
Chapter 27

Chapter 27
Without Jordan and Pippen, the Bulls only had Bai Jidong on the perimeter, a defensive leader whose defense was above average.

Bai Jidong has a unique height advantage to guard a short guard like Avery Johnson. If he switches to a standard wing like Sean Elliott, he will suffer a big loss.

Johnson is not a hot-headed brat.He has been watching the game.After thoroughly understanding Bai Weidong's ability, he will no longer fight with Bai Weidong.

Borrowing the pick-and-roll breakthrough, and then shooting the ball from the surrounding environment, Elliott's shooting opportunities were so comfortable that he couldn't believe it, and he succeeded in consecutive shots.

5 minutes into the second quarter.Phil Jackson looked at the time, "Michael, Scott, get ready to play."

They also need to wait until the ball is dead to play.

At this time, Bai Jidong missed Johnson, who stole the back door.Johnson slipped from the baseline to the basket.David Robinson, who caught the ball in the low post, found him first.Johnson caught the ball for a layup and scored easily.

"Where are you looking? Are you looking at your mother's dick? Do you want to drink milk? Then go back to China and drink milk!" Johnson insulted.

Bai Jidong didn't come back in a hurry, but Jordan yelled again from the sidelines: "Chinese guy! Where the fuck are you looking at? Watch out for that dwarf! Don't let him run around again!" Be quiet?" Bai Jidong was extremely irritable.

"Tony!" Bai Jidong asked for the ball from a high position.

Kukoc was blocked and had to pass the ball.Bai Weidong grasped the ball with one hand and firmly controlled the ball.

"Come on!" Johnson continued to prod Bai Jidong.

Bai Jidong stared at Robinson under the basket, "Dunk! Dunk on his head!"

With this thought in mind, Bai Jidong broke away from the confrontation with Johnson, his body was facing the basket, holding the ball in his right hand, and crossed his crotch continuously to change directions.

Bai Jidong's activation speed is not fast, he knows this.Seeing that he couldn't get away with it, he made up his mind and pushed the ball with his right hand and went straight.

Johnson waited for him to break through, and was about to take out the ball. Before Bai Jidong got up, his right hand passed the ball from behind to his left hand, and his left hand took the ball and started forward.

The first step has already invaded Johnson's body, the second step keeps up, squeezes out Johnson's space, and the next three or four steps completely get rid of Johnson.

"How could it be so fast?" Bai Jidong's startup speed was not fast, but the acceleration after startup was unbelievably fast.Johnson found that he couldn't keep up with Bai Jidong.

Bai Jidong's goal is very clear, that is Robinson.

His gaze has been sweeping over Robinson. After being in the league for so many years, Robinson has a keen intuition for the intentions of outside ball holders-this guy is coming for me!This rookie wants to play wild on my head!
The gentle admiral was furious immediately, he decided to tell Bai Jidong in a military way.

This is not where he wants to come, and he can come here whenever he wants.Bai Jidong took off and buckled angrily.

Robinson took off like a helicopter, and slapped Bai Jidong over with the ball.The situation was so complicated that the referee didn't know what to do. In the end, the referee standing under the basket called Robinson's thug foul.

"Rookie, you are too presumptuous!" Robinson said with anger in his eyes, "Even Jordan dare not be so arrogant in front of me!" "Really? He dare not? Doesn't that mean I am bolder than him? Thank you for saying that , I'm glad to hear you say that." Bai Jidong stood up and refused to budge.

The notice of the Bulls substitution came from the sidelines, and Jordan Pippen played at the same time.

Jordan touched Bai Weidong's butt again, "David, the skill you learned in the army is to bully children, right?" "I bully anyone who wants to play wild under the basket." Robinson said indifferently. "Really?" Jordan said, "We'll see."

"He touched my ass again!" Bai Jidong complained to Pippen angrily.

Pippen said: "That's Michael's way of expressing approval." "Fuck! I don't want his approval!" Bai Jidong felt his anger was full.

One of two free throws was made, Bai Weidong played an average free throw.

"Wait, is Tony playing the fourth position now?" Bai Jidong was surprised to find that Pippen replaced Edwards.Pippen pushed Bai Jidong: "Don't worry about these things, people who keep an eye on you!"

The Spurs also found Kukoc pushed up to the four.Johnson immediately directed their inside line to hit this point.The Spurs' substitute insider JR Reed sat under the basket and repeatedly contradicted Kukoc.

Although Kukoc is 6 feet 10 inches tall, he has always played small forward. It must be too much to deal with an authentic insider like Reid, so he had to foul to block the opponent.Reed hit the free throw line and made two free throws.

