BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 50: Human’s Nature + Announcement

As the sky darkened and the sun slowly sank beyond the horizon, the starry night revealed itself, casting a soft glow over the Obsidian Rock Town. The once tense atmosphere gradually dissipated as the townsfolk returned to their homes, seeking rest for their weary bodies.

Knock! Knock!

"Sir, your dinner. Would you like to eat now, or shall I leave it by your door?"

Xiao Hua paused his cultivation at the sound of the knock. Gazing up at the vast, star-strewn sky that blanketed the night, a deep understanding dawned on him—the three figures from the alleyway earlier that afternoon were about to make their move.

He rose calmly, brushing the dust from his robes, then consumed a pill that altered his appearance and slightly shifted his height. Moments later, with a new face but an unchanged posture, he took a step toward the door.

Opening it casually, he found the innkeeper standing there, dinner in hand. With a polite smile, the innkeeper respectfully offered the meal to Xiao Hua, who accepted it with a quiet nod.

After handing the meal to Xiao Hua, the innkeeper quietly descended the stairs without uttering a word. Yet, Xiao Hua’s sharp eyes caught the flash of glee in the innkeeper’s expression as he turned away. Even in his hurried steps, the innkeeper’s excitement was palpable, as if he could barely contain himself.

‘It seems the strength of those who plan to attack the inn tonight must be formidable, for him to be so elated that he can’t even conceal his intentions,’ Xiao Hua mused, narrowing his eyes. He then calmly turned around and returned to his room.

As he shut the door behind him, a voice echoed in his mind. "Child, why not simply flee during the chaos?"

"Treasure and information, Sister Azure," Xiao Hua replied with a faint shrug. "They've delivered themselves to me. How could I resist? While their belongings may not be of great value to me, I can always offer them to my clan. Furthermore, I’ll leave one alive to extract information about the forces that are here. Once the ancient ruins appear, I must know who my enemies are."

Lady Azure fell silent, understanding his reasoning. In the perilous landscape of ancient ruins, knowledge of other factions was vital. After all, the greatest threat within the ruins wasn't the ancient traps or treasures, but the ruthless cultivators who sought to claim them.

A green flame surfaced on Xiao Hua's fingertips. With a casual flick, he tossed it onto the meal the innkeeper had delivered. As the food was consumed by the flame, a thin, black gas rose from it. Xiao Hua’s eyes narrowed, and he muttered softly, "Black Clot Powder, huh? Impressive. For the innkeeper to possess such a poison... it seems someone connected to a Poison Master is pulling the strings here."

The Black Clot Powder was a devious poison that clogged one's Qi paths, preventing the proper circulation of Dou Qi. While it sounded deadly, it only affected practitioners below the Dou Wang rank. Furthermore, neutralizing the poison was simple for those with fire-based Dou Qi; it only required a strong flame to burn it away.

For Xiao Hua, this poison was laughably ineffective. His Heavenly Lightning Bloodline would purge such a weak toxin instantly, and with the strongest flame refined within him, the poison would be burned to nothing the moment it entered his body.

"Even so, causing me extra trouble... these guests and whoever’s behind this better repay me properly," Xiao Hua sighed, annoyance flickering in his eyes.

He lifted his hand once more, and from the tip of his pale index finger, a beautiful yet destructive green flame emerged. With a thought, he divided the flame into several wisps and sent them silently into the rooms of the other guests, allowing the flames to enter their bodies without them noticing.

Once the poison inside them was completely burned away, Xiao Hua waved his hand, dispersing the flames and erasing any trace of his involvement.

With that done, he turned his attention to the next part of his plan. He ignited a small flame, carefully setting fire to the inn itself, intending to stir chaos. As the flames spread, he watched with cold detachment, knowing the guests and the baboon-tattooed thugs who would soon attack would inevitably clash.

And in the midst of that chaos, Xiao Hua would wait, ready to reap whatever rewards came his way.



A panicked cry erupted from the upper floor of the inn. Hearing the frantic shout, the faces of those gathered in the hall darkened. Their target for the night was awake!

"What’s going on?!" Fatty Bao shouted, his heart racing with shock.

"Damn it!" Hei Jin cursed, his face twisting in frustration. He leapt to his feet, preparing himself for what was to come. "Someone must’ve realized the innkeeper poisoned them and set this fire to draw attention!"

"It’s more than that," Yu Zhou interjected, shaking his head grimly. His expression grew darker as he raised his gaze toward the staircase. "For the guests to still be moving about so freely, they must have already neutralized the poison. It seems we have an expert hidden among them."

