Broken Core (A Dark Fantasy LitRPG)

(Chpt. 8) Struggle of Life & Death

Edit to previous chapters-- unedited. Also fuck this chapter, unironically felt impossible to write. Wtf is wrong with me for even thinking of this.

Basic predator title reworded: [all stats when fighting an existence 20 levels higher than you.]

“You’re here again,” a calm voice entered my ears. 

I had… fallen asleep⁠— my eyelids shot open, my gaze landed on a cobbled ceiling, one entirely made out of stone, its texture reflecting the orange sunlight that came from a nearby window. Where was I? My hand landed somewhere soft⁠. Huh? It was a bed, I was sitting up in a bed. I… Ralt⁠— he died. 

Impaled, impaled by chains, swallowed by the alley; eaten by the darkness. Blood flowed⁠— everywhere. And then I remembered⁠ the man's words— Stop, I would let you go, but this is outside my judgment. It was his request. 


Had I been captured? I looked around, only to see a figure standing near the window looking outside, she had short silver hair and protruding ears⁠— Computing unit. Then… I paused looking all around me again. I was back in the void? Had I been injured again? That was troublesome. 

“You’ve not been injured, we are just in… comatose, I suppose.” She shrugged. 

“Comatose?” That sounded bad. She nodded. 

“Yes, essentially placed in a deep sleep⁠— our body is being moved somewhere; I can feel that based on the shifts, but to where? I do not know.” Computing unit shook her head, still looking out the window. 

“And everytime we… faint.” I had a slight pause trying to find the right words. “Will I find myself here?” 

“Most likely⁠.” Computing unit agreed. “But, it’s somewhat pointless. We can talk just fine without looking at each other.” 

She hadn’t stopped looking out the window, but talking just fine? It could be argued, it basically reminded me of text and drive, well⁠— I didn’t remember the specifics but something about it getting you killed. If I was too busy reading her messages wouldn’t I just die sometime? No, that didn’t make sense. 

I recalled through my memories for a second, well according to the instructions I had, it was simply the way of doing things. There was no point in pondering about it. 

I shook my head, getting rid of useless thoughts and simply moved away from the bed. Which looked exactly like the one I woke up in. I stood next to Computing unit, she wore a different outfit⁠— one of a nurse, white and stainless. For myself? I had the same clothes as before, the worn down shirt and undergarments. 

The view out the window was quite⁠— shocking. It was a mix of tall buildings and medieval ones, and the orange sun was setting on the skyline. 

“It’s a nice view,” I commented. 

“It is.” Computing unit nodded, emotionlessly as always. “Let us go.” 

I felt confused hearing her. Go? “To where?” 

I was nearly interrupted by the sound of fingers snapping together. The room re-arranged, sunlight poured in, the walls shifted in on themselves, some hid into the ground, the window vanished, and soon, we stood on a rooftop. The sunlight covered everywhere, all there was left were crenellations akin to the tower of a castle. 

Computing unit turned around and headed to a nearby chair. It was wooden and unassuming, there was another chair and a desk⁠— oh it was the one from the interrogation room. Not having much choice I followed and sat across from her. 

“What are we doing?” I asked in confusion. 

Computing unit tapped on the air, before finally looking at me. Her face was well, unchanging, before finally she swiped her hand in my direction.

“Take a look at this.” 

“Look? At wha⁠—

I paused, seeing floating words in my vision. 

Name: Leah | Branded name: Unavailable

Level: 24 | Race: D̶̻̫͗̒ȇ̸̟͖̔̇s̸͈͆̅̓c̶͇͆̎͠ͅe̴͎̍ǹ̵̢͗ḑ̵̜͆e̴̗̰͑̈́̓d̸͕̻̮̒̆̑ Dungeon Core 

Passive skill: Calculated Danger Perception | Blessing: Night’s Embrace

Attribute Average: 68 | Max attribute average: 149

Mana: 3/9 | STR: 72 | DEX: 86 | END: 72 | AGI: 72 | CHA: 50 | SUB: 108

Affinities: Darkness (Tier 1) Skills: Darkness Sight (Passive), Darkness Needle (II)

It was misaligned, but it was my status. Oh… 

“As you can see we’ve grown considerably from last time. Well, as far as max attributes go.” She added at the end. 

