Broad World

Chapter 959

Chapter 956 Little trouble in the floating city

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As soon as he crossed the portal, Henry immediately discovered that Olympus was not floating in the air at this moment, but landing on the ground. Looking out the window, countless orcs, wolves, various goblins, ogres and other monsters are making great efforts under the supervision of the golems. Towers are rising from the ground, and large houses, markets, and warehouses are also being built. Among.

The four negative control platforms have also been repaired. Some multi-functional golems are being planted. The abundant magical energy in the floating city is enough to ensure the rapid growth of plants. I believe it will not take long to achieve self-sufficiency in terms of diet.

“It’s great, it seems that all the infrastructure will be completed before the end of the year.” He muttered to himself with a smile.

It has to be said that the victory of the Northern War brought great benefits to the entire kingdom. Let alone the expansion of land and the scope of control, tens of thousands of high-quality labor alone is a large amount of wealth. For these people from the wild There is no need for the monsters of the land to be soft. Basically, women are used as males and males are used as cattle. To be precise, they are not as good as cattle.

The livestock can rest for a few hours after they have finished their work. These guys can only sleep for up to four hours a day. The rest of the time is all engaged in heavy manual labor. As long as there is a little sign of laziness, the golem will Raise the whip and beat it fiercely. ∈.

It is foreseeable that, except for the ogres and giants whose physical fitness is beyond imagination, the remaining goblins, orcs, kobolds and other projects should almost die after completion, which is completely tantamount to solving the troubles once and for all.

Just as Henry went to the teleportation, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and Borken walked in with a look of surprise and shouted: “Damn! You are finally back! I have several troubles unresolved here. You are the most I’ll come up with a solution right away.”

“The trouble? Tell me. Who would dare to trouble us?” Henry narrowed his eyes. A shuddering sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

Since he completely separated the negative side from his body, he has completely resolved his worries, and was planning to find a few models to stand up, but he didn’t expect someone to send him to the door.

Borken rubbed his eyebrows and explained with a wry smile: “No, the situation is not what you think. Our troubles mainly come from the inside. Because after the last war, many people have noticed the Olympus city. Powerful. Therefore, many nobles and civilians have applied for immigration, eager to live in this city. There are a lot of them, and they are also very stubborn. I personally recommend that you can select some of them. After all, even the city of wizards needs merchants and scholars. And entertainment.”

“Stubborn?” Henry heard this word with a strange look on his face, and then raised his head and asked: “You mean, they are using some means to force you to submit?”

He couldn’t believe that Bolken, who has always been tough, would take the initiative to compromise! And the target is a group of civilians!

Is today the end of the world?

“Yes, it’s stubborn. Did you see those tents around the city? They threatened to hang my tent under the floating city if I didn’t agree to open immigration.” He said that Bol Weiwei sighed. Pointed to the densely packed tents around the city, some of which even nailed ropes to the rocks below.

“Oh… **** it! I thought those tents were for laborers!!” Henry finally understood why Borken would compromise on his own initiative. It turned out that he was threatened, and it was still the kind of threat that could not be countered.

There is no doubt that these guys worked hard to become the first batch of residents of the floating city. They were actually joking about their own life. As long as the floating city flies together, it is estimated that 90% of those living in the tent will fall from the sky and be alive. Shuai became fleshy.


Seeing this scene, Henry could not come up with a good solution, and at the same time he understood Borken’s difficulties.

First of all, expulsion is definitely not enough, because it is very easy to cause riots, and the personal image and national credibility that have been established with great difficulty will be destroyed, and the gain is not worth the loss.

But if you let the other party succeed in this way, it obviously won’t work, because once the nobles and merchants find that it is so useful to hold the public opinion, it will inevitably be intensified in the future, and it will definitely be a huge disaster for the rule.

It can be said that the current situation of Olympus City is completely in a dilemma. What Borken can do is to delay as much as possible, and hope and time can dispel the enthusiasm of these people.

Condescendingly, looking at the densely packed subjects below, Henry felt that the situation would only get worse if he continued to drag on, so he tightened his brows and considered for a few minutes, and suddenly thought of a solution.

He thought about it cautiously, and after confirming that there would be no problems, he took a deep breath and said: “Well, let’s take an exam, select the smart people among them, and organize them for a month of materialism and The education of the essence of the gods can ensure that the city will not be infiltrated by the gods in the end. Remember, once you find that stubborn guys are immediately dealt with, the residents who enter the city are never allowed to leave afterwards.”

