Broad World

Chapter 975

Chapter 972 Intercept

After getting Atropal’s arm, Abel led the team quickly to the portal. He knew very well how urgent the current form of Sigil City was. He and the Association had stood on the opposite side of all factions, even his former allies. Has vaguely shown hostility. …≦,

We must know that the factional background of Sigil City is absolutely extraordinary. Once all fourteen are united, even if they rush into the abyss, drag the demon prince Demo Gogan out, and repeatedly ravaged it for more than a dozen times. Able to rush into the lair of a certain **** system and kill all a dozen gods inside.

Their power is so powerful, if it hadn’t been for so many years to contain each other, and there was a lady of pain on the top of their heads, it would have been upset.

From a certain process, the fifteen factions of Sigil City respectively embody the fifteen most important rules of the entire multiverse. These philosophical concepts are not pure thoughts, but can be transformed into real forces. Each faction member As long as you study your own ideas in depth, you will soon gain some supernatural powers, and the abilities you obtain vary according to different factions.

To give the simplest example, such as “the gods are not the gods”, their argument is that all known gods are liars, but a group of particularly powerful mortals. After all, these gods will be killed, and they have to make their own believers. I am happy. Many times they will fight with each other like children. The true gods should exist outside of understanding. Such existence cannot be seen by mortals, nor can they be understood by mortals. Only their true gods can truly represent a plane or Is a cosmic will god.

Although the whole theory is a bit extreme, it reveals a truth in the multiverse, that is, the existence of the gods above the gods.

Toriel has the **** Io in the world. Klein (the world of the dragon spear) also has a god. It’s just that almost no one knows his name.

all in all. Many worlds have records of the appearance of the gods. They seem to be equivalent to the will of the world in which they are located. They will only appear under extremely special circumstances, and will disappear without a trace after handling the problem.

The common point of the gods is that they don’t need faith, and they never respond to the worship and prayers of mortals. They have incredible power and can even canonize a mortal as a powerful divine power (the Prince of Lies is the best example) , It can also deprive all the gods of the power in an instant (this is in the turbulent years. Faerun’s gods have already experienced it).

Obviously, the argument that “the gods are not the gods” mirrors this universal truth in the entire multiverse.

Another example is the “Member of Death”. Their core view is that the so-called life is just a joke, and everything will eventually die, mortals, petitioners, demons, demons, gods, planes, and even the entire multiverse. itself……

Everything will go to death, but mortals go faster, gods go slower, and although the destruction of the universe is long, it will eventually come to an end.

The argument of this organization reflects another truth in the universe. That is death, everything. Even time and space cannot escape the essence of death.

As for the He Association, it represents order and peace. In order to achieve this, it does not hesitate to use force. Many of its members are victims of war. Therefore, their behavior is extremely extreme and stubborn, and they never compromise. The fanatical martyrs, because of this, they have a bad relationship with other factions, even those former allies.

As the only person in the whole who understands Sarin’s plan, Abel knows how dangerous the Association is now. Jane may be forced to the edge of a cliff, and this godless arm in his hand is the only chance to turn defeat into victory, no matter what. To be sent back to the headquarters.

Just as he was thinking about how to send things back safely, a team member stepped forward and reminded him two steps, “My lord, the portal has arrived. Can I start it now?”

The old man Abel took a deep breath and nodded vigorously. “Yes, start right away, link the coordinates to the headquarters, and prepare the “Xanadu” army for battle. Once someone intercepts halfway, immediately locate it. Teleport. Although the gods have been defeated, our mission has just begun.”

“Please rest assured! Maybe we are a little weak when facing Atropal, but we will never let anyone grab this arm.” Another team member solemnly promised, patting his chest.

“Hey… I hope so.” Abel smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He understands that he will be ambushed on the way back. This is almost a question without even thinking about it. The only thing to worry about is which factions are involved, and which factions choose to reap the benefits of the fishermen.

It is not a simple task to activate a portal, especially an interplanetary portal like this, which must be debugged repeatedly before each use to prevent accidental transmission to an unknown place.

Ten minutes later, the huge portal suddenly made a humming sound, followed by a dazzling white light. The powerful magical energy oscillated in the air, releasing layers of invisible shock waves.

