Broly In Naruto

Training Arc (Part 5.1)


Esumi and Broly are currently on the way towards training ground 5. They decided to get there an hour earlier. Esumi never understood why Broly liked to come early, he seems more like the type to come whenever he wanted to. Esumi would definitely come whenever she wanted because she's a badass unstoppable kunoichi. Who dares tell her what to do and what not to?

What Esumi didn't know was that Broly would have agreed with her. He would come whenever he wanted, but Akira stomped that habit into the ground when he was small. She refused to feed him every time she caught him doing something wrong. He attempted to leave the orphanage and acquire food through other means but somehow Akira had some sort of sense for the legendary saiyan and could always tell when he was there or not. She threatened to never feed him again if he left the orphanage without her permission when he was in trouble. Normally the saiyan couldn't care less about what a feeble bug would say, but ever since his reincarnation into this world he was constantly around Akira. Apparently she left an imprint on the saiyan while he was young and it stuck firmly. Although he would never say it clearly and directly, He cared about Akira.

The two arrived at the training ground where Broly and Ko are to meet up with the sensei and their genin team. No one but them has arrived so far, but they did arrive an hour before the actual meeting time so no real surprise there. Broly and Esumi chose to try and attempt the body flicker jutsu with their elements since they couldn't do it in the crowded forest without crashing. Esumi was going to use her lightning chakra and infuse it into the technique, while Broly was going to use earth chakra and wind chakra with the jutsu.

Esumi changed her normal non-elemental chakra into lightning and did the single hand seal for the body flicker jutsu, Tiger.

Esumi shot faster than usual with the body flicker jutsu and quickly forced chakra into her feet to stop her suddenly rapid speed. This did not help her as much as she thought because all this did was tear off a small chunk of ground and cause her to lift off in the air spinning. She eventually started to laugh and yell in excitement as she was spinning in the form of a blue hedgehog. After spinning enough times, she started to lose momentum and landed perfectly on her feet. She gave herself a 10 and looked towards Aomatsuna. Broly simply nodded his head, causing Esumi to squeal in success. She returned back to Aomatsuna's side with the lightning body flicker, causing another *CRACK* to sound off. Although she missed her target by a few feet, at least she learned how to stop. Instead of trying to stick to the ground with her chakra, she decided to turn off the chakra fueling the lightning body flicker jutsu. A much easier solution now that she had experience.

Broly has decided to infuse wind chakra into the body flicker technique first instead of earth chakra. He made the Tiger hand sign and fueled the jutsu using wind chakra. Broly was suddenly missing. There was no sound made or any lingering presence that Broly was even there. Esumi looked around for the missing saiyan before feeling a tap on her shoulder. She instinctively slashed with her sword before realizing to late that she was slicing at Aomatsuna-kun! Broly grinned at his slave's response before slapping her wrist and making her miss her target.

"Not bad. In a few more years, you and Jabie will eventually be able to fight me at my full strength. I look forward to that day." Broly said with a terrifying voice that leaked battle spirit.

Esumi inwardly shivered at the thought of fighting Broly without holding back. He can stand up to jonin when he's just a genin that's just a few weeks out of the academy! It hasn't even been a year since they've been genin! She could probably only fight a weakened jonin and win with her strength. She needs to get stronger quickly, or she'll never be able to kill that snake bastard that took her little brother and mother from her.

Broly continued with his practicing. He infused hardened earth chakra with the body flicker technique and no change. Or at least no visible change that he could see or feel. He moved on to using liquid earth chakra or mud specifically and used it to fuel the teleportation jutsu. Broly also felt no change with this one. He felt slightly irritated. He thought that infusing chakra into non-elemental would always improve them, but apparently some non-elemental jutsus can't be taken over by certain chakra natures.

The meeting time was in 10 minutes and Team 11's sensei has arrived. He looked surprised at their early arrival. Since they never showed up for his team meetings he assumed they always slept through the time or didn't care. Apparently it was the second option.. He inwardly sighed at his train wreck of a genin team. They give no respect and care towards him.

"Good morning Aomatsuna-kun, Esumi-chan." Ko said politely.

