Bullied (18+)

Chapter 10: Unforeseen Danger

This is perhaps the largest chapter I've written so far. Hopefully I can keep the word count lower in the future, but, we'll see. It all has to do with how passionate I am about what I write in the heat of the moment. XD

In this one, we get a double trip back to the Hellish world. One extended stay, and one very short moment.

But more importantly, we get a closer look at the budding relationship between Clint and Adam. :D

Enjoy! :)


Chapter 10: Unforeseen Danger

I had to think, ’How many hours of sleep am I running on here?’ I’d had a couple of hours before being raped last night, then the rest in the nurse’s office. After that, it had all led to this moment. I might have had four or five hours of sleep, not eaten or drank, and have been sensually used and abused by an otherworldly creature.

Let’s not forget before all of that was my misadventure through that Hell. Like a dream, or in this case, a nightmare, I could’ve been there for days rather than hours. I would never have a way of knowing the answer to how long I’d been there. There was also the chance that after I had collapsed, I could’ve been there much longer before she returned to my bed.

And as for just recently, I was filled with a bewildering terror over what she recently did to me back home. Whatever had happened, it was more than a steamy night’s romp in the kitchen.

Dead on my feet, I continued to stumble and trip as if I’d never walked before. And I was beyond exhausted. If Adam wasn’t here to support me, I would’ve fallen.

’If I had fallen, would I be able to get back up?’ I wondered and thought back on how I required so much help from her to simply stand. ’What did she do to me?’

Everytime I tried to envision what she had done, I blacked out. My thoughts were lost in this dark fog. I should’ve been able to see through her and taken note over what happened to me, but either I didn’t or couldn’t remember.

I needed to know what she did to me, but I couldn’t process a coherent thought. It hurt to think anymore on what had happened. I had to stop. This had to stop...

“Stop. Tired,” I said and added, “I’m tired of this --”

“Hey, if we get help...”

“No,” I somehow managed to protest.

An audible sigh was his response. He squeezed me around my waist, likely get a more energetic reaction out of me, but after I rejected his suggestion, I simply remained quiet.

After what felt like forever, he whispered: “And, ah, yeah... Here we are.”

When I didn’t respond to him, I was hugged. I didn’t realize why he had done that until we sat down together and he held me before I’d almost tipped over to meet the ground.

“You cool if we take a breather?” I wasn’t sure if I nodded in response to him or if I had simply nodded off, but he continued to explained why we were resting. “We’re going to be sneaking in all stealthy like and, ah, that might be difficult while giving you a ride.”

I didn’t understand that last comment, and asked: “A… a ride?”

Then gently, he tugged me back up to be propped against him. I thought he attempted to pick me up and carry me, but I believe he had second thoughts. Not that I was big and heavy, far from it, but --.

“Sorry for being more brains than brawns,” he huffed and helped me up at the same time. “Never found a reason to lift weights. Ah, that was, until you fell into my arms.”

So back up on my feet and using him as much as I could for support, I managed to face what was in front of us. I blinked the darkness away and tried to look up, and was surprised to see an open door.

Then I simply blacked out again. Again and again, my world spun and threw me forwards, like I was being shaken in and out of my body. ’Maybe I stood back up too quickly?’

Because of that, how we snuck in almost eluded me. I had passed out twice or thrice just stepping into his house through the back door. I recognized stairs and had to reach a hand out to the steps to steadily climb them with Adam’s help.

I tried to envision him carrying me up these steps. If he had the strength, I doubted we’d tread silently up the stairs with our combined weight.

Through the hallway was a complete blur. All I managed to acknowledge was him shushing me and pointing at a door across from another door. I assumed we were going to the one he pointed at, but he redirected me to the other one across from it.

Then of course, I realized, we had to be especially quiet on our way to his room. Apparently, that door he had pointed out belonged to his parents. That meant they slept in a room across from his bedroom.

The bedroom door had been softly closed behind us. I saw his bed and wanted nothing more than to crawl in and die there.

That was exactly what I would do.

Adam was busy with the doorknob, from what it sounded like, while I took what little I had left in me to climb over the foot of his bed. On my hands and knees, I crawled towards those pillows before I face-planted into their downy, feathery softness. I tolerated the filtered breathing for a bit before I turned my cheek to take in the fresher air.

It amazed me that I could breathe. I vaguely recalled how desperately I had craved that scorching hot breath of my invisible fiend. ’Why can I breathe easily now and not before?’

I heard Adam make a choked noise at the door and wondered what had happened. At first, I had thought we failed to slip by his parents and that sound he made was one of surprise. He did sound surprised.

Taking one look at him, I saw he was looking back at me. I guessed, ’Didn’t he believe me that I was tired? Didn’t he expect me to get some sleep?’After I stared back at him for awhile, I followed where he was looking.

...Halfheartedly, I pulled down the bottom of my shirt to cover myself, but I was too tired for this.

