BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 22: Primer Auction House

After leaving the Council Hall, the four of them parted ways, each heading off to follow their own plans.

Xiao Tao and Xiao Yang went to the west section of the Xiao Clan, entering the large Training Field to check on the others and, if possible, offer guidance to those currently struggling.

Although they were mentally exhausted and wouldn’t mind heading to bed as soon as possible, they didn't mind offering advice to the family members. Doing so would strengthen the clan, ensuring they could look out for it when they returned to Jia Nan Academy.

For Xiao Xun Er, she returned to her courtyard, immediately preparing herself to advance to the Dou Grandmaster level. Originally, she had planned to break through at Jia Nan Academy, but Xiao Hua noticed that she was rushing, causing her state of mind to become unstable.

This instability could have led to the emergence of inner demons, which might have grown stronger and caused a severe backlash, potentially resulting in her death during meditation.

Deeply concerned, Xiao Hua asked Ling Ying about the situation and discovered that it was his fault. She had prevented Ling Ying from informing him.

Fortunately, Xiao Hua realized the issue early on and stopped Xiao Xun Er from recklessly attempting the breakthrough, which could have been fatal. To help calm her mind, he invited her on a walk around Jia Nan Academy.

As night fell, they found themselves in a field of flowers near the academy, gazing up at the stars. The cold, calming night breeze brushed against their skin as Xiao Hua finally decided to speak, his voice gentle and soothing.

"You know, Xun'er, I'm truly happy that you care so much about me," Xiao Hua said softly.

"Brother Xiao Hua?" Xiao Xun Er tilted her head, a cute expression of confusion on her face. She hadn't realized that Xiao Hua was already aware of her situation.

Xiao Hua smiled, his gaze softening as he looked at her. The moonlight bathed her delicate features, highlighting the warmth in her eyes as she stared back at him, still puzzled.

“I’ve always admired your determination and strength, Xun’er,” Xiao Hua continued, his voice carrying a tenderness she rarely heard from him. “But I don’t want you to push yourself so hard that you lose sight of what really matters. Your safety, your happiness... they mean everything to me.”

Xiao Xun Er felt her heart flutter, the intensity of his words causing her to momentarily forget the pressure she had placed on herself. She had always known that Xiao Hua cared for her, but hearing him express it so openly made her feel a warmth spreading through her chest, different from the fiery determination that usually fueled her cultivation.

"Brother Xiao Hua..." she whispered, her voice softening as emotions she had kept tightly guarded began to surface. "I just wanted to be strong enough to stand by your side, to protect you like you've always protected me."

Xiao Hua reached out, gently brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. His touch was light, yet it sent a shiver down her spine. "You already do, Xun’er. Your presence gives me strength. Just knowing you're by my side is enough to keep me going."

For a moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that serene field. The stars above twinkled like tiny lanterns, casting a soft glow over the night. Xiao Hua took a step closer, closing the distance between them, his gaze never leaving hers.

"No matter how much pain I shall endured, no matter how many times I'll be at the death's door, I will always stood up. " he murmured, his breath warm against her cheek. "Because you stood at the end of my path, I know that we’re in this together. Always."

Xiao Xun Er's eyes glistened with unshed tears, overwhelmed by the depth of his words. She felt a gentle tug at her heart, an undeniable pull toward the one person who had always been her anchor. Without thinking, she leaned into him, resting her head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

Xiao Hua wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as the night breeze whispered through the flowers around them. In that quiet moment, they found solace in each other's embrace, a silent promise of the bond they shared.

“Thank you, Brother Xiao Hua,” Xiao Xun Er whispered, her voice barely audible but filled with emotion. “For everything.”

He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, a gesture filled with unspoken affection. “I’ll always be here for you, Xun’er. No matter what.”

As they stood together under the starlit sky, the weight of their responsibilities seemed to lift, replaced by the comforting certainty that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together. And in that moment, nothing else mattered.

In the sky, Ling Ying watched everything unfold with a small smile. He was relieved that his Young Lady was safe and truly glad that Xiao Hua was there beside her. This wasn’t something he could resolve; it was a matter between the two of them and no one else.