"Damn it, Fatty! You've brought us trouble again!" Hei Jin snarled, his patience snapping. With a swift motion, he swung his sword at Fatty Bao.

Fatty Bao, a mere 3-Star Dou Shi, had no time to react. Hei Jin, standing at the peak of Da Dou Shi, easily cut him down. Even if Fatty Bao had seen the strike coming, he wouldn’t have survived a single blow. He was no match for Hei Jin's strength—not everyone was a monstrous talent like some.

"Third Commander, what do we do now?" Hei Jin asked, turning toward Yu Zhou with a solemn expression.

Before Yu Zhou could respond, a voice rang out from the stairs. "Yu Zhou, Third Commander of the Devil Baboon Gang!"

The guests from upstairs had descended, and upon seeing the tattoos on the gang members' shoulders, their eyes flashed with fury. Their expressions darkened, bloodlust and killing intent swirling in the air.

"So, it was you bastards who poisoned our food!" one of the guests exclaimed coldly, his voice dripping with menace.

Yu Zhou’s face remained cold as he replied, "It seems they've realized we're behind the poisoning." He glanced at the enraged crowd but said nothing more. His reputation—and that of the Devil Baboon Gang—was infamous enough.

However, a sense of unease gnawed at him. It felt like someone was pulling the strings, manipulating the situation from the shadows.

'It doesn’t matter,' Yu Zhou thought to himself. 'Even if someone is behind this, there’s no avoiding the fight now.'

Yu Zhou shook his head and gazed at the guests, a dense killing intent flashing in his eyes. The ring on his finger flickered, and in an instant, a longsword appeared in his hand, its blade glinting coldly in the dim light. A dark-yellow Dou Qi surged out from his body, crackling with dangerous energy as he prepared for battle.

His gaze settled on the strongest among the guests, and recognition flickered in his eyes. The man was the reason Yu Zhou had narrowly escaped death at the hands of that ice demon from Jia Nan Academy. With a cold snort, he muttered under his breath, so softly that no one else could hear, "Never thought I'd see that bastard's face again. It seems the heavens favor me today, Yan Hue!"

"Don’t be afraid!" Yu Zhou shouted, pointing the sword at the guests. "They may have neutralized the poison, but its lingering effects will slow them down. Their condition isn’t good. Even if they outnumber us, we can still crush them!"

"Yes, Third Commander!" Hei Jin and the other members of the Devil Baboon Gang responded in unison, their bodies radiating a chilling killing intent and their bodies surged out the Dou Qi within their bodies.

On the other side, the strongest guest, Yan Hue, wasn’t deterred. His eyes burned with resolve. He roared, his voice booming through the inn, "Don’t hold back! If we hesitate, we’ll be nothing but sacrifices for the Blood Sect!"

Deep-red Dou Qi exploded from Yan Hue’s body as he tried to rally the other guests. Though he wasn’t in peak condition, he knew that their only hope of survival was to unite and fight. If they could pool their strength, they might stand a chance against the Devil Baboon Gang.

The guests responded with a unified cry, their Dou Qi flaring up in vibrant hues. They knew all too well that mercy would only lead to their demise. If they faltered, they would become nothing more than cultivation resources for the Blood Sect.


"Hmm... Seeing Yu Zhou here is quite the surprise," Xiao Hua murmured softly, his voice so faint that only those standing next to him could hear. Hidden from everyone’s sight, he stood silently upstairs, his gaze fixed on the chaotic battle between the inn’s guests and the Devil Baboon Gang.

"You know him, child?" Lady Azure’s voice echoed in his mental world, calm but curious.

"I’ve heard of him from Senior Hu Wei," Xiao Hua replied, his mind briefly drifting back to the conversation they shared after the Chaos Gate incident. "Senior Hu Wei mentioned that he fought Yu Zhou once, but failed to kill him. Apparently, the other two commanders came to his rescue, forcing Senior Hu Wei to retreat."

"Ah, that demonic ice boy..." Lady Azure murmured, her voice tinged with vague recollection. She had faint memories of him but hadn’t paid much attention. To her, such battles between the younger generation were fleeting, mere ripples compared to the extreme matters of the Heavenly Astral Lightning and the Celestial Ancient Frost.

"So, are you planning to help the guests?" Lady Azure inquired, though she already knew the answer. If Xiao Hua wished to, he could easily dispatch Yu Zhou and tip the scales in favor of the guests.

"I'm not so naive, Sister Azure," Xiao Hua responded, a faint smirk curling at the corner of his lips. His eyes flickered toward the guests, narrowing slightly. "Despite their advantage in numbers, the fight remains balanced. It’s not an issue of teamwork; none of the guests are going all out."