“Adam... I just… I need to sleep... please, right now. Sleep, please?” I closed my eyes and tried to slow my breathing. It amazed me how out of breath I was.

Adam spoke in a hushed voice. “Ah, on top of the, ahmm, covers?”

Blindly, I tugged at the quilted blanket, then sheets, pulling them back, but shook my head. “I’m fine for now. I… Adam, I’ll get under. Maybe after… give me an hour or two of sleep?”

It was quiet, but I could still hear him moving around. I wasn’t sure what he was doing until I saw him pulling out some giant blue blanket out from his closet. When he unfolded it, I saw it was a sleeping bag.

But even after he pulled that out, he was still moving around.

I groaned before scolding him. “Adam, just get in bed.”

He wasn’t very quiet this time. “What?”

I shifted enough to the side of the bed so he had room. “Just… just get in.”

“Clint, I don’t think you are thinking clearly. You don’t want me in bed with you like that.” After he said that, I knew what he meant, but he made me smile.

“You really are… you’re considerate, but I… I don’t think you will do anything.” I thought to myself, ’If it was in reverse, would I take advantage?’

No idea where that thought came from. I wasn’t gay. And I doubted him to be into guys too. At least, probably not.

To test whether he was or not, all I had to do was roll over on my back and show him my junk to turn him on or scare him off. That ridiculous idea almost made me laugh.

So I did it. I turned to lay my head back on the pillow and stretched my naked legs out and wide for the far corners of the bed. Then I sighed and tried to sleep.

I heard Adam protest again. “Clint… ah, really I don’t think --”

I opened my eyes and sat up to stare at him. No idea where I got the energy to have done that, but I did it. And what I saw was a worried look on his face rather than a disgusted or bashful expression I half expected to see.

It was after his reaction that I’d comprehended what I had done was wrong and stupid.

With a sorry sigh of regret, I patted the side of the bed that I’d vacated and uncovered.

“Get in and --” I was going to tell him to shut up, but didn’t.

I was upset.

Being this tired had weakened my resolve. If I wasn't careful with what I said or did, it would be entirely possible for Adam to witness some waterworks.

I tensed my jaw and calmed down with a deep breath. “Please, Adam? School is… it’s only a… maybe few hours away and I... we both need sleep.”

“You still plan to go to school after running away from the cops?” I wrinkled up my nose at how that truthfully sounded. It wasn’t true, but that wouldn’t be how it would appear in the morning.

I asked him, “What about you? I guess… I suppose you’re harboring a… am I a fugitive? It would be a crime… you know, for me to be in your home, wouldn’t it?”

His shoulders dropped and he had this expression that looked like he would warily protest. I knew why, because I’d begged him to have me here. It would all be because of me that he’d get into incredible trouble with the police, let alone his parents.

If I had him go for help, then… ’Then what? I tell them about my demon girlfriend? That I was being repeatedly molested and raped by her? That I might’ve...?’ I didn’t know and had no desire to think anymore on the matter.

What did matter to me was the danger I had invited into this house. And I was already being a very rude guest to my host. ’Maybe it is best that I leave first thing in the morning?’

After realizing how I jeopardized him, and how much of an asshole I was being, I told him, “I’m sorry.” I closed my legs, twisted to be on my side, I lowered my head back on the pillow and told him again. “I’m sorry.” My eyelids closed as I gave him one more, “Sorry.”

After a few seconds of silence, I heard him move and shuffle around his room again. I thought he was finally slipping into his sleeping bag, but I was wrong. There was a weight shifting on the bed for a moment before he settled. I felt the covers under me get tugged a bit as he pulled them over himself.

Then there was more tugging.

“What are you doing?” As I asked him that, I turned to look at him.

He had his shirt off, which gave me a full view of how many freckles sprinkled his torso. He might be thin, but he certainly appeared to be a bastion of health. I reminded myself, ’His parents did have him partake in their many wholesome fads.’ My gaze roamed down his shoulders, arms, and then those hands as they pulled the covers out from under me. I relented, pulled my legs up, shifted closer to the edge of the bed, and turned towards him when the area was cover free for me to lay on.

Adam then pulled the sheets and then the blanket over me.

I felt a little awkward facing him in bed. Before he settled down on his pillow, I turned my back to him and pulled the blanket more securely over my shoulder. I didn’t want to fall asleep right away without thanking him, so I told him: “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Good night.” After he said that, I shut my eyes and tried to rest.

It was easy to black out, but I kept waking back up. I wasn’t entirely sure why until my senses tuned in on how hot I was. I didn’t want to disrespect Adam’s effort to get me under the covers, so I settled my discomfort another way. Carefully, I pulled my arms in through my shirt and pushed it up to be removed overhead. Then I tossed it on the floor over the edge of the bed.