"Since you’ve made such a promise, you’d better not fall. If you do, I’ll drag you back to life just to kill you myself, boy," Ling Ying muttered softly.

"Now I understand who is most dear to him—the one who drives him to challenge the impossible," Lady Azure murmured with a gentle smile. "Even if it wasn’t love at first, she has truly become the center of his life."

She had been watching him closely since the beginning of the day, curious to see him panic for the first time. Observing from within his spiritual world, she came to understand everything.

Afterward, Xiao Xun Er returned to her usual self, her mind now clear and free of the troubles that once burdened her. Now, even if she were to break through, no one worried about her facing failure.


Meanwhile, Xiao Hua made his way to the newly assigned courtyard Xiao Zhan had given him, intending to concoct an elixir using the recipe he had learned from Lady Azure.

"Boy, what are you planning now?" A woman with azure-colored hair appeared, floating behind him. She asked curiously as she watched him line up the medicinal herbs.

“It’s been a while, Sister Azure. I’m preparing a batch of elixirs to enhance speed training. I plan to auction them later at the auction house.”

Lady Azure raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “I see. Alchemists always need money, so it’s not unusual to auction your work for wealth.”

Xiao Hua nodded. “In this city, there’s an auction house considered the most powerful. They’ll protect the clan while I’m away. I’m planning to get their attention by selling the ‘Foundational Harmony Elixir’ you taught me. Plenty of people would cause trouble once they learn about my cultivation level and my status as an Alchemist.”

Lady Azure nodded thoughtfully. “I see. So, you’re using the ‘Foundational Harmony Elixir’ I gave you? I don’t mind, but can you trust them to keep their word? And are you sure you’ll catch their attention?”

“Well… I think I can if you disguise yourself as my master,” Xiao Hua replied, glancing at Lady Azure.

Understanding his implication, Lady Azure smiled amusedly. “I see. Using strength to keep them obedient, huh? You’re quite cunning. I don’t mind, but prepare me a robe.”

By presenting an enigmatic figure, the chances of Xiao Hua attracting the attention of the Primer Auction would increase as well. After all, someone capable of creating such elixirs would certainly be recognized as an Alchemist—one of the most respected professions.

Naturally, as businesspeople, they would do anything to forge a connection with someone like that. After all, an Alchemist is far more valuable than even a strong practitioner.

Coincidentally, Xiao Hua's strategy mirrored Xiao Yan's approach in securing Ya Fei’s cooperation and gaining wealth. Both planned to use the auction earnings to purchase medicinal herbs for their alchemy endeavors.

"While the Foundational Harmony Elixir is equivalent to a Tier 3 Pill, it may be more beneficial to create a higher-tier pill. Here’s a recipe for a Tier 4 Pill: the Flowing Qi River Pill." Lady Azure provided Xiao Hua with an additional recipe to increase his chances of success.

When he mentioned the Primer Auction, she used her Spiritual Perception to scan the location and discovered a second-tier alchemist within the auction house.

With this alchemist's presence, their plan had a higher likelihood of attracting attention. Naturally, she also sensed several other individuals with some strength lurking in the shadows, but since Xiao Hua wasn't going there to wage war, she chose to ignore them.

After giving him the recipe, Lady Azure explained the pill’s effects. "It enables a Dou Master to break through to a Dou Grandmaster, and if one is submerged in the Foundational Harmony Elixir, it will stabilize their foundation once they break through.”

“If a Dou Grandmaster consumes it, their strength will increase by one minor realm. Additionally, if they take it while submerged, their realm will increase by two more minor realms within three days, though this effect only works once.”

Xiao Hua was surprised by the pill’s potency. It could easily create a new elder in the family residing in Wu Tan City. However, he also recognized the danger it posed to the Xiao Clan. He decided to auction it after the Foundational Harmony Elixir.

Seeing Xiao Hua deep in thought, Lady Azure scoffed. “Why don’t you refine the pill first before thinking about auctioning it? After all, you’ve never refined this type of pill before. Besides, do you even have the ingredients?”

Xiao Hua checked the recipe again and, upon realizing two of the ingredients were missing, scratched his head.

“I might need to ask the Miteer Auction House for help after auctioning the elixir and gaining their attention. I hope this plan succeeds…” Xiao Hua sighed, praying that his strategy would work.