“I can see that,” I nodded looking at the words. Though there wasn’t much worth mentioning, at least in my opinion there wasn’t. 

“However, even though we have gotten stronger, it simply isn’t enough.” She shook her head. 

I paused, before finally speaking. “Then what is enough?” 

“Nothing,” she answered. “Nothing will be enough, so long as we are within claimed land nothing will be enough. We are still unnoticed in Arlesh’s territory, but for how long?” 

Claimed land⁠— land that had an owner, claimed by someone. Well in this case the town. 

“No matter how long we have left.” Computing unit continued. “The problem lies with our circumstances. Right now all you can do is fight for our lives, and all I can do myself is try to give you plans faster⁠— more efficiently.” 

I nodded, agreeing with her sentiment. I didn’t want to be controlled by her⁠— involuntarily moving. I paused, feeling uneasy. The stake… 

“Did you stab Ralt? My right hand moved on its own.” 

Computing unit solemnly nodded. “I understand it bothers you, but nothing that could be avoided.” 

I wanted to protest, but in the end⁠, I understood. There were things gained from that, the levels and the titles. It was stupid to get hung up on it. A sigh escaped me, the emotions of discomfort vanishing with it. 

“Well, I have thought of a preemptive plan, seeing I wasn’t being effective before. First.” Our eyes met. “There is Night’s Embrace, and that is our chance, our chance to escape. It seems the darkness attribute affects the person’s cognitive ability in some way.” 

I nodded agreeing with her. 

“Using that you will escape, at midnight we shall leave. Should you be bound, you should be able to make a needle in-between the bindings by rubbing your hands together. That way they should break apart.” 

I wanted to protest, but⁠— I simply followed a feeling on my fingers. Couldn’t I force the same thing somewhere else? Well it was all theory. 

“At the same time,” she continued. “Should you require fighting assistance I shall interfere, it's too risky not to.” 

Another involuntary thing. Another sigh almost escaped me, but I stopped myself. This was in order to live. 

“Well, that is all. The time should be night by now, close to midnight.” 

“Close?” I asked in confusion. But the sun was still out when I was put to sleep… 

“It takes some time for you to actually be here, but yes. It has been that long.” 

Computing unit nodded and snapped her fingers, a⁠— teacup appeared on the table. One for her and one for me. The liquid looked like tea, but carried no smell. At least it was hot. 

“I saw this in your memories,” she commented as she lifted the teacup and took a sip. 

I did the same and⁠— 

“This tastes like nothing.” I commented. 

“Well, your memories don’t even cover taste.” 

I paused hearing her, and tried to recall, but even though there was maybe one time I had seen a teacup. I couldn’t even remember actually tasting anything. Huh⁠— all there was, was blood? And well, I also knew about sweet or bitter and the like. But no actual food. Huh? 

She set her cup on the table and closed her eyes. 

“What are you doing?” I asked in confusion.

“Analyzing, or in your terms; thinking.” 

Right… Her ears atop her head twitched for a second, and her eyes opened. They were still as blue as ever, as crystalline as ever, and as emotionless as ever. We looked at each other for a brief moment, before Computing unit decided to open her mouth.  

“Looks like your stay here is done.” She got up and nodded at me. “Good luck, do your best.” 


I tried to reach towards her, but it was all cut off⁠— everything vanished like smoke. Computing unit no longer there, the setting sun long gone, my vision disappeared. Everything vanished, eaten away by the void. It was the same thing once again. It was time to wake up. 


◇ ◇ ◇

I blinked⁠—



It was as if my entire body had been smashed.

I instantly closed my eyes unable to keep them open any longer. Coldness assaulted me, the ground was hard, everything was hard. Why did everything hurt so much?! I contorted on the icy ground, my entire body was on fire, needles stabbed every crevice of it, my muscles pulled onto themselves as if they were trying to tear themselves apart.

