Building a New World

Chapter 2803 - Customized Mecha

() Jia Zhengjin continued to introduce the light mech type to the opponent: “The melee mech just mentioned can be a mass-prototype prototype as a soldier body for combat. Then this is a light long-range mech, which has more power than the melee mech. Strong, agility is higher. If the melee mech is focused on attack and defense, then this mech is focused on agility and dodge. At the same time, the long-range mech can use most of the long-range weapons, suitable for ambush, sniper, attack In some hard-to-reach areas, the biggest use should be to deal with main guns and missile systems when attacking bases.”

“Sounds great!” Lan was very interested.

“Finally, this repair mecha,” Jia Zhengjin turned to the third paragraph. “As the name suggests, the main function of repair mecha is to repair the damage of teammates’ mechas, which is regarded as a repairman on the battlefield. Because they pay attention to repair, they will abandon powerful attacks. Weapons will also abandon the defense system and become extremely fragile. Therefore, they have obtained super mobility, which is the most maneuverable of the three mechas. After all, they need to rely on the powerful maneuverability to shuttle through the battlefield. While avoiding enemy attacks, quickly rescue your own mechas. Of course, they still have the least amount of attack power and can sometimes be used to contain the enemy.”

“I also heard the battlefield repairing the machine for the first time!” Frieza stared at the projection in surprise.

“Indeed, there are many dangers on the battlefield. Basically, the repaired aircraft will stay honestly on the main ship or the base, waiting for the repair and recovery of the aircraft,” Dimas nodded. “It may not be too practical.”

“That’s not necessarily the case!” Jia Zhengjin said. “It’s used well, and the repair body is also very strong!”


“Of course, it would be better to arrive at the space station and make a repair machine. I will be happy to drive the demonstration in person.”

“Exactly, the Avengers play against Lan, and I will play with you!” Long said excitedly.


“Second Brother,” Jia Shijun worriedly looked up. “Dragon is very strong. Besides, you have amnesia, do you still remember how to control the mecha? Use the repair machine to fight him, is it too bad?”

“It’s just a test anyway, but it’s not really fighting the enemy.” Jia Zhengjin replied, “My mecha driving technology seems to have been remembered with my body, and the operation should be no problem. In short, after arriving at the space station, we use the remaining energy to make first. Two mechas, and other energy sources such as Nuwa will be added. What are your requirements for mechas? I asked Nuwa to store the data, but it was customized according to this standard.”

“How to order this mech?” Jia Shijun asked quickly.

“Look, I will demonstrate it again.” Jia Zhengjin stood in front of the three mecha projections and reached out to lightly repair the mecha. “Custom appearance!”

“Uh!” A mecha paper doll system similar to the game interface appeared immediately before, with options including head, body, arms, legs, cockpit, thrusters, weapons, armor, and various parts, behind each option There are an amazing number of models that can be replaced at will.

This surprised the members of the Light Fleet and looked intently.

“I’m repairing the body, so it doesn’t need to be too gorgeous. After all, it’s too gorgeous on the battlefield to be noticeable, which is quite dangerous. So, it’s simpler and the paint is slightly darker, so it’s not easy to be People’s attention.” During the talk, Jia Zhengjin quickly reached out to move the accessories, and soon transformed it into a black catwoman mecha shape, equipped with a tail that can flexibly swing. The maintenance tool in the hand of the mech, a giant electric welding in the left hand, a giant wrench in the right hand, and behind it is a huge accessory compartment for replacement parts.

When the mecha customization was completed, Jia Shijun couldn’t help but see it: “Second brother, this style is not low-key at all? Such a beautiful mecha appears on the battlefield, and the shape is different from the ordinary mecha, It’s easier to attract attention!”

The members of the Light Fleet nodded one after another. Imagine that a Mecha mech that hadn’t seen much difference from each other on the battlefield suddenly popped up with a Catwoman mech that had never been seen before. This has nothing to do with being unobtrusive?

It is mainly a mecha that everyone knows, except for a slightly different appearance, a slightly different paint, the overall structure is an ordinary human type, suddenly a beast form, and this beautiful catwoman mecha is especially attractive. look.

Facing everyone’s doubts, Jia Zhengjin shrugged and said, “I’m just demonstrating and explaining the process of ordering mechas. At that time, you can order mecha profiles that are low-key. So don’t care! Now it’s your turn, Customize your own special mecha!”

“Oh!” Jia Shijun couldn’t hide the excitement in his heart, and carefully touched the projection in the manner of Jia Zhengjin.

I found that I could actually enter the mecha paper doll interface, but I was not excited.

In terms of mecha modeling, he has been thinking carefully for a long time. After all, the children at this point mix on the battlefield all day long, only knowing the battle, and have limited imagination. But the person is very smart, so he refers to the elder brother’s mech. He also chose a cat, but it was a big cat.

After the mech is completed, it is a majestic humanoid white tiger. The weapon is two giant titanium alloy choppers, which looks particularly arrogant.

“Okay!” After setting, he turned around a few times himself, feeling very satisfied, so he said to Jia Zhengjin.

“Well!” Jia Zhengjin snapped his fingers, “Nuwa, save the settings!”

“Command received!”

“Uh!” The projection interface disappeared.

“Nuwa has a little material and arrives at the space station for immediate production!” Jia Zhengjin said, “First build two mechas to test, and then come to discuss the other in detail.”

“Good!” Jia Shijun said excitedly, “Second Brother, welcome to join the Light Fleet. Later we will follow the captain and overthrow the Hazavi Empire and fight back to earth!”

“Eh~ Brother said this wrong!” Amy stood up. “Kean is our captain and has an extremely large army. The light fleet is only a dozen people, how can we let our fleet join? Should be the other way round? Yes, we allow the Light Fleet to join the team, but it must be Keane!”

“Yes!” Tina nodded to Amy. “We have We have millions of lobster soldiers, the most advanced mecha technology, and you have nothing, you need to use our In order to be able to counterattack, how can it be the leader? Keane is our captain and can help you overthrow the Hazavi Empire, but will not serve you, nor will you be driven by you!”

“You want to join the solar system?” Dimas frowned suddenly.

“No, we are a cooperative relationship!” Tina replied, “After the overthrow of the Hazawi Empire, there is no interest in the regime. That is to say, Nuwa is a reinforcement for you, not a subordinate!”

“Then we need to cooperate on an equal footing,” Dimas said. “We are not subordinates of Nuwa. Guangming and Nuwa belong to the allied relationship. How? Although he is the brother of the Avengers, you are all aliens. Power, I can’t give the solar system to aliens!”

“As I said, the solar system is not what we want!” Tina laughed. “Equal cooperation is possible. Keen, what do you think?”

“Well!” Of course Jia Zhengjin would not join the Light Fleet and let others direct himself, “Just do it!”

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