Bullied (18+)

Chapter 4: Branded

This chapter, just like the second chapter, I would've felt better if I had expanded more on Clint's interactions with the police. The whole scene I had in my mind would've taken up a lot of time, and I doubt it would've mattered much to the story if I had included it. So this is the shortened version of what I had intended, and I believe it panned out better than the bloated version. XD

Enjoy! :D

Warning: Non-consensual sexual content in this chapter.


Chapter 4: Branded

Cleaning up the best I could, dressing and readying myself for the Boys in Blue didn’t take long. I was back in my own clothes and feeling a bit of my lost comfort in them. As for what I was getting ready for, that had been easy and difficult. A summary of what had happened.

I gave the police a slightly altered story. From my viewing experience of cop shows, how they televised missing persons and abductions cases, one day wasn't enough to interest police. So I told them he had been missing the whole time he'd been locked away in his room. My excuse for not reporting Dad’s absence sooner was a half-truth about me being too concerned with school-work and hanging out in after school detention. The little lie was telling them, “I saw his car still parked outside and assumed he was still in here resting.” They easily ate it up and got to work.

A full red room was enough for them to figure out something was definitely wrong here. I decided to remain outside of the house for awhile. It was better this way. They could do their own thing while I had time to breathe in some actual fresh air.

With Dad spirited away like that, the investigation in the house didn’t really go anywhere. If anything, I knew much more than what the police were finding out about where my dad had gone. With nothing yet to go on, it felt hopeless. I still would have liked it if they had found some clue to how my dad was taken. There was no way he would have voluntarily left. That was something I refused to believe.

Under the current circumstances, I couldn't stay here unless there was a 'Custodian' available. So I met this guy -- who was an officer at one point in his life -- named Mike Hildebrandt. In case Dad showed up at the front door, Mike volunteered to keep me company. Family Services was going to be in contact and ensuring that the house was monitored for any inconveniences during Mike's occupance.

If Dad didn't show within the week, I was moving. Distant relatives would be contacted and negotiated with for my custody. I had no clue who they had in mind, and I hoped it wouldn't be the case. I wanted Dad to come back. We had good lives heading straight as they should've been for a family. Even if it was a single parent family, he was mine.

On a related note...

Of course I didn't go to school that day. Who in their right mind would? Besides, the police had me occupied for that entire session of school with any kind of questioning that might get them closer to finding Dad. Seriously -- for my sanity -- I regretted not telling them the truth of where I had been. Rationally speaking, I didn't believe it, so why would they? I'd become suspicious if I tried to convey what I experienced.

So at the end of the day -- with Mike taking the couch downstairs -- I took a quick shower and afterwards carefully dressed my secret burns and myself for bed...

Hot and Dark.

The heat woke me to the darkness. My first attempts at removing the blankets covering me proved to confuse and bewilder me as my hand passed through the shroud over me. What blanketed me had smeared down my arm and chest from the fumbled grab at the non-existent sheets. I was coated in ashes.

I got up on my feet and surveyed my surroundings with wonder.

Shallow breaths were all I heard at first. My own. Then I could hear someone else’s heated breaths. A sultry voice that cried out and masked their moans from what sounded like gritted hisses. Beyond those sounds were the wet and solid noises of slushing and smacking in both quiet and loud pitches.

Being brave or foolish, I walked to see what I was hearing.

I stopped in time to rationalize. “Where am I?”

The ground was moving. There were subtle shifts as the dirt was disturbed by the living earth accommodating my stance on it. This wasn’t an open field of twisted shapes. Looking up had shown me the burning black sky was indeed there.

Shaking my head -- disbelieving the sight in my view -- I could’ve swore that I’d been home and in bed. “How? I thought--”

“Cluh-- Clint? Clint, is tha-- Mm, that you?” That voice!

“Dad!” His voice was pitched high, but he was so very sick and had sounded wretchedly in pain before he disappeared. How he could have sustained himself after going through this fiery Hell was a miracle. Had to be him. No mistake. Had to be… I ran--

--and skidded to a stop. What I saw was a writhing mass of tentacular horrors lashing out wickedly -- not wildly -- in smooth-glided accuracy for their embraced and twistedly screwed trajectory into oozing orifices. A living wall of abominable limbs felt each other out as they play hide-and-seek within the depths of their squirming pile. Its formation stretched long, far, and wide out beyond my view. Even the blackened fire above had given way to its towering reach.

I reeled back in terror when it reached out enthusiastically for me…

Straining to tilt my head back as far as it would go woke me. 

Partially opening my eyes showed me it was dark as night still. I wondered, ’Was I really awake this time?’

A shuddering moan left my lips from an all too sweet spike of pleasant warmth. It came from a wetly wrapped constriction around the head of my cock. My hips raised up to the fervid mouth. I couldn’t do so with my true head to see what was happening. These teeth of mine were rattling like crazy as I tried to bypass the vehement pleasure I was experiencing.

Inhaling a lungful, I had fully tensed up by the emphatic penetration of someone’s fingers violating me!

I've experienced sex before, but never sodomy, and I could not describe the sensation as being natural.