The sheets felt cool against my skin. I huffed, not at all pleased that I had to be nude to sleep, but it was far more comfortable this way. And after I settled down, I went back to a peaceful rest…

There was a noise. Shifting and sloshing about in a wilder and wilder manner. Its sound became louder. Like it was approaching.

“Maybe it is?” I wondered aloud. “Is what? What was I thinking it was?”

I got up from where I lay. There were no covers on me and what I had been lying on was the hard and cracked concrete. I was on a familiar highway. Simply lifting my gaze up to the dark flames in the sky told me all I needed to know.

I was back in the other world.

Those noises. I lowered my gaze and located the source.

Beyond the glowing hot chains, I saw them: Creatures.

They that walked upright, slithered down low, or cantered about on all fours. Each resembled a human, but in an odd way.

As they neared me, a radiant pulse of heat came to life.

The chain.

They were kept away from me by the chain. It wasn’t like they were coming for me with any malice. Their expressions were filled with curiosity. But I wasn’t sure if I waned to find out how they’d prefer to sate their curiosity.

Not sure what they were so interested in me for, I slightly raised my hand and waved at them to see how they would react.

Funnily enough, a few waved back. Others ran. At least one of them smiled.

That one beckoned me to come closer. Instead of approaching, I became distracted by a strange sense.

“A fire?” There was a strong heat source right by my shoulder. I had thought there was a fire on the highway, but when I looked, I saw my reflection. “A mirror?”

It wasn’t a mirror. Not all of what I saw was me. I examined this imperfect reflection.

No burns. Healed. Completely recovered, as if there had never been any injuries.

The hair was darker too. Longer as well.

Different complection. Lighter skin tone. And there was something else…

“Freckles?” At the mention of that, my imperfect reflection smiled.

Beyond those noticable differences, the one change in this reflection of me that stood out the most was the gender. This was a girl.

...At least, I had thought those were the major difference. The instant I had that cross my mind, I looked down at myself.

“What?” The burns were almost all gone. I was still a bit pinkish, red in some places, but far better than I could believe was possible in the short amount of time since being burned. I recovered very well… But not in the way I thought I would.

My chest. Just like the reflection. And further down, I lacked a manhood.

“This is fucked up.”

From behind me, I heard and turned to see the smiling creature calling out for me to come closer. I was still interested in the reflection and myself, but that humanoid thing was being urgent.

And I felt safe knowing how hot those chains were. I was protected on this side.

As I walked towards the glowing chain, the creature appeared at ease and smiled more. I didn’t know what it wanted.

So I asked: “Do you want something?”

Up close, I saw this creature had pointy bones coming up from its cheeks and brows. It had to see me from between the spaces between those bony protrusions.

Horns. They were horns. It looked down at me through slits, like the horns had morphed into a protective bone mask and cap.

And its hands were stranger. Long and webbed fingers that stretched further out than its forearms. It beckoned me with those long curling digits.

Then its smile faded away.

That strong heat I felt before was now on my back. Hugging me from behind. A nuzzling warmth stroked over and above my chest until I was held from behind by --

“You,” I rationalized the reflection I saw was her. “Are you trying to copy me?” Soon as I said that, I knew that wasn’t the case. She was still different from how I looked. For example: I had light blonde hair and no freckles.

“English?” Surprised, I looked back up and saw the horny creature spoke. I saw its teeth were round and blunt, like molars. “You a daughter?”

“A daughter?” I tried to shake my head no, but she gripped me around the neck to hold my head still.

“You don’t want you to answer?” The moment I tried to respond, she did to me as she had back at the clinic: she reached up from behind me and pinched my lips shut. “Come with us?”

No response from me. When I tried, she only pinched my lips harder. Instead of giving the creature an answer, I decided to take a step forward.

She pulled me back and hissed in my ear. Once I heard her, I came to my senses at what I almost had done.

Despite the dangers, I had the mind to cross the chain.

The creature smiled at me and beckoned for me to come closer. This time, she loosened her grip and permitted me to shake my head in rejection.

Something wasn’t right with me. Not wrong, but not quite right in my head.

“Come with us?” It kept saying ‘us,’ but all the others were wandering elsewhere. No real direction like they had a destination in mind. “We escape together?”

“Escape wh-ahmph...?” Once again, and maybe too late, she fully clapped her hand around my mouth until I kept it shut.

There was a flicker of confusion on the creature’s face, as if it didn’t understand why I was being silenced. I didn’t either, so I just shrugged the burden over my shoulders.

Seriously, I also wanted to know why she always clung to my back. It was giving me quite a cramped ache.

“Come with…” There and then, the creature went silent and completely still.

And I caught all the others had stopped. All were unmoving, quiet, and alert.

Even she stood up and pressed rigidly against my back. Then began to quickly pull me away from the chain.

All those other creatures started to run. I didn’t know what had startled everyone and thing, but if it spooked her, I knew I should also get the Hell out of here too.

