Broly In Naruto

Esumi vs Sasori of the Red Sand

Esumi and Sasori walked a some meters away from the sand village's stronghold and stood a few feet away from each other. They stared into each other eyes. The sand blew gently past them. Only the sound of the blowing wind and the shifting of the sand was present. Sasori was inside his Hiruko puppet that hosted a quite a few numbers of dangerous items. Esumi saw with her Byakugan behind her transformed glasses exactly what was hidden inside.

An extendable iron tail, a heavy looking back shield, the poisoned senbon from earlier, and that weird wooden arm with even more poisoned senbon hidden inside.

'Maybe he will have more to show me if I smash that ugly puppet he's hiding underneath. He is a puppet master, so he should definitely be hiding his puppets with a scroll. Time to have a little fun and show little Khael-chan how a master puppeteer fights.' Esumi thought with a smile.

Esumi thought about what weapon she should take out. She has gained a lot of new weapons and a lot of duplicates.

'Hmm.. If I take out a sword I might just slash through his puppets and it'll be over too quickly. But If I smash it, it'll be over just as quickly! I hope he can reattach his puppets or this will be over too fast… Oh I know! Why don't I just ask him?!'

"Hey short, dark, and ugly can you----" Esumi suddenly stopped herself.

'I can't ask him if his puppets can reconnect or he'll know I know that he's inside a puppet right now! Aghhhhhh! So annoying! Fuck it!' Esumi shouted in her head before taking out a long black steel staff and rushing towards Sasori.

"I don't like to wait or make people wait. I'll end you quickly." Sasori said in his gruff voice as he stabbed towards Esumi with his iron tail.

Esumi uppercutted with her staff and knocked Sasori's tail out of the way. Although slightly surprised by this Sasori swiftly retaliated against Esumi's incoming attack. He shot out more waves of poison senbon from his puppet's mouth at the very close Esumi. Esumi disconnected her weapon into two and deflected every single senbon that got close to scratching her until Sasori was finished. Esumi saw Sasori pull out his puppet's wooden arm and aim it towards her before firing it. Due to the semi-close range of the two, Esumi dashed towards the incoming rocket arm and bashed it deep into the sand before hearing a muffled sound coming from the sand below.

"It seems like whatever surprise you had for me turned out to be a dud Sasori-kun. I hope you have more to show me."

"Impossible. A little girl like you couldn't possibly be so skilled. It must have been a fluke." Sasori said before stabbing towards Esumi with his iron tail once more.

Esumi using her monstrous strength deflected Sasori's tail attack with one half of her staff and used the other half to smash towards Sasori's face. Sasori once again was caught off guard by the little girl's immense strength and tried to block with his Hiruko puppet's other arm. Unfortunately for the puppet master, his Hiruko puppet was no match for Esumi's strength and was soon smashed apart across the desert. The only thing left of it was a black cloak that swiftly hopped away.

'Hehe. No more hiding away behind a puppet Mr.Sasori-chan.' Esumi thought to herself before showing a faked shocked expression at the black cloth moving and the Sasori being blown into wooden bits.

"You were hiding inside a puppet the entire time?! What the heck?! You wuss! Take off that cloth and reveal yourself. Or I'll just have to smash you up even more." Esumi finished with a giggle.

"Well done. Despite being so young you managed to defeat one of my favorite puppets. I'll admit I underestimated you before. But now I will treat you as an actual opponent." Sasori said in a much more smoother and attractive voice as he removed the black cloak over his body and revealed himself.

Esumi had a brief inner moment of fangirlism as she stared at the very beautiful and young looking Sasori. Even though she could see him all this time with her Byakugan, his face looked so much better when he wasn't hiding it away.

"Hey hey weren't you taught in school to never underestimate an enemy? I bet you're still underestimating me now. You haven't even taken out another puppet yet. You're gonna regret that ya know." Esumi said.

"While I said I wouldn't underestimate you, I didn't say I would go all out either." Sasori said as a small scroll dropped from under his Akatsuki robe into his hand.

"But this is my other favorite piece of art. The lengths I went to acquire it, makes it much more special to me." Sasori then inserted chakra into the scroll and with a poof of smoke summoned a puppet.

"Just one? Are you sure you're taking me seriously Sasori? Didn't you take down an island or something with your puppets? You can't have done that with only two puppets." Esumi said.

"I should have known you would be too young to recognize who this is. But no matter this is taking longer than I wanted it. I hate to keep people waiting."

