
Chapter 923 I am here

Chapter 923 I'm Back
I woke up feeling deeply loved.The morning light that greets me tells me that wonderful opportunities await me. ——Written by Bai Jidong on September 2016, 9, the first day of his return to Chicago.

When Bai Jidong announced his decision—to sign with the Bulls for 1 million in one year—the whole world was shocked.

For Minnesota, this is an unbelievable surprise.

The white wolf who played for Mingzhou for 12 years and brought countless honors to Mingzhou, the 39-year-old white wolf actually wants to leave them in the last year of his career.

Countless people spontaneously appeared outside the St. Olaf Center, hoping that the White Wolf would take back this decision.

Bai Jidong never showed up, no matter how much noise the fans made, he ignored it.

He knows that once he appears in front of the fans, he will soften his heart, and he may change his mind under the pressure of everyone.

But he had to do this, and he couldn't be influenced by anything.

"Farewell, my beloved Minnesota, my beloved Apollos."

12 years ago, he came here from nowhere and achieved greatness.

After 12 years, he had to leave here again.

"Yes, that's it, do what you want to do." Outside the airport, Anke Harvey looked at Bai Jidong soaring into the sky, and silently said goodbye.

Having been away for 12 years, Bai Jidong came back here again, and Bai Jidong had a special feeling.

This is different from the feeling of coming here to play on behalf of the Timberwolves. After getting off the airport, Bai Jidong saw the familiar flag, which was the former Goodbye Legion.

Now, they are all middle-aged, and there are only a few hundred loyalists left in the once huge team.

"White Wolf, what brought you back here?"


"Will this be your last season?"

"no doubt."

Just as Bai Jidong was about to leave, another reporter asked, "Will you start a national tour like Kobe did?"

Bai Jidong smiled, "I came back here because I wanted my career to end perfectly; I didn't come back to retire, I came to win. When I retire, I hope I have completed a career without regrets." career."

The reporter couldn't immediately understand Bai Jidong's meaning. After he left, someone analyzed the sentence in depth, only to find that there was a lot of deep meaning in it.

Afterwards, Vashabek followed Bai Jidong's pace and joined the Bulls at a cabbage price of 1 million a year.

Vashabek has made no secrets about this decision.

"I'm here for the White Wolf, he's my friend, brother, leader, one of the most important people in my life, and I want to walk with him to the end and go back to Minnesota and continue to fight with his will .”

Vashabek's temporary departure from the Timberwolves is not as surprising as Bai Jidong's decision. Everyone knows what the White Wolf means to the Honey Badger.

"It's just that the Timberwolves have suffered, and they have lost two starters at once. Wolf Zhao will lead the wolf pack alone next season."

Bai Jidong brought his family back to his former residence in Chicago, "After so many years, this place hasn't changed at all."

"I lived here when I first came here, and I haven't changed it, but now it looks a bit small..."

Bai Jidong really wants to move back here, but he has a family of five, living here is a bit crowded.

"I'll take care of things about the house. You should have a lot of things to do, right?" Chu Meng said caringly.

"It's good to have you." Bai Jidong kissed Chu Meng, squatted down and said to the child: "Dad has something to go out, you have to listen to Mom, don't make trouble, don't run around, you understand?"

"Hmm..." The three children nodded vigorously.

Bai Jidong went to the garage and brought out the classic car that had been idle for many years, "Will people laugh at you for driving such a car?"

"Forget it, there is nothing better now."

Bai Jidong sighed, and drove out the car.

"Tony, it seems that you don't care about the outside world now."

The first person Bai Jidong met was Tony Kukoc.

In the 05 season, Kukoc announced his retirement after winning the championship with the Timberwolves. After that, he bought a large piece of land in Chicago and spent every day mowing and planting the land. It is completely unimaginable that he was once a famous basketball superstar in Europe.

"Even if I don't pay attention to current affairs, I know that the White Wolf is back in Chicago." Kukoc laughed. "I just want to know why you came back?"

"Should I not come back?" Bai Jidong asked back.

Kukoc said, "Do you think there is anything left to do?"

"Of course, such as hoisting my own championship flag on the roof of the United Center." Bai Jidong imagined.

"Bye, we're friends, that's why I'm telling you these words. You're 39 years old now, and you'll be 40 after next season. Do you know what a 40-year-old should do?" Kukoc asked.

Bai Jidong scratched his head and said, "Let me think about it. Be a substitute, cheer for everyone, wait until the end of the season to accept everyone's compliments, and retire with honor."

"If I think this way, I won't come back, Tony, you should know how important this matter is to me." Bai Jidong said. "I have learned a lot of skills here. If I can't even bring a championship, then I really failed."

