Broad World

Chapter 961

Chapter 958 Imprint city

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Seeing the gang fights flying across the street, Henry shook his head slightly, turned and walked away from the place of right and wrong, and did not care about the battle between Yugros, mercenaries, paladins, and heavenly creatures behind him. .

For him, this conflict between good and evil was provoked by the tiffling boy who knew nothing about life and death. It had nothing to do with him, and the surrounding local residents were not surprised, some guys even more. He was holding the wine bottle, looking and pointing, indifferently that one or two more corpses appeared on the ground every few seconds.

In fact, similar emergencies are quite common in Sigil City. They happen almost every minute. Good and evil, order and chaos, various camps, and philosophical ideas will often erupt **** conflicts, especially those from In other planes and universes, many of the guys who came to Sigil City for the first time were unable to adapt to the environment and the chaotic races here, so there were countless examples of starting a fight if they didn’t agree with each other.

As the supreme ruler of Sigil City, Ms. Pain doesn’t care about it. As long as these guys don’t threaten the safety of her and Sigil City itself, it doesn’t matter if they kill all the people in the city.

Of course, if anyone dared to do this, the He Association, which is responsible for maintaining order in the city, would definitely interfere.

You must know that Sigil City is not the kind of scum on the main plane that is full of less than five combat power. Although it is not said that there are all legendary monsters, it is not much different.

The divine envoys from the upper planes, the Balo flame demon, the six-armed snake demon that crawled out of the bottomless abyss, the most powerful infernal fiend of the Bato hell, the lord of the elemental world, the predators in the endless starry sky, etc. Wait, there are countless monsters that can set off huge waves on the main plane. In Sigil City, they are just a slightly stronger individual. Some of them come to inquire about the news, some are looking for portals to other planes, and some are to buy some rare ones. Goods…

Because this city is so amazing, it allows a person to find anything he wants. At the same time, it is a place where you can find answers to all the questions. If there is any place in the entire universe where you can inquire about the location of the earth, it will undoubtedly be the Sigil City.

Walking slowly with the noisy streets, Henry saw many strange sights along the way. For example, some guys were sitting in a tavern eating and drinking in the last second, and disappeared without a trace in the next second, and some were walking on the street, suddenly their entire body swelled, followed by a bang. It will fry into minced meat with one sound.

He felt that the former should have been summoned away by powerful magic or magic. As for the latter, the situation is completely unclear.

In just ten minutes of walking, he has politely rejected the kind invitations of seven succubus, four succubus, two stab angels full of positive energy, and at least twenty beautiful and enchanting mixed-race women.

In addition, there are more than fifteen merchants from various races. They sell all kinds of goods, from slaves to various rare minerals and metals, a large number of gems and magic items that have never been seen before, and even a devil wants I want to sell the bag of bugs in my hand…

But it is a pity that Henry has seen through the tricks, and he also understands that he now has an aura of “outer circle” on his head, and all profiteers are eager to cheat something good from him. It is estimated that only the two love-stab angels of the good camp are not malicious, and the rest are 100% traps.

It’s also worth mentioning that the term “outer circle guys” refers to those mortals who have just arrived in Sigil City from the material plane. Sometimes they are also called “primary material guys” and “no-brainers” because they Coming and going in a hurry, completely unable to integrate into the unique social atmosphere of Imprint City, coupled with narrow concepts and shallow knowledge, often make many jokes and misunderstandings, so local residents have given a few symbolic scornful names.

In fact, the “outer circle” refers to the ring that constitutes the entire multiverse, and everyone who knows about the plane knows a concept. That is “all things return to the ring”.

The Imprint City is a ring, and the outer domain is a ring. The outer plane and the elemental plane also form a ring. This is the way of the multiverse.

is in the outer plane. The grand path is the metal ring of the ring, and the plane is the gems scattered around. Along the Grand Path, the Shura Field is followed by the Mechanical Realm, the Bator Hell is followed by the Bator Hell, and the Jiaoyan Hell is followed by the Bator Hell, and so on. Just follow Hongdao. Their order will not change.

and the imprint city is at the innermost level of all the rings. For the residents here, all the guys from other places are all “outer circles”, so they are also qualified to shout “outer circle guys”…

As a rookie who just came to this strange city, Henry did not reveal his power too much, and he tried to ensure that he did not take the initiative to cause trouble. He knew very well that once a battle occurred, his unique power could easily cause pain. The lady’s attention may be locked into a maze or cut into pieces at that time.