Sasori then sent his puppet flying towards Esumi before unleashing some terrifyingly razor sharp claws from his puppet's hands and clawed towards Esumi. Esumi noticed the poison also on this puppet's claws. Esumi reconnected her staff and smashed towards the puppet's claws and soon a struggle of strength happened.

"So this one is tougher than the other one huh?! But it doesn't matter!" Esumi yelled as she steadily grew more and more ground against the puppet's claws. Sasori smirked before having his puppet's other arm suddenly split open and from some fuinjutsu seals drawn upon it, a sea of arms burst from it. Esumi looked at the sudden thousand-armed puppet and quickly retreated. The arms followed after her though like a ravenous starving giant snake.

"Haha! Kinda annoying, but fun!" Esumi shouted while laughing childishly and going through some hand signs. One of the arms managed to nick her top and slightly reveal more of her breasts.

"Lightning Style: Circus Festival!" Esumi shouted as a wild mass of yellow lightning chakra bounced, zipped, and flew towards the numerous hands.

Sasori made his puppet dodge out of the way and watched as Esumi suddenly take out a large blade and try and slash some of his puppet's arms apart. Sasori's puppet had flipped some of the wrist of the sea of hands and blew out a wave of purple gas towards Esumi. Esumi smirked as she held one of the famous seven ninja swords of the Mist.

"That's one of the blades from the Hidden Mist… How did you acquire something like that?" Sasori asked.

"I found it." Esumi responded cutely.

This blade was sitting next to two graves in some small village she passed through one time. She decided to take it because of how cool it looked, but didn't find out till later what was exactly so special about this sword. It was called the Executioner's Blade or Kubikiribōchō. She only found this out when she was attacked by ninjas from the Hidden Mist village and their hunter-nin. Although this blade's special ability to instantly recover back to peak condition by using iron from blood isn't useful here, it's still good enough to cut through some puppets.

Esumi sent a burst of chakra through one of her chakra points on her feet and swiftly escaped the incoming poison gas, but not before seeing Sasori force his puppet to shoot two ropes with kunai on the end towards Esumi. She guessed he intended to tie her up and force her to inhale some of the poison by being trapped within the poison cloud.

"Too bad!" Esumi boasted as she deflected both kunai with her sword and stood face to face with Sasori and his puppet.

"You've made the right choice in deflecting them. If you tried anything else you would've been captured and poisoned."

"I'm a genius. Don't cha know? I'm the famous Yada Esumi! The best kunoichi in the world! Like I would let myself get taken out by some lame poison."

"My poison is anything but lame. There is no known cure to my poison currently anywhere in the 5 elemental nations. Even I would have trouble creating an antidote for it."

Sasori brought his puppet closer to him before shooting a wave of kunai towards Esumi from his puppet's horde of hands. Esumi grinned before sending Quick Style/Swift release chakra throughout her body and slashing through the nearly uncountable amount of kunai. In most shinobi's eyes she would only look like a blur as she defended against the continuous onslaught on dangerous metal shower. She then stopped using the swift release chakra and returned back to her normal self.

"Not bad. But this will be over soon." Sasori commented.

"Yeah yeah cutie. Just gimme the hard stuff already, you're kinda boring me testing me like this." Esumi said suggestively.

Sasori sent his thousands of arms back towards Esumi. Esumi charged towards the wave and started to slice it apart, piece by piece. Sasori quickly made his puppet release the arm that had the heaps of hands and suddenly equipped a new hand with a saw blade attached at the end of it. Esumi hacked towards the saw blade and clashed with it, but soon stopped after seeing the previous claw swipe towards her face. She chopped it and deflected it to the side before slashing upwards with her sword, trying to cut off the arm of the puppet, but the buzzsaw hand got in Esumi's way and forced her to clash once more. The two then continued to collide multiple times in a few seconds before Sasori pulled his puppet away. Esumi grinned tauntingly when Sasori noticed the puppet's buzzsaw and claw were slashed apart and basically useless.

"This is starting to take a while. I guess I must take this a bit more seriously." Sasori said before making his puppet loosen its jaw and open its mouth.

The puppet then began to spew iron powder or iron sand also laced with poison from its mouth. Esumi saw all this with her Byakugan and was disappointed by the handsome puppet.

"Seriously..? You had to make a puppet based on the Dairy Kazekage's ninjutsu? He has normal sand and you got black sand? Aren't you like 50 or something?! How could you copy such a young boy?! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

"I'm going to grind you into dust.. or better yet I'll make you a puppet as well… You aren't so bad.." Sasori said in his usual deadpan attractive voice.