Lady Azure nodded in agreement, her experienced eyes easily discerning the truth behind the battle. It wasn’t strange, in fact, it was all too obvious— the guests were plotting against one another.

Even though their condition wasn’t ideal, the guests still held an overwhelming advantage against the Devil Baboon Gang. Their strength wasn’t far behind, yet somehow the fight remained evenly matched. It was clear that most of the guests were using the chaos to their advantage, hoping the Devil Baboon Gang would weaken the others, while planning to strike at the right moment to claim the spoils for themselves.

None of the guests were fighting seriously. Instead, they were biding their time, aiming to reap the benefits without expending too much effort. This was why the battle between the guests and the Devil Baboon Gang had reached a standstill.

This was the Black-Corner Region, a land of outlaws where order and morality were practically non-existent. Here, people would betray even their own kin for personal gain. It wasn’t surprising to Xiao Hua, or anyone else familiar with this ruthless region. What seemed like a two-sided battle was, in reality, a three-way conflict: the Devil Baboon Gang, the guests, and those already planning to stab their allies in the back the moment the fight ended.

Xiao Hua’s eyes remained cold and calculating as he watched the scene unfold below. If it had been a simple two-way fight, he might have considered lending a hand. But in a three-way battle like this, with the guests acting so treacherously, it would be foolish to intervene. He had no desire to help those who would likely turn on him the moment the battle was over.

Xiao Hua observed the battle below with an indifferent expression, his sharp eyes analyzing every movement. He noticed that Yu Zhou had also realized the hidden agendas of the guests. With each strike, Yu Zhou gave his all, focusing his attacks on Yan Lan while using the force of their clashes to push the other guests away. Xiao Hua predicted it wouldn’t be long before the guests suffered defeat.

Yan Lan, sensing the pressure, clenched his fists tightly. His foot slammed into the ground, creating deep cracks as his body blurred into a shadow, charging toward Yu Zhou. His fist, enveloped in fiery red Dou Qi, carried a devastating force as it aimed straight for Yu Zhou’s head.

Seeing the incoming blow, Yu Zhou’s eyes narrowed slightly. He sidestepped just as Yan Lan’s fiery fist grazed past where his head had been. Without hesitation, Yu Zhou’s palm transformed into a tightly clenched fist, dark-yellow Dou Qi flowing like a powerful yellow river. He struck hard, his fist crashing into Yan Lan’s chest with tremendous force. Like a kite with a broken string, Yan Lan’s body was sent flying, slamming into the wall with a thunderous crash, kicking up dust into the air.

As the dust settled, the guests froze in shock. Seeing the unconscious Yan Lan lying crumpled against the wall, fear began to creep into their hearts. Their earlier greed and hesitation now turned to regret. Had they not held back, hoping to reap the benefits, they might have had a chance.

But Yu Zhou’s brow furrowed. Something about the impact didn’t feel right. The sensation of his strike had been off, but before he could ponder it further, the guests resumed their attack. This time, those who were of Dou Ling rank united, focusing their efforts on Yu Zhou. The others swiftly moved to eliminate the remaining members of the Devil Baboon Gang.

The guests had, for now, abandoned their plan to use the Devil Baboon Gang. Instead, they focused on wiping them out first, leaving thoughts of reaping the rewards for later.

‘They should’ve done this from the very beginning,’ Xiao Hua thought with disdain as he watched the sudden unity among the guests. His gaze shifted to the 'unconscious' body of Yan Lan, and he scoffed coldly. How could he not see through that man’s ploy?

"Sister Azure, it seems the fight is drawing to an end," Xiao Hua said softly, already standing up. He had predicted the course of events, and now he was preparing himself for the final steps.

"Indeed," Lady Azure agreed with a nod, though her tone shifted as she reminded him of their larger goal. "Just remember to leave one alive. We need to know more about this gathering of strong cultivators."

"You don’t need to worry, Sister Azure," Xiao Hua replied, his voice calm but certain. His sharp eyes flicked toward the back of the inn, where a single shadow was creeping quietly toward the back door, attempting to slip away unnoticed. A smirk played on Xiao Hua’s lips as he remarked, "It seems that man has incredible luck… and survivability."

Suddenly, a deafening boom erupted, shaking the entire inn as a massive explosion occurred. Xiao Hua's eyes narrowed as the figure he'd been watching slipped out the backdoor. The explosion's force was so immense that it sent wood fragments and debris flying in every direction. The air was thick with the smell of burning wood and ash.