Borken also felt that this method was feasible, and nodded thoughtfully: “It sounds good, but what exactly are you going to test?”

“It’s very simple. It is divided into two parts, one part is magic knowledge, the other part is memory, mathematics, and logical thinking. You should be very experienced in this area, as long as you let those with insufficient intelligence and retreat.” Henry didn’t even think about it. Then gave the answer.

Olympus City is a base for training spellcasters, and it is also a huge research base. It is necessary to ensure that the quality of residents is higher than the overall level of Faerun. As for those illiterate who have problems with language, reading and writing, never think about it. Come in.

“So, you mean to raise the threshold and weed out most people.” Borken instantly understood the purpose of this.

Henry nodded slightly: “Yes, after we give a threshold, those with unrealistic fantasy will soon retreat. If they dare to continue to gather here and not leave, they can send an army, which is justified. It’s like fishing for fish with a net. No matter how big our nets are, as long as we can catch a fish, no one dares to say that the net is useless.”

In fact, similar methods are often used both in politics and business, which can achieve their goals and make those who are eliminated suffer from the difficulties.

Seeing that the most difficult trouble finally found a solution, Borken suddenly became a lot easier: “Well, I will start to screen the residents who meet the requirements. The first batch is tentatively set at 1,500. People around. Another thing needs to be mentioned. Recently, several goddesses of poison and disease—Talona’s priest appeared nearby. They neither chose to preach, nor spread panic. They seemed to be deceiving. Very suspicious.”

“The priest of the poisonous lady? Their reaction is really slow enough to appear now. Forget it, just ignore it. If these guys don’t make a threatening move, just let them go. If they come to visit, then Let them wait first, I have more important things to go to Sigil City, I will leave everything here to you.” Henry turned and walked towards the door after speaking.

Since Ilminster gave the warning, he has long been prepared to deal with Talona. Anyway, the power of this goddess on the main plane is far from being strong, and he certainly does not dare to force it. Do some small actions.

“Are you going to Sigil City?”

Borken obviously did not put the goddess of poison and disease in his eyes, but more concerned about Henry’s whereabouts.

The Sigil City is also known as the City of Ten Thousand Doors. It is the center of the entire multiverse. It has portals to various planes and universes, through which you can reach almost anywhere, and there are countless intelligent creatures and resources. Gathered here, the philosophical ideas and behaviors from all corners of the universe can be called a paradise for mages.

Of course, whenever there is a reason to cheat, as a huge city with mixed fish and dragons, the public security of Imprint City has never been very good. Due to the gathering of a large number of weird ideas, it directly leads to fierce conflicts. When language cannot resolve disputes, violent conflicts Then it was staged.

For those who live in Sigil City, they can appreciate the fights and fights happening around them every day, as well as the fact that the debate has developed to draw swords and kill people.

Henry had heard a lot of rumors, so he knew what Borken was worried about, and shrugged his shoulders with a smile: “Yes, I’m going there to find out something. It will last for a few weeks, but for as long as one or two months. What’s wrong. During this time, help me stare at the situation in the kingdom. If someone takes the opportunity to make trouble, I allow you to use the floating city to fight back.”

“Well I will take care of these problems, but you’d better go and get back quickly. The main plane has not been very calm recently, maybe something big will happen soon. In addition, not long ago Someone sent a message to warn us not to interfere with the affairs of the Son of Barr.”

As an arcanist left over from the era of Netheril, Borken can clearly feel that a huge storm is brewing in the entire Faerun continent, although the Kingdom of West Hartland is not yet in sight. What are the signs of turbulence, but who can guarantee that there will be no problems?

“Don’t worry, I have made the corresponding arrangements, there should be nothing wrong with it. Oh, yes, help me pass a message to Hawke, let him send some officials and craftsmen to Willen.” Finished Henry. I stopped talking nonsense and walked straight to the transmission room.

He knows very well that his current priority task is to find the coordinates of the earth, and then quickly send the negative side away. The more knowledge this guy learns in the mage tower, the more dangerous it will become. If he thoroughly integrates the two systems At the same time, the destructive power is really terrible, maybe it will repeat the scene of the high elves tearing the continent apart.

When the power of destruction is combined with the original magic itself, even a black hole that swallows everything can be easily created. It is the ultimate power that can turn all matter into nothingness. Even the gods may not be able to escape…


Bow to thank g-, Shitou Miao, Dou Mu, and Yun Yunyun for their monthly tickets. (To be continued…)

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