Broken Core (A Dark Fantasy LitRPG)

(Chpt. 13) Wrench

Going outside with The Collector was odd. On one hand I had much more time to take in the visuals of the town, whether it was the cracked cobblestone from foot traffic or the surprisingly clean shops, and on the other hand; in comparison to my previous trek through the streets everyone’s eyes were now on me. It was as if my sole existence was a beacon of attention. No. That wasn’t quite right. People looked at The Collector too, though their eyes wouldn’t linger for long before they shifted to me. 

It made me deeply uncomfortable. 

“Why is everyone staring?” I meekly called hoping he’d hear me.

“Because I am The Collector, and you’re a collector.” He said without looking or stopping. My ears atop my head twitched hearing him. 

A collector? I was like him? No⁠— I didn’t really know what a collector really was to begin with, all I knew is that he was The Collector, and well⁠— my boss and owner. Though he hadn’t really forced me to do anything so far, I still doubted whether the status quo would remain like that. It probably wouldn’t. But for now there was the promise to uphold. From both sides. 

I focused on the shops and various buildings to the sides as we walked down the road; something to keep me from thinking, something to distract me. I saw some various shops that seemed to sell odd herbs, meats, or the occasional tool and weapon shop. There were also shops that sold clothes or leather armors. Some had mannequins outside and others could only be seen through the windows, same went to the other shops. 

The street we walked through was wide, and the horizon had a tower at the end of my sight, pitch-black and squared, much like everything around me⁠— squared and minimalistic. Even the shops with their windows still remained largely undetailed, the same could be said about the house⁠—base we had left.

My body no longer hurt at all, and my arm felt normal now in spite of the bandage and the objects that were inside the bandage. The potion had finished restoring my injuries, or at least it felt like it. I couldn’t really bend my arm for now. 

We walked for what felt like a few extra minutes before the scenery had a change. And it was a big change. We arrived at an open plaza, one that was a great expanse as grand buildings surrounded its outskirts. There was a road attached to it on each of the cardinal directions for a total of four roads. And every building at the center plaza was giant, the most interesting one to me was one that reminded me of a skyscraper. I couldn’t tell how many floors it had, but it was the same tower I had seen on the horizon. There was also a mansion and other things that looked like warehouses. 

The Collector took but a brief look at his surroundings before he walked in the direction of the tower, evidently walking towards it. I followed after him not wanting to lag behind, I saw a few Paladins patrolling around which made me slightly nervous, but even when I met eyes with one he did not react⁠— I was a collector now. Whatever that meant. They wouldn’t look for me, even after whatever The Scholar had done. But…

It was better to not get complacent. I shook my head and continued walking after The Collector, in a short few seconds we entered the black building. The inside was⁠— dazzling. A myriad of lights from all sides assaulted my eyes akin to the pearlescent lights of a galaxy⁠⁠— reflected from the deep dark highly polished walls or the incredibly white marbled floor⁠; there was no end to the dazzling light, whose source I identified as the rocks in the ceiling. The Collector walked forward with a direction in mind, not caring for anything that I found interesting. 

I couldn’t stop looking around at the various shops inside, highly decorated armors, weapons with ornate details and carvings, or eye-catching potions. Everything was arranged here in rooms for people to walk in at their leisure and talk with the vendors, most people talking and shopping wore cloaks much like mine, though most didn’t share the black color. Green, red, blue, and very rarely, black. 

As we walked deeper into the building a person with a black cloak noticed us and immediately saluted The Collector, who in turn did a nod of acknowledgement and continued walking. The same person nodded at me, and I returned the gesture. But it was awkward, to receive respect or acknowledgement from someone else that was taller than me. The Collector was about four heads taller? This man was about three, so he still had to look down a bit. 

Eventually we reached the stairs at the end of the building, they followed the same eye-blinding luxury trend that seemed so common here. But instead, the Collector took a sharp turn and arrived at a pair of smooth metal doors. What was behind them?  There was a rectangle with square decorations to its side which The Collector reached his hand towards, using his index finger he pressed onto one of the squares causing it to get pushed into the wall for a second. A button? 

