Broad World

Chapter 940

Chapter 937 Seize power

???|->? Just when Robert and Renault Bloodhead reached an agreement, the Anomen in the northern city of Kezura also completed the expansion and reorganization of the army, from the original less than two thousand people, rapidly expanding More than doubled, now there are four thousand fully armed soldiers. Although most of them are civilians without proper military training, he believes that as long as they have experienced one or two battles, the survivors will surely become elites. [ads: This site has a new URL, shorthand method:,]

In fact, no matter how well-trained, all troops are recruits as long as they have not been on the battlefield. Regardless of the usual training, they might turn around and run when they see blood. Some guys who excel during the training period even run. It’s faster than anyone else. It’s far better to use the cruel elimination method and let the real war test who is the qualified soldier.

After a simple exercise, Sir Pighead handed the city of Kezura to his adjutant, and he personally took a whole 3,000 people to the east, preparing to take down the city of Esplana behind him, and make his foundation completely stable. Afterwards, a solid foundation was laid for the overthrow of the council’s rule.

Although his strategic level and command ability are very good, he has overlooked one point, that is, the internal struggle for power.

Any grassroots organization is unavoidable from a common problem, that is short-sightedness, especially after some achievements have just been made, many people do not want to continue to confront the ruler, after all, they ransacked the merchants and nobles in the city on the first day after the occupation. , So there are basically some trophies on hand, ranging from about a hundred gold coins to thousands…

With money, I don’t want to work hard anymore, so as soon as Arnold left the door, a group of people gathered on the back to discuss whether they could disperse, because in their eyes, they were just a group of rioting ordinary people, and they didn’t look like it. Sir Pighead is also on the wanted list, as long as he changes to a new environment, he can settle down and lead a stable and comfortable life.

Of course, there are still some people who want to go back to Ascatla, the capital of Amn, to fetch their families.

Without the leader, this group of seemingly powerful mobs showed their true colors. Gathered in the city hall and quarreled endlessly, the adjutant left by Anomen couldn’t hold the ground at all, and could only watch the situation develop in an uncontrollable direction.

“Damn! Stop arguing! Have you forgotten the vows you swore?! The general said that he would lead us to overthrow the rotten council! Look at what you are now! It is similar to the ugly faces of those nobles and merchants. What a difference!!!” The unbearable adjutant kicked over the table fiercely. Loud snarled grievingly.

He didn’t understand why the brothers and sisters who were still incomparably united a few days ago suddenly changed their appearance. Could it be that the souls of mortals are evil in the first place, and they will eventually fall?

“Hey! Boy! What qualifications do you have to say? We just want a better life! Is this also wrong?” A man in his forties retorted fiercely.

“Yes! Was joining the mutual aid association just to be able to eat?! For this reason, we even clashed with the regular army of the council! Now we are rich! Why can’t we live the life we ​​want!” The older-looking man echoed loudly.

“We are going through the snake forest to the north!”

“The Kingdom of West Hartland is the real paradise on earth!”

“Well said! The taxes there are only a quarter of Amn’s! I would rather go there to be a farmer. I don’t want to die in vain!”

“I heard that the north is recruiting farmers who open up wasteland. Anyone who signs up can get a large area of ​​land immediately!”


Suddenly the crowds are excited, as if they are about to split. In fact, as long as you look closely, you will find that the guys who are clamoring to go north are basically over forty years old. They have already passed the age of fighting for their ideals, in their eyes. There are only tangible benefits.

This kind of people are usually extra-realistic and reject all unrealistic fantasies, so the principles are completely useless to them. Perhaps Anomen could be suppressed with great prestige when he was there, but now he is leading the army on the road to conquering Esptah City, so the contradiction broke out all at once.

The young adjutant jumped with anger, drew out his sword violently, and roared with a flushing face: “I want to see who dares to step out of the gate today! Guards! Array! Anyone who steps out of the gate will be put to death! ”


The guards who received the order shouted in unison, hulking and forming a defensive formation. The shimmering spear tips and crossbow arrows aimed at the noisy crowd in the room, and the blood could flow into a river with only a command.

But the troubled old guys are not vegetarians, they drew out their weapons and shields one after another, and the tense atmosphere quickly spread in the spacious hall. Now, as long as someone shouts, it may cause violent conflict until one of them is defeated.


Extremely suppressed silence!

Everyone’s nerves are involuntarily tense. A few days ago, they were still close comrades in arms. But now, because of the inconsistency of ideas, Miss is about to start a fight, and the impermanence of fate is fully reflected at this moment.

