Broly In Naruto

The Broken Deal & A New Fight!?

"Hokage-sama I have something to report about Aomatsuna Hakusei." The mask wearing Anbu says.

"Ohoho, did he already lose out on the bet we made? I can't wait to rub it in." Hiruzen says a little giddy.

"Well no actually. He already completed 1, while showing a great start on another one."

"Oh, even better! Tell me which ones." Hiruzen says with a smile.

"He has found two friends and he has started to smile more." Kakashi answers.

"Great! Now what did you want to report to me about?"

"Well it seems that Aomatsuna is very skilled in taijutsu without being trained by anyone or being seen training in Taijutsu by any Anbu who watch him daily. I believe that his bloodline gives him better senses than that of a normal person. So due to these enhanced senses, his body is able to do more than what should be capable of a 5-year-old, even that of a genius or prodigy. So, along with these enhanced senses I just stated he also has abnormal chakra network, his strong body, and his prehensile tail with no known information about except that it can hold grab and exert force that similar to a normal hand." Kakashi reports.

"It seems that we will have quite the monster on our hands if he becomes a shinobi. We need to find a way to give him bonds to the village, so he won't just leave when he becomes stronger and decides he doesn't need the village to get any stronger." Hiruzen states.

"I don't believe those two friends he made are of any real stature in the village are they?" To this question Kakashi just shakes his head a little sadly.

"They are also orphans just like Aomatsuna. One is a girl named Yada Esumi who was taken to the orphanage not too long ago due to being found in one of Orochimaru's hideouts after we raided it with a squad of Anbu. She lost her mother and brother to Orochimaru's men and has set her sights on the Sannin himself to get revenge for her dead family. She is particularly withdrawn from the other children and when approached by a child of similar age, she will either stare at them coldly or tell them to go away. Causing her to become rather anti-social and unapproachable by her peers."

"Orochimaru still causes problems for me even when he's gone. I should've taken responsibility as his sensei and taken him out myself to prevent even further damage he could've caused. But that bridge has sailed…" Hiruzen starts to smoke on his pipe and motions for Kakashi to continue his report.

"The second friend of his is named Amai Jabie. He has been in the orphanage as long as Aomatsuna has. He has no remarkable traits. He was often bullied by three other children in the orphanage, but it has never gotten to where blood was spilled just a little rough housing. He is cowardly, reserved about his thoughts, and kind."

"So three orphans with no real attachments to the village at all and from what Aomatsuna-kun shows me in his behavior, he only cares about getting stronger for no discernible reason." Hiruzen's face takes on a grim look.

"Is there any way we can introduce Aomatsuna-kun to the clan head heirs and somehow make them gain bonds over time?" Kakashi looks at Hiruzen with a frown. Hiruzen takes another smoke before sighing deeply and blowing smoke in the air.

"Aomatsuna does not show the initiative to want to associate with children his age. He looks at them as they are under him and not worth being seen as equals or treated as such. Maybe when he gets into the academy or on a genin team in the future we could perhaps cause situations that force him to interact with the clan heirs on positive terms. But for now when the children have no reason to better themselves and look for reasons other than to play with their friends, its rather impossible to help Aomatsuna gain bonds to the village for now." Kakashi states.

  Hearing this just made Hiruzen's face turn even more sour.

"Alright. For now, continue to watch over him and his friends. Keep them safe and make sure they aren't doing anything too dangerous." Kakashi nods and then disappears in a swirl of leaves.

"God damn it! Whose gonna clean up those leaves!?" Hiruzen swears before calling in his secretary.


"Anymore news on the boy?"

"Yes, my Lord, it appears that the child has made friends and decided to train with them to fulfill some sort of bet. What this bet is I couldn't find out. I just know it involved getting two people close to him."

"Is there anything else you managed to find out?"

"Yes, it turns out the child is very talented in the field of taijutsu. He was able to take on two of his peers in a friendly spar with no trouble whatsoever. I was not able to find out exactly how talented he was due to the spar being too quick."

