
Chapter 983

Chapter 983

The more critical the moment, the more there is a feeling.

This is my moment!

It was not obvious at the beginning, but as the game progressed, the time became less and less, Bai Jidong decided that this game belonged to him and only belonged to him.

Another 1 minutes passed.

In the past 1 minute, the Bulls chased the score to 5 points, and there were only 4 minutes left in the game.

4 minutes, five points difference.

On the court, a lot can happen in four seconds, let alone four minutes?

Bai Weidong transcended the competition, appeared in every corner and every location like a shadow, affecting the competition in all directions and without dead ends.

Durant has forgotten how old he is, he only knows that this is an opponent that must be defeated.

Curry ran out and made a three-pointer at the last second. Like a meteor falling, the ball quickly flew into the basket.

"Beautiful!" Durant roared.

Curry jumped up excitedly, patted his chest, and pointed to the sky.

"Dwyane, give me the ball later." Before halftime, Bai Jidong said this to Wade.

Wade was stunned for a moment, and then understood.

What a wonderful moment. Wade faced Bai Jidong in the finals. After more than ten years, they became teammates by accident and fought side by side in the finals.

No matter how much time has passed, Wade will never forget what Bai Jidong did in the finals.

Many people think that the 08 Finals was the greatest individual show in history. In Wade's view, the White Wolf in 06 is the scariest White Wolf.

As an opponent, he has experienced Bai Jidong's strength.

Just now, when Bai Jidong said those words to him, Wade seemed to have returned to the distant 2006.

At that time, he was young and vigorous, and dared to be an enemy of the whole world; at that time, Bai Jidong was at the peak, and his power was unmatched by anyone in the world.

Just now, the white wolf that roams the world seems to have traveled through time and space, and possessed the body of the 40-year-old Bai Jidong.

Wade feels that way, and a lot of people do.

Bai Jidong patted the ball, standing in front of Durant, he said: "Your defense is still terrible."

After all, Bai Weidong took advantage of Butu's pick-and-roll step jumper to score.

There are still 6 points, less than 4 minutes.




The fans at the scene kept shouting Bai Weidong's name, they had no other hope, they could only pin their hopes on Bai Weidong.

Durant intended to attack, but was blocked by Bai Jidong, making it difficult to make a move.

The ever-active Curry was on the perimeter, ready to catch Durant's pass.

Vashabek could clearly see the little moves and secret signals between them. If Durant dared to pass the ball, he would be able to intercept the ball.

This is a small cooperation between the two, and naturally they will not go straight. They know that the Bulls are staring at the passing line.

Before receiving the ball, Curry called Green to cover and took the opportunity to run out of position.

Durant has quick eyes and quick hands, and he makes a good pass. This is Curry's favorite rhythm, if he can throw the ball.

"You don't even think about making a move!"

Butler flew out, from an unknown direction, just appeared in such a rampage.

The arrival of Butler means that Thompson is unguarded, but the Warriors are running out of time, and this ball must be shot.

Curry turned up the arc of his shot and forced the shot.


A long rebound, flying to Durant.

Bai Jidong was stuck in front of Durant, trying to intercept the ball.

"Good idea!" Durant snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and the ball was sent flying.

Bai Jidong chased after him. Seeing the ball fly out of bounds, he leaped vigorously without hesitation, keeping his body parallel to the ground, stretched out his hand, caught the ball, and threw it to Butler in the corner.


Bai Jidong flew onto the audience in the front row, fortunately he was an adult.

"Bye, are you okay?" The audience in the front row asked worriedly.

"Thanks to you."

Four spectators made meat pads, and they shared the force of the landing, not only did not get injured, but also saved Bai Jidong from falling.

A kid asked, "Bye, can we win?"

Bai Jidong patted his head: "We can win!"

After all, Bai Jidong returned to the court and shouted: "Score another goal, just for me to fly out, we must score this goal!"


Bai Jidong did not hesitate to do anything, and his teammates no longer had any scruples, no matter what, they had to fight to the end.

"To be honest, my respect for you far exceeds my hatred. You are a respectable opponent." Durant said.

Bai Jidong didn't speak again. At this moment, Durant's words seemed to be blocked, and there was no echo.

The Bull's ball was running fast, Bai Jidong ran to the outside line, sheltering those around him from the wind and rain.


Vashabek kept running, and because of his activeness in the battle of Tianwangshan, the Warriors guarded him extremely tightly.

To receive the ball, complex tactical moves must be made.

