BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 46: Chaos Gate

After Xiao Hua and Xun Er returned to the small pavilion that had long been their home, they were greeted by the warm, satisfied smiles of their senior brothers and sisters. The two exchanged brief glances, smiles tugging at their lips but quickly fading into wry expressions of awkwardness.

Though they had both come to terms with the shift in their relationship, it was still a strange and uncomfortable thing to see that Li Mei and the others had already noticed, despite neither of them having spoken a word about it. Nonetheless, they set aside the discomfort and allowed themselves to be swept up in the joyous atmosphere. Their companions congratulated them with sincere smiles, celebrating the newfound bond between them. The air was filled with laughter and light, and for a moment, all awkwardness seemed to dissolve into the night.

The celebration, however, lasted only a short while. Soon, the laughter quieted, the atmosphere growing still as the gathering began to clean up.

“Now that we’ve properly congratulated our little brother and sister,” Xin Yu’s calm yet commanding voice suddenly pierced the silence, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, “it’s time we discuss our next steps in the Inner Academy.”

As the celebratory mood faded entirely, Xin Yu’s serious tone filled the space. Ming Cheng, his eyes scanning the room, was the first to continue. “While you were in seclusion, Xiao Hua, and Xun Er was recovering, we had a discussion amongst ourselves.”

His gaze lingered on Xiao Hua, who quietly sipped the tea Xun Er had prepared for him. “In the Inner Academy, strength rules everything. With strength, you can claim whatever you desire. The Strong Ranking makes that clear enough. But that’s just the beginning.” Ming Cheng’s voice grew heavier as he spoke. “Within the Inner Academy, countless factions rise and fall. From small groups to large sects, power struggles are endless.”

“For that reason, we have come to a conclusion,” Li Mei interjected, her voice calm yet resolute. Her gaze shifted towards Ming Cheng, Xin Yu, Mei Ling, and Wei Jie. After receiving their approving nods, she turned back to Xiao Hua and Xun Er. “We will establish our own faction and make this place our base. This area is overflowing with pure Dou Qi and spiritual energy, so dense that it puts immense pressure on our bodies and souls. It’s an ideal training ground, one even the Inner Academy elders frequent. Since the First Elder granted us the right to remain here, why should we let such a prime cultivation spot be monopolized by the elders?”

Xiao Hua couldn’t help but smile wryly at the boldness of his brothers and sisters. “I’m more surprised that you’ve dared to make the elders pay an entrance fee just to use this place…”

Xin Yu’s eyes flashed with a mysterious light as she responded, “That’s actually the core reason. According to the First Elder, an array has suddenly appeared within this forest, restricting access. Apart from the seven of us, Elder Huo, and the First Elder, no one is permitted to enter, much less absorb the energy here.”

“The First Elder and Elder Huo told the other elders that we’d be responsible for managing the area, so we decided to impose an entrance fee with their approval,” Mei Ling added, her tone cheerful and unbothered by the gravity of the situation.

Though the elders hadn’t shown interest at first, Elder Huo’s recent breakthroughs had caught their attention. He had advanced a full tier, becoming a sixth-tier alchemist, which alone was enough to raise eyebrows. On top of that, he had also ascended by two stars in the Dou Emperor class—this news was truly shocking and astonishing to be heard. Naturally, such achievements attracted the other elders, and they soon swarmed the area to cultivate. Many Dou Kings were on the verge of breaking through to the Dou Emperor class.

“With that in mind, we plan to make the heart of this forest our faction’s base,” Ming Cheng continued. “It’s no secret that we possess an absurd amount of ‘Fire Energy,’ and our senior brothers and sisters have no doubt been eyeing it greedily, waiting for the chance to seize it since we haven’t used it yet. We can leverage that energy to recruit powerful members or purchase rare medicinal ingredients.”

They could easily recruit countless members to guard the perimeter of the forest and steadily build a formidable faction. However, such plans would have to be postponed for two key reasons.

The first reason was their reputation. Apart from Xiao Hua, none among them had truly stood out in the academy. It was inevitable that after establishing their faction, Ming Cheng planned to challenge the senior disciples in the arena to carve out a name for himself. Without a strong reputation, their faction would struggle to gain influence.

The second reason was the array. The ancient formation guarding the forest was powerful enough to restrict even peak Dou Emperor experts from entering. No one could trespass without their permission or that of the First Elder and Elder Huo. While this ensured their base remained secure, it did not protect them from attacks while outside the forest. Naturally, they needed to increase their strength to defend against such threats.