Thankfully, Xiao Hua's durable body withstood the shockwave, his form remaining steady against the blast. While the explosive force rattled everything around him, his stability remained unshaken, even as the gusts tore through the surroundings.

As the explosion receded and silence slowly returned, Xiao Hua stepped forward, his movements quiet and deliberate. He approached the battlefield where the chaos had taken place, his gaze falling on the carnage—bodies of both the guests and the Devil Baboon Gang littered the ground. Blood soaked the earth, and the air was heavy with the scent of death.

But what caught Xiao Hua's attention most was not the devastation. It was the fact that Yu Zhou, despite being closest to the blast, had somehow survived. His body was encased in a yellow-hued Dou Qi armor, a testament to the power of his rock-affinity Dou Qi.

‘This rock-affinity Dou Qi... its sturdiness is truly remarkable,’ Xiao Hua thought, genuinely astonished and impressed. To have withstood such a powerful explosion and remain alive, even for a moment, was a testament to the resilience of the technique.

However, as Xiao Hua observed closely, he saw that Yu Zhou was barely clinging to life. His legs had been obliterated, rendering him a cripple, and the once fearsome Third Commander of the Devil Baboon Gang was now a shadow of his former self. The life in Yu Zhou’s eyes began to fade, replaced by a clouded, vacant stare. For a brief moment, Xiao Hua noticed a flash of regret and unwillingness in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

A heartbeat later, Yu Zhou's body went still, the last remnants of life extinguished. Xiao Hua gazed at the corpse with a calm detachment. There was no pity or remorse. After all, he had already learned from Senior Hu Wei of Yu Zhou’s countless immoral deeds—atrocities committed against others and unspeakable acts toward women.

To Xiao Hua, Yu Zhou's end was nothing more than the inevitable conclusion of a man who had long since walked a dark path.

Now, it's time to deal with the last survivor of the explosion…' Xiao Hua thought inwardly as he effortlessly tilted his head to evade the sudden attack that emerged from the swirling dust. Taking a couple of steps back, he raised his head, his gaze cool and indifferent as he watched a figure stumble forward from the lingering smoke.

With a smirk, he spoke disdainfully, "Have you finished playing possum, old thing?"

As the dust finally cleared, Yan Lan’s pale face became visible. Despite the illusion of unconsciousness earlier, Xiao Hua wasn’t surprised to see him alive. After all, he had expected it. Yan Lan had orchestrated the explosion himself.

During the chaotic fight, Yan Lan had discreetly scattered jade bottles around the battlefield. Each bottle contained a volatile mixture: the powdered Monster Core of a Rank 4 Liger Devil Snake and Aquatic Rock Jade. When exposed to high temperatures, the combination ignited into a fierce explosion, potent enough to kill even a Dou Ling practitioner.

With the inn ablaze and the rising heat, Yan Lan had cleverly placed the jade bottles near the fire and manipulated his fire-affinity Dou Qi to control the surrounding temperature, ensuring they wouldn’t detonate prematurely. As the fight raged on, Yan Lan waited for the perfect moment. When it arrived, he used Yu Zhou as a pawn to buy him time and, at the last second, pushed himself out of range before the bottles exploded.

To survive the blast, Yan Lan had relied on a treasured artifact, one that shielded him from the deadly force of the explosion and the subsequent gusts. And once the blast subsided, he consumed medicinal pills to restore his Dou Qi and hasten his recovery.

Xiao Hua had witnessed all of this from his vantage point above. He had watched, unimpressed, as Yan Lan cunningly and decisively sacrificed others, willing to suffer minor injuries just to ensure the death of Yu Zhou and anyone else nearby.

Xiao Hua had heard of Yan Lan's treacherous nature from Hu Wei. Hu Wei had once shared the story of how Yan Lan had caused a massive discord between him and Yu Zhou, pitting the two against each other through lies and manipulation. Yan Lan had committed an unspeakable act against a woman in Hu Wei's squad and, upon discovering that Yu Zhou’s men possessed a treasure he desired, Yan Lan had ruthlessly killed them to take it for himself.

What made the situation worse was how Yan Lan had cleverly disguised his actions. He spread two separate rumors, playing both sides against one another. The first rumor claimed that Jia Nan Academy had launched a sneak attack on Yu Zhou's men, seeking to steal the treasures they carried. The second rumor stated that Yu Zhou's men had committed atrocities against the woman in Hu Wei's squad, sparking the need for revenge.