At this critical moment, a young man in the dust suddenly rushed in and shouted angrily: “What are you doing! What are you doing! Have everyone forgotten the vow to join the mutual aid association?! We are all brothers and sisters? We must unite and help each other! Think about the tragedy that happened a few days ago! Don’t you understand that all nobles and merchants are untrustworthy? Regime! We must establish our own regime! Give it all now! I put down my weapon!”


The atmosphere of the original rattling sword disappeared without a trace. The young adjutant threw the long sword directly to the ground and asked in a trembling voice: “Lindel! The gods are on! You are not dead!”

“Haha! Of course I didn’t die! Although the council sent the shadow thief to send a killer. But I escaped! Look, these wounds are evidence of their incompetence.” The young man took off his coat and revealed more than a dozen times on his body. The wounds of different depths, fortunately, the weather is not too hot now, so there are no symptoms of infection or inflammation.

There is no doubt that he is the young man controlled by Nesis. According to the succubus’s orders, he intends to regain the leadership while the Annomen is away.

As for the wounds on his body, they are all his own tricks. Although they look very scary, there is no real fatal one.

As one of the leaders of the mutual aid association. Lindel has always had a high prestige, even if the walkout turned into a riot, his status was not affected at all, because everyone regarded him as a dead spiritual sustenance. Just as some parties on the planet like to whitewash the heroes of the city’s Gao Daquan with their dead companions after they seize power by force, Arnomen also portrays him as a hero in order to boost morale.

I have to say, this is very ironic, but the so-called politics is like this. Otherwise, no one would compare politicians with women. In fact, women are much cleaner than politicians. At least they rely on their own bodies to feed themselves, while politicians rely on deception, betrayal and lies to fight for power. Only ordinary people only It is just the object of their fooling and oppression.

Due to the timely appearance of young people, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became relaxed. Whether it was more radical young people or those middle-aged people who longed for a stable life, they all put down their weapons and waited quietly for him to speak.

Impromptu speech is one of the necessary abilities for all aspiring to become a political figure. Lindel has been practicing silently since he became a high-level member of the mutual aid association. He knew it was time to show that as long as he could fool everyone, then he would be able to take back the leadership from Annomen.

Anyway, Sir Pighead has always been very foolish, and his political sense of smell is extremely slow, otherwise he would not be played on his hands.

After stepping onto the table in the center, Lindel glanced around, then cleared his throat forcefully and shouted: “Dear brothers! Dear sisters! We know that some of you don’t want to fight, and some are eager. A peaceful and peaceful life, and some people want to live a peaceful and peaceful life in the northern kingdom of West Hartland. I can understand all this, and I don’t want to fight because it is an act of destruction, except Nothing can be gained from destruction or death.”

heard this. The older people in the audience showed a hint of surprise in an instant, one by one desperately clapping their hands in applause, while the radical young people looked depressed, wondering if the former leader was frightened and stupefied by the assassination.

Looking at everyone’s happy or depressed expressions, the corners of Lindel’s mouth turned up slightly, and a wicked smile that was not easily detectable flashed. Immediately after turning the conversation, waving our arms and shouting impassionedly: “But if we don’t resist! Don’t overthrow the rotten rule of the council! Then we must endure exploitation and persecution forever! Have you forgotten a few days ago? Massacre? Do you think it’s okay to hide in the northern zone?”

Speaking of this, he hid his feet fiercely and roared loudly: “Wrong! I bet that as long as the six-member council resumes its rule over Amn, they will surely let the **** shadow thief send out assassins. Wounds are the best example. Wake up! My dear brothers and sisters! Everyone is now at the moment of life and death! Only when we stand up can we have a chance to live! And only when the council is overthrown can we achieve our dreams. Life in China!”

“Long live! Didn’t you hear it! We have to fight back to Ascatla!” After hearing these words, the young adjutant felt enthusiastic and raised his fist frantically to respond.

“Fight back to Ascatla!”

“Let the council’s dog’s offal and blood pay the debt!”

“Vengeance! We want revenge!”


In just a few words, Lindel mobilized everyone’s emotions and made them realize that they are not safe now and may be retaliated at any time, easily dispelling the momentum of division, and at the same time getting back the dream Leadership.

In the next hour or so, he calmed down more than 1,000 people who were left behind, followed by a series of orders and adjustments, and took the army into his own hands. As for the stupid young adjutant. It was completely emptied, but he didn’t know it yet.

Anomen probably never thought that the foundation he had laid down so hard would be stolen by others… (to be continued.)

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