"Tony, I respect you for being a man." Bai Jidong expressed his respect to Kukoc who put himself in danger.

Kukoc laughed dryly, and said in Croatian English that Bai Jidong was not used to: "Don't say that, if you are willing to help me out for a while, I will thank you very much."

"Hahaha!" Bai Jidong laughed excitedly, as if he wanted to agree.

Kukoc thought he agreed, so he laughed.

As a result, Bai Jidong changed his face in a second: "Don't talk about it, I wish you good luck, bye." "Bye! Bye!" Kukoc didn't expect Bai Jidong to be so heartless.

With the presence of these two great gods, Qiaopi, Bai Jidong was much more relaxed.

From ball control organization to perimeter positioning.With Pi Peng around, Bai Jidong doesn't need to control the ball, he just needs to sit outside and wait for a chance to get in and steal the ball.

"Scott!" Jordan was originally stuck in the low post on the left, and Pippen was on the right three-point line.

Jordan used Robinson at the rim as a wall against Elliott and slipped out to catch the ball.Jordan gets a pass from Pippen, turns and leaps toward the basket.

Robinson opened his hand to block the shot directly above his head, and Jordan's body naturally leaned back in the air, avoiding Robinson's blocking point, and dialed the ball into the basket like a painting.

"This ball is dedicated to you, warrior who likes to bully children." Jordan bit the word warrior like a rap.Robinson's face was not very good-looking, because Jordan's slap in the face came too fast.

After suffering such a big loss, Robinson is bound to retaliate.Get the ball in the low post, turn around and face the basket, Langley doesn't jump.

Robinson takes the ball to Longley's weak side.Just as he was down the line, Jordan blocked his way.Out of bounds.In a panic, Robinson smashed the ball on Longley's thigh and bounced out of bounds.

"David, I'm harassing everyone who invades the rim." Jordan imitated Robinson's previous words and sprayed another trash talk.Robinson refused to talk back. The education he received since he was a child made him not good at quarreling.

Led by Jordan, the Bulls offered a defense that suffocated the Spurs.In the end, Avery Johnson could only forcefully shoot a three-pointer under the cover of Bai Weidong, with no aim.

Jordan grabs the rebound.Bai Jidong felt that he stole all the rebounds that should have been grabbed by Rodman.

At the moment of grabbing the rebound, Jordan threw the ball into the air with both hands.The direction the ball landed was where Pippen was.After catching this long pass, Pippen faced Elliott's chasing bloody dunk.

With his mouth open, Bai Jidong instinctively rushed up to collide with Pippen.

He was knocked into the air by Pipen, "Damn! Your dunk is so bad!" "That's natural! Who am I? I'm Pippen the Buffalo!" Pippen shouted excitedly after completing the heavy hit.

This attack directly caused the Spurs coach Bob Hill to stop the game.

Bai Jidong panted heavily, took a gulp of Gatorade.

Jackson asked: "Do you need to rest, mother?" Bai Jidong borrowed Buckley's words: "When I die, I will have time to rest."

"Okay, let's do another high-intensity press!" Jackson swiped his pen and focused on the breaking serve.

The Spurs struggled with free throws, and the Bulls' rotation left them no chance to catch the ball.

Robinson looked left and right, and suddenly threw the ball in the direction of Johnson, who was not completely blocked.This is Bai Jidong's intentional gap, as soon as the ball is passed, he cuts it off immediately.


Bai Weidong handed the ball to Jordan, while he ran forward frantically.Pippen was still on Jordan's left.The Bulls' most athletic wings were all involved in the counterattack.

How is this kid so fast?Jordan felt Bai Jidong's speed up close.In the case of running a fast break, he even completed the overtaking of Elliott.

Seeing this, Jordan hit the ball quickly.Bai Weidong catches the ball and leaps towards the basket.

Holding the basketball firmly with his huge palm, Johnson wanted to hold Bai Jidong.

He grabbed Bai Weidong's left hand, but couldn't control Bai Weidong's upright body, he swung his arm around, Bai Weidong roared uncontrollably, and his veined right hand smashed the ball into the basket.

"Fuck! Fuck me!" Chen Qi almost spit out nosebleeds.

Qiao Dan grabs Bai Weidong, trying to stabilize his emotions.Bai Jidong screamed and jumped like a mad cow.Jordan had to let go, so as not to be accidentally injured.

"Why do you think he was excited?" Jordan said helplessly.

Pippen smiled and said nothing, "Just let him be happy."

(End of this chapter)

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