Broly just nodded towards Ko. Esumi was still slightly pissed he pulled their first c-rank mission out of the village, but after Broly received those elemental exercises from him it was hard to stay mad at him. She also nodded towards him, mimicking Aomatsuna's response.

"Esumi-chan what are you doing here? I only called for Broly." Ko questioned nicely.

"I'm here to play with some genin." Esumi answered.

"I'm sorry to disappoint but only Aomatsuna will be with any other genin team. This is his punishment and will not be taken over by anyone. If you want to continue despite my words, feel free." Ko said.

Esumi was pissed off at her pansy wimpy sensei talking to her like this but glanced at Aomatsuna to decide if to listen to him or not. He nodded. Ko didn't miss this exchange and fumed on the inside. Is he the sensei or not?! His word should be the one that is followed. He didn't mention anything though because Esumi soon left after. Broly and Ko just waited in silence before Team 8 arrived.

A long black-haired woman wearing a red mesh armor blouse was leading the group. She stood in front of Ko and smiled. The three genin behind her were curiously looking towards half of Team 11. Aomatsuna looked at the three genin from Team 8 and looked back towards their sensei. He was wondering how strong she was. She didn't look very strong, but neither did his teacher and he was an annoying little fly in battle.

"So this is the so called prodigy of all the genin teams." The red-eyed sensei said while looking at Broly.

"I hope this will be an educational experience for my team Ko-san."

"Yes, I made sure to tell him of his role. Kurenai-san" Ko said making the genin of Team 8 confused.

Kurenai noticed the confused looks on her student's faces and decided to tell them of their purpose here.

"Team 8, I have gathered you all here to have a spar with a member of Team 11. You three will attack him as a team." Kurenai explained.

"Wait why is he by himself! Where is the rest of his team!?" A wild looking boy shouted.

"He is by himself because this is part of his training." Ko answered in place of Kurenai.

"He doesn't look that tough! I can take him on by myself." The wild looking boy boasted along with his dog barking in agreement.

"I'm sure our sensei has her reasons for why she wants us to attack as a team Kiba." The sunglasses wearing boy said.

"You're right Shino-kun. So go on you three. Make sure to do your best!" Kurenai said.

The wild looking boy known as Kiba charged forward close to the ground with his dog right behind him. His two teammates quickly followed after him. Broly stood and stared at the three as they dashed towards him. He was thinking about how to crush these 3 children as fast as possible while also following his sensei's instructions of showing them their good points and bad points. Even if he detests the man, he will stick to his own words. Maybe he should use these other genin teams as practice.

As Broly was in his thoughts, the boy named Kiba attacked with a leaping kick towards his distracted face. The kick landed and Kiba soon recovered from his jumping attack and looked towards his obviously knocked out opponent. He even started to laugh before fully seeing the results of his attack and payed dearly for it. Broly appeared in front of the laughing boy and grabbed his face. The boy's dog was biting at Broly's ankle to save his owner before being kicked away and knocked unconscious. This caused the dark blue-haired Hyūga and the boy named Shino to gasp in shock before contemplating on saving the struggling Kiba who looked absolutely furious after hearing his dog's whine of pain. He was clawing at Broly's arm while Broly was looking at the teenaged Hyūga girl and Shino with a baiting expression.

"Have you realized that you ran over your head underestimating me? Fools." Broly said before smashing Kiba's head into the ground multiple times, causing the ground beneath him to crack and crumble and the boy to yell and groan in pain before he finally fell unconscious.

The Hyūga girl's face turned serious and she activated her Byakugan and Broly couldn't tell what the hooded boy was feeling due to his face being covered up. But he heard some slight buzzing from his direction.

"Hinata. You attack him with your clan's taijutsu and I'll support with my clan's techniques." Shino said before the two started to dash off towards Broly.

"Hey don't you think your student is taking this too seriously!?" Kurenai yelled at Ko.

Ko sighed before maybe thinking this was a bad idea. He should've seen how the other jonin taught their students first..

"I'm pretty sure he held back. Your Inuzuka kid doesn't look that bad." Ko lied.

"He doesn't look that bad!? He'll be lucky if all his bones are still in place! I'm going to end this little show if another student of mine gets hurt badly." Kurenai threatens.