“Agh!” I creaked, gnashing my teeth. 

“There you go, told you she’d wake up if you used the bracelet.” 

I heard a familiar voice followed by a grunt. What was happening?! I thought they wouldn’t kill⁠— fuck that didn’t stop them from harming me, did it? I started to gasp for air, and tried to grab at the ground, anything⁠— my eyes landed on an incandescent object on my hand, it wasn’t burning, however, pitch-black veins ran across the entirety of my arm into my body. 

What was that? I tried removing it⁠— 

“Aah!” I gasped in the severe pain, it felt as my flesh had been rent, separated, torn apart⁠— split open⁠— it dug deeper and deeper, it felt bone-chilling. 

I thrashed on the ground in pain for a few more seconds, before finally the feeling subsided, replaced by the coldness of my sweat and the unnatural metallic frostbite on my hand. My chest heaved in desperation for air. 


[A compromise has been made] 

Compromise?! ⁠—Ding! 

[Title acquired: Peacemaker ⁠— Without mutual understanding concessions aren’t possible ⁠— +120% charisma

“Please, I don’t want to hurt people anymore… Use these shackles to restrain me from now on…”  ⁠— Nameless to Sansan, heir to the Death Empire.]

Sansan? The Death Empire again? Peacemaker?! What the fuck was happening?! I panted on the ground, finally able to open my eyes. The room was bright in a neon-green light, the cobbled stone surrounding me was full of dark filth and moss, the ground was rancid and covered in a thin layer of the same filth. My eyes darted around, but my body hurt too much to move. 

My eyes landed on a man standing on a distant doorway, he had a calm and serene expression. His face was rough and scarred⁠, he had braids⁠— it was the same person. We made eye contact and he simply shook his head at me and turned around. 

It was his request. It’s outside of my judgment. I recalled his words once again. He didn’t care for me. 

“Now, now, you’re a little slave now.” A sweet voice entered my ear, it was raspy and full of hatred⁠— like sweet poison. “You know, you got my brother Ralt killed, right?” 

I couldn’t answer as I struggled to even look in the direction of the voice, my body ached all over, my muscles were sore and protested with sharp pain every time I tried to move. Soon, I felt a warmth over my head, it was ever-grasping. It caressed it⁠—squeezed, and pulled.

“Aaah!” I yelped in pain. My scalp, my scalp! He was going to rip it off! His hand held onto my head like a vice, he raised me higher and higher, the pain increasing by the second. 

“You killed him…” I barely managed to smell his rancid breath⁠— it hurt, my hair was going be ripped right off. “I cannot kill you, but I can certainly make you feel pain. And pain you shall go through.” 

He let go and I collapsed on the ground. My head felt numb, I felt an ever growing headache constantly throbbing on the back of my head as if my brain had been punched. She had said it was close to midnight. I heard the door close. 

I hurriedly glanced around, there was nothing⁠— the man had gone elsewhere. I had to use this time. I was unchained, no rope either⁠— I had a silver bracelet on my hand, but it wasn’t relevant⁠— it didn’t change anything. I couldn't stop shaking from the residual pain. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck… My mind rushed for answers. Wait for midnight?! Fuck that! 

I grasped onto the feeling and quickly began to produce a needle, not a second after I heard the bell go off in my mind. 


[You have successfully used: Darkness Needle]

Good, that was helpful at least. I pinched it between my thumb and index finger, keeping it tight inside my fist. It was uncomfortable. But I just needed to stab him⁠— just stab him and run away. Soon the door opened again, he had spiked chains in one hand, he moved them in front of me dangling them like a sort of prize. My heart shivered, plan⁠—

Plan, plan, plan, plan, plan! Think of something! 

Ding⁠— [Computing unit: Plan of action: Pretend, be regretful. Stab and kill⁠. Pretend that you’re sorry about his brother, quake in fear, waste his time.

My body was trembling as I read the message⁠— that’s right⁠— that’s, that-that’s right! I just had to pretend! Just pretend and everything was going to be fine. 