He stood for a few seconds, which made me a bit confused, but it didn’t last long before something happened. The two doors opened without making a single sound, a black room with white floor awaited us, it was a cramped square. He simply stepped in and waited for me. As soon as that was done, he reached towards another set of decorations inside of it and pressed the uppermost square. 

The doors closed. 

“What is… this?” I asked with complete confusion. 

“An elevator.” Hearing his nonchalant reply I took a deep breath hearing the familiar word. 

Elevator? Wasn’t that from my world? It was a familiar word but one that didn’t⁠— it was from my world. Then, this thing… I looked at the room we were in; it was from my world? I shook my head. 

“It’s an invention from the Town Major,” he added. 

“He… invented it?” The Collector nodded, hearing my disbelief. 

“Unfortunately even if he is bright, this world is unforgiving.” The Collector shook his head in disapproval and said nothing more. 

I fidgeted wondering how to ask, but in the end I decided not to. Was the Town Major from my world? I wanted to think that, but the city was slightly too… peculiar. Most buildings were overly simplistic with no regard to beauty, the streets were mostly lines upon lines with no twists or turns. But there was something that caught my attention, what The Collector had said; this world is too unforgiving.

The old ones have begun to move. Beware of the Blood knights. I frowned recalling the words from The Scholar. Even if he is bright⁠, this world is unforgiving. I paused. 

“Does it have to do with the Blood knights?” I asked in a whisper. 

The Collector had a slight twitch in his expression, but it vanished like the wind. “It is something you should forget about. Whatever you saw in that alleyway is not something you can deal with.” He said coldly. 


The doors opened in front of us. 

“Looking into it will get you killed.” He met my eyes for a second before walking forward. “That is my advice.” 

I nodded after a brief pause and walked after him. There was a window right outside the elevator, from floor to ceiling it went. I could see the bright sun shining over the buildings. And that’s when I noticed something⁠— peculiar. 

The town was… symmetrical? Everything seemed evenly split from where I could see, the alleyways followed a pattern too even if they were much less uniform or straight as the street. 

“Did the Town Major create this town?” I asked as The Collector walked. 

He didn’t pause. “That’s right.” 

I shook my head. My instincts told me that the town was⁠— good. It reminded me of how I knew the best path for moving in between the crowd while escaping, it was just a nagging feeling that it was right⁠—

“GR1, move.” The Collector’s frosty voice reached my ears making me go instantly stiff in a shiver. “We are here for you.” 

I looked at him but he walked once again. I followed after him; the place with the elevator was a large hallway, he walked to the end of it as I scanned everything with confusion. Once turning the corner I saw a large rectangular hall. The entire place was pedestals upon pedestals with shiny rocks atop of them; they glittered in various colors, different sizes that refracted the light in a spectacular light show. I wanted to go see one, but refrained from doing so not wanting to upset The Collector any further. Eventually he reached the end with me at his side. 

There was a counter made out of black wood, and a single metal dome was the only thing atop of it, the entire piece of furniture was devoid of anything else. 

My shoulders barely made it past the counter. I was a kid. Well that much was obvious to me already, but nevertheless the confirmation was a bit disheartening. I analyzed my surroundings, noticing there was nobody behind the counter, and the only thing present aside from the dome was a door frame with a black cloth that prevented anyone from peeking in,  

The Collector reached and tapped the top of the dome, a pleasant chime that echoed throughout the space was produced. And once again, we waited. 

After a few short seconds there was movement present on the curtain. It opened as a person passed, and we locked eyes. Huh? It was a woman dressed in a loose attire of clothes, they reminded me of bed sheets; she had brown hair and ears atop her head much like mine, a young face, and a constantly swishing tail of fluff moved behind them. I had no tail. 

That’s why you only have your ears but not your tail. I recalled the random comment from Paladin Number 39 at that moment. The girl smiled at me and reached us in no time, she stood in front of The Collector with an amiable smile. 

“Ah, The Collector, what a rare sight.” She said playfully. Though her face twisted as she sniffed once. “There is something wrong.” 

