Broad World

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Deep into the cave

The lunch time ended in the dwarf’s revelation of Henry’s childhood. Zetty looked at Henry with a smile. Just now, the dwarf told his glorious history of going to the house at the age of three to block the chimney and setting fire to his hair at the age of five. From the proficiency level, it is obvious that this is not the first time.

Henry felt that his face was a little hot, and his work experience in society over the past ten years is obviously not enough to cope with the current situation. Being stared at by the female druid was a little faint. After dinner, the cave exploration team packed their luggage and returned the carriage to the old man when passing by the Brown Farm. The goods on the car are also stored in the barn.

The three people came to the entrance of the cave just after noon. The internal organs of the insects that were disposed of yesterday were thrown into a pit and buried. But there is always a strange smell around. Cagan found a tree and tied the rope and climbed down the cave, followed by Zetty, and Henry last.

“From now on, it is forbidden to speak, to make sounds, and to communicate with sign language. Try to be gentle. Don’t give the bugs any chance to find us.” After going down to the cave, Henry set the main tone for this operation, and that is the secret. sneak into. After the other two nodded to express their understanding, the light technique was blessed on everyone’s weapon. Jedi’s eyesight is zero, so it’s okay to bless you more. Although the half-elf lady has night vision ability, light can still bring a lot of security to people living on the surface.

After entering the hole, the female druid walked in the forefront, Kagan followed closely behind, and Henry was at the end. Slowly began to explore the depths. About ten meters ahead, the cave bifurcated. On the left is a round hall with a lot of white eggs secretly. Zedi turned her head and told the two people behind that this was the eggs of the digger in the hatching room. Then everyone walked to the right and continued on.

went forward more than 40 meters and the cave suddenly opened up, and everyone found that it was like entering a hall. The bones and corpses of humans and other animals are everywhere on the ground. The adventurers’ armors and weapons were thrown everywhere. Henry also found a pile of gold coins in a corner. This should be the place where the worms are stored and eaten. The three of them lip-synched to communicate and decided to kill all the bugs and then sort these things.

After passing through the hall, the road leading to the deepest point became narrower and narrower, and came to the end in a few minutes. Zeti saw the scene in front of her, her pupils shrank rapidly, and five huge bugs were lying on the ground. The largest jaw is one-third larger than the other insects, and the color of the body is no longer ordinary green, but dark green.

This is no longer an ordinary digger. A normal jedi can only spray acid once in six hours, and now the one in front of him has clearly evolved into the king of insects that can spray acid multiple times. Fortunately it is sleeping now. The two people behind also clearly discovered the bug’s abnormality.

The three people slowly backed away in a tacit understanding, and then they returned to the food storage room to breathe a sigh of relief. “What to do, that insect king is obviously difficult to deal with. The passage is so narrow that there is no way to avoid the acid spray.” Zedi asked softly. It’s far enough from here to speak softly.

“Let’s concentrate the poison to kill it first, and now there are three javelins immediately dipped in poison. After a while, I will send a signal and throw them at his jaw. Then I drink the speed potion and quickly retreat here to prepare the spell for frontal combat.” Henry immediately formulated A feasible battle plan. The dwarf immediately agreed.

“Well, there is no other way at this point. Now start to infuse the spear head.” The female druid took the javelin off her back after speaking, took a deep breath, held her breath, and opened the bottle of poison. Pour evenly on the tip of the gun. Henry and Cagan also learned to start applying poison.

came to the entrance of the insect king again, the three looked at each other, opened the speed potion and drank it. This is a powerful potion that can double the movement speed, attack speed, and interpretation speed within 30 seconds. After drinking the potion, Henry quickly raised the javelin and started the countdown with his fingers. Three, two, one.

“Swish, swish” The sound of the javelin across the air awakened the bugs. The insect king stood up alertly, and “poof” three javelins pierced the soft abdomen. “Squeak, squeak, squeak.” The intense pain made it scream. Several other bugs also woke up and crawled in the direction of everyone. “Run” Henry yelled and got into the tunnel first. This is the dwarf and the druid who also found that the situation is not good, turned and started to run wildly.

Henry ran into the hall first, then took a deep breath and started preparing to chant the spell. The spell was just ready, and the dwarves and druids behind also ran in. “Greasy technique” grease immediately covered the entrance of the hall. Cagan took his shield and axe and stared at the tunnel. The female druid also began to chant and entered a state of concentration. After successfully casting the greasy spell, Henry began to chant the next spell.

The bug behind the second spell rushed out of the tunnel before the second spell was completed, and the green and black bug king was at the front. “Bang” The insect king’s huge body slipped to the ground and tripped other insects that came out from behind. The second spell of “Entangling” was released immediately, and countless weeds grew on the greasy ground, which firmly bound the slender and pointed legs of the Digger.

