Broad World

Chapter 992

Chapter 989 bloody battle


The results of the detection spells not only made Balzerfin very depressed, but the other devil generals were not much better.

It was they who planned this operation and deceived Henry into hell, intending to extract the secret of the magic nuclear (weapon) device from it. Even if it is unsuccessful, you can obtain a part of the finished product through a transaction and then use it in a **** battle. It is not impossible to obtain a huge advantage, even to occupy the first layer of the abyss.

But now this weapon has a huge restriction, that is, legendary magic.

Most intelligent creatures in the entire multiverse know that legendary magic is a powerful and terrifying supernatural power. Only spell-casting professions with a caster level of more than 20 have the opportunity to develop, learn, and release. The legendary magic is now well-known. There are no more than two hundred together, which shows how precious it is.

It can be said that every legendary spell has condensed the efforts of the developer, and it is also the hole card of a legendary spellcaster. It will never be easily told to anyone, even the closest friends and family.

These powerful infernal fiends can’t think of any way to get what they want out of the hands of a legendary spellcaster with outstanding intelligence.

After a short silence for a few minutes, Bayer took a deep breath and asked, “What price do I need to pay for this sphere, and what price do I have to pay for hiring you?”

The devil is a group of realists from beginning to end. Seeing that the established goal cannot be achieved, he will immediately turn his attention to other aspects, such as detonating this sphere that can release destructive power in the demon army, and expand it as much as possible. The effect of this raid, by the way, has a more intuitive impression of its power.

Henry looked at these big demons in front of him. He replied with a playful look: “I have just said that, please come and make a price, and I am only responsible for sending it to the designated location to detonate, and I don’t want to worry about anything else. The **** battle is the devil and the devil, **** and the abyss From the beginning to the end, I was not interested in participating in the war between them.”

Balzefin exchanged glances with several other demon generals. Immediately stand up and say: “But you always have to give us a direction, otherwise how do we know what you want.”

“Aren’t you very good at guessing other people’s hearts? Since you can trick me from the imprint city to hell, then naturally you should be able to guess what I want.” Henry’s tone of play was a bit of sarcasm. Obviously looking for trouble with the other party.

Since discovering the plans and attempts of the devils, he has never liked these insidious and cunning guys anymore, and what is left is deep guard and disgust.

No wonder some people say that demons and demons are evil. There is not much difference in the nature of evil. The former may be tyrannical and dangerous, but the latter is not different. Perhaps to some extent, the devil is the evil force that threatens the material plane the most.

Because their actions are more hidden. Will not actively touch the interests of the ruler, and sometimes even take the initiative to help suppress rebellions and resistance, and maintain the stability of social order.

Although he had been wary of the demons’ methods for a long time, Henry never expected that these guys’ plans were so elaborate. Starting from the letter Bertha sent in Sigil City, the whole thing revolved around obtaining the magic version of the core. The (wu) weapon is carried out, and even his interests and hobbies are clearly inquired and used, and there are links in the middle. Except for a few planners, the other participants had no knowledge at all.

Fully grasp the weaknesses of a person’s personality, set up traps, and let the other party take the initiative to jump in.

have to say. This is the real conspiracy!

Compared with the devil’s methods, the plans of the evil gods on the Faerun Continent are as naive and ridiculous as children, and even the lost lady who claims to be the best at manipulating people’s hearts, Shar, seems to be just a poor imitator.

What’s more terrifying is that, until now, Henry has no idea about leaving, and he is still eager to follow the devil army to the battlefield of **** battle to take a look.

obviously. The other party has thoroughly grasped his weakness of excessive curiosity and thirst for knowledge, if he can’t get rid of this problem. Then there is still the possibility of being fooled in the future.

The demons are so good at manipulating the psychology of mortals, even a small amount of (desire) hope will be infinitely magnified under their control. What’s more, people like him who have very strong desires.

The only thing Henry is fortunate now is that after the devil has mastered his weakness, he has also mastered the weakness of the demons. That is the sphere engraved with delicate patterns on his hand. As long as he has not figured out the secret of this thing for a day, he has the initiative. Is still in his own hands.

Balzerfin winked silently, Bayer quickly took out a list from his body, carefully spent some of it, and then spread out all the rest, deliberately pretending to be sincere and said: ” Here are the trading products I can provide at the moment, please have a look.”