Her countenance became serious as she began to sniff the air before reaching me. She leaned over the counter as she tried to smell me, the thought made me want to back off, but The Collector’s hand stopped me. 

She sniffled a few more times before she frowned deeply and stood behind the counter once again. 

“You smell like that furry bitch,” she said with a cold voice that made me shiver. My heart rate increased as I felt danger emanating from her. “Did she send you to finish the deal?” 

“She requested to keep her alive,” The Collector camly stated. 

“Oh,” the danger vanished. “So she’s not trying to kill me.” She let out a small laugh before looking at me. “Sorry, that was a bit silly. I am Rin.” 

I took a deep breath. “I am Leah.” 

She nodded and turned to the Collector, I took that moment to figure things out and think.  

[Rin.  Lvl. 41] 

I paused half-expecting red. She was only level 41, yet she had made me feel danger? Was I that weak? Maybe since she⁠— I looked at her ears and tail. Since she wasn’t human, then perhaps her stat base was higher? I didn’t really understand it, but I at least knew I shouldn’t try to attack this woman⁠—Rin. Not like I had a reason to. 

“Leah needs mana stones, preferably one a kid can handle.” The Collector told Rin. 

“Oh, unexpected, but sure.” She nodded and began walking. The Collector simply closed his eyes and stood like a monolith. 

Rin rounded the corner and I saw her completely as she walked towards me, she wore a very loose dress akin to a robe, one that covered her entire body but her head which I found odd. Her eyes also scanned me as a whole but paused as she looked lower down before taking a look at me, and then glancing at The Collector before returning to me. 

“Leah, I need to take you to the back for in-depth analysis, if that’s alright with you.” She said lacking coldness or her previous happiness. “I need to make sure the mana stones I am thinking of are the right fit.” 

I had a bad feeling about this, but… I looked at The Collector for help, he said nothing, did nothing, didn’t even bulge a muscle. Was he telling me to choose? I almost sighed, and simply decided to bite the bullet. He wouldn’t have taken me here just to have someone else kill me⁠. My mind rushed for answers. She is level 41, I can run.

I took a deep breath. “Sure.” 

“Great,” she chirped and grabbed my right hand, pulling me by the locked arm. 

In no time we went past the cloth, there was an empty black room and a door. She continued and opened the door before urging me to enter and closing it behind her. We were now in a furnished room with sofas, a coffee table and what seemed like a bunch of cupboards at the other side. 

When the door closed she looked at me with a frown. 

“What did you promise him?”

I paused. “What?” 

Rin’s frown deepened. “Do you think I am fucking stupid? I can see it,” she pointed at my right hand⁠. “The Bracelet of Promises. What did you two promise?” 

She wanted me to tell her just like that? Even if she was trusted by The Collector… “Why should I tell you?” 

“Because I can’t believe that bastard would promise shit to a slave.” She shook her head after a small sigh. “The Collector has a loose screw even by my standards.” She paced around the room and muttered some things before going to one of the cupboards and crouching. “Well if you don’t want to speak it’s whatever.” She shrugged. “Your life doesn’t concern me, I still need to check you for the mana stone so it wasn’t a lie.” 

I sighed in relief feeling that she had given up on the topic. Soon she pulled out a stone tablet and came to me holding it in one hand. 

“Hand,” she requested. 

I felt weirded out but placed my left hand on the stone. A second went by and nothing happened. Rin removed the stone from my hand and flipped it to look at it. 

“Let's see…” She seemed to be reading, but her eyes paused and re-read. “So that’s how it is.” She began to laugh. “No wonder you smelled weird, a glitched dungeon core. How fun is that?” 

“What?” She figured it out with the⁠— stone? 

“Now, I really want to know what you and The Collector would promise. But unfortunately.” Her shoulders dramatically dropped. “I can feel The Collector’s gaze from here. Just know that promises are not absolute.” She lifted her hand slightly, removing part of the cloth on her arm. There was a bracelet much like mine, it was etched yet it seemed⁠— dull? It was akin to stone. “Inspect it.” 