Bai Jidong listened to Vashabek's voice, his face was unmoved, as if he wanted to solve the attack by himself.

Just as Vashabek passed behind him, he delivered the ball and turned to the left to help him block Thompson.

Thompson bumped into Bai Jidong's body, and the two fell to the ground together.

Vashabek got the hard-won space, held up the ball, and made a three-pointer.


"Ponu Vashabek hits fourth three of the night!"

"Now, the difference between the two sides is only 3 points!"

Durant can't see through Bai Jidong. Sometimes, he is like Jordan, who humiliates his opponent while talking nonsense; sometimes, he is like Pippen, whose sudden burst of energy can lock anyone up; Like Rodman, he flew to save the ball regardless of his own safety; just now, like Hubble, he was willing to be a green leaf and create opportunities for his teammates at this critical moment.

who are you?
white wolf? Bye?then what?
Durant was sullen, and with less than 3 minutes left in the final game, they only led by 3 points.

3 points is too insignificant.

not enough!Totally not enough!
"It's okay, I'll call back!"

Durant walked up the court.

Outside the three-point line, Durant confronted Bai Jidong.

"White Wolf, it's great to meet you in the finals." Durant asked for the ball from Curry, "I have to beat you, I have to prove myself, I have to win the championship , as my opponent, you, couldn't be more suitable!"

Bai Jidong heard Durant's words, did not refute, spread his hands apart, and was about to put pressure on him, but the opponent strode past him.

"I must win!"

The pressure on him this year has almost crushed Durant.

During the six finals against Bai Jidong, he understood a lot.

I can't just stand here.

I'm going to crush my opponent with my own hands.

This is my time!I want to end you!
Butu jumped up to stop Durant, the two collided, and the whistle blew first.

Durant's posture was stable, he grabbed the ball with his right hand, swung his long arm, and smashed forward with all his strength.


Butu was knocked over, and Durant grabbed the basket with one hand, as if he had become a fairy, shocking the audience.

The United Center was instantly quiet.

Butu received his sixth personal foul.

Durant's dunk is valid, and there is an additional penalty.

Butu closed his eyes and refused to get up, because he knew that as long as he got up, he would end up, and he didn't want to end up.

He wants to stay on the court, he knows the team needs him, he doesn't want to go off the court.

"Good defense!"

Butu opened his eyes and saw Bai Jidong.

He saw Bai Jidong reaching out to him, and heard him say: "You did a good job, leave the rest to us, the game is not over yet."

"I'll be ready to spray you with champagne." Butu stood up and said, "No tie-break!"

Bai Jidong smiled and said, "No fight."

Robin Lopez replaces Butu.

Durant walked to the free throw line and made an additional free throw, extending the lead to 6 points again.

Many people could not sit still, when Wade dribbled the half court, the game entered the last 2 minutes.

Bai Jidong jumped lightly twice, feeling his body light and light, as if he was many years younger.

Well, my back doesn't hurt anymore.

He didn't know how to describe this feeling, but he knew that with less and less time left for him, he felt more and more powerful.

"Watch out for the white wolf!"

Bai Jidong didn't go inside, nor did he go to the low post, he just stood outside the three-point line, waiting for Wade to pass him the ball.

Wade's ball arrived as expected, Bai Weidong took a tentative step to shake Durant back, pulled up and shot a three-pointer.

"White Wolf made a shot! There are still 3 points left!"

"One minute and 20 seconds left in the game!"

The Warriors were taken aback by the shot.

Bai Weidong's shot was so calm, it seemed like an insignificant ball, but he just missed it.

Durant's face became more and more serious, and he only believed in himself now.

The Warriors tried their best to open up space for him, and Durant lived up to expectations and hit a shot over Bai Weidong's head.

In less than ten seconds, Bai Weidong chased his body and hit a three-pointer again.

2 points.

Durant still wanted to hit back, but Bai Jidong was so entangled that he couldn't escape and couldn't catch the ball.

Defensive chants filled every corner of the United Center, and fans roared like crazy, hoping to distract the Warriors with their voices.

5 seconds!
With five seconds left on the Warriors' shot clock, Curry dribbled and wobbled as hard as he could to get room for a shot.

Vashabek's defense is as stable as a mountain and remains unchanged, forcing Curry to shoot difficult ultra-long three-pointers.

With a loud bang, the basketball bounced off the rim.


Durant grabbed the ball with the length of his arms.

The audience sighed regretfully.

"It's okay! Come again!" Bai Jidong clapped his hands and shouted.