As for medicinal ingredients, that was a different story altogether. Unlike other factions, they had a tremendous advantage: three high-tier alchemists among their ranks, with Xiao Hua already having reached the eighth tier. This was an unprecedented achievement in the history of Jia Nan Academy. It was no surprise the elders were eager to approach Xiao Hua, hoping to have him refine rare pills for them.

“I don’t have any objections to creating a faction. What about you, Xun’er?” Xiao Hua’s lips curved into a faint smile. The reasoning behind forming the faction was sound, and there was no reason for him to refuse. He turned to Xun Er, curious about her thoughts.

“Of course, I have no disagreements, Brother Xiao Hua,” Xun Er replied, her voice soft and melodic, a charming smile gracing her face. She then turned her gaze toward Li Mei and the others. “In that case, what name shall we give our faction?”

Xin Yu chuckled gracefully, her eyes twinkling as she glanced at Xiao Hua. “We’ve actually already decided. Xiao Hua, you will be the leader of our faction. So, it’s only fitting that you choose our name.”

The news left Xiao Hua momentarily speechless. He had never imagined himself in such a position, but his expression quickly returned to its usual calm. He understood all too well—without his name at the forefront, others would likely dismiss their faction as a joke, underestimating them at every turn.

After a moment’s thought, Xiao Hua spoke with a hint of uncertainty in his tone. “How about we call it ‘Chaos Gate’?”

“Chaos?” Xin Yu raised her brows in surprise, her confusion evident. “Why that name? Where did it come from?” she murmured, her mind racing to grasp the meaning behind his choice.

Xiao Hua nodded faintly, understanding the confusion that flickered in everyone’s eyes. He had promised to explain the origins of his Qi Method and the strange lightning they had witnessed during his battle with Zhou Tao, and now the time had come. “Before I explain, there’s someone I need to introduce. She is extremely important to me.”

As he stood, the temperature within the cabin abruptly spiked. Suddenly, a beautiful yet somewhat illusory figure appeared, floating beside Xiao Hua. Her ethereal presence drew sharp intakes of breath from Xun Er and the others, their faces marked by astonishment. However, they quickly composed themselves, their attention riveted on Xiao Hua.

“This is Sister Azure,” Xiao Hua introduced, his voice filled with respect. “She is the spirit and will of my flame—the Primordial Green Lotus Flame. She is my benefactor, my teacher, and like an elder sister to me. She has taught me the art of alchemy and has guided me through several of my Dou Techniques.”

Lady Azure smirked, her gaze sweeping over the group with a subtle, yet unmistakable authority. “I allow only this boy to call me ‘Sister,’” she said, her voice laced with dominance. “The rest of you will address me as ‘Lady.’ I will not tolerate any other title.”

Her words carried a palpable pressure, her presence exuding an aura of control that left no room for argument. The others felt the weight of her command, understanding that her will was not to be trifled with.

"Lady... Azure?" Xin Yu muttered softly, her disbelief evident. The revelation of Lady Azure’s identity had clearly shaken her.

Wei Jie, however, furrowed his brow in deep thought, crossing his arms as something nagged at him. After a moment, he turned his gaze to Xiao Hua. “Wait... there’s something that confuses me. Isn’t your Green Lotus Flame notoriously destructive? And what exactly does ‘Primordial’ mean? Is Lady Azure different from the Heavenly Flames we’ve heard of?”

Lady Azure, sensing the growing curiosity, softened her commanding presence and took the initiative to address their questions. “I see you’ve noticed the peculiarities. Allow me to explain.”

Her voice was calm now, no longer carrying the overwhelming pressure from before. Understanding that this was something everyone was keen to know, she had no qualms about revealing the truth. But before she began, Lady Azure waved her hand, and a translucent barrier enveloped the room. The space instantly became soundproof, ensuring that no one beyond the cabin could eavesdrop on the secrets about to be unveiled.

Once she confirmed the boundary was secure, she began her explanation. Her voice, calm yet profound, spoke of the vastness of the Great Thousand World—a boundless realm where majestic upper planes preside over countless lower planes like their own. She revealed her history, her deep ties to the Heavenly Lightning and the Celestial Ancient Frost, and the lengths they had gone to in order to avoid destruction. Lastly, she illuminated the dilemma of the Dou Qi Continent—their dwindling Origin Qi, the very essence necessary for true cultivation.