“P-Please, don’t hurt me.” I squeaked. T-This was too hard. My voice came out full of fear, not regretful. I wasn’t regretful enough. “I-I am sorry about R-Ralt…” I couldn’t cease the trembling. 

The chains kept dangling— was he going to wrap me in them and pull? Was he going to run them through my body and make me consume potions as I screamed for mercy? My mind panicked. 

“P-Please…” I couldn’t think of anything else⁠— not in front of the chains, or the possible torture that I was going to go through. 

The man paused looking at me. “So now you’re regretful,” he snorted. “People only learn from pain.” His eyes narrowed as he approached. 

Shit… I stood frozen, my body trembled like one of a scared kitten. The man was full of muscles⁠— Could I even escape from him? He approached, holding the chain in one hand and looked at me directly in the eyes as he loomed closer. 

“If he hadn’t requested you alive,” he gritted his teeth. “I’d do unspeakable things to you, and then your body… But unfortunately.” his voice turned chilly. “I’ll have to do with the chains.” 

He grabbed my neck⁠— escape, escape⁠— out, get out! Stab, needle! Numerous words flashed through my mind as his arm grasped my neck, instantly making me unable to breathe. Needle, needle, needle⁠— My mind went into a rush, my hand barely managed to pinch onto the needle as its thin body dug into one of my nails.

I held onto his hand with my left and⁠— stabbed! 

“Gahgh!” The man gasped, the chain rattled and fell emptily on the ground. I managed to hold onto the needle and quickly rushed to the door. I pushed and it rattled, I pushed and it rattled⁠— it was locked. The goddamn door had been locked. 

“Survive.” A chilly voice came from the door, making me shiver. It briefly triggered my sense of danger, but it vanished like the wind. Fuck⁠— what was this?! 

I trembled and turned to look at the man, I couldn't help but swallow my saliva. He grasped onto his hand, his mouth was bleeding from biting his tongue, and his eyes looked at me like a hungry wolf. This was too much⁠— too much, why, why, why?! 

“You fucking bitch, I’ll kill you!” he screamed at me. Wasting no time in lunging towards me. 

Dodge, dodge⁠—dodge! I pushed my body to move, it felt heavy, it was hard. Finally, my legs tensed and I moved out of the way, a sharp pain shot through my muscles, the man crashed against the door, but it didn’t break. 


All I could do was kill him! Kill him?! Could I even do that?! The alley was different! I was the one that was supposed to attack here, how should I even go about it!? 

[Your computing unit ‘awakens’]

The familiar words in my mind gave me pause. 

Kill him. 

Easy for you to say! I grunted in my mind. The man in that time frame got up and looked at me once again. This time he had a deep frown, no longer crazed. He walked towards me with his fists clenched, his eyes fixated on me. 

“Die!” His fist lunged at me⁠—

Left! My body dodged to the left and ducked underneath him. 

Right⁠— I dodged the oncoming shoulder and managed to separate myself from him and the door. Again, we were at a standstill. 

I cannot continue commanding you like this for long. Computing unit said in my mind. Perhaps it makes it easier for you, but there isn’t much time left. However, it is time to go on the offensive. 


[It’s midnight. It awakens. They awaken. Chaos shall descend.] 

I felt a surge of strength. It was midnight. I stared at the man, and his muscles bulged, especially near his shoulder blades and arms. A sense of danger suddenly came my way. 

Dodge left. Unconsciously I listened, moving myself out of the way. A burst of pain went off on my cheek, like a burn, my eyes went wide, his arm was right in front of my eyes, and he had grazed my head. I couldn't even react— I couldn't...

“Nice dodge⁠— how long can you survive?” He asked with a grin. I shivered hearing him. 

I didn’t even wait for Computing unit before hastily moving myself away from him. Pain ran through my legs once again. He walked towards me with a sadistic grin. Could I even win? 

I couldn't win… 

Computing unit hadn’t said anything, but I just knew. It was impossible to win. After-all…

[Gartz. Lvl. 64] 

I heard a stupid ding go off in my mind. Probably the twenty-levels higher title, there was also an eye-icon at the edge of my vision that represented it, it pulsed fiercely like a predator, but so what? I couldn’t defend myself against this person? People like The Scholar? It was all pointless. 