As strong as Durant, he couldn't find a chance to attack at this moment.

Green's pick-and-roll broke Bai Weidong's defense, and Butler's double-team forced Durant to play.
After Green blocked the man, he turned and cut inward.

If you miss this opportunity, I am afraid it will be difficult to score this round.

Durant found the only gap in the double-team and made a low-handed pass.

The angle of the shot was so low that Green nearly missed it by bending over to catch it.

Lopez leaned in, clinging to him.

"How dare you guard against me with a fucking defense like yours!" Green roared, straightened his waist and jumped up strongly, causing Lopez's shooting foul.

Several commentators gasped.

"I'm choking on this game."

"I don't know who will win in the end. This is destined to be a classic battle that will be recorded in history."

Bai Jidong ran to Lopez's side and slapped his buttocks: "It's a good defense, that's what it should be!"

He was laughing, the kind of laugh that could infect people.

Lopez was originally in a heavy heart, but when he saw Bai Jidong's smile, he couldn't help but also smiled, but he was still very strange.

It's such a time, how can you still laugh?
Green stepped to the free throw line and missed the first free throw.


The second free throw was made.

3 points.

Afterwards, the Bulls called a timeout.

"You have two choices, do nothing and pray for good luck, or do something within your ability and let good luck happen to you!" Hoiberg said loudly.

The two sides played again.

Bai Jidong stood at the top of the arc with his hips akimbo, and suddenly ran out to catch the ball.

Durant followed, Bai Jidong dribbled the ball and said, "I feel good now, do you know what that means?"

"I guess you don't know, but you will know right away." Bai Jidong seems to have dual personalities, one is taciturn and the other is chatty.

Durant prefers the nagging Bai Jidong, although it is annoying, it is not that scary.

While speaking, time passed slowly.

Vashabek overcame thousands of obstacles and ran over from the bottom corner. The two cooperated hundreds of times.

When he got to the top of the arc, both Durant and Thompson, chasing Vashaback, knew what they were going to do.

Vashabek walked behind Bai Weidong, his hands ready to catch the ball.

Durant decisively followed Vashabek, but when he went around Bai Jidong, he didn't have the ball in his hand.

"Damn it!" Durant looked at Bai Jidong in despair.

Sure enough, the ball was still in Bai Jidong's hands, he had already jumped into the air, ignoring Thompson who was helping to defend him, and shot a three-pointer.

A perfect goal, scored quietly.

The United Center, which erupted in vain with terrifying energy, reminded Thompson that Bai Jidong made the shot.

"Equally divided! Great white wolf!"

"How many times does this guy want to stimulate us! It's so exciting!"

"He can still play! He doesn't have to retire at all! He can play another ten seasons!"

With 40 seconds left, the Warriors called a timeout.

Bai Jidong was the last one to leave the stage, he felt that time slowed down, even everything around him slowed down.

Hoiberg arranged a lot, especially the defense of Curry and Durant.

"Bye, is there anything else?"

"Coach, I have a request."

40 seconds, a tie, plenty of time for both sides.

Even if the time is overwhelmed, both sides have a chance to attack.

From the time of receiving and defending the ball, the two sides started a hand-to-hand battle.

Curry and Durant were prevented from receiving the ball, and Thompson, who lacked the ability to handle the ball, could only get the ball.

As long as Thompson has the ball, the Bulls' defense is half the battle.

A receiving point that cannot hold the ball is destined to delay the operation of tactics.

The defense against Curry and Durant was even worse, and it took them ten seconds to catch the ball.

In the end, Durant got the ball, and Bai Jidong stood in front of him, erecting a barrier that could not be trampled on, invisible but powerful.

In a moment like this, Durant believed in himself enough, but he couldn't make the shot.

He doesn't have enough confidence. If he throws this ball without rhythm, the hit rate cannot be guaranteed.

Someone who is more confident must be allowed to pitch!
The killer hiding in the shadows is ready to show his fangs.

Perhaps Durant and Curry's light is so dazzling that many people forget that Thompson is also an assassin that cannot be ignored.

Without Curry, he might be the best shooter of this era.

Bai Jidong saw the Warriors use pick-and-rolls to help Durant break through, and he believed that Vashabek could entangle Durant.

Curry and Durant?wrong.

Bai Jidong noticed that the people on this side were being slowly drawn away, Curry suddenly ran over, and Durant, who had protruded to the deepest point but was unable to make a shot, moved the ball.

not good!

Even if he knew it was a trap, Bai Jidong couldn't let Curry get a vacancy for even a second.