In the alleyway, Xiao Hua adjusted his black robe to cover his face and alter his body’s appearance. The ring on his finger flickered, and another black robe materialized, though it was much larger than his own.

“So, I take it this one’s mine?” A voice suddenly emerged behind him as a slender, snow-white hand reached for the robe.

“Yes, it’s all yours, Sister Azure,” Xiao Hua replied, turning around. Lady Azure donned the black robe, which concealed her face and body.

The robe Xiao Hua wore had been altered to make him appear taller and slightly broader, while Lady Azure’s robe made her look androgynous compared to her usual slender figure.

This careful alteration was to ensure that no one would recognize him. While some might criticize his caution, he knew the world was cruel, where people would not hesitate to annihilate an entire family to eliminate threats.

Although there would come a time when his identity as an Alchemist would be revealed, he preferred it not to be this early. If it were known now, the Ao Ba Clan and Jia Lie Clan might unite against the Xiao Clan, which he couldn’t afford.

Leaving the alley, Xiao Hua saw the auction house at the end of the street. He shook off these thoughts and focused on the task at hand.

Under the watchful eyes of the fully armored guards, Xiao Hua walked into the auction house without hesitation.

As Xiao Hua entered the auction house, the scorching heat from the sun was replaced by a chilling coolness, making it feel like he had stepped into a new world. Sweeping through the elegant hall, Xiao Hua found a side room labeled "Inspection Room."

Inside, he encountered a middle-aged receptionist, clearly bored, behind the counter. The receptionist looked up as the door opened, his brow furrowing in suspicion at the sight of the black-robed figure and the boy. Despite his suspicion, he managed a professional smile. “Sir, are you here for an inspection?”

“Yes,” replied Lady Azure, who stood behind Xiao Hua. Her voice was crisp and raspy, with a touch of indifference.

Xiao Hua flinched, surprised by Lady Azure’s ability to alter her voice to sound like an old man. He glanced at her, but she merely scoffed and gestured towards the counter.

Shaking off his surprise, Xiao Hua stepped forward, placing a White Jade bottle on the desk. The receptionist, still confused, carefully picked up the bottle and sniffed it.

The receptionist, puzzled, carefully picked up the bottle and sniffed it. His expression shifted from confusion to one of respect as he looked back at Lady Azure.

“Sir, are you an Alchemist?” he asked, his tone now filled with deference.

“Yes. The person in front of you is my disciple. We are here to sell an elixir that he has successfully refined,” Lady Azure explained, maintaining her altered voice and tone.

“May I inquire about the pill within the bottle and its effects?” The receptionist, now more respectful, glanced at Xiao Hua as well.

“Foundation Harmony Elixir: It is effective only for Dou Practitioners and below. For Dou Disciples and Dou Practitioners, it increases training speed. When used by a Dou Practitioner, it also raises the chances of breaking through to Dou Master,” Lady Azure answered, maintaining his indifferent tone.

“Wha…?” The middle-aged receptionist’s mind went blank upon hearing the elixir’s effects. It was no wonder; an elixir that could increase the chances of becoming a Dou Master was extraordinary.

However, he was also concerned. Dou Qi training follows a strict formula, and since Qi Paths are particularly vulnerable at this stage, a potent elixir could potentially damage the Qi Paths and be fatal.

Noticing his hesitation, Xiao Hua reassured him, “The elixir has no side effects, and its medicinal power is very mild, so it won’t cause any issues. I’m living proof of its safety.”

Swallowing nervously, the receptionist carefully set the White Jade bottle on the table and said respectfully, “Sir and Young Master, could you please wait a moment? I need to consult Master Gu Ni for an inspection of this elixir.”

“I don’t mind,” Lady Azure replied, turning to leave. “I’ll take a look around the market. My disciple will handle this as it’s his elixir.”

With that, Lady Azure exited the inspection room, leaving Xiao Hua behind. The receptionist then left to find Master Gu Ni.


Author Note:

Because of my new semester have started, there will be a new schedule of updates.

2 Chp./day ➜ 2 Chp. in Monday | Wednesday | Saturday

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