Building a New World

Chapter 81 - The fairy princess is back

Either way, Wolf has successfully obtained a flying mount, and it is still a huge flying mount that allows the entire team to ride together.

When they entered the airspace, some people immediately wanted to refuel, but Buddy immediately led the air force to fly over to block, because Jia Zhengjin ordered them to maintain order and not allow anyone to influence the game at will.

After getting the flying mount, Wolf’s team advanced at the fastest speed. With air superiority, being able to see anything on the ground is good for finding Palin’s troops and her base.

But there is also a disadvantage, that is easy to expose yourself!

No, his team had just flew a distance and was discovered by Perrin who hid himself in the forest by trees.

Because Wolf didn’t expect that Palin would move with a flag, she thought of her base moving forward based on her memory. She didn’t notice Pelin’s troops in hidden operations in the dense trees.

Discovering that Wolf had a flying mount, Perlin immediately commanded the team to get down at the same time as he was suspicious, covering himself with trees and shrubs, and watched the blue-winged bird flying over the distant air.

If the opponent gets a flying mount, it is equivalent to taking advantage! If Wolfe finds that his flag has been taken away, he will definitely return to search immediately.

In the case of a serious search, it is useless even if you conceal yourself. Air superiority can see all areas at a glance!

Paline immediately took the kobold troops forward, and now her hope of victory was to directly take off his base before Wulf responded. It’s just that if you go around the road, it will be farther away, and maybe you won’t be able to arrive before Wulf turns around.

Fortunately, she also uses her brains. Among the large number of biological groups encountered on the way, there is exactly the kind of chocobo that has lost its ability to fly but runs vigorously.

Of course she doesn’t need it herself, she can quickly reach Wolf’s base by summoning a nightmare.

However, according to the regulations, the generals must not attack the kobold troops of the other party. The kobolds under the command must defeat the commander and win the flag of the other party.

Under such circumstances, the kobold soldier is the protagonist.

Perrin issued an order to the 100 kobold soldiers, except for a few accidents that protected the flag, all others were scattered to ambush. He summoned a nightmare and ran all the way to stop the land-hunting bird group, forcibly forced them to turn back, and directly rammed into the encirclement of the kobold soldiers.

Chocobo is not a very powerful ethnic group, so they are easily subdued by them.

The kobold soldiers rode one by two, and soon formed a quick chocobo army.

Chocobo had just been subdued and was very disobedient, running around with the kobolds riding on him. Fortunately, Perrin had the speed and pressure of a nightmare. After a few laps around the landing bird force, they finally let them obediently follow the direction of their own guidance.

With Chocobo, the movement speed of Palin’s team has greatly increased, and even if it is a long way, it should be able to reach the destination before Wolfe finds that the flag disappears.

The audience in the air can see clearly throughout the journey. So in order to prevent them from making a sound reminder, Jia Zhengjin specifically ordered that no one should provide information to the following contestants.

People who were ordered by Jia Zhengjin watched with interest with their mouths closed, not to mention the fact that the Air Force patrols back and forth, paying close attention to them so that no one can control the leakage of information, affecting the fairness of the game.

From the current situation, it seems that the team of Perrin who likes to break the rules seems to have the advantage. Jia Zhengjin was actually very anxious in his heart. He didn’t want Palin to win and take the position of General Wolf.

It can and cannot affect the fairness of the game, so nothing can be done.

In addition to praying that Wolf could find out that the flag of Palin’s base had been taken away quickly, and at the same time, Palin should not be so easy to find the base hidden by Wolf, but could only look like this.

When the game reached a wonderful time, Wolf really found the missing flag of Peline’s army. Through the traces of dirt and holes left in the place where the flag was originally placed, he quickly understood what was happening. The team immediately rode the blue-winged bird and turned around, flying crazy towards their own base at the fastest speed.

Perrin’s troops had rushed to the location near the Wolf base on a chocobo, but because the base was well hidden, it was difficult for her to find the other party’s flag for a while. In addition, there will always be some biological groups similar to horn apes and giant ants in the jungle. She must protect the kobold soldiers under her hands and cannot let them be at risk. So it was delayed again!

Although with the current strength of Palin, horn apes and giant ants are nothing threatening, but the large number is also very troublesome.

Jia Zhengjin prayed that Wulf should return to the defense quickly, while praying that these biological groups caused Pelinduo some troubles, so that she could not find Wufu’s base smoothly. It was suddenly discovered that Wolf’s team had also encountered a group of giant claw dragonflies out foraging. The giant claw dragonfly, which is only one-twentieth of the blue-winged bird, besieged this behemoth with a quantitative advantage.

In order to protect the blue-winged bird and its kobolds, Wolf had to attack himself, while controlling the blue-winged bird to avoid, while constantly attacking the giant claw dragonfly approaching.

Both sides encountered difficulties, UU read books www. also takes time to resolve. Just as Jia Zhengjin was distracted, Air Force Commander Buddy suddenly flew over and whispered to him: “Master Keane! The Minister of Foreign Affairs sent a message, and a group of elven guests have already arrived outside the city, and you need to come to meet him personally. !”

“What?” Jia Zhengjin was a little depressed. “How come this time? Let Qiong cope first?”

“I’m afraid not!” Buddy replied softly, “Princess Singil came and brought a regular transportation **** team. There seems to be very precious gifts and countless ores in the team!”

Hearing this, Jia Zhengjin knew that he couldn’t take it lightly.

Although he was very concerned about the results here, he still said to Tina helplessly: “You continue to watch here, I will come as soon as I go!”

“Hmm!” Tina and Christina, who heard the conversation on the side, both nodded slightly, watched Jia Zhengjin jump into Bulu’s Ruruto, and flew in the direction of the city with him.

Before reaching the city gate, I saw a huge team of elves from the air! This team is about thousands of people, most of them are archers. There are a large number of unknown behemoths in the team for transportation, each with a large wooden box on its back.

In fact, it is a wooden box, and the scale can be compared with a house. Opening doors and windows on wooden boxes is a very convenient mobile house.

What is inside the box cannot be seen because it is completely sealed. But from the sense of heaviness at the foot of the giant beast, you can probably guess that it is ore!

After Luluto landed, Jia Zhengjin passed quickly. This transport team has been led by the Foreign Minister Joan to lead the soldiers into the city. Isn’t the first person the fairy elf princess Sian Gil? Beside her, the familiar elf girls are also present, but there are also a few raw faces mixed in it.

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