"Maybe a test is in order.. Send some of the recent recruits we acquired to test him when he's alone and out of sight. Tell me of the results. You're dismissed."

"Yes, Lord Danzo." The faceless masked shinobi disappears.

"I will find out whether you will be a threat to this village or not Aomatsuna Hakusei. And if you are, I will immediately get rid of you."


  Broly is walking towards the local weapons shop to look for a weapon for Esumi. He was about to walk in but was stopped by a man.

"Get out of here you demon. You're not welcome here." The man says viciously.

  Broly stared at the man before remembering his deal with the old man about not injuring anyone severely. Broly's face turned dark.

"Get out of my sight before I crush you under my foot like the other three idiots that attempted to get in my way." Broly said as a warning.

  The man slightly panicked before looking at a dark alleyway and then looking back towards Broly. This did not go unnoticed by Broly.

"I'm..I'm not like those drunk fools." The man takes out a knife and points it at Broly.

  Broly's face turns even more frightening, causing killing intent to leak out and flow towards the man. Making him shiver and look nervous while still holding the knife. He looks towards the alley once again and then calms down a bit.

"Whoever put you up to this will regret messing with me at this time. Although I need to get into the Academy as soon as possible, I believe this battle with these trash will be satisfying for my Saiyan blood!" Broly laughs before roaring and charging the armed man.

  The man shook in fright before holding the knife in front of him and attempting to slash at Broly. Broly moved his head to the side and grabbed the man's wrist and *CRACK* a limp hand falls along with a knife that drops to the ground. The man yelled in pain before trying to run away towards the alleyway.

"DON'T YOU RUN WORM! I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET!" Broly shouts while easily catching up to the man and smashing his left leg with both of his feet causing another *CRACK* to ring out for anyone in ear shot.

  The man falls on the floor crying and crawling towards the alleyway while screaming "HELP ME FROM THIS MONSTER" Another *CRACK* rings out. Broly stomped on the man's other leg causing him to shriek in pain and then faint.

"Tch. Useless. Spineless coward." Broly says in disappointment.

  He turned his head towards the alleyway and grins.

"Come out insects, unless you want me to come and skin your hides myself." Broly commands.

  Three young teenagers in faceless masks came out together. One boy with purple hair was holding a katana blade behind his back, the second one was large in size while cracking his knuckles, the third was a girl with black hair. They looked towards each other and then Broly and dashed towards him.

  Broly laughed in excitement towards this battle. He rushed towards the biggest of the three faceless masked members. The large boy and Broly clashed fists. The large boy was surprised and angry at the fact that this boy shorter than him was able to push him back and actually give him a challenge. While Broly was pushing the large boy backwards in strength the sword welding boy appeared by Broly's side and attempted to thrust his sword through Broly's ribs.

  Broly quickly broke off the clash between him and the large boy and shoved his foot towards sword welder's chest. The swordsman quickly gave up on attempting to pierce through Broly's unprotected chest and dodged the kick.

  The girl quickly weaved through some hand signs and said, "Demonic Illusion Hell Viewing Technique!"

  Broly felt something invisible enter his body then quickly wash away as if it was never there.

"So that's what a Genjutsu feels like. I suppose this bug is too weak to make me experience what it feels like to be truly put under a Genjutsu."

  When the Genjutsu was broken, it caused the caster to shout out in surprise.

"My Genjutsu doesn't work against him!"

"Then take out your tanto to help us!"

  She does as the sword-welding boy says and charges with him towards Broly. Broly leaked out some more killing intent and battle spirit towards the three, causing them to frown and take this even more seriously. The black-haired girl slashed towards Broly's face. Broly dodged as she continued her assault. The purple haired swordsman slashed towards Broly's ankle.

  Broly jumped in the air only to see the large haired boy finish weaving through some hand signs and saying,

"Earth Style: Stone Pistol Jutsu!"

  Broly smiled a little bit more as a rock the size of a pebble suddenly increased to the size of a rubber ball as it shot through the air towards him.

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