Desperate instinct brought down my shaking hands onto and over the blanket and sheets. I slammed down on the covers with tightly clenched fists before I opens my hands to have clumped up the sheets in my beated clawing.

Regaining some composure, I realized I had been attempting to reach for whoever, or whatever, was ravishing me.

Nothing was there! No one!

Clenching my teeth to keep from crying out, I hissed out involuntary moans. It was all so fast, smooth and swift how I was taken!

There had to be someone.

I tried to kick out, raising my legs high for the job, for this force between my thighs to be dislodged. All I found it did was abet my rapist all the more into my vulnerable position.

An all too familiar darkness fell around me as I closed my eyes. A darkness lighted by the heavenly black flames. Each powerful and sensual stroke filled me further and further than the last. A branded possession that would so thoroughly be inside of me forever.

Paralyzed. How it hurt at first and subsided was not as shocking as the flaming torch pressing and burning all within me. As if those sodomizing fingers were thoroughly exploring me like hot pokers.

This wasn't natural at all. I should've been screaming like bloody Hell, but my mind was trapped in a tempest of lustful confusion.

Nearly going into hysteria, I at last cried out, but it was all for the wrong reason. Fiery hot eruption of fluid was blissfully being flexed out of me into the sweetly moist purse and fiery tongue wrapped around my manhood. Slipping out of me -- in a curl -- were its deftly searing fingers. Upon the very instant those digits released themselves from my inflamed passage, I felt the brush of its hand leaving my inner thighs. The stroke of a warmly soothing palm fell down the length and over the outsides of my opened legs.

It released me as I still thickly released what was coming from my still burning member...

Dull stomping approached, louder and louder, before my bedroom door was thrown open. Me, still hotly panting and tenting my hips in the air from the stunning encounter -- that was all what Mike managed to witness. Just like that, my assailant had vanished!

Hot and bothered, I threw the covers off of me as I regained most -- if not all -- of my composure. There was no cooling me down. Fire had found its home in me and I would not rest until its heated source had been extinguished.

Staring at the sheets, I expected to find blood or some trail of having been branded... but nothing. In fact, the discomfort I felt inside me was torment, not agony.

“You alright?” Mike stood in the doorway flipping the switch to turn the light on. He got a good look at me sitting up and doubled over. I didn’t want to know what he thought of while I had to hike up my sleepwear. I tightly hugged my lower abdomen to hide the messy erection I had as I lifted enough to tug the waistband of my underwear up. He asked, “Bellyache?”

I ignored him for the moment, too painfully ashamed in my current state. I got out of bed to look around my room to be certain that thing wasn’t just hiding. Not like I’d been able to see it before, but maybe the light or something different could reveal it to me or Mike. When I didn’t see it anywhere, I recovered enough and gave Mike my answer. “Something is in here.”

Taking a step in, he stood close by my desk to wheel out the computer chair and investigated underneath. “An animal?” Mike’s glance back at me had shown that he didn’t know what he was looking for. I didn’t either!

“I don’t know. It--” That was when I decided to keep this to myself. I’d just woken up -- without a trace of this thing -- and the first suggestion I could imagine Mike saying was, ‘It was all a Bad Dream.’ Sadly, I dropped my face to look down at myself and told him, “Must have imagined it. A nightmare.”

Rubbing his eyes while going out the door, he announced, “I’ll be downstairs if you want company.” I was silent and uncertain of joining him downstairs. It was obvious he was tired as Hell. I took it that he wasn’t at his best right now. He looked back when I didn’t respond. “Alright, Sport? Letting you know. Of course, if you can sleep good on your own then more power to ya.”

Having nothing physical to do with sports -- and not being a game person -- that was an odd nickname for me. “Sport?”

He explained a little, “Yeah, you’re being a good sport.” I guess, as the saying goes, ’If the shoe fits, wear it,’ but it felt a tad loose. No idea in what way, but I wasn’t about to dwell on that now. One backhanded wave later and he was out the door with a, “Goodnight.” 

I thought I could go back to bed and sleep. That maybe Mike was right and I had a bellyache. I said to myself, having wanted confirmation, “Maybe it was a dream.” That was insane to even contemplate. My feverish body didn’t feel so ignorant of what had happened in comparison to how confused I was. I’d kept the swelling burns from being discovered by the police, but I couldn’t hide them from myself. “It happened,” I said. Taking another look around angrily, I tried to find it. After a moment, I thought it might have left.

Then I felt its hot breath breathing down my neck. Like a scared cat, I jumped and bolted. 

For the rest of the night -- after retreating from my room to the bathroom -- I found sanctuary from the burning sensation over my entire body in a regular shower. I could scrub the feeling off of me from where it had touched me. There was no way I could remove the stain of its fingers from deep within me. After awhile, I shut the shower off and sank down into the tub. To stay awake for the rest of the night, I ran the faucet on full with chilling water. It did nothing for the all consuming inner flame...


Thank ya for reading thus far! :D

Lemme know if you think this is going in a good or bad direction, or any thoughts you have. :)

Okay, gonna be writing some more now. >.>

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