BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 15: Elder Huo

“Next is your schedule. As you have just arrived today, you may familiarize yourself with the Academy. You may go out and buy some necessities or you may tour around the Academy. However, tomorrow is the opening ceremony so make sure you have plenty of rest today.”

Once Instructor Li finished discussing the schedule, he opened the floor for questions. He noticed someone raising their hand, but the person was a bit short. If the people beside him hadn’t lifted him up, Instructor Li might not have seen him.

“Yes, Xiao Hua! Do you have a question?” Instructor Li asked, pointing to the boy.

“Instructor Li, may I know how to join the Alchemy Department?” Xiao Hua inquired.

“Why? Are you interested in joining the Alchemy Department? Can you refine pills, Xiao Hua?” Instructor Li asked with a hint of doubt. After all, Xiao Hua's talent in martial cultivation was excellent, and it was hard to believe he had Alchemy potential as well.

Xiao Hua shook his head. “I was just wondering if I could enter and learn something about Alchemy from the department.”

Hearing this, Instructor Li nodded in understanding. He initially thought Xiao Hua might be overestimating himself, but when he looked into his eyes, he saw not arrogance, but pure determination. Sighing, he decided to explain the basics of Alchemy, hoping to deter him, though he suspected it would be in vain.

“I see you’re interested in becoming an Alchemist. However, you should know there are strict criteria. First, you need Fire as your primary attribute and a trace of Wood attribute in your Dou Qi. Second, and most importantly, you must have strong soul perception. I've confirmed you meet the first condition, but as for the second…”

Xiao Hua wasn’t surprised that Instructor Li didn’t know about his soul perception. However, Xiao Xun Er remained quiet, as she was already aware of Xiao Hua’s plans to become an Alchemist—plans that Ling Ying had suggested.

During training, Ling Ying noticed Xiao Hua had exceptional soul perception and encouraged him to pursue Alchemy, which initially surprised Xiao Xun Er. However, seeing that Xiao Hua did indeed have a high level of soul perception, she agreed it would be a waste not to follow the path of an Alchemist, a profession that stands above being a Practitioner.

Moreover, alchemists are highly respected for their ability to refine pills and attract powerful allies, which is why even the strongest factions offer them preferential treatment, often requiring their skills in refining medicinal pills and elixirs.

“Don’t worry, Instructor Li. I’m well aware of my soul perception, and I can confidently assure you that I meet both criteria,” Xiao Hua said with a confident smile.

Seeing that Xiao Hua was confident about it, Instructor Li did not contradict him and just let him be since he had already expected this. Nevertheless, every year there would be people that went to the Alchemy Department to try their luck, so he knew there was no harm in letting Xiao Hua give it a shot.

“If you want to join, you may apply directly after the opening ceremony. There would be an entrance test and if you passed, they would recruit you to join them. Once you join the Alchemy Department, there would be an instructor that would teach you in medicinal ingredients properties and refining skills."

"The medicinal ingredients would be provided by the department for the students to gain experience. However, know that there will be no preferential treatment for those people in the Alchemy Department and it will be by your own efforts and talent to obtain more resources there.”

After listening and understanding the workings of the Alchemy Department, Xiao Hua smiled and said to Instructor Li, “Understood, Instructor Li. Thank you for clearing up the confusion.”


The next day, once the ceremony ended, Xiao Hua headed to the Alchemy Department immediately with a face full of smiles. Xiao Xun Er giggled at his expression as she knew the reason he was this excited.

Once they arrived at the Alchemy Department, Xiao Hua met with the receptionist and expressed his intention to join the Alchemy Department. The receptionist called one of the instructors in the Alchemy Department.

When the middle-aged instructor met Xiao Hua, he immediately asked if Xiao Hua had any talent or experience in alchemy. However, after Xiao Hua repeated the explanation he had given to Instructor Li, the instructor frowned and let out a tired sigh.

With the large number of applicants, most of whom failed or applied without knowing the criteria for becoming an alchemist, the instructor had grown weary. He simply waved his hand and asked a student to bring a test crystal ball.

"Place your hand on it," the instructor requested.

Without hesitation, Xiao Hua placed his hand on the crystal ball, which immediately shone with a hot, dazzling red light, while a bright green and radiant silver could be clearly seen within.

"What a pure fire, wood, and lightning element. Surprisingly, these three elements don't oppose each other but actually complement one another! How is that possible?" The middle-aged instructor was astonished to discover such a unique harmony of elemental affinities.

His sudden outburst drew curious looks from everyone around, and feeling a bit embarrassed, he coughed lightly and changed the subject.

"Ahem! Anyway, I need to check your soul perception as well, but from what I can see, you do have exceptional perception, which qualifies you to become an alchemist. Normally, you would attend lectures from instructors who are at least third-tier alchemists or higher, and you’d have to earn resources either on your own or through the school, though the resources provided are limited."

The instructor went silent for a moment, studying Xiao Hua intently. Then he continued, "However, I have a suggestion that could save you resources, help you gain more, and provide you with a mentor. Would you like to hear it?"

Xiao Hua nodded, seeing no disadvantage in the question and unable to refuse. He knew that having talent alone wasn’t enough to become an alchemist, even though Instructor Lei and the old instructor hadn’t mentioned it.

Becoming a high-tier alchemist requires enormous wealth, which is why most alchemists become secretive about their techniques and recipes—they are their lifeline. If he informed the Xiao Clan of his potential as an alchemist, they would likely pour all their resources into supporting him, but considering the clan's size, they might go bankrupt in the process.