He was over forty-levels higher! The fact that I could dodge was impressive, but kill him? He probably had way more titles than me, more levels than me— he was simply stronger than me. 

It all clicked. I wasn't meant to survive in the first place, it was an unwinnable game. 

I couldn’t help but chuckle, it was too pointless. The man⁠— Gartz, stopped. 

“What’s so funny?” He asked in annoyance. 

“I’ll die no matter what, no?” I asked, feeling apathetic. “Just make it quick.” 

He snorted and stood in front of me, the chains that were in the ground rattling from his passing. His face was in front of me, our eyes almost touching. 

“I am the one that decides if its quick or not⁠—” He paused, his face changing “You have black blood?” He was looking at the cheek that he graced in surprise. What was so surprising? 

Was it because I was a Dungeon?

Because I was a Dungeon... I had to act like one... Suddenly a light-bulb went inside my head watching his disbelief. Vulnerability. 

“Since I am already going to die, want to see more of my blood? Dungeons aren't common.” He stared at me, his expression changing but ultimately he remained at the same distance— Good, stay there. 

I raised the needle that I had been holding onto, I weirdly gripped it between my middle finger and thumb, my index right in front of it. I didn’t have a brief memory of it even, or a memory of it. But it should be possible. He leaned in closer, my hand tensed as I tried to poke my finger with the needle. 

Please work, please work, please work. I prayed in my mind as I dramatically moved it closer and closer, my index tensed and I flicked. The black needle was thrown straight at him, his face widened in surprise and the needle hit his eye or near his eye. 

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAA⁠— he screamed and held into his face in surprise.

I paused in shock. It worked?! It worked!? I had to survive⁠— I had to survive. I chanted to myself as my legs tensed and I lunged. I aimed for his thighs, my entire body crashed against him making him fall on the ground the chains dug onto my legs warping itself like coiled wire. It hurt! 

I found myself atop of him and climbed onto his chest⁠— what the fuck was I supposed to do? My hand without my command moved and grasped onto the air, darkness gathering around it, producing a sharp stake. 

It’s like this⁠— Computing unit’s voice echoed in my mind. My hand stabbed towards his throat, the pitch-black stake digging deep into his neck. 

“Ggfhh,” a weird sound was produced from his neck as his body shook. “GGHFH!” 

He screamed and swiped his hand towards me, a sharp pain shot through my arm as I rolled on the ground. My entire left-side felt numb.

This is all I can do. 

[Your computing unit enters ‘slumber’]

Fuck! I cursed in my mind as I tried to get up⁠— ugh. I flinched from the sheer pain I felt on my arm, was it broken? The man stood like a zombie, his eyes instantly fixing on me, he held his neck with one hand as he tried to stop the bleed, and the other he held it with a fist as he tried to walk towards me in a limp. 

This was the end. 

The man stood over me, no joy in his face, just anger. He raised his hand and I simply prepared to die. I closed my eyes. In the end, I can’t even remember anything. 

I am sorry Lilly, for not even remembering you properly…

The punch never came. 


[You have killed in the claimed territory of Arlesh, exp penalty included. From the death of: Gartz Julier lvl: 64 ⁠— Gained: 8 levels]

Ding! [You have increased your level by 8, +16 to all stats.]

Din⁠— [Title acquired: Intermediate Predator ⁠— A true kill, befitting a Champion! ⁠— 110% to all stats fighting an existence 40 levels higher than you.]

Di⁠— [Survived life or death situation: +3 to all stats]

My eyes opened in surprise, his hulking figure collapsed next to me. I had… survived… 

“I did it…” I muttered in a mix of happiness and despair. My shoulders relaxed and so did my body. It was finally done. I felt so tired. 

I could probably fall asleep…

But it was finally done…

At last…

I collapsed from exhaustion. 

Hello, yes it is I. Please tell me this chapter didn't feel ultra bullshit, because I literally wanna die and strangle my past self for thinking of this outline.

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