The only hint I had of something coming was the change in the atmosphere. It was charged. Filled with a bolt of energy that would make me paranoid of touching anything metal in regards to the expected static shock.

That was when I saw something even stranger: electricity. Like lightning, but black, zapping across the ashen field and craggy rocks until it bounced off of the hot chains. Sparks, both bright orange embers and dark energies showered the length of the chain.

Streaking across my vision, I witnessed that black lightning striking down the creature that had smiled at me. Once the horny creature went down, the static in the air ceased, and a terrorized cry replaced it.

She was yanking on my shoulders, then arms, trying to turn me and face away from the carnage. Every second that went by, she pulled me further away until we were nearly to the other side of the concrete highway, close to the other fiery hot chain.

But I couldn't look away. As I saw the creature on the ground spasmodically jerk, I knew something was doing more than shocking the poor thing.

Something was eating the Hellish humanoid while it was still alive. Had been been living...

Even though she was trying to get me clear of this area, I was frozen in fear. I saw a new creature on top of the horny one. This one had horns as well, but long and tall ones on its head.

Obsidian horns rising high up out of the top of a shinning long length of hair.

A pair of lush, black, and sweetly dribbling bloody lips.

And then there was the full slender length of a naked body, pale as the moon, clouded by the dark hair, and being marred with the dark splatter of gore of its kill.

Her kill.

A beautiful and ghostly white female’s face lifted up from the creature. The full length of her midnight black hair whipped up in the air as she jerked and snapped off a now severed hand from the murdered creature.

As I stared, I saw her staring back at me. Dark eyes, with a hint white, like a thin line of chalk circled around a pair of coals.

As she tilted her head to look at me, the creature she killed held its hand in her mouth. Then spat the severed hand out.

She smiled at me.

As I stared, I caught that there were very sharp looking teeth on display.

A rattling noise came from behind me. The other chain.

Within a dreadful second, I was being pulled back to cross over onto the other side of this chain. Off the highway. I thought I would be safe on the endless road.

And in the next dreadful second, I saw I was wrong. The dark haired girl zapped away from her kill to instantly appear in the middle of the highway we vacated.

Other than the terror I felt, the heat of the rattling chain didn’t bother me. I was trying to cooperate with my tormentor. We were trying to flee.

An arc of black energie, an electric zap, a rattle of chains, and myself flopping over onto the other side later; I laid on the ground upon my back to look up --

-- and see black hair fall across my vision --

-- feel the warmth of a feminine body crawl down my body --

-- and hear the hissing of my tormentor. The two demons were confronting each other. The one we feared let out a maniacal cackle. Before the two collided, I heard that laughter mixed and add to the cacophony of the rattling chains.

I heard a rattle for a few seconds. Then another.

I was disturbed, too tired, in pain, getting over a too real night terror, and so much more; I’d endured enough the last couple of days to earn my peace and quiet. I mumbled about the noise and slipped out of bed.

Gradually, I made it to the door and gave it a few turns before I found out it was locked. Unlocking it, I opened the bedroom door enough to sleepily peek out --

-- and flinched away when my blurry vision was blinded by the hall light.

“Oh. Uh, sorry, was checking on Adam.” I heard a gruff male voice, the name Adam, but my mind at the moment was a tad too muddled to connect everything. “Sorry, heh, don’t worry about school today. I meant to say, tell him -- oh, go ahead and get some sleep.” I gave whoever it was a little wave and closed the door.

They were humming a happy little tune as I turned from the door.

I crawled back on top of the bed, mumbled again about the noisy hummer, and searched for the covers to go back under. I was so done with this day and night. More precisely, I was fed up with everything.

Almost instantly, I slipped back into slumber while curled into a secure and warm embrace…

Nothing but darkness.

Then I corrected myself with what I saw. Something was on top of me.

Hot. Very hot. A dark blanket folded over my vision until I felt completely wrapped up into it.

Above me, in that darkness, I saw a shape form. A blinding white crescent moon.

Not a moon. A Cheshire cat-like smile...

There was a light click. I barely opened my eyes. No other sound disturbed me for the moment, so I nuzzled back down onto my warm and firm pillow. Then I corrected myself when I listened to the rhythmic drum under my ear.

That sound was... ’Disturbing?’ No. It was tranquil to me.

A brief flash of light poured on me before it disappeared. Peeking at the source, I searched for what had flashed me.

The bedroom door was ajar for a second, then it shut softly. ’The hall light?’

My half-awake gaze drifted up and around to the haze of morning light streaming in from the window above me. It wasn’t copper. Almost white with a flurry of particles to emphasize its contrast in the dark room. The unfamiliar presence of this glowing path in the room had delayed my realization of what time it must be. 


But then I recollected someone had told me not to worry about school today. That felt like a relief to me. I could sleep in.

Bringing my warm firm pillow tighter to my cheek, I discovered the comfort I found was not the same soft cool downy pillow from when I finally passed out. I shifted a glance to the side of my cheek that was being heated by the pillow.

