
Chapter 915

Chapter 915
After eating and drinking enough, Bai Jidong, Chu Meng and Taylor sat in the living room.

"When did you know?" Bai Jidong couldn't help asking.

Chu Meng didn't answer, Taylor rushed to say: "I told her when you just finished the Olympic Games last year."

"Now, do you have anything else to explain?" Chu Meng stared at Bai Jidong like a police officer about to try a prisoner.

At times like this, lies can make the world a more beautiful place, so don't believe in any bullshit that says "be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist."

"What do you want to know?" Bai Jidong asked.

Strange, why did the two of them become the same camp?Bai Jidong couldn't figure out the situation, what happened between Chu Meng and Taylor?
"Mondolia wants to know, besides me, is there anyone else out there?" Taylor resumed her usual charm, "Are there any other little Bends?"

"This... you don't even look at how old I am." Bai Jidong cried, "I just want to, but my waist doesn't agree!"

In an ingenious three-session trial, Bai Jidong got a general understanding of the situation.

Chu Meng accepted Taylor and learned everything from Taylor, but it is unknown how they connected together.

In the middle of the night, Bai Jidong took Taylor home.

"Bye, you have a good wife," Taylor said.

"I know." Bai Jidong knew that this might be the best result, "Liv, you have worked hard for so many years."

"It's going to pass, it's going to be okay," Taylor said. "Ben, say goodbye to ... Daddy."

Bai Jidong was startled, only to hear little Bender shouting goodbye lively.

"Goodbye." Bai Jidong nodded with a smile, and left after the lights in his room were turned on.

Bai Jidong went home and took a shower, and saw Chu Meng leaning on the bedside reading a book in his nightgown.

"Wife, I..." Bai Jidong wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he found that there was nothing to say. He had no excuses for this matter.

"I know you will always encounter some things that you can't refuse outside, but I just didn't expect it to develop to this point." Chu Meng put down the book, "Besides, Liv doesn't want anything, she has done so much for you, Nothing in the end, she can't stand by your side as your wife, and your kids can't call you daddy in public, if these things happened to me, I can't accept it.. I hate her, but I will Accept her."

"Promise me, this is the first and last time." Chu Meng said.

Bai Jidong carefully climbed onto the bed, and leaned against Chu Meng, "I've said it all, even if I want to, my waist won't agree."


"Really... ah..."

As soon as Bai Jidong spoke, Chu Meng bit his shoulder, leaving a row of red tooth marks.

After biting, Chu Meng snorted, "Can't there be no punishment for making mistakes?"

"I... feel like this is not enough..." Bai Jidong said that Chu Meng was stunned for a while, one bite is not enough?

"Can I make up for you in other ways, dear?" Bai Jidong said, the evil giant palm penetrated into Chu Meng's clothes like a reptile, and grabbed the soft parts.

"No... no... um..."

Bai Jidong couldn't let her explain, sealed Chu Meng's mouth with his lips, and started the offensive gradually, attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold, all in one battle.

"Good morning, guys!"

The moment Bai Jidong stepped into the St. Olaf Center, the cold training hall seemed to have a big oven, warming everyone up.

"What the hell? What happened to the white wolf?" Stevenson asked puzzled.

Beasley snorted, "What's strange, he must have turned spring, look at his face full of spring breeze."

"Little Beasley, it's not advisable to speak ill of people behind their backs." Bai Jidong grabbed the ball and asked, "How about it, do you want to welcome this sunny day with a wonderful heads-up match?"

Zhao Li looked at the sky covered with dark clouds, the sun was shining brightly?Um?

"Are you trying to start off with me again? I refuse! I can't afford it with this salary!" Beasley was always pulled by Bai Jidong to play one-on-one.

Naturally, the onlookers on the training ground couldn't stare blankly, and started betting on the heads-up between the two.

The basis of the bet is: Beasley must lose, and everyone is betting on the point difference.

This kind of thing is thankless, he is unhappy if he loses too much, and the group leader is unhappy if he loses too little, it's really fucking hard to do.

"I don't want you to spend money, why are you in a hurry?" Bai Jidong threw the ball to Beasley, "That's the decision, you come first."

Beasley is a hot-blooded young man, how could he show weakness to a 36-year-old man?

"Come on! I won't necessarily lose!" Beasley said confidently.

"Little Bi, I like your spirit of fighting and defeating more and more courageously, keep it up."

After all, Bai Jidong beat Beasley 11 to 1.

The only point that Beasley scored was deliberately released by Bai Jidong in order to save him some face. There was only one person who made the right bet, and that person was Spanoulis.

