adventurers from afar, and those who can get out of the maze through many tests will get rewards.” After speaking, the two golems from himself He took out a wooden box and walked over.

Put the box on the ground, and the two golems returned to the bridge and cleared their way. The Orc warrior looked at the other two men, hesitated, and finally walked over to open the box. Then he laughed out loud. “Fortunately, this is a real treasure. If I were still a little cat, I would lose confidence in the adventure.”

Debra picked up the kitten and said to Vaughan, “Transformed cat pets are much more useful than most treasures, and they are not something you can get casually.”

Henry walked over and looked at the gems in the box, and put it into the dimension bag. “Okay, let’s go through here quickly. I believe it should be the Underground Mage Tower of Hylast. From now on we must be extra careful. The dark elves are much more difficult to deal with than most monsters.” He left after speaking. On the suspension bridge, the others quickly followed.

Walking down a flight of spiral stairs, Henry saw the tall tower in the distance. Around the tower was a military camp of dark elves. The warriors rode underground lizards to patrol around, while the mages and priests performed some special ceremonies under the tower to seal off the entire tower.

Just as he was about to say something, suddenly a dagger stabbed at the neck from the side. He made a backward dodge action, and quickly blessed himself with “Iron Skin Technique”. Vaughan, who had caught up from behind, knocked the assailant to the ground with a punch. When Henry was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a lightning bolt shot out from the corner. The white light passed through the orc warrior’s body in the blink of an eye, and Vaughan began to twitch violently.

Debra hurriedly picked up the crossbow in his hand and shot a crossbow arrow, which was blocked by an invisible position before reaching the target. Henry controlled the mage hiding in the corner with a “control technique” and ordered him to come out. Seeing that there were no other enemies, Henry immediately released several healing magic techniques to Vaughan. The orc warrior slowly recovered and began to breathe air. Debra walked over, stripped everything off the dark elf mage, and finally trapped him with a rope.

Seeing that Vaughan was okay, Henry turned around and looked at the mage. It was obvious that this was a dark elf male and then took off the assassin’s face towel. He was surprised to find that this was actually a man. This is a female Tieflin, because the double horns on her head are the obvious features. Henry turned to the mage and asked, “Tell me what your name is and why you are lying in ambush here.”

The mage was still under control. He replied in lingua franca: “My name is Naromin Ferren, the third son of the Nakor family. The one over there is my slave named Dalina. I captured it during a patrol. She also controlled her thoughts with a collar of slavery. We are in charge of the security work at this intersection.”

Henry looked at Tifflin’s neck after hearing the mage’s words and found that there was indeed a metallic luster on it. “What do you use to control her?”

“Control the orb.” The mage stared at a brown-red gem on the ground.

Henry walked over and took it up and released an appraisal technique on the gem. Soon the information of the gem appeared in his mind.

Control Orb: Entrusted by the mistress of the Nakor family, it is made by the Mind Reaver, and it is used in conjunction with the enslavement collar. It can completely control the behavior and thoughts of a creature.

Equipment effect

can communicate directly with the slaves by thinking without speaking.

looked at the orb in his hand, Henry thought it was really a good thing. With this, Tifflin can be used as a cover, and the infiltration operation will be much smoother, and it will not arouse too many people’s suspicions.


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