Kukoc sighed, "Oh, you could have come back sooner."

"Some things are beyond our control."

After that, Bai Jidong went to see Pi Peng.

Pippen declared bankruptcy in 2013. Bai Jidong once invited him to work as a coach at Dream Academy, but he refused.

After all, Pippen was not young, and he didn't want to leave his hometown to go so far away. Later, the Bulls offered Pippen a job, and the matter was left alone.

"I knew you would come back, but I didn't expect you to come back this year." Pippen's home is decorated with souvenirs from the league that year.

Bai Jidong touched the 96 out-of-print number 33 hanging on the hanger, "Do you miss the past?"

"Of course, if I am in the league now, I can get 4 million in 2 years." Salary is the eternal pain in Pippen's heart.

"Then do you still hate Jerry?" Bai Jidong sat down.

"As you get older, many things fade, including hatred," Pippen said.

"Great." When he was in the Bulls, the most troublesome thing for Bai Jidong was the tense relationship between Klaus and other players.

"You should go see him, he's not been well," Pippen said.

"I'll go later." Bai Jidong said.

Pippen asked, "Did you tell Michael when you got back to Chicago?"

"No, Boss Mai has no time to care about me? He is worrying about the superstar in his team." Bai Jidong smiled.

In the 2014 season, the New Orleans Hornets changed their name to the Pelicans.

During the offseason of that year, Jordan quickly changed the team's name to the Hornets. After all, the Charlotte people have a more sense of belonging to the name of the Hornets.

Davis and Drummond were selected in 12, and Paul was persuaded to join in the 13 offseason. The Hornets transformed and became James' biggest opponent in the Eastern Conference.

In recent years, what has troubled the Hornets is not James' Cavaliers, but health.

Davis is good in everything, but his body is glassy and he is always injured.

Krause retired last year for health reasons, ending a more than 50-year career in sports management.

Bai Jidong saw him again, only to find that Klaus's appearance had changed.

His body was still the same as before, extremely fat, but his face was dull, like a sick and consumptive man who had exhausted his energy.

"Jerry, how are you doing?" Bai Jidong asked.

Klaus' tone was low, and he smiled, "Fortunately, I'm glad you can come back."

"Actually, I should have come back a long time ago." Bai Jidong found that his time was getting less and less.

"What's the status of the Bulls now?" Bai Jidong just arrived, and he hasn't understood the status of the team yet.

Krause said: "You are asking the wrong person. I have not been involved in the operation of the Bulls for a long time."

Seeing Klaus goodbye, Bai Jidong felt many emotions in his heart.

The founder of the Bull Dynasty is now terminally ill, and the situation is getting worse every day.

When the burden of the whole body is unloaded, he is just an ordinary old man.

Faced with this old man who supported him with one hand and abandoned him in the end, Bai Jidong felt mixed feelings in his heart.

"Bye, I know what you want, go ahead and do it, I know you can do it, I just hate that I didn't stick to it."

Trading Bai Jidong was the most serious mistake of Krause's career. That deal destroyed the Bulls and created the Timberwolves dynasty at the same time.

Walking out of Klaus' house, Bai Jidong drove to Berto Center.

Bai Jidong still remembers the feeling of walking here for the first time, when he was still a high school student, his future was full of confusion.


"It's me, can I go in and have a look?"

The security guards here are no longer those who used to be.

Even if the security guard had the guts, he wouldn't dare to keep Bai Jidong out.

"Okay, come in."

The security guards knew that White Wolf had returned to Chicago, so they would not stop him.

There are quite a few people in Berto's center, but I didn't see a single player.

There are still a few days before the training camp for the new season, and the first-team teammates who have contracts are still enjoying their holidays, and only those free agents whose future is uncertain will come to train early.

Bai Weidong's appearance attracted the audience, and they stepped forward to strike up a conversation one by one.

"Hello White Wolf, I am..."

Bai Jidong couldn't remember so many names all at once, he nodded to these people, then grabbed a ball from the ground and walked towards an unused court.

At the free throw line, Bai Jidong holds the ball and looks at the basket in front of him.

The people from back then are no longer here.

"I am back."

Bai Jidong put down the ball, lay back, shed countless sweats here, so tired that he could only lie on the ground and outline his future in big characters.

Suddenly, Bai Jidong was full of fighting spirit.

It's like being here for the first time.

It was as if he was irritated by Jordan for the first time that year.

It's like playing for the Bulls for the first time that year.

As if, just learned to play basketball.

No one knew why Bai Jidong was lying there, and no one bothered him.

So he lay there for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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