"Let you young people not listen to me, now you know I'm good?" Spanoulis said. "I will teach you this lesson, and the money will be used as tuition fees."

Excitedly, Spanoulis picked up the money on the ground, enough to cover his expenses for several months.

"Varixis, how do you know that the white wolf is back to being a beast today, bah! He's going to blow up Michael?" Stevenson asked.

"I'm going to talk about you now, Lance, how many seasons have you played with White Wolf? Don't you know him? You can see that he is in a good mood, he must be in a good mood. Everything went smoothly, remember, next time you bet with me, you will win!" Spanoulis said proudly.

Simeon warmed up quietly.Since the Timberwolves signed Simien back last season, the latter quickly recovered his form.

Maybe the system here is more suitable for Himien, maybe he prefers himself as a member of the Timberwolves back then, and he is deeply loved here.

Not long ago, Medved was reimbursed for the season again due to a torn cruciate ligament of his left foot, and Himien got more playing time.

"Ven, these young people are so stupid, I'll buy you a drink tonight." Spanoulis smiled with money in his hand.

Vashabek was practicing defensive steps next to him. When he heard that the two were going to drink, he interjected, "It's better to drink less alcohol, you are not young anymore."

"Bonu, are you trying to say you're young?" Spanoulis asked.

"A little younger than you," Vashabek said angrily.

"Have you been taught a lesson by the young people? Let you be embarrassed again!"

Simeon is just 30 years old this year, and Spanoulis is 31 years old this year.

The three are important puzzle pieces of the Timberwolves dynasty, and now they can still fight side by side together, it is inevitable to feel a little bit emotional.

This year's All-Star Weekend, the Timberwolves have three players participating, exactly the same as last year. Bai Jidong and Zhao Li participated in the main game, and Vashabek participated in the three-point contest.

"I suggest that the league add one more rule, strictly prohibiting the champions of these slam dunk contests from participating in any three-point contest without doing their jobs!"

"Vasabek, the slam dunk contest needs you!"

"The slam dunk contest without Vashabek is so boring!"

Vashabek is totally defying the cheers of the crowd. This year, he is shooting 51 percent of his open [-]-pointers, the second-best in the league.

Vashabek wants to prove that he is not just a dunk.

At the end of the game, Vashabek lost by one point and won the runner-up in the three-point contest again.

"It's okay, I'll come back next year." During the interview, Vashabek said something that made the reporter absolutely stunned.

"Are you really not in the dunk contest anymore?"

"Yes, because there is no challenge."

Not only reporters, but even teammates wanted Vashabek to participate in the dunk contest, but he just didn't want it.

Bai Jidong understands Vashabek's approach, he is no longer that reckless young man who flies all over the sky and wants to let the whole world know him.

Every year, he is improving, and he has requirements for himself.

Currently, Vashabek is averaging 15 points (career high), 5 rebounds and 3 assists (both career highs), and he hopes to fully influence the game.

Moreover, his defense is increasingly important to the Timberwolves.

The Timberwolves have become accustomed to a defensive system without an inside gate. With Bai Jidong and Vashabek as the leading players, and a group of engineers and blue-collars who are good at defense, they have created the most mobile defensive system.

Such a system is most afraid of OK Lakers-type teams, the kind of teams that can attack internally and attack externally, can be said to be their natural enemies.

Fortunately, in today's league, only the Lakers have such strength, and they are still a semi-finished product. Howard's inside impact is far inferior to O'Neal's low-post killer.

As soon as the All-Star Weekend is over, the intense card battle begins.

This season, Bai Jidong's statistics dropped slightly. He was in full attendance during the season, scoring 25 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists.

"The 36-year-old White Wolf is still one of the top three small forwards in the league."

"Can I understand that if there is no one in the Timberwolves to help with the task, the White Wolves can still get an average of 30+6+6 per game?"


The fans lamented that Bai Jidong was as stable as ever, and the matchup map for the playoffs also surfaced, with a brand new pattern and a brand new matchup.

The Lakers sang all the way, playing the league's first 69 wins and 13 losses.

The Timberwolves and Thunder are close behind, both teams have a record of 60 wins and 22 losses.

The Heat in the East are thriving, leading the pack with a record of 66 wins and 16 losses. In comparison, the West is terrible.


The whole world is looking forward to the final meeting between the Lakers and the Heat, so that the 23vs24 that fans have dreamed of can be realized.

The Timberwolves are completely opposite. They are preparing slowly in Apollos, waiting for the arrival of the Golden State Warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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