When her words ceased, a heavy silence settled over the room. Lady Azure and Xiao Hua remained still, allowing the weight of the revelation to sink in. They knew the gravity of the information would take time to fully comprehend.

“To think... we are merely in a lower plane...” Wei Jie muttered, his voice filled with disbelief.

“I never imagined there could be a sky far higher than that of the Dou Qi Continent,” Mei Ling whispered softly, her tone tinged with awe.

“And to think that this ‘Origin Qi’ was the key to becoming a Dou Di... but now, it has vanished.” Li Mei’s brow furrowed slightly, though her icy beauty remained undiminished, even in contemplation.

“Yet, this explains the scarcity of Dou Dis over the last millennium,” Xin Yu mused, her voice low as she processed the incredible truth. “And why so many vanished from the Dou Di Continent during the ancient era…”

Ming Cheng, after a pause, slowly closed his eyes as if to seal away the tumult of thoughts. “This is something we shall confront in the future—when we are powerful enough to grasp such matters.” His voice was resolute, cutting off further discussion until they were stronger. “For now, we have another issue at hand.”

His gaze shifted towards Xiao Hua and Lady Azure. “Does anyone else know about your flame... or Lady Azure’s existence?”

“No,” Xiao Hua shook his head. “At most, people will assume I possess a Heavenly Flame. The thought of it being a Primordial Heavenly Flame would never cross their minds. I’d be more surprised if anyone could identify it for what it truly is.”

Wei Jie nodded in agreement. “True. While it’s more destructive and carries a unique aura, it doesn’t differ too much from a Heavenly Flame like the Green Lotus Core Flame.”

“I’m actually astonished,” Mei Ling added, her voice tinged with disbelief. “That our plane managed to recreate even a weaker version of the Primordial Heavenly Flame is remarkable. If what Lady Azure said is accurate, then the Dou Qi Continent’s ability to form it is even more incredible.”

Lady Azure waved her hand dismissively, her tone indifferent. “This Dou Qi Continent was born after its Planetary Fetus bathed in our lingering presence. Naturally, the Heavenly Flames here share the same origin as us. That’s why, if you were to combine all the Heavenly Flames in this plane, their might would surpass even the Divine Flame of a certain clan within the Great Thousand World.”

(Note: It's Fire Spirit Clan from the Great Ruler. Their Ancestor have fought with Xiao Yan when he first arrived in the Great Thousand World and received the flame from the Fire Spirit Clan after defeating their Ancestor. FYI, this is some random thing I added, so please ignore it.)

The revelation was astonishing, even for Xiao Hua. He had never heard of such a thing, even within the novel. When Xiao Yan ventured into the Great Thousand World, his Emperor Flame—the result of merging twenty-two Heavenly Flames—had become powerful enough to rival, and even surpass, the divine flame of the Fire Spirit Ancestor.

For a long time, Xiao Hua had believed that Xiao Yan’s strength stemmed from his ability to merge the countless divine flames he encountered along his journey. But now, if this new understanding was true, everything made perfect sense.

The twenty-two Primordial Heavenly Flames were but fragments of their original source, the Heavenly Genesis Flame, the ancient ruler and creator of all flames—divine or not. Even though these Heavenly Flames were mere copies of that primordial flame, each carried a fraction of their own authority.

Naturally, it was obvious that Xiao Yan's Emperor Flame have reached an unprecedented heights once combined all the Heavenly Flame and even merged it with the other divine flames within the Great Thousand World.

“Nevertheless, that explains why you used the word Chaos in our faction's name,” Li Mei remarked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

Xiao Hua glanced awkwardly at Lady Azure before speaking. “It’s not solely from Sister Azure’s origin,” he admitted. His gaze shifted toward Li Mei. “It’s also tied to my Qi Method.”

Before he could continue, Li Mei raised a hand, cutting him off. “There’s no need to disclose the secrets of your Qi Method. One's Qi Method is their most guarded secret, and it should never be revealed.”

“That’s right, Hua’er! None of us would ask about such personal matters,” Mei Ling added with a bright smile, calling Xiao Hua affectionately. The tone, however, resembled that of a sister addressing her younger brother, so the others chose to overlook the familiarity.

“Anyway, our faction has officially been established.” Wei Jie’s laughter filled the room, brimming with excitement. His eyes twinkled mischievously as he glanced at Ming Cheng and Li Mei. “Next, we’ll let Brother Ming Cheng and Li Mei show off their skills in the arena, to make sure the seniors take note of our presence.”

