Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 494 - 477: Where the Magic Animals Are

Chapter 494: Chapter 477: Where the Magic Animals Are

In the end, the albino deer escaped death.

Shuihua really liked the deer and couldn’t bear to shoot it.

So Super Tomato and Camille Victoria also put down their guns.

Even though the deer appeared in front of all three at the same time, and even in Camille Victoria’s game world, they both felt that it was Shuihua who deserved credit for being able to see this rare albino deer…

So they just watched as the deer and its friend leisurely drank water together. The ordinary white-tailed deer, too, was spared death due to its companion’s uniqueness.

However, after the three of them silently watched the two deer finish drinking water and leave, they unexpectedly obtained an achievement—

[Where the Magic Animals Are]

[With a pure heart, witness the magical creations of nature, and nature will reward you.]

[Note: Witness 10 albino animals to receive a special reward.]

“How is this another series of achievements?” Super Tomato was a bit overwhelmed.

He had to explore and build in “My World”, live stream “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness”, and occasionally participate in Night City’s street racing competitions and dinosaur hunts on Dinosaur Island.

He hadn’t even completed the series of achievements for [Ancestors’ Glory]. He had only completed five [Behemoth Slayer] achievements so far.

Even so, every time someone in the group said they had discovered a giant dinosaur, if it was an achievement he hadn’t obtained, he overcame all difficulties to participate.

And even then, he had only completed half of it.

He could hardly imagine how long it would take a player without constant notifications to gather all of them.

Moreover, the hunting requirements for this series of achievements were almost impossible to complete alone the smallest target prey was a dinosaur more than ten meters high.

Some targets even had an exaggerated height of twenty or thirty meters.

If it were a lone wolf player, it would take half a day to shoot even if the dinosaur just stood there motionless. If it started running, catching up would be extremely difficult.

Super Tomato was really doubtful: was anyone going to complete this series of achievements by next year?

Now, the super difficult [Ancestors’ Glory] hadn’t been completed, and an even harder [Where the Magic Animals Are] had arrived.

For a whole week before, no one had seen an albino animal. It was only because they accidentally had the good luck of Shuihua that they saw one.He could now calmly accept the concept of “luck” and didn’t find it contradictory at all.

When “Assassins’ Alliance” had a group battle with thousands of people, the 3000-person group he created wasn’t disbanded. 80% of them were avid followers of Cloud Dream, and they always bought Cloud Dream’s latest games.

However, up to now, there had been no sightings of an albino animal.

One could imagine how rare these animals were.

Now, they needed to find a total of 10 of these equally rare, or even rarer, animals!

Not to mention that not everyone was as kind-hearted. Some people might see an albino animal and think of it as a “rare trophy”, and couldn’t help but shoot it immediately.

If that were the case, would there still be this achievement?

With Lincoln’s taste, probably not!

But considering the difficulty of completing this achievement, Super Tomato couldn’t help but think: perhaps not triggering the achievement was a good thing?

Otherwise, if his heart always hung on this “lifetime” series of achievements, how uncomfortable would it be?

While Super Tomato was still thinking about this, Camille Victoria had already opened the panel and quickly posted an update

‘Important reminder: Don’t shoot albino animals! Let them go, and you’ll get an achievement, and it’ll also unlock a series of achievements!’




It was a standard nine-square grid photo format.

The first three were close-ups of the albino white-tailed deer; the middle three were selfies of Camille Victoria with the white-tailed deer.

Out of the last three photos, two were selfies with Shuihua and the white deer.

Only the last photo was a selfie with Camille Victoria, Shuihua, and Super Tomato. Super Tomato was closest to the lens, contributing a large face as a contrast.

Super Tomato looked at the post, was silent for a moment, and then vengefully posted an update of his own.

The text part was similar, also reminding everyone about the achievement—After all, he, as an obsessive-compulsive, achievement-seeking perfectionist, was already destined to be tormented, so why not let everyone suffer together!

For the picture, he only used one, choosing the one where Camille Victoria’s face looked the largest among the group photos she had taken.

He also added a smiling sun sticker effect.

How could Camille Victoria bear it?

“Change the photo quickly!”

“It looks good. Why change it?”

“I’m too close to the lens!” Camille Victoria anxiously said.

“Being close allows you to fully showcase your perfect beauty! Don’t be stingy in showing off your good looks!” Super Tomato adamantly refused to change it.

The two bickered like children—everyone was already familiar with each other, so there was no need for reserve.

Just as the two were arguing, Shuihua suddenly pulled them both down and whispered, “Shh—”

“Crouch down! Look there!”

Both followed Shuihua’s gesture and crouched down obediently. They turned to see another snow-white animal emerge from the forest by the lake.

Excluding the possibility of it being a polar bear, it could only be another albino animal—

A white black bear!

Shuihua and Camille Victoria watched the fluffy white bear with love in their eyes, looking as if they couldn’t wait to run over and give it a hug.

Super Tomato, however, only took a few glances before shifting his gaze back to the beaming Shuihua.

At this moment, he suddenly felt incredibly certain: the rarest species in the entire wilderness wasn’t the white bear, but the little girl in front of him!

This certainty, however, made him feel absurd.