The list is very long, and the items recorded in it are also very mixed, including gold and silver currency and jewelry that can be circulated on the main plane, as well as weapons, armor and slaves. Finally, it even provides some devil rental services, although it looks very rich. But the real money soul of **** is not included.

In fact, most of the items in this inventory are not needed by the demons themselves.

For example, gold, silver, currency and jewellery, these things are only used when the material plane defrauds the soul, and weapons and armor are basically searched from the material plane, and do not conform to the huge size of the devil. Business is a huge trap. Although the devil can be summoned to serve themselves, these cunning guys can also take the opportunity to go to the main plane and sign soul contracts with mortals.

However, because the construction of the floating city and the development of the north did consume a lot of gold coins, it is indeed a little tight on hand now, so gold and silver are completely within the acceptable range.

After a little consideration, he returned the list to Bayer, and said directly: “I think fifty tons of gold, plus one hundred tons of silver, is definitely a very reasonable price. Don’t try to bargain, I promise when you see After this sphere is exploded in the demon army, it will definitely feel worth it.”

“Okay! Then we’re done.” Balzefin didn’t even think about it, and agreed directly.

Perhaps in the main plane of the country, fifty tons of gold and one hundred tons of silver is an astronomical figure, but for the demons who have penetrated their power into countless planes, this figure is only a slightly larger sum. Expenses are only, as long as soul currency is not involved, they have never been too preoccupied.

Henry chose precious metals mainly because he wanted to issue the West Hartland Kingdom’s own currency. You must know that all countries in the Faerun continent have their own currency systems, even Silvermoon City, a city in the busy northern part of the country. All have beautifully crafted gold coins.

Don’t underestimate this. On the one hand, it can promote the unification of a region invisibly, and on the other hand, it can also increase the awe of the ruler by the common people by printing the head of the king or queen on the currency.

According to Falun mainland’s general gold coin calibration, one is about ten grams, fifty tons of gold means five million coins can be made, and the weight of silver coins is about the same, one hundred tons can make ten million coins. It will not be long before the gold and silver currencies circulating on the market can be replaced again.

After reaching a verbal agreement, Bayer was obviously relieved, and immediately roared at the devil army who couldn’t see the end at a glance: “Everyone is ready! The teleportation magic will start in one minute!”

Following his order, several high towers that were built in advance suddenly began to flash strangely bright lights, followed by the earth began to tremble slightly, the original chaotic magic storm also stopped, and it didn’t take long for hundreds of thousands. The army instantly disappeared in place under a layer of light film.

A second later, this elite appeared directly on the edge of the **** battlefield. Less than a kilometer away, there were countless demons and demons strangling together. The air exuded a strong smell of blood, and the ground was full of corpses. And some of the minced meat, some of them have been condensed into hard lumps due to their age.

Unimaginable battlefield!

There are tens of thousands of lives going to death every moment!

There are no rules!

No nonsense!

Only the sound of screaming and killing filled the ears!

“It’s magnificent! It really deserves to be the largest war in the entire multiverse!” Henry sighed slightly with excitement, opening his arms slightly.

Whether it is the overwhelming talented spells or the primitive and savage killing methods of the devil and demons, he has a heartfelt shock.




In the endless years, the devil and demons have evolved themselves into perfect killing machines. The body is the best weapon and armor. Coupled with a variety of talented spells, any tight formation becomes a joke, even The devil, who has always admired order, also had to abandon the large phalanx and instead adopted a small team.

The strong atmosphere of the battlefield also made Bayer a little excited, pointing to the huge steel fortress standing behind the demon army and shouting: “Look, that is the goal of our operation. Wait for the demons to retreat in a moment www . Please be sure to send the sphere in your hand into the city and detonate it.”

“Okay, no problem, this is not difficult for me.” Henry nodded directly and agreed.

Through the blood-red light above his head, he recognized the most famous building on the Ten Thousand Abyss Plain-the Steel Fortress.

There is no doubt that the purpose of the devil today is to destroy this place. As long as this **** battle gathering place is lost, the devil will definitely collapse for thousands of miles, maybe even the first layer of the abyss will be accidentally lost.

Obviously, Bayer and the Eight Demons want to test the power of the magical nuclear (weapon) weapon through this magnificent fortress entirely made of steel. Even if it cannot be destroyed, there is no loss. Anyway, it can eliminate a large amount of vital power of the devil. Up. (To be continued)

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