Xiao Hua and the others exchanged smiles and sighed. Wei Jie had, as always, shamelessly pushed the responsibility of fighting onto Ming Cheng and Li Mei. Yet they all knew he wasn’t one to shy away from battle. As an alchemist, Wei Jie was far from the stereotypical weak scholar who only refined pills; his combat prowess was just as fierce.

Lady Azure giggled softly, amused by the smile on Xiao Hua’s face. "Then, let me reward you all."

With a wave of her hand, six green-colored embers materialized before her. Each ember transformed into a streak of emerald light, shooting towards Li Mei and the others, entering the spot between their brows. As the embers merged into their foreheads, profound and ancient encrypted words inscribed themselves deep within their souls.

Instantly, Li Mei and the others closed their eyes, immersing themselves in the information bestowed by Lady Azure.

Seeing their state, Xiao Hua turned his gaze toward Lady Azure, his eyes filled with curiosity. Sensing his unspoken question, Lady Azure sighed softly and explained in a low, somber tone, "You once entrusted me with your Qi Method, the Chaos Mantra, to study. Using it as a reference, I crafted new Qi Methods tailored to their individual strength and affinities."

Xiao Hua’s eyes widened slightly in admiration. "I’m truly amazed that you were able to create such techniques..."

He let out a soft sigh. Though he had developed a few Dou Techniques, creating a Qi Method from comprehending the Chaos Mantra was far beyond him. Any method he crafted would be vastly inferior, no higher than the Xuan Class, and it certainly wouldn’t possess the ability to evolve.

“That’s understandable. After all, you haven’t yet read the other two chapters of the Chaos Mantra,” Lady Azure’s expression turned serious, her voice carrying a hint of gravity. She had delved into the Chaos Mantra herself and was surprised by the profound depth of the technique.

“You’re right, Sister Azure. It’s sealed because I haven’t reached the strength required to access it.” Xiao Hua shook his head wryly, recalling how his mind had been overwhelmed with information when he first received the technique from the System. However, there were parts he couldn’t comprehend due to certain restrictions.

“I’ve only read the first chapter so far,” Xiao Hua continued with an awkward smile. “But from your reaction, it seems you’ve found something interesting?”

Lady Azure paused, rubbing her chin thoughtfully as she pondered how to best explain it. “Hmm... How should I put this?” Her tone was contemplative. “In the second chapter, it teaches you how to fully merge all nine Heavenly Lightnings together. It also reveals the method to combine twenty-two different Primordial Flames—unlike the first chapter, where it only instructs on merging a Heavenly Lightning with a Primordial Heavenly Flame. It solves the problem that’s been troubling me, as I had no idea how you’d merge all of us once you possess twenty-two flames.”

Xiao Hua’s brow furrowed in thought. “Now that you mention it, I’ve never truly understood how to merge two different Primordial Heavenly Flames. The first chapter only discusses the fusion of Heavenly Lightning and a Primordial Heavenly Flame... I suppose that knowledge belongs to the second chapter.”

His mind whirled with the possibilities, the mystery of the Chaos Mantra deepening as he contemplated the untapped power within the sealed chapters.

"Another key aspect revealed in the second chapter," Lady Azure continued in a solemn tone, "is the natural conversion of energy and how your Qi Method will change as a result."

“Natural conversion?” Xiao Hua tilted his head, clearly puzzled. This was a concept he had never encountered before. “What does that mean?”

However, before Lady Azure could answer it, the six of them have finished comprehending the Qi Method that Lady Azure personally created for them.

"We shall discuss this at a later date, child," Lady Azure said gently, cutting off the current conversation. Xiao Hua didn’t mind; he was just as curious about the Qi Methods that Lady Azure had bestowed upon the others.

"Xun'er, Elder Sisters, Elder Brothers, what are the requirements for the Qi Methods you’ve been given?" Xiao Hua inquired. Since Lady Azure had crafted them using his Chaos Mantra as a reference, he suspected there would be a connection to his own cultivation. If it involved something he possessed, he wouldn't hesitate to share, even if it required gifting them a flame seed.

Li Mei was the first to speak, her calm gaze sweeping across the room before resting on Xiao Hua and Lady Azure. "Mine is called the Ethereal Heaven Mantra," she began, her tone steady but serious. "It requires the Heavenly Lightning and the Celestial Ancient Frost, which presents... a bit of a challenge for me."