By now, I realized what I laid down on. The freckles were a dead giveaway.

I had my arm under the covers, but I could feel it was across Adam’s flat stomach. When I had pulled before, I was grabbing his waist to bring him closer against me. I was lying across half of his slumbering frame.

I wondered, ’How?’

Looking beyond him, I saw the edge of the bed beside him. I had trespassed onto his side of the bed.

This situation we were in was not right, but I didn’t feel alarmed. I reasoned, ’Maybe it’s because Adam is a better bedfellow than whatever that thing is back home?’

Like I had thought, he hadn’t taken advantage of my situation. But I could feel his arm under and around me. I doubted that he was the one who pulled me onto himself. By just looking, I could tell I’d crawled on top of him.

I remembered now when I’d done it. When I’d gotten up to answer the rattling at the bedroom door. After the hummer left, I’d crawled back into bed and snuggled into the most comfortable spot on the bed.

On Adam.

Now I had to decide. ’Do I get up or fall back to sleep and pretend this didn’t happen?’ All I needed to do was roll back onto my side of the bed and shut my eyes again. That would be all it would take to sleep in for the rest of the morning.

There was a concerning subject brought to my attention by this condition I was in now. I thought about Erin. How we’d had fun together, but not for the right reasons. We’d argued, then let passion take over until she couldn’t tolerate me anymore. She’d told me to be better, but only listed what was wrong with me, what I shouldn’t be doing, who wouldn’t like what I was doing regularly, why it was wrong, and how it would one day bite me in the ass.

This was wrong. My thoughts were not entirely my own. I shouldn’t have done this, but I compared Erin to Adam.

The qualities I found in Erin were superficial next to Adam. In hindsight, I reasoned, ’I probably never gave Erin a chance to be anything other than what I wanted her to be.’ She was my counterweight to keep me balanced.

Adam wasn’t a counterweight. He didn’t need to bring me any lower than I already was.

Smiling, I realized he lifted me up. I was happier around him.

But I wondered and worried, ’Does that mean I’m being a burden on him?’ Out front of the school, to the teacher at the gate, keeping my appearance a secret, enduring Mike’s impulsive remarks, taking me to his home, and now being here for me.

I lifted my head up and off of his bare chest to slide up and be level to face him. At least I hadn’t disturbed his sleep.

His eyes were closed, but he wore no glasses at the moment. It was interesting to see him without those lenses. As far that I could remember, I’d never called him something like ’foureyes’ or ’speckles.’ In fact, I had a hard time remembering him.

He was just as elusive in my memories as the woman in my home was to see. A blurry image in my mind. Always avoiding me, and I’d never pursued him.

That reminded me of the scar on his lip. I tried to remember when I had ever run after someone. It wasn’t in me to do that. But he’d said I had. I thought, ’What reason did he have to lie about that?’ I stared down at that scar and kept digging in my memories for evidence that I was responsible for his injury.

I couldn’t remember.

Not certain how long I stared down at him, but it was for awhile. I had thought if I were to keep looking at him, I’d triggered some memory. Something to spark and ignite the lost chapter of our lives.

Nothing. I simply could not remember that event.

In a silent whisper, I said, “I’m sorry.”

I hurt him. He would forever have a scar to remember that.

While he still slept, I decided to compensate him for not remembering this incident. I leaned close against his naked chest and carefully watched for his eyelids in the event he would wake.

I quietly asked myself, “What am I doing?”

Then I tenderly kissed his lip.

After slipping back down, I rested my cheek back on his chest. I could hear his alert heart beating rapidly.

He was awake. He was probably aware of what I’d just done. 

I ran my hand down his side, feeling the subtle definition of his ribs beneath his freckled skin. His heart wasn’t the only rhythm I heard. Adam was breathing faster.

He wasn’t the only one who was excited. I felt feverish, like I had been in the restaurant. Thoughts of how differently I wanted to be touched filled my mind.

In the center of my torso was a radiant heat. My bare chest burned against his naked side until I was hotly breathing over his own breast.

I didn’t want to cause anything to change between us, so I did nothing.

At least, I tried so very hard to remain still.

Every breath I took was causing me to brush my still sensitive chest against him. I could feel the stiffened points poke into his own expanding lungfuls. It didn’t help that the burn on my chest practically gave me a bosom. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that was what my infernal molester had intended.

...I had breasts.

“Clint…” His voice shocked me. “I think we should get up.”

I shook all over because of what I was going to do. What I still wanted to do.

“Clint?” I heard him say my name again and brought my head up in response to look at him.

In one smooth motion, I slipped my nude figure entirely on top of his to lay down. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and stared back at me.

I was so hot right now and it felt like he was the only way to cool me off.

Breathing ever more hotly, I leaned down to nuzzle into his throat and jaw. Laying the gentlest of kisses, where ever I could.

