Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 172: 32) Undercurrents

They did not keep the Russian support for Bulgaria secret at all. When they informed him, Nikola I ordered the Montenegro government to pass the bill on the expansion of the army, despite the government's financial capacity.

Despite the bad relations with Bulgaria after the Bulgarian-Serbian war, they also joined through the Russians. They tried to get a piece of the cake!

Ferdinand quickly invited the future Kingdom of Montenegro to join the alliance, and thus the Balkan League was officially formed!

Of course, the most critical thing is: that Montenegro is limited in strength. Even with the support of the Russians, they can not eat much.

What's more, it's not the period of Aleksandr II anymore. Without the bundle of interests, just out of sympathy, the Russian support for Montenegro has significantly been reduced!

For Serbia, the main force of the historic Balkan League was now in a difficult position to defend itself. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was not a simpleton who kept nibbling away at their sovereignty.

The young Aleksandar I, already cornered, began to give up on himself. He bade farewell to his political affairs and hid himself in the palace for his happiness.

To Ferdinand's surprise, the Socialist Party, which historically folded in Bulgaria, was not even visible at this moment. It was in Serbia that communism began to flourish.

Having escaped, the head of the anti-government forces embraced communist influences. They are involved again with the radicals in Serbia and are preparing to overthrow the treacherous government by force and expel Austria-Hungary!

In the face of the life and death of the country, Bulgaria was no longer the first enemy of the Serbs. The Austro-Hungarian Empire, which had worked so hard, took over the position of the villain, and the government, which was working for the post-war reconstruction and recovery of Serbia, became a 'corrupt' reactionary colonial government!

Well, the Serbian government indeed got wronged. They were still competent in the late 19th century. Only through their tireless efforts did Serbia barely retain its national sovereignty.

As for the social conflicts, they are entirely the aftermath of the Bulgarian-Serbia War. The ability to ensure that the relief food got distributed on time in a situation of internal and external difficulties is proof enough of their ability!

However, the idealists, the radicals, can't see it all to no avail! Blame it all on the corruption of the government and the exploitation of Austria-Hungary.

They are totally ignoring the fact that the Austro-Hungarian Empire contributes funds, and the Serbian government is bowing and scraping for the country!

One couldn't help it. Who told Serbia that there were many radicals? The revolutionary undercurrents are surging, and Ferdinand reckons that a new round of major uprisings will break out within two or three years!

Ferdinand knew that after the end of the Balkan Wars, Bulgaria would be bordering Austria-Hungary and that the tacit understanding between the two countries would no longer exist due to the Bulgarian-Russian alliance.

The tiny Balkan region also cannot contain two regional powers. Since the two sides got destined to be enemies in the future, he is happy to see the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a joke.

If it were Ferdinand, he would never be so indecisive as Austria-Hungary! Either directly control Serbia, as in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and find a chance to annex it directly, or simply support the pro-Austro-Hungarian government, so that Serbia is entirely independent.

At present, Austria-Hungary's attitude toward Serbia is wavering. On the one hand, trying to compensate for economic losses by usurping Serbian rights, and on the other hand, supporting pro-Austro-Hungarian regimes.

It is clear to the sharp eye that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is now paying for Serbia, and the gains are completely disproportionate!

'A cup of rice feeds a kindness, and a basket of rice feeds an enemy'!1) A common practice in ancient and modern times, in the eyes of blind idealists and radicals, remains only the exploitation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire!


Time passed quickly, and entered the year 1896. As we entered the new year, the situation in the Balkans worsened.

The Balkan states' moves still caught the Ottoman Empire's attention. Among the decadent empire, a few people understood, and Said Halim Pasha, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was one of them.

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the oldest empire, Halim Pasha was also arrogant enough to disdain the moves of the three small Balkan countries.

He was concerned about the attitude of the Great Powers behind him, and that extra fleet in Bulgaria was the focus of attention!

Halim Pasha has been advocating a compromise with the British so that he can focus on solving the Armenian problem in the country.

Like most Ottoman nobles, Halim Pasha supported the Sultan and used ferocious methods to suppress the revolution at home.

He thinks that once the Armenians are allowed to become independent, it is likely to cause a chain reaction when the Kurds, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Arabs, will all demand independence!

It isn't good. The Ottoman Empire may fall apart, which any Turkish aristocrat can't stand!

The Balkan problem had always troubled the Ottoman Empire, and Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Montenegro has not spared by any of the subjects who were eyeing the Ottoman suzerainty.

In the opinion of Halim Pasha, if not for the intervention of the Great Powers, the Ottoman Empire would have settled these rebellious parties long ago!

It was so easy to wait until Bulgaria and Serbia were at each other's throats, thinking that they could live a few days of peace of mind, but they didn't expect the Serbs to be too useless, and they were taken care of by Bulgaria in three steps!

Now the moves of the three Balkan countries disturbed him! The British devised a plan to carve up the Ottomans, which Halim Pasha knew all too well. The Sultan's government launched a diplomatic effort to convince the Germans and the French to gain support and made concessions to the Russians in exchange for their neutrality.

Halim Pasha knows very well that the Balkan countries' moves now are without the support of their arch-enemies, the Russians!

In the same way, Austria-Hungary is certainly in favor. Not long ago, the Austro-Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposed - to let the Ottoman Empire give up sovereignty over Bosnia and Herzegovina, has rightly rejected by him!

Halim Pasha knew that the Ottoman Empire could not defend itself against the British, Russians, and Austro-Hungarians at the same time, even if they did not act jointly!

Halim Pasha, who knew that he was in big trouble, had just proposed to the Sultan: to give up the region of Bosnia and Herzegovina in exchange for the support of Austria-Hungary; to recognize the status quo in the Egyptian region and gain the agreement of the British!

At once invited a revolt!

The Minister of War then said sarcastically, "Cowards! The enemy hasn't even attacked yet? You're already thinking of surrendering! If they do come, it'll be a disaster!"

The Minister of Interior said gloomily: "No need to scare us here. If the situation were really that serious, it wouldn't be a few buffoons making a fuss now but the allied forces of Britain, Russia, and Austria!

Can the British and the Russians compromise? Are the British not afraid of the Russians entering the Mediterranean? If so, wouldn't their Crimean War have been fought in vain?

Can the Russians tolerate Austria-Hungary's expansion in the Balkans? If so, Austria-Hungary would have annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina long ago, and Serbia and Montenegro would no longer exist!"


1) It means that if you give a small help to someone in times of distress, they will be grateful to you. If you keep this up and suddenly, one time, for whatever reason, you don't help, the person will hold a grudge against you and hold it for life! It's as if the person receiving relief tends to take it for granted after getting used to it and naturally doesn't consider doing something on his own to get food by his own labor. If you find out later that he has regained his ability to work and you don't give him relief anymore, he will hold a grudge against you. It is because the other person takes the loving support for granted. It is the bucket of rice and the stone of revenge. Others help form a dependence, from gratitude into a matter of course, so that eventually becomes a grudge. Help people for a while but not for a lifetime. You can help people but not make them dependent on the vice.

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