Hinata ran towards the muscular saiyan who wasn't even in a taijutsu stance. She attacked towards his chest with a forward palm. Broly, not wanting to repeat his experience with his sensei, grabbed the young girl's wrist and raised her in the air stopping her attack. The young girl expelled chakra from her tenketsu, an ability exclusive to Hyūgas, and forced Broly to let go of her and also cause his hand to turn slightly numb from the burst of chakra. The hooded boy appeared behind Broly and kicked towards the saiyan's jaw. Broly turned around nearly instantly and elbowed Shino in the face, causing Shino to explode into a bunch of insects that quickly latched onto Broly.

Shino was helping Hinata up as his bugs distracted the shirtless boy. As he finished helping her up, he sensed a majority of his bugs have just died. He was angry at the loss of his bugs, but outwardly showed no expression except for his fists shaking. Hinata took notice of this and patted Shino's back. He looked at her and noticed an expression that said "Let's take him down. Together."

Broly felt that the little bugs that were biting his skin were also draining his chakra. He was getting slightly annoyed so he surged some sharp wind chakra in his body and expelled it outside his body. Normally any average shinobi would not be able to do this unless they had a large amount of chakra and exceptional chakra control. If one thing went wrong in the process of attempting this technique would cause either massive lacerations on the skin from the sharp wind chakra or numerous cuts on the inside of the body. After Broly got rid of the bugs that encased him, he saw that the two were attempting another rush at him. He decided to end this because he was getting bored.

He appeared in front of the hooded boy and kneed him in the gut painfully. Hinata quickly and without hesitation palmed straight towards Broly's head while he was attacking her teammate. Broly swayed his head and soon came another palm. Unwilling to have a repeat from his when his sensei's attack constantly got faster and faster, Broly threw the bug boy into the next palm that came for him. The girl gasped in shock before stopping herself and trying to catch the hooded boy. She tripped over and both her and Shino tumbled away from the force that Broly threw Shino. She was exhausted and could barely move, but still attempted to get up and continue the fight.

"If that's all you're capable of, prepare to die!" Broly shouted before appearing over Hinata's grounded body and stomping his foot towards her head.

Broly looked towards Team 8's sensei to see if she was going to make a move, and he saw movement! He was getting excited at the prospects of fighting another jonin. He added a little more force to his foot that was crashing down towards the exhausted girl's head who stared straight at the foot with no signs of giving up in her eyes. The previous unconscious wild boy appeared in front of Hinata and kicked Broly in the chest, sliding him away from his friends.

The boy appeared ragged and completely out of breath along with his dirtied dog. Kiba enveloped his body in chakra and it started to change. His canines started to grow, his fingers and toenails grew into a claw-like appearance, and his eyes turned into slits. His white little puppy covered in grass and dirt jumped on his back. Kiba's chakra reached over into his dogs and *POOF* his dog turned into a clone of the boy! The two versions of Kiba started to run at Broly before spinning rapidly and turning into two drills that were tunneling towards Broly.


Broly stared at the technique with interest. He could use this technique's idea for his own jutsus. He grinned as the two human drills came closer from the left and right side of him. Broly coated his hands in hardened earth chakra and grabbed the spinning tunnels. They shredded his earth chakra coating and caused him to skid back, but he easily replenished his earth chakra with his large chakra reserves and simply waited until they stopped spinning. He lifted Kiba and his clone. He was about to smash their heads together until he felt a sharp cold metal on his neck.

"You might want to put my student down. The battle is done." Kurenai warned.

Broly's tail curled around Kurenai's throat and started to choke her.

"You dare threaten me worm? Getting caught so easily as a jonin. Pathetic. Learn your place fool." Broly said.

The Kurenai Broly had by the throat with his tail faded away and so did the two boys in his hands. He was confused until he searched his chakra system and found a foreign chakra inside. He quickly expelled it out and found that he was trapped inside a genjutsu. Team 8 was safely behind Kurenai who was staring daggers into Broly and Ko.

"Well it was a nice spar wasn't it Kurenai-san. Whoa hey look at the time! We better get going!" Ko said while appearing next to Broly and body flickering away.

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