Something felt different when I pressed my hips against his. I didn’t feel my member between us. Just his. Then there was my lean abdomen and bare thighs squeezing him down into the soft mattress.

A burning liquid quickening inside me. I wanted to feel more.

My shaking knees parted around the outside of his legs and trembled against him as I shoved my exposure down. It took everything in me to not scream when I experienced the flowing fire leaking from between my thighs.

To get a hold of myself, I stopped kissing his sweet skin and simply rested my head on his neck and shoulder. I moved only slightly against him to figure things out.

Now I was aware of what had happened.

Those hours in the kitchen.

That burning pain.

She’d taken it from me. My last trace of masculinity was gone, the only thing left that could identify me as a man. I’d been too far gone to notice until now.

Adam embraced me at last. “Clint… I ah, I don’t have anything -- Ahh, that is to say: no protection.”

He made me crack up so bad, I actually snorted.

After that slip, I gently laughed into his neck until I could regain my composure. Then I nuzzled into him and said, “It’s okay. I wasn’t originally intending you to -- Well, you know.”

I honestly lost control, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

His hand raised up behind my shoulder blade, then settled a soft palm to repeatedly stroke down my back. When I compared his touch to that of my demon, he felt great.

He sounded a little disappointed when he asked me about what we were doing. “So, you don’t want to, ah… Ya know, do it?”

I had not thought about having sex with him. Not exactly. I had wanted to, but that was when I went crazy. Now I wasn’t, and I didn’t.

I worried, ’What would it mean if I did? Would that be the real last straw before I lost all my manliness?’

The voluptuous vise of my thighs around his made me aware of what my body desired.

An intensity, a gradually growing heat, where I was most vulnerable between my legs was poised over his covered crotch. I think he could tell how hot I was down there by the tiniest hint of movement beneath me.

I wondered, ’What is he thinking? Doesn’t he know I was a guy not long ago?’ Over his jaw and cheek, I brushed my palm up to cup the side of his face.

“Adam?” I wasn’t sure if I should tell him. I could ask if he knew, but that would be the same as telling him. Instead, I decided to cover myself with a lie. “Did you know about me?”

He honestly told me. “No. Not until I caught you in the restroom.” I felt him laugh silently rather than heard him. “Even then, I didn’t really think you were a girl. I thought you were a trap.”

“A trap?”

A very gentle nod brushed by my face from Adam’s confirmation. “Yeah, a boy that looks like a girl. I guess all these years you were really a reverse trap?”

That sounded like he wasn’t sure.

I sheepishly grinned at that one and kept quiet. Dad and Erin would be the only two who knew for certain. Everyone else would have to rely on documentation. I wondered, ’How would they handle that once the cat’s out of the bag?’

“How’d ya do it?” That question was a little too vague for me to answer.

Lifting my head up for a moment, I looked to see confusion mixed with his yearning. I asked him to clarify. “Do what?”

He grinned at me as he closed his eyes in a moment of thought. “I can, ahmm, let me see. I remember all the years, Clint.” Adam then glanced back at me. “One thing that wouldn’t have been tolerated was you using the boys’ lockers for gym class. That’s a big no-no.”

I thought back, ’Did we share the same class period?’ I had to find out more. “How would you know that?”

“I told you, I was avoiding you as much as ah, well, possible.” He shuddered a sigh and relaxed his head back. “Clint Jeter. When I knew you were in my class, I tried everything to excuse myself from participating in gym, but it boiled down to begging my parents.”

That sounded like what Erin did too. Both of them had avoided me because of how I was. Erin left me for someone better and Adam found solitude by being distant. I thought, ’Might explain his speech.’

Laying my cheek back down on his shoulder, I softly asked: “Are you still scared of me?”

“No. No, no. I’m not anymore. Just trying to figure you out. Remember, I said I wanted to get to know you better, and now, I want learn how you pulled your secret off.” He stroked his hand over my shoulders before his fingers combed up into the longer blonde hair at the back of my head. “Clint. How did you do it? I mean, think about it. There was a controversy over a girl joining an all-boys football team before.” That did make me feel like laughing for a moment. I could picture how that must have looked. “You kinda are going beyond what she did, here.”

I didn’t know any good stories to tell him, but I knew how to talk myself out of it. “What do you think?”

Adam point blank told me what he thought. “You’re a guy.”

He was right, to a degree, but I wondered, ’How is he going to sum that up?’ “Can you tell me why you think that?”

The hand in my hair had dropped back down to my shoulders, and he went on exploring with his other hand over and around my back. Consciously, I wanted him to keep it at that, but deep down inside me, I desperately longed for more than to be just touched.

