Building a New World

Chapter 2832 - Higher tech

The latest website: “Good morning!” The next morning, when Jia Zhengjin and his wife came to the control room of the Puxi base, Millie came and greeted them warmly.

“Early!” Jia Zhengjin nodded with a smile, “You look in a good mood?”

“That is of course! Having escaped from death, and successfully met with the light fleet of the rebels, you can even do things here, and inquire about the news of your previous companions, there is nothing better than this!” Millie successively and Tina After someone said hello, he said to everyone, “Commander has been waiting for a long time, please come in!”

The couple looked at each other and followed with a smile.

“Are you here?” Zhao Chunzheng directed the members of the Light Fleet to detect the defense system and saw Jia Zhengjin immediately greet him, “Good morning!”


“Milly, can you please help make some coffee?” Zhao Chun turned around and asked.

“Okay, come now!”

When Millie walked away, Zhao Chun took Jia Zhengjin and others to the middle of the control room: “Yesterday, Omega base captured an Hazavi empire general, as you all know. According to intelligence, the other party has a strange mecha, The performance is very powerful. Unfortunately, your spacecraft member Lao Sun started too ruthlessly and destroyed it directly. You can’t get any useful information, let alone do research.”

“Yes, I also knew about this.” Jia Zhengjin nodded. “Lao Sun is more impulsive and wastes an opportunity to learn about the enemy’s new mechas. It’s a pity.”

“At present, the enemy general is under arrest and is being investigated at the Omega base.” Zhao Chun said seriously, “The other party dared to come alone, there must be some support, plus the mech performance is very powerful, if not your mech Simple, and ambush ahead of time, the recruits of our bright fleet may not be able to deal with it. It can be seen that this person’s identity is by no means simple!”

“Then you must pay close attention to the interrogation to see if you can pry open his mouth and get useful information.”

“Dimas is doing this.” Zhao Chun said, “We are more concerned about whether the Hazavi Empire has a more powerful body and whether it is in mass production. Now the alien ruins are completely in the hands of the emperor Hazavi In his hand, God knows how many terrible alien technologies.”

“Alien Technology~” Jia Zhengjin thoughtfully.

Seeing him thinking, Zhao Chun said softly, “To be honest, we have no way of knowing how powerful alien technology Emperor Hazawi is in control. So I want to know if the alien technology that your husband has There is a stronger mech or ship weapon? If not, don’t hide it! Otherwise, we will be defeated in the face of a stronger Hazavi Empire mech. As a resistance army, it is really sloppy. what!”

“Of course there are stronger mechas, but it is not so easy to produce them!” Jia Zhengjin thought for a while. “There must be enough resources for Nuwa to be manufactured.”

“In terms of resources, the mines at both bases are fully utilized to slow down the manufacturing speed of light mechas, shouldn’t it be a problem? Zhao Chun asked, “What is the strongest mecha combat effectiveness, and how much resources are needed to build one?” “

During the conversation between the two parties, Millie came over with her coffee and gently placed it in front of them: “Drink coffee.”

“Thank you!” Zhao Chun took the coffee and nodded to her.

Jia Zhengjin and Tina also took coffee and smiled.

Milly stood to the side with the tray.

Zhao Chun took a sip from the glass, and after putting it down, continued to stare at Jia Zhengjin seriously and gestured his eyes to respond.

Jia Zhengjin took a few sips without hesitation and put the cup aside: “In fact, we also have medium-sized mecha and super-mecha technology, and we can also build some powerful super warships. The material consumption is very scary, mainly Titanium ore is in great demand. Medium-sized mechas are relatively large, and their combat effectiveness and defense are greatly improved compared to light mechas. Super mechas are extremely huge and their combat effectiveness is more terrifying. I don’t mind if the alien technology of the Hazavi Empire is really powerful. Contribute these drawings and build them together with Nuwa and your army to strengthen the military.”

“In order to overthrow the Hazavi Empire, we must arm ourselves to the teeth!” Zhao Chun said, “Of course, it will not let the Allies pay in vain. Dimas has contacted me and said that after the capture of the entire Neptune, all planetary mines The resources are willing to take half of it to you.”

“Oh? Quite generous.” Jia Zhengjin smiled at him.

“Similarly, taking the other planets of the solar system, and sending resources to you in this proportion, and allowing allied forces to settle in the solar system, as long as we ensure that the political power is in the hands of our bright fleet!” Zhao Chun said seriously, “Even your party is bigger Your needs can also be discussed!”

“Have you really invested your blood?”

“No way! Now the Hazavi Empire is too powerful and almost controls the entire solar system.” Zhao Chun replied helplessly, “You can only rely on your technology to rescue the entire humanity of the entire solar system from him. For this, no matter how big Is worth the effort!”

“Wise decision!” Jia Zhengjin smiled and clapped his hands.

In fact, these are not attractive to him. At any time, Nu Wa can search for pure mineral planets, and the total collection is far more than the eight planets of the solar system. After all, a planet made up of pure minerals is different from a planet with very few minerals. Moreover, these planets transformed into human livable, it is impossible to over-collect minerals, and mineral planets do not have such concerns.

In other words, the mineral resources at his disposal are not so attractive to him.

Secondly, what settles in the solar system doesn’t really care too much. It is not its own earth, it belongs to a completely different parallel world. His only purpose here is to take his wives to see his mother who no longer exists in the world. After that, they will leave together and set foot on the road to find their home again.

Of course, the surface still pretends to be very interested. Although which side of the Light Fleet and the Hazavi Empire wins, which side ultimately obtains the power of the entire solar system has nothing to do with itself. It’s just that now helping the light fleet can go to earth logically, so try to improve their combat effectiveness. These technologies are not great for yourself!

“So, did you agree?” Zhao Chun smiled.

“Of course! We are allies, the common goal is to fight back to the earth and overthrow the Hazavi Empire.” Jia Zhengjin replied, “I will provide all powerful alien technology to ensure that we can face the Hazavi Empire directly! But you need to try your best Expansion, our alien army of Nuwa, did not really want to intervene in larger wars. They are just ordinary crew members on the journey, not professional soldiers!”

Zhao Chunxin said that those lobster soldiers are so terrible, you even said that they are not professional soldiers? However, I am indeed worried that the lobster soldiers will not occupy the planets at that time, and the other party’s attitude is exactly the same: “Our army is expanding, and the young people at the two bases are very willing to join the army. You have helped a lot. It’s up to us to come down!”

Wonderful book house

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