Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 474 - 457: Are You Clearing Out the Inventory?!

Chapter 474: Chapter 457: Are You Clearing Out the Inventory?!

Tuesday afternoon, 2:20, Cloud Dream Live Streaming Platform.

Over three million audiences gathered in advance in a live broadcast room that hadn’t started yet, patiently waiting for the broadcast.

This live broadcast room, which hadn’t aired once since registration, already mysteriously had over six million followers.

Among these six million fans, more than a third are from overseas.

The reason behind all these is simple – this is the live broadcast room of Cloud Dream’s Boss, Lincoln.

And now, only ten minutes are left before Lincoln’s “Live Stream to the Sky.”

Netizens who have free time, even those who don’t play games, are here to join the fun because they’re interested in it.

Lincoln’s identity is a combination of “scientific research genius”, “game developer”, “startup celebrity”, “super internet celebrity”, etc. People interested in Lincoln have never been limited to players alone.

It’s just that the player group is relatively unique, hence they can access more content created by Lincoln and have stronger emotions for him.

An obvious manifestation is that only players would persistently send him razor blades in the mail.

At this moment, the topics being discussed in the live broadcast room are not limited to games.

Indeed, there are many players talking about “Card King”, “Mahjong God”, “Jurassic Park”, and “Raise Dinosaurs”. But also not uncommon are keywords like “Journey Plan”, “Rehabilitation Plan”, “Lin the Rich”, “Prank Master”, and so on.

However, of course, most of them are discussing the content of this live broadcast:

“A twin-wing propeller fighter, such an ancient thing, is this an update for Night City?”

“No way, Night City already has modern helicopters. What’s the point of bringing out an airplane from a hundred years ago?”

“Will it be a new game? Like air combat and flying planes?”

“I don’t care about these. I just want to know: Boss Chasing Wind has given away 500,000 red packets today. If we refer to Lincoln’s net worth and make a proportional conversion, does he have to send out 50 billion red packets?”

“Makes sense! How can Cloud Dream’s own live streaming platform let others steal the spotlight? It must be taken back!”

“Totally agree! And how can 50 billion be enough? Boss Lin is always generous, at least 100 billion!”

“I’ll throw out a number: 500 billion!”

“1 trillion!”

“Cloud Dream Stocks!”

In the midst of the increasingly inflated daydreams, ten minutes quickly passed.

With gentle music playing, the live broadcast room lit up, and Lincoln’s live broadcast began.

The event for the lottery drawing, which had already been shouted to the “Galactic Colonization Chief”, finally stopped.

Lincoln stood on a vast race track beside an airplane covered with a black curtain, waving and greeting everyone in front of the camera.

“Good afternoon, everyone!”

“Did you have a good lunch?”

“To ensure enough physical and mental strength to deliver a wonderful live broadcast for you, I had a very sumptuous meal at noon!”

Lincoln started the show leisurely.

The comment section heated up a level, and everyone enthusiastically responded to his greetings:

“Office workers can only eat takeaway.”

“I brought my own lunch! Aiming to retire at 35, I won’t spend an extra cent!”

“Boss Lin, there’s a bug in your live streaming platform! Why are there no fan cards, no monthly membership, and no gift options?”

“A draw! Lin the Rich, won’t you draw several billion to celebrate the start of the live broadcast?”

“Everyone knows that thing beside you is an airplane. Is there any need to cover it up?”

Under this level of audience discussion, it’s impossible for Lincoln to see every comment clearly.

However, he and Mavis have long considered this issue. Many repetitive and meaningless comments were merged automatically after being sent out.

As for the unique ones, with the help of Mavis, Lincoln can pick out some of the most-discussed keywords and topics, so he doesn’t have to worry about interaction issues.

For example, the number of live broadcast room viewers is still climbing rapidly, already skyrocketing from 3 million before the broadcast to over 7 million, and still rapidly rising with no signs of stopping.

Thus, Lincoln isn’t in a hurry to start, picking a few of the most concerned topics for interaction:

“Gifts, memberships, and such are available. You should have seen them in other anchor’s live broadcast rooms. But I won’t open it here. Save your money for a good meal or save up to retire early instead of wasting it on me. Your purchase of Cloud Dream consoles and games is already the best support for me.”

“You still need to eat well. Without a good body, everything is in vain.”

“A draw? Wanted, wanted! I originally planned to draw at ten million viewers, but since you all are so eager, let’s start directly!”

As soon as the words fell, a lottery option popped up, and everyone quickly clicked [Participate in Lottery] without even looking.

The number of participants surged, instantly exceeding one million.

Then, they noticed the content of the draw—

[Winning Quota: 100 people, Prize: One box of Zhili Beautician’s Razor]

A bunch of question marks popped up immediately and were merged by the comment system, leaving the last comment as—

The number inside「」is still rising rapidly.