He calmly began to explain. “Let’s see, right now is a good example. You didn’t deny it.” I went very still when I heard that. “Clint, it’s okay. More than okay. I really like you even if you are a boy.” His head slightly shook and he continued. “No. It never mattered if you were a boy or girl. I’ve been enjoying your company. We should be friends, but the way you behaved around me was, ah… you were giving me, I guess, signals that you wanted to be more than friends.” I bit the corner of my inner lip as I listened to him. “Anyways, like I said before, in the restroom. I thought you were a trap.” His shoulders had tensed as if he had the impulse to shrug. “I was absolutely sure that I saw you with a dick, but… it didn’t look right on you. Mike was wrong about what I said. I told him, I thought I saw a girl in there. Not that there was a girl. I wasn’t sure what I saw, so...”

I understood what he meant. “You were trying to get Mike to check.”

“Yeah, but he was acting… odd.”

“Like an ass.”

“Yeah, that too. What I meant is that he couldn’t stop eating while talking.”

That part didn’t make sense. The invisible creature was with me while the two would have been speaking. A very scary thought popped in my head, ’Unless there is more than one? How would I know without looking to be sure?’

“Ah, Clint? Another thing I want to add. That name isn’t a girl’s.” Adam got me on that one. I looked over his skin and freckles.

I thought fast and said, “Clementine. Say that five times fast.” I added to the lie with a personal truth. “Clint sounds better.”

“Wouldn’t that make you Clem?” I was about to respond, but he corrected himself. “Nah, you don’t look like a Clem. Clint is better.” I shut up and gave him a quick peck on the chin. “You’re definitely not a Tina.” I started to wonder, ’Is he going through all the nicknames?’ I just smiled. “But Clint, the only way I can think of you getting away with being a girl all these years is if you weren’t one.”

I took a deep breath and rocked myself down against him just once. All so he could feel what I am. “I’m definitely not a boy.”

His hands were being more bold as they reached down to feel what all laid on top of him and under the covers. He grabbed at my behind and pulled down to make me feel something hard in his own underpants grind up. I swallowed hard. 

Adam spoke calmly and informed me: “Last night, you flashing me was enough to convince me of that.” I didn’t remember what he was talking about at first.

Then I recalled trying to make him uncomfortable by spreading my legs wide for him to see me. A blush on my face became intense enough to tingle.

“I -- It wasn’t then that I felt… the reason why I wanted to sleep in a sleeping bag was because of this. When you crawled on my bed for the first time, it was like you were inviting me to do something to you.”

“You -- Adam, you really want to?” I closed my eyes to imagine what it would be like. The closest I’d only ever experienced this the other way around, and that ended with blue balls.

“Yeah, but we probably shouldn’t. I told you, ah, no protection. That and, well, we should be getting ready for school.” He sounded disappointed again. I know his groping hands were a clear sign that he desperately wanted me.

I wanted him, so I kinda lied to him again. “It’s okay. I’m on the pill.” I just didn’t tell him that pill was for my sinuses. I slid my hand from his cheek to slip down under the covers for his waist. Wiggling a thumb in there, I hooked his underwear and pushed it down until I could feel his bareness beneath me. On my stomach, I could feel his excitement flex between us. He was already being wetly premature on my fevered flesh.

“Ahmm, condoms are designed to protect us. Not, ah, not just you from pregnancy.” He was right and I knew that I might be carrying something infernal. Still, I could feel his hips begin to rock up against me. I wasn’t very sure Adam would care in a moment if he caught something from me or not. “Besides, I’m um… Ahmm. No offense, but I’m still unsure you can get pregnant.”

“Because you think,” I said, kissing up the line of his jaw while in mid-sentence, “I’m a boy?” My hand went between us to feel how painfully erect he was. “Adam,” I purred his name as I kissed just below his bottom lip. “Adam, you don’t mind what I am?”

“Clint, can I take that as a confession? I’m almost a hundred percent certain you were a boy.” I looked up at him and smiled, laughed a little, and finally relented. 

“Yeah, you can take that as me admitting I was a guy, but don’t ask me how I became a girl. I don’t know.” As I said this, I also wondered, ’Why is it that I like Adam this much too?’ I might find the answer by asking him about me. “Adam? Why do you like me?”

At first, he didn’t say anything. I took his silence as him trying to collect his thoughts. My own thought was, ’I’m probably not making this easy for him, am I?’

With that thought in mind, I rose up enough to face him, lean down, and softly kiss his lips. I didn’t stop giving him those light kisses. His own returned just as delicate.

When I did stop my kisses, I told him what to do. “Just say what’s on your mind.” I remained poise over his lips to breathe him in and gave him my own heated breathes. Even though I stopped kissing, I couldn’t remain idle. My hips were very slowly grinding down on his naked and manly part.

The expression on his face told me that I was bothering him hotly.

After he nibbled on his lower lip, he stated: “I, ah, I don’t… I don’t believe you are on any pills.”

“I am…” He didn’t look like he was buying it. After a moment, I confessed: “Just not the one to prevent pregnancy.”