“Celestial Ancient Frost…?!” The crowd gasped in unison, save for Lady Azure and Xin Yu. The name carried an overwhelming weight, for they all knew the Celestial Ancient Frost was sealed within Xiao Hua. Yet, they doubted the existence of another.

However, after a brief silence, none dared cast suspicious gazes upon Lady Azure. It was evident that she already knew the depths of their bond. The idea of betrayal between them was laughable, a mere fantasy. Moreover, Lady Azure would never allow infighting under her watch. Not only would such discord be beneath her station, but there was also no cause for it.

"So, you too as well, Sister Li Mei..." Xin Yu nodded, a knowing look in her eyes. "I, too, have the same requirement for the Qi Method Lady Azure give me. My technique is called the Serene Ocean Scripture. If there's a difference, it would be that it only demands the Celestial Ancient Frost."

"Well, mine is called the Flame Mantra... The stronger the flame, the more my Qi Method evolves..." Wei Jie said with a shrug, his tone casual yet tinged with pride.

"That applies to me as well," Mei Ling chimed in softly. "I suppose ours seems a bit underwhelming compared to Sister Xin Yu and Sister Li Mei's methods..."

Wei Jie sighed, scratching his head, while Mei Ling cast a slightly awkward glance toward Li Mei and Xin Yu. Their cultivation paths were undeniably simpler and more straightforward, especially in contrast to the demanding requirements faced by these two. Yet, a determined glint flashed in both their eyes. Neither would choose the easy route—they were ready to face any challenge, even if it meant seeking out the fiercest flames.

"Mine is called the Lightning Punishment Arts, and it requires Heavenly Lightnings and Lightning Beasts," Ming Cheng spoke, his voice low and resolute. He turned to Lady Azure, his gaze sharp and unyielding. "Lady Azure, as you can see, none of us will falter in fulfilling the requirements of our techniques. But I must ask—how are we to meet such conditions? After all, it is not as if Heavenly Lightnings or Primordial Flames appear in abundance."

His words echoed the unspoken question on everyone's minds. Could there truly be enough Heavenly Lightnings and Primordial Flames to go around, or would they be forced to contend with each other for these elusive treasures? All eyes turned to Lady Azure, awaiting her answer.

"Of course not. What I’m giving you are pale flame seeds, new frost petals, and small lightning sparks," Lady Azure replied, her brows furrowing slightly in displeasure. Such a notion—sending Xiao Hua's companions to refine something beyond their means—was beneath her. She had grown fond of Xiao Hua, seeing him as a little brother, and she would never do anything to betray that bond or cause him disappointment.

"Though what I offer you are merely fragments of our strength, they far surpass the so-called Heavenly Flames of this realm," Lady Azure said, her gaze sweeping over Ming Cheng, Li Mei, Wei Jie, and Mei Ling. She paused briefly, then continued, "You must wait for Xiao Hua to gather more—especially you two that needs Primordial Heavenly Flame."

Turning her attention to Li Mei and Xin Yu, her tone softened. "For the Celestial Ancient Frost, you have to wait a little longer. Unlike me or the Heavenly Lightning, she is complete, and I will need to refine the seeds multiple times to weaken it enough. But rest assured, its power won’t be lacking compared to what I’ve given the others."

Li Mei and Xin Yu exchanged a glance before nodding, their expressions grateful.

"We aren’t worried at all, Lady Azure," Xin Yu said sincerely.

Li Mei added, "What she said is right. We're relieved, knowing you’re helping us."

The weight of their words hung in the air. The idea of refining even a single petal of the Celestial Ancient Frost was far too daunting given their current strength. The mere thought of Lady Azure lending her hand in this matter brought them immense relief. It was a kindness that neither of them took lightly.

With that, they all agreed to rest for the night, postponing the rest of the discussion until the next day. Before parting ways, Lady Azure bestowed gifts upon them. To Ming Cheng, she gave three lightning sparks—one golden, one blue, and one purple—each crackling with an immense, untold power. Wei Jie and Mei Ling, on the other hand, received flame seeds, their glowing embers pulsing with hidden strength.

They accepted these gifts in solemn silence, fully aware of the profound significance of these fragments of ancient power.

No one ask what had been given for Xun Er, as Lady Azure had quietly gone to her room later in the evening to have a private discussion with her—a conversation even Xiao Hua remained unaware of until she return.

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