Brother Chen, Can You Stay Away From Me?

Chapter 142

Chapter 141 Meet rally

From Fuyin Mountain, Chen Shaojie officially entered the inner layer of the Poisonous Miasma Forest.

The inner layer of the Poisonous Miasma Forest is centered on Dingyuan Mountain and radiates hundreds of miles around it. It is a veritable Poisonous Miasma Forest.

Here, all kinds of miasma are flooded in the dense forest, and the moment it never dissipates, it is blind to the sky.

If there are people in the outer layer of the Poisonous Miasma Forest who can enter and leave freely, then it is really not allowed to enter here, at least ordinary people in the mundane world can’t survive.

Chen Shaojie had always been longing for the inner layer, thinking that this was a good place for him to collect poisons, but since entering, he has inevitably felt all kinds of depression, especially uncomfortable.

There is a mist of poisonous miasma all around, and the range that can be seen by normal line of sight is no more than three meters.

Even as a third-rank monk, with better eyesight, he can only see a distance of more than ten meters. Such an environment is really uncomfortable.

Moreover, there is complete silence in the dense forest.

When a person walks in it, it is like a person walking in a desperate situation, and a variety of negative emotions will be generated in the heart, making it uncomfortable.

Originally, Chen Shaojie felt that he could “play” a song and let himself open up.

But in this “quiet” and disturbing environment, the matter of playing music seems too high-profile.

This is a small reality of the Dark Jungle Law. If someone else is in the dense forest, playing music is equivalent to telling others where you are. It’s very dangerous, so it’s best to keep silent.

There is no way to listen to music, only to enjoy the “appetite”.

As Chen Shaojie moved forward, he urged his spiritual power to make the heart-broken grass grow wildly, constantly absorbing the miasma in the surrounding air, like a giant whale sucking water.

However, it has to be said that the miasma resources here are extremely rich. No matter how the Miasma is absorbed, the poisonous miasma will be replenished quickly, and there is no reduction at all.

This kept the Duanchangcao in a state of extreme excitement, and Chen Shaojie could sense the satisfaction and joy of his natal pet.

“If you can stay here for a year and a half, maybe the toxicity of the intestine grass can be doubled several times.”

Chen Shaojie couldn’t help thinking like this as he watched the Brokengut Grass continuously sucking the pink miasma around him.

This is a peach blossom miasma with a bitter taste.

“Bitter” represents paralytic toxicity.

It shows that the miasma of the peach blossom miasma has similar toxicity as those in Rongmapo.

The toxicity of guttata is further widening, which is a good thing.

Was walking, suddenly–

There was a slight noise in front of him, causing Chen Shaojie to stop.

He listened carefully and carefully identified it for a while, and found that the slight noises were actually the sounds of music.

Because of the distance, it sounded very vague, unable to distinguish the tune, as if it was a slight noise.

Playing in this place…

What a love it must be…

Chen Shaojie groaned for a moment, and immediately flew over there.

It’s rare to meet musicians in such deep mountains and old forests, of course you have to go and see them.

Chen Shaojie felt that as a lover, he shouldn’t bother other people’s Yaxing in the past.

It is best to go over and observe it silently, so that people can finish the tune without distraction.

On the earth, going to the concert hall to listen to music is like this. It must be quiet and polite.

Flew close sneakily.

The sound of the tune became clearer and clearer, and the tune was finally recognizable.

In the sense, it was a sound like Suona, playing dizzy, high-pitched and sad…

To tell the truth, Chen Shaojie listened to that style, and felt more like a tune used during funerals.

In this kind of dense forest, it is impossible to hear such music.

However, out of respect, Chen Shaojie continued to move forward, ready to get closer to see what kind of comrades he was like, and wanted to play in this woods.

Not long after–

He finally saw clearly that it was not one person, but a team of people.

The bunch of people were all white paper men, dressed as funeral processions, walking in the dense forest.

At the front of the funeral team of the paper men, there was a puffer, which was carried by four powerful paper men, with a living person sitting on it.

The man was a fat man, his whole body was meat, and he felt like he was sitting on the huzi, like a pile of meat.

And beside the fat man, there was another living person, a woman.

The woman was petite and looked a little stunted. The little girl was only twelve or thirteen years old, thin and short.

Except for these two big living people, the whole team that spent funerals was all paper people.

In such a dense forest, suddenly seeing such a group of people is really weird and weird.

Chen Shaojie felt a little curiosity in his heart. He flung out a blade of grass and fell on the last paper man in the team. Then he followed the other side so far, wanting to see what the “people” did.

Walked for a long time.

What surprised Chen Shaojie was that this team also seemed to have gone to Heiyelin because of the same direction.

Is it also for that precious medicine?

Chen Shaojie thinks it is very possible.

In fact, he is not too concerned about Baoyao.

It’s just that since I learned this information from Qin’s boss, I just went over and took a look.

Now that he found that there were other people who were also going to the Black Leaf Forest, he couldn’t help but become a little curious, wondering what the treasure medicine was.

The paper man team moved very fast, and in the evening, they finally came to the Black Leaf Forest.

The paper man did not stop to rest, but Haizi Street entered the black leaf forest.

Chen Shaojie at the back thought for a while, and did not hesitate to enter the Black Leaf Forest.

Walking in this forest, Chen Shaojie knew why it was called the Black Leaf Forest.

Because everything in the forest is all black.

Not only the branches and leaves are black, but the land is also black.

It looked like it had all been stained with ink here.

After the paperman team came to the front of a valley, they finally stopped, and even the music also stopped.

In front of the valley, the miasma seemed to be much thinner, and the vision became clear.

Chen Shaojie saw from a distance that there were actually seven or eight people in front of the valley.

Two of them are the most special, which attracted Chen Shaojie’s attention.

First, on the left side sits an old man in black clothes.

The old man was almost integrated with the surrounding environment because he was wearing black clothes. If it weren’t for his white hair, he could really become a ninja.

Secondly, on the right side, there are dwarfs with very short heads.

His eyes are small and his mouth is big, and he looks very fierce, like a piranha.

What the **** is this?

Secret assembly?

Chen Shaojie thought about it, but didn’t think of why.

Over there, after the paperman team stopped, everyone on the scene looked towards them because they were more ostentatious.

Of course, everyone’s eyes finally focused on the only two living people in the team.

High-speed text hand-writing Daoyou Chen, please stay away from me, can you please chapter list

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