Henry found out that Zetty’s spell hadn’t been completed yet, and was slightly surprised. At least a level 4 magic. The higher the level of spells and divine arts, the greater the power, but the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the longer the singing time, the more interpretation gestures.

“Ice Storm” half-elf lady’s spell is finally completed. A huge magic hail smashed down within ten meters of her center. “Damn, you should remind us.” The dwarf who was almost hit hard shouted and backed away quickly. Henry survived relatively late. The bug gate trapped in place is not so lucky. Huge ice cubes hit the slender legs of the bug. The sound of breaking is endless.

After the freezing, Henry began to prepare for the spell again. Before the insects could feel the cold, a burning hand took them into the ice and the fire. The fat and weeds were all ignited. The two bugs began to struggle to stand up. Acid was sprayed at Kagan. The dwarf blocked the jet with a shield. After seeing that the shield was rapidly corroded, the dwarf decisively chose to discard it.

Zedi realized that the bugs still had the ability to fight back, and began to chant the spell again. Suddenly, the insect king stood up and rushed towards the half-elf who was preparing to explain the law. Cagan found that it was not good to directly block the way of the insect king. With huge jaws facing the dwarf, Cagan tried to avoid the bug’s head but his legs were stabbed by sharp feet. “Ah, you **** bug. Let’s see how dwarf warriors are.” Cagan picked up the axe and broke the bug’s leg that stabbed him and rolled to the side. The insect king who lost one leg lost his balance and fell to the ground. Black poisonous blood began to flow from its chest. The toxin began to flare up.

Zedi’s spell is completed, and it is another four-level spell and one-level summoning animal. Two huge evil wolves were summoned. Growls in bursts. The simple command to “go up” caused the hungry wolves to besiege the undead bugs. Henry saw the dwarf injured and hurried over, “Kagan, is it okay.”

“Fortunately, it only penetrated the muscles without hurting the bones.” The old dwarf’s sore lips trembled.

“Hold it up, I’ll pull it out.” He tore a piece of cloth from his clothes and handed it to Kegan to bite him to prevent it from biting his tongue.

“One, two, three.” Heng used his strength to pull. “Ah,” Cagan screamed. At this time, the female druid also came over and used divine magic to create some water and simply clean the wound. A treatment of moderate damage was performed, and the huge wound quickly became smaller. The dwarf took out a bottle of the mild wound healing potion Henry gave him a few days ago and drank it, and the wound healed completely. But his face was pale and he lost too much blood.

“Thank you for saving me just now.” Zetty was very moved by the dwarf warrior’s desperation.

“Haha I just did what a soldier should do, but that **** bug almost killed me. Are they all dead?”

“They are all dead. Didn’t you see that the summoned wolves stopped attacking.” Henry pointed to two wolves with green mouths and nothing to do.

“Then let us count the valuable things in this hall.” Said Kagan stood up. Start picking and picking around. “What an old wealth fan.” The half-elf expressed dissatisfaction with Cagan’s practice of asking for money and not life. It didn’t take long for the other two people to search the entire hall to find valuable things and pile them together.

After twenty minutes of hard work, everyone gathered what they found. UU reading www. uukanshu. com has about 600 gold coins in cash, two magic scrolls, level 3 spells, Berserk Charm and Spirit Armor. A bottle of magic potion is identified as Genting Giant Monster Power Potion, a powerful potion that can temporarily increase the power to 23 when drunk. A magic chain mail is stronger than ordinary and hard to wear. A magic dagger is harder and sharper than a normal dagger. The last is a powerful fireball staff, although there are only seven shots left in it.

After a brief discussion, Henry got two scrolls and a fireball staff, Kagan got a chain mail dagger and a magic potion, and the gold coins were divided equally between the two. Zedi didn’t take anything. The other two said that they would be exempted from the 2000 gold reward after the mission. Everyone is happy. After the distribution, everyone peeled off the insect shells, tied them with ropes and dragged them back to the ground.

After sending the two to the door of Brown’s farm, the half-elf druid said goodbye to Henry and Cagan and turned and left. Pushing open the door of Brown’s house, he saw that the old man had just made dinner. A big pot of stewed chicken, a few smoked fish. There are also big names of mashed potatoes and a small pot of bread.

“It’s so fragrant, I’m almost starving to death. Brown, don’t you know how bad we eat at noon. That elf only gives us fruit at noon.” The dwarf drooled and began to complain about the bleak lunch.

“Oh my god, what is that.” Old Brown was taken aback by the huge head thrown at the door.

“King of Diggers, Cagan was almost killed by this guy today.” Henry briefly explained to Old Brown and went to the dinner table to start eating. ———————————————————————————————

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