He couldn’t help but mutter to himself in a low voice, “Probability theory… is it really deceptive?”

The audience in the live broadcast room, upon hearing this, did not mock him but rather had some sympathy:

“Poor kid, another child defeated by mysticism.”

“Listen to me, there’s nothing wrong with probability theory! Probability theory is scientific too! It’s just that some people are a bit unscientific…”

“I really want to be friends with a goddess. It feels like even just appearing in her friends’ list could change my luck!”

“Divine glory, spread across the earth!”

The atmosphere in Yi and Yelang’s live streaming room was completely different from the sympathetic one in Super Tomato’s.

After the group of eight reassembled, they came to the drinking area and happened to encounter two wolves. They all rushed up with their cars and killed them with a barrage of gunshots.

When collecting the spoils of war, the damage effect map given by the system showed dozens of arrowheads pointing to the bullet holes, making the wolf look like a hedgehog.

But after that, they didn’t encounter any game for a long time.

They followed clues given by the live streaming room and went looking for a “more fierce” game – Cape buffalo.

They were easy to find, and there were at least ten of them all over the place!

“Great harvest!”

The eight people rushed up screaming and fired another round of disorderly shots.

But this time the result was completely different from when they hunted the wolves: bullets flew out one after another, hitting the buffalo’s robust body.

Amid the loud gunshots, the frightened buffalos scattered and fled, mooing as they ran away from the crowd.

The all-terrain vehicle quickly closed the distance, and the gunshots continued without a pause until they emptied their revolvers.

But all the buffalos were still running away, their movements remaining steady as if unaffected by the gunfire.

“Did I miss?” Yi doubted himself.

He quickly reloaded and again started the car to chase. This time he didn’t chase several at once but followed a single buffalo, firing all his bullets at it.

But the buffalo just kept running!

In the live streaming room, the comments were filled with laughter:

“Stop scraping! If you scrape anymore, it’ll start bleeding!”

“Such fierce actions, but only dealing 250 damage.”

“Genius! All geniuses!”

“Buffalo: Are you guys just tickling me?”

“Buffalo: Look at my hunting level, level 9!! Do you think I’m not worthy of you with your little pistol?!”

In order to avoid getting nothing, they had to combine their efforts, with two or three people chasing a single buffalo and firing a barrage of shots to finally take down just three of them.

But as before, the integrity of the spoils was so bad that it wasn’t even worth the cost of the bullets. They were making a net loss.

“What should we do?” Yelang looked at the remaining money and felt that this was unsustainable. “I can’t afford bullets anymore…”

“Me neither, I’ve been too focused on relaxing and didn’t earn much.”

“Can we suggest to Cloud Dream to add bullets to the pay-to-win list? They’re running out too fast.”

“I think maybe Cloud Dream has a reason for designing rifles… Aren’t you really considering switching to a rifle?”

After some discussion, they reluctantly switched back to rifles and returned to the traditional walking and hunting method.

Yelang followed closely behind everyone, avoiding any animal feces and waiting for his teammates to confirm information before moving on.

He was just responsible for shooting and chasing.

That guy who wanted to learn cross-dressing skills quickly noticed Yelang avoiding the feces and promptly came over to hand him a small jar.

“You should be able to use this.”

“What is it?” Yelang took it without thinking.

“Odor Eliminating Spray.”

“What do I need this for?” Yelang was puzzled. “Isn’t this only sprayed when searching for prey downwind?”

And its effect was poor. When walking downwind, even if the smell was eliminated, the game could still hear footsteps from far away. The success rate was very low.

During the closed beta test, Yelang noticed that this item was not very useful, so he didn’t bother buying it when the official version was released.

However, since someone offered it to him, he naturally wouldn’t refuse it by saying it was useless.

But the guy’s words opened another door for him. “Hold this spray and spray it on the animal’s feces a few times. It can effectively remove the smell. My option is 10%, so it’s easy to completely eliminate the odor.”

“Huh?” Yelang stared at the bottle of spray in his hand, suddenly realizing his thinking had been restricted by his past experience.

“Thank you! I never thought of this before. It’s really helpful!”

The teammate was also happy. “Glad I could help. So, about the cross-dressing…”

“Look! What’s that!”

Yelang quickly rushed towards a half-dry pile of animal feces, armed with the spray, and immediately sprayed it three times.

He then crouched down expectantly, cautiously approaching the dung, and…


Yelang suddenly leaned back violently.

But it wasn’t over yet. In the next instant, he put his hands on the ground and rolled to the side:


Yelang lay on the ground beside the foreign feces and vomited violently.

His teammates were drawn by the unexpected noise and stopped what they were doing to look over.

Not pausing for a moment, they ran towards him while laughing hysterically. “Look! He’s vomiting! He’s actually vomiting, hahaha!”

“Can you really vomit in this game? That’s so cool!”

“So advanced! Cloud Dream is awesome!!!”

Everyone gathered around Yelang, laughing and marveling at the novelty.

– This was a new feature that Lincoln added in revenge after being laughed at by players for vomiting during a live stream.

Everyone was seeing it for the first time, so it was no wonder they found it astonishing.

As the first victim, Yelang could only be surrounded by laughter and mockery while vomiting, feeling utterly miserable!

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