Brother Chen, Can You Stay Away From Me?

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Senate new life

One month later.

In front of the Qingyu Immortal Zongqin Hall, all the new disciples gathered together, ready to accept the worship service.

Chen Shaojie and Li Xuejiao stood together and looked at the others curiously.

This time the sect recruited more than 100 disciples, which is said to be the most in the past ten years.

“Junior Brother, it’s so great that we could be promoted to the upper court together! Junior Brother, everyone said that Master Qingzhu gave you the opportunity. Can you tell me what opportunity Master Qingzhu gave you?”


Chen Shaojie looked at Li Xuejiao helplessly. Ever since Li Xuejiao knew that he had also participated in the entrance examination and was successfully promoted to the upper hospital, she had been asking this question repeatedly.

When Chen Shaojie saw Li Xuejiao like this, she couldn’t help but stick out her tongue. She apologized: “Oh, I know, brother, you can’t say anything, I’m sorry, I’m just too curious.”

Chen Shaojie frowned slightly, and she couldn’t see the action of the senior sister sticking out her tongue.

During this period of time, Li Xuejiao’s attitude towards him has obviously become closer.

I used to think of him only as a younger brother, always talking about how to repay him and take care of him, but now… how to say it, it seems that I am prepared to treat him as a male ticket.

Chen Shaojie secretly analyzed the reasons for Li Xuejiao’s complex emotional changes, and found that it was mainly because he was too “weak” before. Li Xuejiao did not regard him as a person who could be equal, and now he was promoted to the upper house by his own strength, and Li Xuejiao finally If you change your view of him, you don’t mind getting closer to him.

Sister, I have never thought about this…

Chen Shaojie has always had a sincere heart for Li Xuejiao, and sincerely only wants to use her cultivation talent, that’s all.

Now, there are so many new disciples who have just entered the sect. Those who can directly pass the entrance test and enter the upper court, each of them has higher talents than those who have been promoted from the lower court.

Therefore, Chen Shaojie felt that in the future, he would try not to disturb the senior sister anymore, and should find another lover.

Thinking for a while, taking advantage of this gap, Chen Shaojie greeted Meng Tiancheng, who had always been standing on the edge and unremarkable: “Xiao Chengcheng, bring things here.”

Meng Tiancheng also successfully promoted to the upper house this time, becoming the third person to be promoted from the lower house to the upper house.

Hearing Chen Shaojie’s “Xiao Chengcheng”, his eyelids jumped fiercely, but then he didn’t say anything, and walked over obediently carrying a big cloth bag.

“Go, follow me!”

After Chen Shaojie said something, he stepped forward and walked out in front of all the new disciples. He introduced himself with a smile: “Hello everyone, my name is Chen Shaojie. I am a disciple who has just been promoted from the lower court to the upper court. They are all brothers in the same discipline, so please take care of them in the future.

For an instant, everyone’s eyes focused and fell on Chen Shaojie.

Among these gazes, some were curious, some were wary, some were indifferent, and some were smiling…No matter what the emotions contained in the gaze, they all showed a little bit of surprise at the appearance of the person in front of them.

Chen Shaojie generously saluted everyone, and then continued with a smile: “It’s a great honor to meet you today. As for myself, I’ve gotten a little bit longer than you, and I understand the situation within the sect. It’s a little bit more, so I’ve prepared a small gift here for you all. I hope I can live in harmony with you in the future, and work together for the prosperity of our Qingyu Immortal Sect.”

After finishing speaking, he waved to “Xiao Chengcheng”, then took out a gift from the big cloth bag and handed it to the person in front.

“Be careful, not respectful.”

Chen Shaojie said, while constantly taking out gifts from the big cloth bag, and handing out a copy to these new colleagues one by one.

His gifts are thick paper rolls, carefully rolled up and tied with a piece of fine hemp rope, looking very delicate.

“Thank you…thank you…”

“You’re welcome.”

As the saying goes, it’s no wonder that many people give gifts. Even the most indifferent person will not refuse to accept Chen Shaojie’s act of giving gifts.

The girls had the strongest reaction. After several of them said “Thank you”, they also called “Brother Chen” by the way, their voices were very greasy.

Of course, there are some people who are cold-tempered and don’t say thank you if you take something. Chen Shaojie doesn’t mind, anyway, he promises that everyone will receive a gift he prepared.

“this is……”

After the newcomers got the gift, someone could not wait to open it.

Chen Shaojie introduced: “This is our map of Mount Qingyu. It shows the location of some important places. Although it is not a valuable thing, I think it will be more convenient for you to get started with this map. Take some time to draw these maps and give them to you.”

Really shameless…

I’ll just open my mouth…

“Xiao Chengcheng” followed Chen Shaojie with a big cloth bag. Hearing Chen Shaojie’s words, he immediately slandered in his heart These maps were clearly drawn by the handyman disciples of the Jiashe ugly class, for Chen Shaojie, who had been promoted to the upper house by “failing up”, they worked it out for several nights to get it all done. They didn’t expect Chen Shaojie to be credited for it all at once.

Chen Shaojie didn’t know Meng Tiancheng’s curse hidden in his heart, so he calmly distributed the gifts, and then returned to his original position with a smile on his face.

After the new disciples looked at the map, no matter what they thought, they knew the function of the map and felt the heart of this handsome brother. Many people couldn’t help but bowed to Chen Shaojie on the spot, saying ” Thank you brother”.

Chen Shaojie hurriedly responded modestly and kindly, saying “No thanks”, very satisfied.

In the process of just handing out the gifts, he had secretly used his own dipping system to check all the newcomers present, and felt their underwear clearly.

Among them, one person has a super spiritual root, three people have a first-class spiritual root, and there are several people who have two second-class spiritual roots at the same time, all of which are perfectly locked by him.

He plans to get along well with these key subjects afterwards and get closer, and then he will rely on them for his training career in the upper house.

After reaping the goodwill of the newcomers, Chen Shaojie stopped talking and turned to low-key.

I just arrived in the upper courtyard, and I am not familiar with the environment. I must keep a low profile to avoid being targeted.

It is said that passing the assessment is not considered a true upper court disciple. He must spend half a year in the Qinxue Hall, understand some of the rules in the sect, and be assigned to do some sect affairs before he will eventually be awarded the identity jade medal by the sect. , Owns the Dongfu allocated by the Zongmen.

To put it bluntly, there is still half a year of induction training plus a probationary period. Only after passing it will it be considered as a formal entry.

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