"Finally coming on to me huh? Well I'll think about being your puppet if you manage to beat me first." Esumi said while posing suggestively.

"Iron Sand Scattered Shower!" Sasori yelled.

His puppet suddenly shot out speeding bullets of iron sand while some of them were also shaped into needles. Esumi's eyes slight widened at the increase of speed, but still managed to dodge in time. Sasori's made his puppet continue to fire the iron sand rapidly, forcing Esumi to run away.

Esumi started laughing as she ran and made some hand signs and shouted "Lightning Style: Electric Field!"

Yellow lightning radiated off of Esumi's body and blocked the iron sand. The iron sand soon returned back to Sasori's puppet before shaping into two different shapes. The first shape of iron sand was a three-dimensional triangle while the second one was a three-dimensional rectangle. Sasori sent both of them towards Esumi.

Esumi was planning on attacking, but felt a strange tug on her sword.

'What the..? Is that iron sand of his pulling against my sword? So it's magnetic sand huh… I guess that makes most of my weapons useless. Hmph! No problem. As if the world's greatest kunoichi can't beat some guy using dolls as weapons.'

Esumi put away her sword before taking out a regular whip and infused her chakra into it. She whipped away the triangular shaped iron sand and noticed the rectangular was above her with her Byakugan. She quickly whipped above her and stopped the incoming crashing iron sand slightly, but not enough to stop it's momentum. At the same time the other iron sand construct changed into the form of a spinning top and was spinning right towards her while the rectangle was still crashing down but slightly slower.

"This is better Sasori-chan! Whip Taijutsu: Revolving Heaven!" Esumi shouted with a smile as she flicked her whip all around herself multiple times until it looked as if she created a spinning deadly whirlwind all around her.

The incoming iron sand constructs were impacted multiple times before they broke apart into regular iron sand and fell onto the desert's floor. Esumi ended her spin with a sexy pose and blew a kiss towards Sasori.

Sasori's eyebrows twitched in annoyance and with a little respect in Esumi's prowess.

"I'm surprised I never heard of you despite how talented you are as a shinobi little girl." Sasori commented.

"Well ya know. Soon enough my name will be heard all across the nation if things all go right with "their" plans. I'll be known as the greatest kunoichi in the world soon. Or the greatest weapon mistress. Or the cutest, prettiest, and sexiest kunoichi in the world. Whichever comes first. I don't mind which." Esumi rattled on.

"Looks like I'll have to use chakra in this battle. Prepare yourself foolish kunoichi."

Sasori gathered the iron sand with his puppet and made them into the triangle and rectangle once again. But this time he interconnected the two shapes into one. Esumi then saw the puppet emit chakra out of a compartment in its chest. The Iron Sand above suddenly started to branch off each other in an irregular and uncontrollable manner. Forming a deadly iron sand branches in the sky. Esumi whistled at the impressive sight that shadowed over her and most of the area around her and Sasori.


The branches suddenly stretched and aimed for Esumi. Esumi quickly dodged the barely reactable attack but suffered a tear on her skirt. Another iron sand branch shot towards her and forced her to dodge once more. Although suffering another tear on the other side of her skirt, revealing her sexy alluring thighs. Esumi showed a cute savage grin before taking out shiny white lance made out of bone?! She thrusted her weapon at the incoming trident-shaped iron sand branch coming towards her and pierced through it. She quickly got on the move again as more and more iron sand branches came rapidly shooting from the sky aiming for her.

"I got this cutie from my friend's apprentice. It's not made of metal but its definitely as hard or harder than metal depending on how much chakra I pour into it." Esumi informed Sasori.

"But I'm getting a little bored of this copy of Milk boy's ninjutsu, so let's finish this part of the foreplay." Esumi said as she surged swift release chakra throughout her body and lightning chakra into her bone lance.

She threw her lance at the currently flying puppet. Sasori prepared himself after Esumi said she was going to finish this. But even with the heads up, he wasn't able to save his Third Kazekage human puppet in time from Esumi's attack. He maneuvered his puppet to dodge to the right, but as soon as Esumi's lance left her fingers it was as if it teleported and already pierced through his puppet. The lance continued to fly through the desert until it caused a split in the sand behind it. All of a sudden, a loud boom was heard near Esumi's hand. Sasori's puppet had lightning racing all over it. It then started to converge near it's chest and turned into a large electrical ball before expanding and imploding on itself.

