Broad World

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Nakor family

After leaving the tent, Henry took another group of gray dwarf slaves at the entrance of the camp. These dark-skinned, cold-eyed dwarves were a subspecies unique to the underground. They look like ordinary dwarves, but in order to adapt to the more cruel underground world, they have evolved special abilities such as dark vision, phantom immunity, and paralysis immunity.

These slaves were originally used to build camps, and now the camps have been built, they are of little use anymore. Elles secretly bought them and sent them back to the city as cannon fodder for this operation. Binhett stared at these slaves all the way to prevent them from escaping or resisting. As long as the gray dwarf is slightly slow or whispering, the whip in his hand will be pulled hard. Every time Xinafei saw the slaves crying and begging for mercy, she would laugh and put a kick, and then use some innocuous spells to tease the gray dwarves for fun.

Along the dark and deep underground passage, Henry led his army of slaves forward quickly. A gray dwarf slave who suddenly walked at the front of the line was torn in half by a pair of sharp claws. When Binhett saw it, he shouted: “It’s the Deinonychus! Get out of the way!” After speaking, he pulled out the two long swords on his waist and rushed to attack the monster.

Xinafei cast a lightning spell on the front at the right time, and the white electric light passed through the bodies of several Deinonychus, causing considerable damage to them. Binhett took advantage of this opportunity to launch a crazy attack with a magic weapon made by the dark elves. He used a long sword to pierce at a high speed, and he could plunge into the bodies of these monsters every time.

Jake, who was afraid of catching monsters for survival, did not cause much trouble to Binhett, and soon six or seven monsters became the corpses under his sword. Henry looked at the dark elf warrior’s martial arts and his face was a little dignified. There is no doubt that Binhett is the most powerful warrior he has ever seen. His movements and skills were almost the same as Drizzt.

“Really superb fighting skills. I believe that there will be no more powerful fighters than you in the forest city of Iri. Of course, Xinafei also has a very good timing of casting spells. I believe you will have them in the Nakor family. A bright future.” Henry complimented the two with a smile.

Binkhter wiped the blood off the sword with a cloth and put the weapon back into the scabbard. “Thank you for your appreciation, but I am not the strongest fighter yet. As far as I know, Toulus, the martial artist of the third family, is recognized as the number one in the city. He was destroyed in an encounter at the bottom of a field. The earth elemental puppets of three underground gnomes. I have seen that battle with my own eyes, and I will not be able to surpass him and become the number one in at least thirty years.”

“It’s a pity that Tulus doesn’t like his mistress. I heard that Emery has already cultivated a new martial artist in secret.” Xinafei glanced at the gray dwarf who was squatting on the ground and shivering.

The slaves around did not take advantage of the chaos to escape, their fear of the dark elves has penetrated into their bones. Binhett regrouped these gray dwarves with a long whip and drove them forward. Henry walked and asked Dalina telepathically: “What’s the matter with this Toulouse? According to the code of conduct of the dark elf nobles, if the family is Isn’t it a pleasure to have such a powerful warrior?”

It didn’t take long for Dai Lina’s voice to answer in his mind. “As far as I know, Toulouse’s spirit is a bit problematic. He wants to take the place of the mistress and become the leader of the family. Mother Imori is very strict with him, if it is not for fear of being taken advantage of by other families. Entering from the emptiness, I have already sacrificed Tulus to the goddess.”

Henry sighed secretly after hearing that, the social atmosphere of the dark elves was too depressing. It is estimated that this warrior named Tulus should be driven mad. Yesterday, Elles’ whip almost made him run away. It is said that the dark elf males have to suffer three to five times from childhood to large, the purpose is to cultivate their awe and obedience to women. He intends to complete the task and leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, sooner or later he will become a crazy mage like the black robe of Herast.

Three days later, a group of people came to the front of a magnificent gate and informed the guards guarding the gate of their identity. Henry and his party successfully entered Ered Forest City. Entering the gate, he observed this evil city, a magic beam of light flashed on the mage tower in the center of the city. There are countless exquisitely crafted castles and gorgeous palaces around.

While passing by the Spider Academy, he saw countless giant spiders crawling around inside the iron gate, enough to make the scalp numb. After passing through a large group of mushrooms, the group came to a gate made of fine gold, and a family soldier quickly ran out to open the gate.

Henry walked into the yard and left the slave and Dalina in place, and flew to the second-floor platform with Binhett and Xinafei. After passing the arch in the middle of the corridor, he stopped in front of the gorgeous copper door. He knocked **** the door and said loudly: “Mother, sister Elles asked me to bring the slave and helper you need.”