Adam laughed as he struggled to say, “Okay, that’s one reason not to be doing this. What -- What, ah, what about school?” I cracked up again and thought, ’That’s what was next on his mind?’

“Adam! Come on!” I shook my head while laughing and kissed him in an amusing way. At least I knew one reason why I liked him. I broke the kiss to inform him of a crucial piece of information. “I think, could be wrong, but your dad paid us a visit last -- I guess it would’ve been this morning?”

His expression changed a bit, more serious. “Wait, what? When did you see my dad?”

I restated: “This morning.” Then I corrected myself. “I didn’t literally see him. I was sort of blinded -- He was in the hall, but wanted to check on you. The door being locked made that difficult.” I gently shook my head and sighed. “He kept making a racket and I couldn’t sleep. So I answered the door.”

He asked to confirm about one thing. “And he saw you?”

I tried to recall everything before I answered. “Yeah, I suppose all of me. He apologized, said not to worry about school -- I think he meant that for you, but I’m taking it was directed to me too. And yeah, he left and started humming.”

Adam closed his eyes as he shook his head. “I’m never going to hear the end of this.”

One blonde eyebrow quirked up. “Huh?”

He began explaining. “My family -- Not just my parents, the whole family has been on my case about getting a girlfriend forever.”

I lifted up and off of him, not entirely, just until I was straddling his hips. I sat there, gently rocking in pleasure while I stared down at him.

His eyes were wide open now. I took some delight in how he looked me over now that the covers were off me.

I asked him an important question. “Am I your girlfriend?”

That seemed to get his attention back up to meet me in the eyes. He smiled and nodded. “Well, ah, yeah. You do fit the description. You’re a girl,” his eyes darted down for a second, “obviously.” He returned to locking our gazes together. “We are friends and I believe what we are currently about to do constitutes what a boyfriend and girlfriend do together.”

As I had patiently listened, I was panting hard. I couldn’t restrain myself for much longer.

It was like something possessed me to want him.

Just him.

I’d never felt this way around anyone. Mike, in comparison, was a better looking guy, but Adam hit the right spot.

I thought about that. ’Is this really me? Am I the one in control here or has that thing done something to me? Influenced how I think and behave? Is this the right choice?’ My hand slid down to lightly hold a palm against my flat and lean tummy. I was once a boy, but I’d changed… ’What if I’m making the wrong choice? What the fuck am I doing?’


I dropped my hand down past my abdomen to brush the drenched manhood beneath me with the heel of my palm. My hand softly took hold of him for a moment. I wanted to guide Adam into me.

“Adam, I --”

Lowering my head, I lifted my hips up off of him enough to provide his member room to be positioned.

My thoughts were warning me, ’Is there something wrong with me? I shouldn’t be doing this with another guy, but I’m a girl now, so it’s okay, right?’

...Except I had already been thinking of doing this when I was under the impression I was still partly a boy. I shook all over when I thought about what I would have done then. Around the pulsing shaft in my hand, I trembled.

I was startled when Adam sat up and embraced me.

“Don’t push yourself. I can tell you’re not with it. Confused, maybe?” I rested my head on his shoulder while listening to him. “I don’t want to see you hurting.”

His arms squeezed me for a second. Then he soothingly caressed over my back with each hand, one over my slight shoulder and behind it, and the other traveled the lithe curve of my spine to my narrow waist.

I was still on top of him. That pressure and heat, a tingly sensation from the flex of his pulsing excitement... I was pressed up against him with only me to drop down or for Adam to pull me onto himself for me to be filled.

He embraced me and I did so as well. We held each other before either of us made the final decision.

Deciding if I should do this wasn’t possible because I wasn’t sure about the thoughts in my head or what I felt in my heart and body. These ideas and sensations could have been suggested by that thing back home or in my Hellish dreams.

That meant I could partially be under its spell. This all could be another jab of its cruel torment.

In the softest voice, I asked Adam to make the decision. “Adam, I can’t tell you how much I want this. I’m losing it. All I want now is for us to be together, but I want you to do that for us.” Nuzzling into his neck, I spoke one more time of the choice he had to make. “Please, be with me now, or…”

The thought went through my head, ’We won’t have another chance like this, will we?’

Once the police found out where I was, they might not let me back or they might cause enough grief for Adam to drive him away. Then there was the hopeless idea in me, ’If my dad doesn’t return, I’ll be moved, and then will I ever see Adam again?’

I struggled to restrain myself enough to tell him. “Or push me away.”

From around his back, I reached across his spine to grip a hold of his shoulders. Just to squeeze him back against me, then loosely held him to ease the conflicted tension I felt in him. He had hugged me, now I had done the same.

I fully relaxed, placing my trust in him, and to be ready for his choice, whichever direction that took us…


Like I said, that was a long chapter. XD

Hope you all enjoyed! If you have anything to say, lemme know and I'll respond as soon as I can. I promise ya! ;)

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