The person in charge of debugging the portal instantly showed a horrified expression, shouting “No!!!! Hurry up! Run…”

Before he finished his words, terrifying energy surged from the other side of the portal, and everyone was swallowed by the dazzling white light. The next second…


A violent explosion swept across a space of several meters, and the entire portal was torn apart in front of a powerful impact. The team members were also blown up in the air, but they barely escaped with a stick that can transform energy at will and fell to After being on the ground, all of them hurriedly got up, embarrassingly put on a battle posture.

Abel reacted relatively quickly, clinging to the ground, avoiding the strong impact, and when his eyes returned to normal, he was surprised to find a nearby person appeared in the center of the explosion just now.

These guys are of different races and they wear different clothes, but judging from the signs on their chests, they are undoubtedly members of other factions. Among them are the old rivals “Revolutionary League” and “Chaotic Association.” There are also neutral factions such as “Doom Guardian”, “Nothing Will” and “Feeling”.

Although they don’t have a uniform dress. There is also no commander, but it exudes a chilling and dangerous atmosphere.

Legendary professional!

are all legendary professionals!

With his keen sense, Abel almost immediately confirmed the enemy’s strength, and at the same time he got up and shouted “close formation!!!” at his men.

The team members who were ordered quickly gathered together, back to back to each other, staring nervously around, in front of so many legendary professionals, no one dared to take it lightly. Because a little lack of concentration may lead to death.

The tense atmosphere is spreading rapidly!

Just as the battle was about to start, a woman in a bright red robe took two steps forward and said in a very pleasant voice, “Give up, Abel, Sarin’s plan has been exposed, and all of us know that and The association is preparing to awaken a powerful weapon. Fourteen factions have joined forces. You are absolutely impossible to succeed. Handing over the thing in your hand, I guarantee that everyone’s lives will not be threatened in the name of feeling will. ”

“Give up? Hahahahahaha!” The old man shook the dust on his body and laughed loudly. “You don’t understand the plan for this. You don’t know the true power of the weapon. How many years we have been silently preparing for it. The purpose is to arrive at harmony forever. Harmony is the truth of the entire multiverse. Soon Sarin will use it. Actual action proves this. How useless, come on, unless I die, this thing will never be given to anyone.”

“You can never listen to other people’s advice by the gangsters of the Association! Killing them all will naturally solve the problem!” A man stood out from the team, his eyes flashing viciously and crazily. Looking at his eyes, both hands were twitching constantly, looking like a lunatic who stumbled.

Abel recognized the other party at a glance, and sneered and drew out the weapon sarcastically, “Huh! I didn’t expect your old dog to come in person. Could it be that all the people in the Chaos Club have died? Let you, the president, go out in person. ?”

“You can only continue to play your tongue! Your so-called order is just an illusion, and only chaos is the truth of the entire multiverse! Whether you or Sarin, you all have to die today, no one can change this Everything.” The president of the Chaos Club waved his arms frantically, making his whole person crazy.

But everyone in the room is not surprised. After all, they all know that all the people in the chaos are almost like crazy, and there are no principles or standards of behavior.

These guys may kill people and set fires today, and they will go to treat and save people tomorrow. Of course, they may also be sitting there watching and doing nothing.

In short, they are either suffering from serious mental problems, or they are purely doing what they want, which can never be measured in the perspective of a normal person.

Glancing at the chaos that will make you look crazy, the woman in the red robe gently shook her head, and warned with a serious expression, “I’ll give you what you have one last time , otherwise we It will launch an offensive. I believe you should be very clear about the consequences of war. The philosophical factions of Sigil City have gone through a long period of time from their birth to the present. Some factions have developed and grown in the battle, and some suddenly died in the battle. If you make the wrong decision, the Association will become one of the latter.”

“Sorry, madam, I believe you should know the nicknames between us and the association, so please don’t have to. Let us use blood and death to determine who can survive and who is about to die.” After Abel took Atropal’s arm Behind his back, he clenched two daggers and bowed slightly, suddenly bursting out a strong fighting spirit.

“Hey… you really deserve to be a stubborn person. It seems that you must solve the problem with force in the end.” The woman sighed and waved her hand gently. The legendary professionals who had been waiting for a long time came down the mountain like tigers, and launched an attack.


bowed to thank the book friends such as the Phantom of the Phoenix, the scum of Sven, the skeleton turtle, and the official 124342 for their monthly tickets. (To be continued…)

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