Before gaining power beyond the gods, he did not want to notice the most powerful creature in the entire multiverse. After all, there are already several gods, demon lords, and legendary wizards who use their lives to prove the power of Ms. Pain And invincible.

After walking along the cobblestone street for half an hour, looking up at the pedestrians and buildings above him from time to time, Henry couldn’t help but feel a strange feeling.

Although he had read in books that Imprint City is like a huge wheel, and the ring on the inner side of the wheel is the city itself, as for the outer side, there is nothing, but seeing the strange phenomenon with his own eyes, I still a little lamented the creator’s supernatural work.

It is precisely because of this that when you walk on the street, you can see the gray dome above your head when you look up. Through the center of the circle, you can easily see the buildings and pedestrians on the other side of the city. Any “outer circle guy” who sees this kind of sight for the first time will be stunned for a few hours before reluctantly accepting the fact that the place he is in is actually an arc.

After wandering aimlessly for several hours, Henry finally adapted to the unique environment of Sigil City and walked straight into a tavern called “Hi Fantian”, wanting to inquire about the location of the association headquarters-the city barracks, by the way Rest.

You have to know that he hasn’t closed his eyes for several days, his spirit is quite exhausted, and the spell needs to be re-prepared. Anyway, before meeting with the members of the association, he must be in the best condition. God knows these guys who are full of thoughts. What tasks will be given.

Just stepping across the door, a Demon wearing only a few translucent gauze immediately greeted him and shouted: “Welcome! Welcome to Hi Fantian! I guarantee you will feel the most passionate and enthusiastic service here!”

“Thank you, but I just want a delicious food, a glass of non-alcoholic juice, and a quiet room.” Henry took out a few gold coins and made them jump between his fingers like a trick. Finally With a sudden shake, all the gold coins patrolled through an arc, and accurately fell into the two huge masses of flesh on Yu Demon’s chest.

“Hahahaha! Nice job!”

“Bertha! Get out the disaster coins! Otherwise they will fall out of the cracks in a while!”

“That’s right! We are still waiting for a good show!”


The guests who watched the excitement began to roar, some clapped vigorously, some shouted loudly, and some whistled. The noise almost overturned the roof.

But these are completely small scenes for the Demon. She stretched out **** and easily took the gold coins out of the gully, followed by a wink at all the men present, and then twisted. Walking through the crowd with his straight buttocks, he walked straight into the back kitchen.

After finding a table with no one to sit down, Henry began to look at the tavern secretly, and soon discovered that from the bartender to the maid, they were all demons from Barto’s Hell, and several mixed-blood Tifflins stood almost naked. On the high platform in the middle, there are suggestive dances, including males and females, just like strip (clothing) bars on the earth.

As for the guests, although there are many kinds of people, they can see that most of them are guys with strong physical (desire) desires. Who they like, as long as they beckon, pay a certain amount of money, they will immediately go to the room on the second floor to vent. In just a few minutes, he has seen at least six people complete the transaction. What is even more frightening is that not only services of the opposite **** are provided here, but also services of the same sex, such as women and men…

It can be said that the whole bar exudes an atmosphere of depravity and depravity, which is indeed the unique style of the devils.

It didn’t take long for the demons who walked into the back kitchen to bring a tray to the table put an unknown steak and a glass of drink, followed by licking attractive red lips, lightly He shook the key in his hand and asked: “This is the room key, but are you sure you don’t need a companion?”

“Yes, I’m pretty sure, please give me the key.” Henry stretched out his hand without hesitation and asked for his room key.

Although it’s much safer to go with the succubus (bed) than the succubus, and there is rarely any death, but here is the city of Sigil, a place that countless demon lords and devil dukes pay attention to, but this tavern itself is A guise used by a certain big devil to inquire about news, he doesn’t want to fall into a trap woven by others.

“Huh! It’s so boring.”

Seeing that she couldn’t seduce her, she let out a squeamish anger, threw the key on the table and turned around to greet the other guests.

Looking at the other person’s slender back, Henry’s mouth turned up slightly, and he muttered to himself: “boring? Boring is much better than soul depravity. I don’t want to sell my soul for no reason.”

After speaking, he cast a spell to confirm that there were no superfluous additives in the food and drink, and they were not big tonics such as human flesh, so he began to eat slowly while silently observing the surrounding situation. In Sigil City, whether it was eating or eating It is best to be careful when shopping, otherwise it will soon become a corpse in the streets…


The blue wind chimes, the world of undead YJX, the waste man s, l19216801, Mu Huali and other book friends voted monthly. (To be continued.)

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