“This can’t be the shit I sent you, right?”

“What do you call taking from the people and giving back to the people, huh?”

“Fuck, a new concept of raffle!”

“As expected of the richest man! So generous, a hundred prizes in one draw!”

“Who! The! Hell! Needs this shit anyway?”

“You’re telling me this is a raffle? This is a clearance sale, isn’t it?!”

Quentina was busy dealing with the new office building matters, so the little matter of clearing inventory was naturally put aside for now.

Lincoln thought it would be a good idea to put this to use by having a raffle.

Just because he doesn’t need it doesn’t mean others don’t, right?

There must be someone who needs it!

“Besides, if you win it and don’t need it, you can sell it for money too!”

Lincoln ignored the excited protests in the comments and smoothly activated his active skill – [Topic Shift]. He spoke up, “Thank you for the gifts sponsored by the players, now let’s proceed to the main event!”

Turning around, he grabbed the curtain beside him and yanked it hard!

But the curtain was quite uncooperative, only moving a short distance.

Lincoln pulled harder!

And harder once again!

It took three tries before he finally pulled down the entire curtain, revealing the twin-wing propeller fighter underneath.

The plane itself was nothing special. Though the twin-wing propeller plane might not be very common in real life for ordinary people, everyone has seen it at least in books and movies, so it wasn’t anything novel.

But this plane had a special paint job:

The main body of the plane was a classic bright yellow, but only painted in the middle area. The edges of the wings and the body were painted white.

Moreover, where the yellow and white met, there were no smooth curves but sharp square edges, with some scattered yellow squares invading the white area.

At first glance, it looked like a LEGO plane assembled from small yellow squares, and the edges of this LEGO plane were disintegrating and falling apart bit by bit.

Of course, this was inspired by the “My World” theme paint job.

By now, the players hadn’t realized it yet, and only reacted after the fact –

Lincoln’s claim of flying a plane was actually in reality!

They all thought it would be in the virtual world!

“That’s pretty daring!”

“I fly a plane in Night City like a boss, but I wouldn’t dare to imagine it in reality!”

“Starting with something so intense! No wonder he’s the man I’ve set my sights on!”

“S.E.5a·modified! One of the finest performing fighters of its time! Stronger power, more manageable, equipped with shooting coordinators, and luxurious dual seating! Advanced, invincible!” Lincoln introduced the plane enthusiastically to everyone.

“Considering that I am a newbie – my virtual world flying experience is obviously not recognized in the real world, we’ve set up a dual pilot, dual operating system to ensure safety.”

A pilot timely walked into the frame and stood by Lincoln’s side.

“This is an experienced test pilot: Nelson.” Lincoln introduced the test pilot to everyone, and then sent Nelson to his seat first, kindly reminding him to fasten his seatbelt.

After making sure he was buckled in, Lincoln clapped his hands and several technicians from the factory immediately entered the frame, pushing equipment to quickly install the last component.

“Finally, let me introduce you: the Vickers Machine Gun!”

Nelson, sitting in the back, widened his eyes in shock! He immediately tried to unbuckle his seatbelt to leave the plane and stop Lincoln’s actions.

“Considering the regulations, I’m obviously not allowed to fly the fighter jet, so this is not a real machine gun.”

Nelson, who had already stood up, breathed a sigh of relief and slowly sat back down, re-fastening his seatbelt.

“Although this fellow is also made of all metal, with flawless mechanical structure, and looks like a machine gun, sounds like a machine gun, shoots like a machine gun, and can even work perfectly with the shooting coordinators…”

Nelson yanked open his seatbelt and stood up once again!

“But it can only shoot rubber bullets, so this is still a toy gun.”

Nelson hesitated before sitting down again but didn’t buckle up his seatbelt. Instead, he stared intently at Lincoln, waiting for his next words.

The live streaming room had burst into laughter: “Hahaha,” “Too bad,” “Being inhuman on a daily basis” and other comments flew by like a stream.

However, Lincoln stopped messing around, stepped forward to help install the machine gun, and quickly entered the cockpit.

Without any hesitation, he started the ignition!

“Ka-da, ka-da, ka-da —”

“Ka-ka-ka-ka-ka —”

“Woo~woo-woo —”

Everything went smoothly!

The fighter broke away from the runway, slowly gaining altitude until it embraced the vast sky!

Flying always stirred emotions, and the live streaming audience, with their perspective following the twin-wing plane as it ascended higher and flew faster, couldn’t help but exclaim excitedly.

Seizing the opportunity, Mavis immediately initiated the second round of the raffle!

[Raffle Quota – 500 people! Prize – A box of Zhili Razor Blades!]

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