Given Yu Zhou's affiliation with the Devil Baboon Gang and his notorious reputation, no one thought to question the rumors. It seemed plausible enough—Yu Zhou had been near the town at the time, after all, responding to reports from his subordinates that they had found the treasure he sought. The lies Yan Lan concocted played perfectly into the pre-existing tensions between the factions.

As a result, a vicious battle erupted between Hu Wei's group and Yu Zhou’s forces, each believing they were justified in their actions. By the time the truth came to light, Yan Lan had long since vanished, having carefully erased all traces of his involvement.

Yan Lan's threat hung in the air, his dark smile growing wider as he set his eyes on Xiao Hua’s Storage Ring. "Brat! Leave their Storage Rings here, and I might leave your corpse intact!" His eyes greedily lingered on the special ring Xiao Hua wore, its unique design betraying the treasure within. From his years of experience, Yan Lan could tell that this particular Storage Ring was worth far more than any he had seen before.

He laughed, a cruel sound. "I never thought the heavens would favor me so—sending a rich young master to my doorstep!"

Xiao Hua's gaze sharpened, his eyes flashing with a cold and deadly glint. "Old thing, it seems you truly want to die a painful death."

"Ha!" Yan Lan scoffed, his voice filled with disdain. "Even though I’ve suffered slight injuries, I can still kill a mere brat who's only a 1-Star Dou Ling!" His toothy grin stretched wider as he continued, "Now, be quick about handing over the—"

Before Yan Lan could finish his sentence, a flash of golden light streaked through the air, and Xiao Hua was suddenly before him. Without hesitation, Xiao Hua raised his hand, revealing a blazing green flame on his palm. With a flick, the flame shot forward, but instead of hitting Yan Lan’s body, it seemed to phase right into him.

"AHHH!!" Yan Lan's scream of agony pierced the night as the green flame spread throughout his body. An unbearable, molten sensation took hold inside him, as though magma was boiling within his veins. His muscles burned, his organs seared, and the pain was unlike anything he had ever experienced. He writhed, consumed by agony, helpless against the power now eating him alive from the inside out.

In mere moments, Yan Lan’s flesh and bones disintegrated into a pile of ashes, his body completely obliterated by the relentless heat. The fire left only the faintest trace of what was once a man, and even that blew away in the night wind.

Xiao Hua remained unmoved, his expression cold and indifferent as he watched Yan Lan’s final moments. Once the last remnants of Yan Lan vanished, he reached down and retrieved the intact Storage Ring that he had deliberately spared from the flames. Without a second glance, Xiao Hua moved quickly, collecting the Storage Rings from the other corpses scattered around the inn.

In the eerie silence that followed, Xiao Hua turned and left the ruined inn, meticulously erasing every trace of his presence. His focus shifted to the one who had managed to flee before the explosion. Lady Azure had left a spiritual imprint on the person, allowing Xiao Hua to track their movements.

As he pursued the fleeing figure, guided by the faint aura of the spiritual imprint, a commotion erupted behind him. From the rising screams and shouts, it was clear that the inn, now consumed by flames, had been discovered. Amidst the roaring inferno, countless corpses were revealed.

“How did you manage to set up a formation array without me noticing, Sister Azure?” Xiao Hua muttered to himself, his voice filled with admiration and respect. “It’s truly astonishing—I didn’t sense even the slightest ripple of energy!”

“Just because Sister Xue Yue excels in formation arrays doesn’t mean I’m lacking,” Lady Azure responded proudly, her tone laced with confidence.

When Xiao Hua ignited the inn, Lady Azure had quietly formed a formation array, casting an illusion that concealed the flames and explosion from all who passed by. The array warped the senses of onlookers, causing them to overlook the burning inn entirely. Even the searing heat and the violent force of the explosion failed to register in their perception.

A faint smile tugged at Xiao Hua’s lips as he turned and resumed his pursuit of the innkeeper who had escaped. After all, the man was a vital source of information, and Xiao Hua would not rest until the truth was extracted from him.


I am currently in the process of moving and searching for a new place to live. As a result, starting next week and lasting until the end of next month, there will be a slight adjustment to my upload schedule. Once everything is settled, the regular schedule will resume, with a small change: uploads will shift from Wednesday to Sunday.

Old Upload Schedule:

  • 1 Chapter on Monday | Wednesday | Saturday

Temporary Upload Schedule:

  • 1 Chapter on Monday | Saturday

New Upload Schedule (Once settled):

  • 1 Chapter on Monday | Sunday | Saturday

I will be using the weekdays for university and house-hunting. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and greatly appreciate your understanding and support during this time!


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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