I took a closer look feeling her urging and the lack of hostility. 

[Bracelet of Promise (Decayed)] 

I looked at mine. 

[Bracelet of Promise] 

It was a bit too nondescript to form an opinion. But, she also had no reason to show me the bracelet other than to well⁠— prove a point? I felt conflicted. Telling her the promise wouldn’t… It didn’t seem like something that⁠— it didn’t seem like worse information than what she had already gathered from the stone. With that in mind, I made my decision. Not having computing unit around was proving to be… difficult. 

“I’ll tell you…” 

“Neat.” She said with a smile and sat on the couch. “So, what’s your promise?” 

I sighed and sat on the couch, for some reason everything that had happened since getting here passed through my mind. 

“Not being a monster,” I said after a brief period of hesitation. “His promise is helping me become stronger, strong enough to survive this world. He offered it after I told him I didn’t want to fight for my life for the rest of… my life.” I shook my head in disapproval of myself. 

Part of me felt that I shouldn’t be sharing this information, but at the same time I felt lost. Unsure of what to do. I looked at Rin who was pondering something. 

“I guess he is sincere then,” she concluded. “He must’ve taken interest in how human you are. After all, among all the cores I’ve seen you’re a lot more expressive.” 

I paused from the strange compliment. “Thanks?” Though. “You’ve seen other cores?” 

She nodded. “Nothing for you to worry about. I am sort of friends with The Collector but it’s a bit far-fetched. So I’ll ask this, did you meet the⁠—” She paused. “The person with the horns?” 

“The Scholar?” I asked upon seeing her raise a brow. “She rescued me from the guards, I think?” 

“Interesting, and did she say anything?” I frowned, and Rin seemed to instantly notice it. “You don’t have to share anything, the bitch just happened to kill my parents that’s all, so I want to know what she’s up to.” 

Ha? But… you’re level 41?” I said meekly. 

“Ah levels aren’t everything. If you’re beheaded you’ll die regardless of how high the number is.” She shrugged. 

I took a deep breath. She was right. The Scholar had also said something that began to bother me⁠— no, a lot of things bothered me. “Do you know about the Blood Knights?” 

Rin frowned. “If I answer, do I get information about everything The Scholar said to you?” 

“Yes.” I solemnly nodded. 

Rin took a deep breath. “The Blood Knights are a byproduct of Tier 5 blood affinity. Stay away from them, as soon as anything enters their range it will die, or rather…” She thought for a second. “Will most likely die.” 

Dying within range? Hadn’t that happened in the alleyway? Then that was a Blood Knight? I gulped. 

Rin shook her head decisively. “I don’t know who cast the Blood Knights but you can pray to not run into them. Now spit it, what did she tell you?”

“She said⁠—

I repeated word for word what The Scholar had said skipping the parts of being called Little Core, or Core. 

Rin’s face changed into anger. 

“Cleanse the world of all that is vile my ass!” She slammed the stone tablet on the ground, the fragments pelted across the ground like rain, producing a chain of sounds across the room before it finally subsided. 

I stared wide-eyed at her sudden aggression. Wasn’t the tablet something valuable or something? I closed my eyes.

What did she even do?” I muttered hopelessly. Rin had said The Scholar had killed her parents, but she didn’t even have a change of expression. 

“She did everything.” Rin replied, making me snap my eyes in surprise. She was looking at the ground with a frown. “She is the template example of what happens when you put this rotten world, a rotten personality, and the memories of another world together.” 

Ha? “Memories of another world?” 

Rin shook her head in annoyance. “Fucking think for a second, do you think wrenches exist here? Didn’t she clearly say that you will throw a wrench into his plan?” 

“I see…” 

So there were other people with memories too, and… I looked at Rin who was still staring at the ground. She clearly knew what a wrench was too. Perhaps⁠— perhaps I could trust her. 

“I know what a wrench is… If…” I bit my lip. “If I am missing part of my memories can I regain them?” 

She looked at me in surprise, and our eyes met. Was this a mistake? 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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