The iron sand that was currently floating in the sky started to break apart and fall into the desert's sand once the puppet was destroyed. Esumi was confused though.

"I thought you could control the black sand. But it was your puppet controlling it? Huh? Since when could puppet's use ninjutsu?"

"It is my special puppet technique. I call it Hitokugutsu. They are puppets that are created from human corpses. Whatever special abilities these corpses had once they were alive, they can use as my puppets. But enough of that. I haven't been forced to such circumstances since I joined the Akatsuki." Sasori said before taking off his robe and revealing what was underneath.

Esumi already knew what was underneath his robe with her Byakugan, but it still looked pretty creepy to her. So she decided to block out everything that wasn't his handsome face, but this time she decided not to do so. He transformed his own body into a puppet's body. All lined up with many hidden weapons and tools. Esumi already knew Sasori's weak spot. She could've ended this match when he was still inside his first puppet. But she also wanted to give little Khael-chan over there a good teaching experience from the best known puppet user. She was deciding whether or not to end this now, because she doesn't see anymore puppets. Sasori, on the other hand, held out his palms and aimed them at Esumi.

From his palms, a tiny metal tube came out and fired a stream of hot flames towards her.

"Just normal fire? Are you kidding me? I was expecting something impressive. I'll give you one more chance Sasori-chan." Esumi said as she took out a steel shield and blocked the flames easily.

The flames split apart from the shield and went on the sides of Esumi. Esumi watched as one of the scrolls dispersed on Sasori's back before he stopped firing flames and suddenly started to blast out high pressured water blasts. Esumi was slightly sliding back, but started to step forward and run at Sasori. With a twist of the wrist, Sasori's water blast turned into a water jet cutter!

"Gah! What are you trying to do Handsome?!" Esumi shouted when she saw the change in water with her Byakugan and quickly dodged.

Although her steel shield was sliced in half, along with most of the desert floor below her. The sand started to sink and along with it was Esumi's footing.

Sasori took advantage of this and shot out his thick cable that was coiled around a pole in his stomach cavity towards the slightly unsteady Esumi. Esumi quickly took out her steel pipe, named Basher, and deflected the incoming cable that had a sharp tip at the end of it, resembling a tail somewhat. This did little to stop Sasori however, he followed along the cable and started to fly straight towards Esumi. His 10 large blades attached to poles on his hip started to spin like propellers. Esumi guessed he wanted to slice her in half with those spinning blades.

As Sasori's deadly propeller blades managed to get close to Esumi, Esumi smoothly dodged in between the pair of 5 blades and somehow smashed Sasori in the stomach area with her weapon. With a sickening crunch, she smashed Sasori into parts and pieces. His limbs, weapons, tools, and such split apart as Sasori went across the desert's sandy floor.

Normally this would be the time for celebration, because Esumi just actually broke her opponent into pieces. But actually Esumi watched with her Byakugan, as Sasori's "core" was still active. His entire source of chakra is inside that "core" of his and it's still active even after she burst his puppet body apart. She sat down on the desert's floor in an unladylike manner and looked as if she was relieved it was finally over. And just a few seconds later, Sasori started to put himself back together. With a hidden grin, Esumi continued to lie on the sand as if she doesn't even know what he's doing until he pulled out a scroll on his back and opened it along with a compartment on his chest.

Suddenly an impressive amount of puppets started to fill up the bright desert sky with cloaks of red. Along with those puppets at least more than a hundred chakra strings attached to each one of them.

"This is the technique that allowed me to bring down an entire country. Since you seem so eager to perish, allow me to help you and add you to my collection. Yada Esumi." Sasori said a bit more unhumanlike and more like an unfeeling puppet.

"You don't know how happy you just made me Sasori-chan with this jutsu of yours." Esumi said with relief in her voice.

"Enough foolish talk. This is the end."

Tears slowly fell from Esumi's eyes as she smiled at the vast number of puppets in the sky. Her face suddenly turned serious for a moment.

'Wait are those sharingan eyes in that puppet?! Oh my god!!!!! How lucky am i!?!?! I don't have to take Itachi's or Sasuke-kun's eyes in the future. I can just take those functional two in that puppet of his. This is the greatest trip back home that I ever taken..' Esumi thought before having tears leave her face once more.

Esumi took out her Executioner's blade and her other massive sword Slashy. She held them in one hand each as she readied herself in excitement.

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