A few seconds later, a voice came from inside: “Come in, by the way, bring the helper hired by Elles in for me to see.”

Heng pushed open the door with force, and Mister Eklivda was sitting in a chair watching the group of people. He bowed deeply and said, “Mother, the two behind me are the helpers in this operation. This man’s name is Binhett, a powerful warrior. I saw with my own eyes that he was on the way back. He killed at least six Deinonychus. This woman is called Xina Fei, a rare warlock. I believe that with their participation, the action will be very smooth.”

Eklivda stood up and walked to Binhett, who hurriedly lowered his head to express his humility. After walking around him twice, the mistress returned to her seat. She glanced at Slugan, who was standing at her starting position. “I need to test Binhett’s combat effectiveness now. Why don’t you let him fight a duel.”

Slugen felt cold all over when he heard it. He knew that if the description just now was true, he would never be able to beat the soldier in front of him. But the mistress’s order must not be violated, and finally he took a deep breath and bit his scalp, drew out his long sword, and walked to the center of the hall. Binhett also drew out his double swords and walked over, and the eyes of the other staring at each other stood silently in place.

Suddenly Slugan’s feet began to exert force. He quickly made a series of low-level stabs with his long sword, and Binhett immediately began to retreat and kept blocking with his long sword. Slugan held his breath and suppressed the opponent forcefully. After a few minutes, he felt that his strength could not keep up. Binhett quickly jumped out of the attack range and broke into the opponent’s defensive circle from the side.

His two long swords swung quickly, forcing Slugan to retreat non-stop, making a defensive action of depression. Soon Slugan was forced to the corner of the wall. He stepped on the wall and jumped up, trying to do an somersault to get rid of his situation. Unfortunately, Binght did not give him any chance, and cut off his sword with a sword. Hand, another sword pierced his neck.

Slugan fell to the ground with his eyes open, and a lot of blood spurted from his neck and wrist. Binhett shook the blood from the sword and retracted the weapon into the sheath. Mister Eklivda stood up and applauded and said: “A very exciting duel. It seems that Nalomi did not lie. Now I appoint you as the family’s new maid and martial arts chief. I hope you will do well in this position. The land serves the family.”

Binhett bowed to the mistress. “Thank you very much for your compliment. I am extremely honored to be a part of the Nakor family.”

Mister Eklivda nodded in satisfaction, and said to everyone standing next to her: “Now that everyone is here, let’s discuss how to attack the Bisendenog family.”

“Please don’t worry about the mistress. Although Bisendenog is ranked third in the family, they are not favored by the **** queen. Especially the madman from Toulouse, who always wants to replace his mistress and become the new family. Ruler.” said the eldest daughter Bulborina.

The third daughter Zari glanced at her sister and immediately retorted: “But Toulouse is still the most powerful warrior in the entire Eridrin City. Who will deal with him then?”

Mister Eklivda reached out her hand to stop the quarrel between the two daughters, turned her head to look at the family’s new martial artist. “Toulouse will hand it over to you to postpone it for a while, and when the other people kill their pastor, they will help immediately. Can it be done?”

Binhett lowered his head and considered for a while before nodding. “Toulouse was very violent during the fight. I’m not sure I can beat him, but it’s okay to delay it for a while After getting a satisfactory answer, the mistress stood up and looked at the sons and Sinafi. “When the battle begins, you are responsible for entering the prayer hall. Remember to kill their pastors as quickly as possible. The other priestesses of the family and I will pray to the goddess here. Let’s go and prepare now. When the light beam of the mage tower is upgraded again, we will start to act. ”

Everyone turned and left after taking the order. Henry was stopped by the older sister as soon as he walked out of the gate. She looked at Henry up and down carefully. “Dear brother, I became quite silent after coming back this time. I remember you used to like to express yourself in this kind of meetings.”

“I think my previous behavior is too naive, it does not benefit the unity of the family. All our behaviors should be centered on the interests of the family, right.” Henry lowered his head and replied.

Breborina stared at him for a long time. “It’s a good thing when you mature, but I hope you remember who is an ally and an enemy in this house.” After she finished speaking, she swung the snake-head whip in front of Henry and almost hit him in the face.

Seeing Breborina walking out of sight, Henry let out a sigh of relief, and silently returned to the room belonging to Nalomin and lay down. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the forest city of Eri, he would be involved in an internal fight between the dark elf nobles, and it would not be long before he would participate in a small war. This kind of struggle will happen every few decades in the dark elf city. Successful families raise their ranks, and failed families will be wiped out.


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