Building a New World

Chapter 97 - plan

Seeing that sixteen and nineteen were approaching, the Xue family in the car was a little surprised, but they still stepped on the accelerator.

Facing the rushing car, Sixteen and Nineteen were not in a hurry, lifted a few pieces of glass and threw them forward.

“Bang!” The shards of glass penetrated the car window like bullets, hitting people on the car without any errors.

He was hit in the head by shards of glass, and was hit by a huge force. The person on the car fell backwards, was blocked by the seat, and slid to the side. The steering wheel was naturally driven by both hands.

“Boom! Boom…” The remaining few cars all departed, or broke the railing and rushed down the slope, or rushed up the mountain and directly hit the tree.

There are only a few helicopters left in the air. Sixteen and nineteen looked at each other and quickly returned to the side of the car.

“Down!” Sixteen opened the door and pulled Meng Xiaoting down.

Seeing the wreckage of vehicles behind and the dead bodies on the vehicle, Meng Xiaoting was even more afraid.

“Attract the other party’s attention!” Sixteen pointed to the sky.

Nineteen immediately nodded, fiddled with the driver’s seat for a while, and started the car with gun holes, and then installed a small instrument on it to let it automatically travel along the road.

After the completion, watched the car rush forward quickly and walked back to Sixteen and Meng Xiaoting.

“When it leaves the mountain forest barrier, it will attract the other party’s helicopter to catch up.” The sixteen said, “while we are turning the mountain road to leave, as long as we return to the construction site, it will be fine!”

“Go!” Nineteen ran directly towards the mountain road and opened the road to the front.

Xue family, two hours later.

The helicopter returned to the nearby airport, and the people on the plane quickly came to report.

“Running? So many people are still dead? You waste!” Xue Liangfu learned that he failed to seize the people who came to assassinate himself, and even lost a team of loyal deceased soldiers that he finally cultivated.

“Boss, we carefully inspected the scene and found that our people were all killed by the fragments of glass hitting their heads! But the possibility of using firearms was ruled out, and no traces of bullets were found. The broken windows were also very strange. , The notch coincides with the glass fragments found on the body. Although I can’t believe it, the other party used the glass fragments as a hidden weapon to kill our people!”

“Ridiculous!” Xue Liangfu said angrily. “You used glass shards to penetrate the car window and killed someone to show me?”

“Boss, we can’t do it, but it doesn’t mean that others can’t do it too! Maybe folks really have the kind of hidden weapon masters in the movie. Otherwise they can’t explain this situation!”

“Leave me nonsense!” Although saying this, Xue Liangfu still frowned, thinking secretly-does Jia Jia really have such a master? That would be more troublesome!

“Boss, in fact, we can be sure that the other person is from the Jia family, and the monk can’t run the temple. You don’t have to manage them at all, just focus on the Jia family!”

“Uh~” Xue Liangfu nodded slightly when he heard this, “but that Jia Zhengjin is a ruthless character like rumors!”

“Boss, he dares to arrange people to come and assassinate directly, we can also return directly!”

“Well, arrange for me!”


On the other side, giving up the car to attract the other party’s attention, sixteen and nineteen successfully took Meng Xiaoting back to the construction site.

Meng Xiaoting was shocked, especially because so many people died, and she was unable to calm down.

Sixteen gave a report to Nüwa, and was ordered by Nüwa to arrange for Meng Xiaoting to go to rest and calm down.

At the same time, he also allowed the nineteen to patrol secretly, paying close attention to the Xue family who might appear to retaliate around.

But nothing happened that day.

In the early morning of the next day.

Jia Zhengjin, who woke up, became normal again and immediately asked Nüwa to report yesterday’s affairs.

After listening to her carefully, she couldn’t help shaking her head: “You can’t do this, let XVI and XIX go so loud in the past, it’s better to tell them both to kill the Xue family!”

“Captain, shall I order now?”

“Do I mean that?” Jia Zhengjin was speechless. “It means that you have deviated from my plan by doing so!”

“But Captain, you didn’t explain the complete plan.” Nu Wa replied, “I can only do what I want.”

“Oh, who asked you to involve Meng Xiaoting?” Jia Zhengjin frowned at her. “An ordinary person, you let her experience this kind of scene, don’t you think it’s too much?”

“Sixteen and nineteen are protected, she is unscathed!”

“What about psychologically?” Jia Zhengjin asked. “Ordinary people will be terrified.”

“I’m sorry, Captain. I didn’t think about it well.”

Jia Zhengjin looked at her carefully and then asked in doubt: “Aren’t you intentional? Because you know that she is also in my three-life relationship, but you don’t. Are you jealous? No! How could you be jealous? ?”

“Captain, I know why I can’t see myself through the Sansheng Jue. After all, I am not the same as humans and other creatures.” Nu Wa replied, “I know what it means to be jealous. After all, the database is very complete, including These things. But yesterday’s behavior was not just because of jealousy, but just for fun! Just like the captain, you sometimes do the same thing against some people?”

“Forget it, I don’t want to discuss this.” Jia Zhengjin thought for a moment. “First of all, although she appeared in my three-life relationship, I had no feeling for her. It was another person who inexplicably recruited her, not mine. Original intention. Nu Wa, you have to try to stop another personality, don’t let me have other contact with Meng Xiaoting. Secondly, don’t involve her in this kind of thing, send it back to Wuzhou as I told you to wash her before leaving This brain allows her to forget what she experienced yesterday and return to normal life.”

“Yes!” Nu Wa nodded.

“As for the Xue family, if you simply use force, you can send them a lobster soldier to destroy them all, which is meaningless!” Jia Zhengjin said, “to fight against merchant families like them, you have to start with what they are best at. !”

“Captain, do you mean…”

“Come on I will tell you the plan carefully!” Jia Zhengjin asked Nu Wa to approach her and said softly in her ear, “To deal with giants like him, of course, to destroy the industries he owns one by one. It is the best way to attack. Their family industry involves various industries. As long as we start to deal with some of the largest Xue family industries, we will make trouble for him without knowing it. We can defeat it without confrontation. As for the specific method…”

He carefully told Nu Wa his thoughts, and Nu Wa nodded again and again after listening to it, and turned to look at him with an admiring expression: “It is indeed the captain, he can think of such a bloodless method. It is really Xue to choose your opponent. The greatest misfortune of the family!”

“Hurry up and arrange!”

“Command received!”

Create a different world

Create a different world

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