Seeing Bai Jidong running towards him, a sneer of scheming success flashed across Curry's face, and he passed the ball.

Thompson catches the ball, sinks his weight, and prepares to shoot.

On the right side, a figure that transcended time rushed over quickly.

"It's Vashabek!"

The moment Thompson shot the ball, Vashabek appeared beside him like a teleportation, and swung his arm.


"I hit it!" Vashabek yelled.

The ball didn't touch the basket, it flew halfway and fell down,

The whistle sounded, and the Warriors' offensive clock was over.

In other words, the ball is transferred to the Bulls.

The last 17 seconds left.

"What's going on? Why didn't the Bulls call a timeout? They still have timeouts!"

"I can understand that Fred Hoiberg is watching the game and forgetting the duties of the head coach?"

"It's too messy!"

It was Hoiberg's decision to turn a deaf ear to the commentator's criticism.

It is also Bai Jidong's request:

"If we guard the Warriors, please don't call a timeout and leave the game to me."

The greatest player of the 21st century,
Perhaps a greater player than Jordan,

Making this request at the end of his turbulent career,

Is there any reason to refuse?
So, Hoiberg didn't do anything, just stood on the sidelines and watched how the last ten seconds went.

beyond the three-point line,

Bai Jidong was dribbling the ball, and Durant was standing in front of him, a scene that seemed familiar.

19 years ago, Jordan started from this position, knocked Russell down, and hit the shot of the century.

It was also that year that he officially took over the scepter from Jordan and shouldered the important task of revitalizing Chicago.

We all know what happened afterwards. He failed miserably and was "assigned" to Minnesota.

There, he was reborn, goodbye as the white wolf.

After wandering for many years, when he was young, this regret has always troubled him and forced him to make a decision, so he came back.

This is his last chance.

He has used up all the fuel in the tank.

When God's giving you a chance to escape from the past, don't be merciful and go after your destiny!
"Kevin, do you want to win?" Bai Jidong said suddenly.

Durant was silent, Bai Jidong was about to start, before he started, he said one more sentence.

"You're going to win, someday, someday, but not today."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Jidong made a backhand change, rushed to the free throw line violently, made a sudden stop, opened up half a body space with Durant, and shot the most important shot of his career. a ball.

When Bai Jidong threw the last ball, Rodman and all the students of Dream Academy gathered around the school gymnasium to watch the live broadcast.

Before the last moment came, Rodman firmly said to the people around him: "Bye will make a good shot right away, just wait and see!"

When Bai Weidong threw the last ball, Kobe was busy all night working on his documentary.

Suddenly, his work partner mentioned: "The Warriors and the Bulls fought to the last moment, with more than ten seconds left, it seemed to be the Bulls' ball."

"The game is over, the Bulls will win." Bryant concluded.

When Bai Jidong threw the last ball, James was in the final training before the summer vacation activities.

His trainer stared at him while watching the live broadcast: "The game is very intense. There are still more than ten seconds left. The Warriors have a great chance."

James didn't even look at it, and said lightly: "Come on, the White Wolf will bring the ball to the frontcourt later, and he will count the seconds in his heart. Wait until the last moment to kill the Warriors, and he will definitely do so."

When Bai Jidong threw the last ball, Pippen was there.

He did not speak the whole time, his eyes were like torches, and he stared at Bai Jidong intently.

When Bai Weidong threw the last ball, Jordan was playing bowling with his Cuban wife in a certain club.

"Mike, do you really not watch the game?"

Yvette found that Jordan's hands stink tonight, and he threw every ball ridiculously.

Jordan said disdainfully: "I don't want to watch that bastard's game."

"Maybe I can tell you a little bit about the real-time game?"

"I don't want to hear it, and I don't care if you have to."

"The Bulls had the last play and the ball was in Bye's hands."

Jordan snorted: "The Bulls will win, and his legend will continue to live on. This is what he will do."

People who know Bai Jidong, no matter whether they are friends or foes, have such feelings and such judgments. It is not their foresight, but Bai Jidong's wonderful performances in his career that have made countless final decisions, constantly building up in their hearts. from such trust.

Throw it in!
Throw it in!
Throw it in!
Whether you're an 18-year-old ignorant rookie, or a 40-year-old dying man who looks like he might be thrown into the coffin at any moment, no matter what - Bye, throw the ball in!

The time freezes at 0, and the orange basketball penetrates the center of the net amid countless gazes.

The game is over!
(End of this chapter)

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