Building B

: 6 reincarnation

Since Jun opened up the world, many years have passed. The three thousand worlds have been controlled by powerful creatures. As the most vulnerable group, human beings are not qualified to live here. In the face of cruel reality, human beings can only retreat to second place. , Set the goal at the particle world surrounding the three thousand worlds.

   In this way, endless years have passed. Human beings are multiplying and changing their lives silently, while those powerful creatures have become stronger and stronger, and their desires have gradually expanded.

In the end, the **** representing the strongest strength and the demon with the strongest physique launched a war of dominance. The three thousand worlds were not spared, and even affected the surrounding particle space. Human beings had no intention of getting involved in the war, but they had no right to choose. .

The protoss and the monsters have their eyes on humans at the same time. There is only one reason. Human life is cheap. The protoss and the monsters are incomparably powerful. The same problem is the weakening of reproduction ability. They disdain to rely on the reproduction of offspring to strengthen the race. Their combat effectiveness indirectly led to their ability to multiply gradually become worse and worse as the years passed.

  While war is cruel, it devours all lives. The war has caused a large number of deaths of the Protoss and Demons. If it continues, it may not take long before these two races will disappear into the torrent of war.

Therefore, these two groups set their sights on human beings who are regarded as ants. They have cheap lives, strong breeding ability, large population base, and the easiest to control among all races. Because humans are small, they fear all powerful creatures. , This made these two powerful races think of a winning weight to change the course of war.

So the protoss and monsters began to capture the human races in large quantities and sent them to the battlefield, but the problem followed one after another. They found that the fragile human body was simply not enough to withstand the attack of the opponent race, and often the opponent raised his hand gently. There are hundreds of millions of human races turned into powder, which has no effect on their wars.

As a result, the Protoss and Demons began to transform the human body so that they could cultivate the power of these two races. Over time, the human body began to change to absorb the power of nature, and to transform the body through them to make the body stronger. Enabling oneself to use the power of nature to fight, some human beings who have become stronger can even fly into the sky and flee the sky.

Their strength slowly changed the course of the war, making the Protoss and the Monster Race ecstatic, but these two powerful races ignored the wisdom of human beings. Some powerful humans began to write articles about the power they gained, and These powers were summarized into a book and passed on. After generations of explorations by the pioneers, they finally turned these powers that originally belonged to other powerful races into powers of their own race.

When the protoss and monsters reacted, mankind has become no longer vulnerable, so in order to get rid of the sad fate of mankind, the horn of counterattack was sounded for the first time. The war is cruel, and the three-way war is endless. Relying on the advantages of its own reproduction, it finally won the war against the two races, and also gave mankind the right to speak.

Although the protoss and monsters were not reconciled, their races were almost exhausted by this war. Although they were so powerful, they had to throw rodents, so the world ushered in peace for the first time, and the various populations rested and rested. It has also become stronger and stronger in the process of continuous improvement, and at the same time it has also increased desire and greed.

Mankind began to continuously oppress the areas where other races lived, which eventually led to the second world war. This time, mankind faced the siege of all other races. Mankind finally paid a heavy price for its greed. There will not be only one victor. The addition of the Spirit Race and the Jing Race makes human beings finally understand the consequences of greed.

Therefore, all parties signed an agreement with the center of the world---the axis of the sky. The agreement swears by the gods and souls. The parties delineate the scope and stipulate that they must not invade the scope. Otherwise, all ethnic groups will suppress them, so the second world peace The time has come, but the death caused by the previous two wars has evolved into three new races, ghost race, demon race, and corpse after being swallowed by six huge black hole vortices through countless years of changes. Family.

  Ghost tribe is the transformation of spirit tribe and jing tribe after death. They have no substance but can absorb life and natural energy to make themselves stronger.

   Demon Race is transformed by the grievances of the Protoss and Monster Races after their deaths. They possess entities and are powerful and powerful. Through continuous devouring and killing, they make themselves stronger and stronger.

The corpse race is derived from the corpse after the death of the human race. They can make themselves stronger by absorbing all the energy, but the corpse race is inherently weak and needs a long time to transform. It is single but growing up to be enough to reverse the Yin and Yang magic. Horrified.

The three newly-born races triggered the third world war. In the end, the three newly-born races were suppressed, but due to the existence of the six black hole vortices, they could not be truly eliminated, and the war could only continue endlessly. Go down.