For this reason, Xiao Hua saw no harm in considering the instructor's suggestion. In fact, if the instructor had a way to reduce his resource consumption while gaining more of them and get someone to teach him alchemy, Xiao Hua had no reason to turn down the offer.

Additionally, he felt relieved to know there were ways to gain resources without relying solely on the Xiao Clan. Although he had the A-C System, he preferred not to use his ACP unless necessary, especially since many of the items he desired, such as evolving his Chaos Mantra, required a significant amount of ACP.

"Then, if you don’t mind, please wait here for a while. I'll call someone more qualified to teach you alchemy," the instructor said.

After Xiao Hua nodded in agreement, the instructor was visibly pleased. He had already heard from other department instructors about Xiao Hua’s excellent talent in cultivation. Now, with the discovery of his exceptional soul perception, there was a high chance that Xiao Hua would be accepted as a disciple in alchemy by a certain someone.

If that happened, the Alchemy Department would successfully recruit an exceptional talent, and their budget would undoubtedly increase—great news for the Alchemy Department, where countless young and old alchemists study and train.


“Brother Xiao Hua, I’m still surprised that you want to become an alchemist. Why do you desire it so much?” Xiao Xun Er asked.

“Well, first of all, you know my Dou Qi method requires special materials to evolve. So, it seems like a waste not to try becoming an alchemist. Another reason is because of what happened last year.”

Xiao Xun Er thought back to the events of last year, and a flash of realization crossed her face. "You mean what happened in my courtyard? You do realize that it’s—"

"Whether it was my fault or not," Xiao Hua interrupted, "if I had the knowledge and experience at the time, I might have been able to give you that fruit properly, without causing you any harm."

"But, Brother Xiao Hua, if things hadn’t happened the way they did, I might not have accepted it. You have to understand that I was indifferent toward you and everyone in the Xiao Family. That incident, though unintended, helped me grow—not just in strength, but emotionally as well."

Xiao Xun Er smiled softly and held his hand, reassuring him that she didn’t hold any resentment. In fact, she appreciated the experience, as it brought her something far more precious than strength or the clan's approval. She learned the meaning of love and the wonderful feelings that came with it.

For that, she would never hold a grudge against Xiao Hua, who had unknowingly helped her embrace these overflowing emotions.

Seeing that she wouldn’t budge, Xiao Hua sighed and relented. “Fine, fine. But I still want to become an alchemist. Setting aside the wealth, resources, and time it requires, there are only benefits to it.”

Xiao Xun Er giggled and said, "Fufufu, that’s true. Oh! It seems the person that instructor called is coming.”

Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er went silent after sensing someone other than the middle-aged tutor coming here.

After the door opened, they saw the same middle-aged instructor from before, with an elderly man standing behind him. The instructor stepped aside to allow the old man to enter first, then followed and gently closed the door behind them, taking a respectful position behind the old man.

“Elder Huo, this is the one with talent for alchemy,” the instructor said, respectfully gesturing toward Xiao Hua.

“Well, aren’t you the ones everyone’s been talking about? The two prodigies who reached Dou Practitioner at the age of five. But that item you have, and the aura this girl is emitting…?”

Elder Huo looked at Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er with keen interest. The fact that the academy had recruited not one, but two five-year-old Dou Practitioners was already known among the institution's top echelons.

However, what truly surprised him was the object on Xiao Hua’s wrist and the unusual energy he sensed within Xiao Xun Er. These shouldn’t be attainable at their age—unless someone had helped them.

Hearing his words, the two immediately tensed, their bodies growing rigid. After all, unlike the Xiao Clan's Patriarch and Elders, they were now dealing with an old man who had seen the world and read countless documents.

‘Isn’t that Heavenly Suppression Band? And this feeling that I got from the little girl… Is it Heavenly Flame? How did they possess such thing?’

Elder Huo stroked his beard, pondering the origins of the items in their possession. However, he soon shook his head and set aside his curiosity, deciding there was no need to investigate their backgrounds further.

After all, he sensed no ill intentions from either of them towards Jia Nan Academy, and the boy's genuine desire to learn alchemy was evident. Besides, their exceptional talents were a rarity he had rarely encountered in his long life.

Even Hu Gan’s granddaughter, known as the Little Demon, seemed comparatively cuter next to these two prodigious talents. Elder Huo had even heard that Su Qian was secretly planning to recruit Xiao Hua as a disciple.

“Setting aside the Heavenly Suppression Band and the Heavenly Flame, I’m astonished by Xiao Hua’s talent in alchemy, in addition to his exceptional cultivation. And he wears the Heavenly Suppression Band so casually!”

“How can he be merely a genius? This boy is an absolute marvel! Since the heavens have given me this opportunity, it would be foolish not to take him as my disciple. I can’t wait to see their reactions, especially Su Qian’s, when I present him as my own.”

Though he maintained a serious exterior, Elder Huo was brimming with excitement inside.

“Boy, I’ve made my decision. I am Elder Huo, a fifth-tier Alchemist and head of the Alchemist Department. Xiao Hua, are you willing to become my disciple?” His demeanor shifted abruptly as he addressed Xiao Hua.

“Yes! Student Xiao Hua greets his master!” Xiao Hua respectfully bowed to Elder Huo, showing his genuine intent to become his disciple.

“Excellent! From now on, we will be teacher and student. I will teach you everything I know,” Elder Huo said with a beaming smile as he helped Xiao Hua, who had knelt in respect, to his feet.

The middle-aged instructor that was standing behind Elder Huo nodded in happiness and said, “Congratulations Elder Huo. It seems you get to have a good disciple that can succeeds you.”

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