In the end, under the self-sacrifice of the six heavenly **** races, the six black hole vortexes were finally refined into a masterpiece. This treasure covers six black hole vortices, bringing together the essence of all races and evolving into six. This passage of reincarnation prevents other races from transforming into these three races after they die. This makes the three races very angry and threatens to launch a war of extermination.

Because this matter is too relevant, if it does happen, it may bring unpredictable disasters, so the parties reached an agreement to gather the power of the people to re-refine the masterpiece and refine the six black hole vortexes separately Into a cycle.

Because the gods were able to refine this treasure at first, in order to cherish their great achievements, the first way was designated as the heavenly way and also called the divine way, the second way was called the human way and also called the human way, and the third way was called the spiritual way and called the ghost. Dao is the reincarnation Dao shared by spirits and spirit races.

The fourth path is the Asura Dao. This path was specially set up for the monster race. The monster race was originally powerful and should occupy the humanity after the **** race. However, after the two wars, the monster race was weaker and weaker despite its individual strength. It had no choice but to subdue to the human race. , And even finally ranked fourth after falling behind the detached spirit family.

The fifth path is the path of evil spirits, and the sixth path is the path of hell. These two paths are specially prepared for the three new tribes so that they can also reincarnate. Therefore, the treasure evolves into reincarnation and takes into account the six paths, so the clans collectively refer to them as Reincarnation.

It’s just that as the years have changed, the races have become less hostile. The races began to try to marry each other, and the six reincarnations have begun to change slowly. Everyone found that even as a **** race, after the soul enters the six reincarnations, not all of them can Entering the reincarnation in the heavenly realm, it is possible to enter the human realm or even the animal realm, and all these changes make the people begin to panic.

   But after countless years of exploration, they discovered two wonderful unknown energies, which they call cause and effect and karma.

   The power of cause and effect exists in the dark, intangible and invisible, but it affects the rise and fall and prosperity of all races, connecting each individual like an invisible net.

But karma is a power that represents good and evil. They found that there seems to be a scale in the dark, which invisibly measures the life of each individual. Those who do good will reincarnate in the three ways, and there are many generations who do not do evil. The three ways of reincarnation have caused confusion among the various races.

They are beginning to try to change all of this. Among them, the Protoss is the most active and hardworking, and the humans are second. As for the Jing and the spirits, they are aloof. Although the monsters have the heart, they can't wait. As for the ghosts, demons, and corpses, they disdain one. Gu.

After constant research and exploration, the Protoss and Humans finally found a solution. The solution that the Protoss thought of was the aspiration force, also known as karmic force, which is to make all living beings grateful through the form of evangelism, and implement it by shaping the Dharma bodies for them. Chanting, to transfer their gratitude into aspirations and collect them. The Protoss obtains aspirations through the realization of these wishes, thereby transforming them into karma, UU read www.uukānshu. Com uses the karma to change the six reincarnations at the time of reincarnation after death.

The human race thinks of methods similar to those of the gods but are also different. The human race realizes the karma through the cycle of cause and effect. They found that doing more good deeds and making mortals grateful can increase karma. This power is also called merit, merit can be Through various forms of transformation, whether to teach karma to solve puzzles, to help the strong and the weak, to help the world, in short, as long as you do more good deeds, you can gain karma.

They also found that the amount of merit can affect the perception of the world and everything, and even affect the strength of fighting against people. This also attracted the attention of the ghost tribe and the other two tribes. Originally, they didn’t care about it. What about ghosts and corpses, but they also have to cultivate themselves. Only when they are strong can they exert a stronger power, and the appearance of karma seems to have changed all of this.

These three tribes had no choice but to join in the exploration. Originally, they thought they had to change everything they had to gain karma. This was tantamount to overthrowing their values. The end result might be that these three tribes eventually disappear. The impact is too terrifying.

Under the reckless exploration of the three clans, the demons finally found a new way and found a way to solve all of these. Through exploration, the demons discovered that they can transform fear into evil karma through people’s fear of them, and accumulate killing. The bitterness of the evil spirit is transformed into the power of resentment, and the brutal bloodthirsty power is transformed into the power of karma, so as to avoid the extinction of the race, and at the same time, it can enhance its own power through these three powers.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of all parties, the six reincarnations have finally reached a balance. Those who do good use willingness and merit to cultivate their character, those who do evil use the terror of killing to control the darkness. Unknowingly, millions of years have passed. The great era of Hui has arrived.

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