Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 156 - : Miss Sister

Chu Cheng understood and said, “Penglai can’t mobilize too many people to enter, so they use these people to attract secular forces. Do they concentrate on the gods in the ruins?”

“Exactly, there are many adventurers outside Daxia, and there are no flies. WWW.SUIMENG.com Many people still think of this world as a game. I heard that this ruin appeared and swarmed in. It was naturally counted by Penglai. . “

“Dou Bao Conference, will it still be open?” Chu Cheng asked with a frown.

“Of course it will be open. The prizes are still there, but only inside the ruins.”

Chu Cheng was a little irritable. With his own manpower, it was too reluctant to engage in things in the ruins. I couldn’t even affect the Doubao Conference. I originally wanted to use some means to take advantage of it and take it away.

Helping Qingcheng get the remains of the sun **** by himself, all three Daomen can get benefits, and then the royal family of the Daxia Empire.

It will take some years for this thing to be allocated to Penglai.

By the time Penglai could use the god-creating technology, the three Daomen had already reached the extreme and could not catch up. So Penglai was in a hurry, only this time. Speaking of it, it was the butterfly that flapped its wings.

But without going to the remains of the Sun King or getting the fallen angel, you cannot understand the law of ashes.

In that case, now I am still just a pale book, taking the path of the ninth-order necromancer.

Wang Luosheng said: “We have twenty-one people. The young monk is a legend, but we can’t act rashly. He is our life-saving card. Using legend directly will inevitably attract the attention of other legends, and may even give us a black hand. The plan is to reach the ruins, and I use the contract to recruit some people and expand the team to a hundred people. What do you think? “

“No!” Chu Cheng and Zhu Shen spoke in unison.

“Oh? How to solve the problem of insufficient troops?” Wang Luosheng asked.

“Isn’t he a mass corpse explosion?”

“I scared you.” Chu Cheng said to Zhu Shen.

“Then you don’t want to recruit people?”

“I don’t think there is a need for people in China to kill each other. This time the main purpose is the country in the ruins. Any city will gather a lot of wealth, and what can you get by fighting with other adventure teams? We just follow the brigade and kill The city will do. “

“We seem to be demon from heaven!” Fei skull exclaimed.

The three were speechless, and the definition of Flying Skull was really accurate. For the people in the ruins, they are demons outside the heavens, and they want to destroy the final base of a civilization.

The reason for everyone here is nothing more than that-we don’t do it, they will perish sooner or later, others will go.

So the people in the ruins have become a string of cold figures.

“What should I do, don’t go, pretending we are good people?” Zhu Shen asked.

“Don’t you even wear it?” Fei skull asked.

“Humans are really hypocritical!”

“The body wants, the mouth says no.”

“Bitch is hypocritical!”

“It seems that even the master has scolded?”

“This is honesty.”

“Also justice!”

“Then let the flying skull of justice solve this problem! You, humans, listen!”

“What’s next?”

“I don’t know, I thought you knew.”

“I’m not you, idiot!”

The three heads quarreled, and Chucheng’s three eased. Chucheng greeted Tai Yi. Tai Yi just shook his head. He held a cigarette, squeezed his wine glass, and whispered with the younger sister.

“Shut up for me.” Chu Cheng had to interrupt the flying skull and let the three heads quarrel, which could be terrible.

Flying Skull closed his mouth, bouncing boringly, poking his spine on the ground, bouncing, landing, bending, playing again, and having fun.

Chu Cheng feels that if a person can be as heartless as a flying skull, he must be happy to live.

“The standard of things like morality will continue to improve.” Wang Luosheng is still ready to talk to everyone, and the ruins have to be said.

“Brother Wang, please elaborate.” Zhu Shen listened and listened.

“We went, we can not kill ourselves, it seems that our morals are innocent, but should we stop people from seeing others slaughtering the remnants of the people? Should we stop? If we do n’t stop, it ’s a scorpion. What if we stop? Suppose we have the ability to keep a city People, next, do you want to stay there to continue? “

“So you intend to push the question to this world?” Zhu Shen asked.

“So some people believe in God, and they can push to the gods what they do. God let me do it. The massacre of the genocide is not a problem, and there will be no mental illness. It ’s easy. People like us have to question ourselves. What the **** you are doing. Fei skull is actually right, the **** is hypocritical. We will definitely go back to the ruins, and there will definitely be a killing. “

“What do you mean, what shall we trust?” Chu Cheng asked.

“Yes, we have to believe something, and hypocrisy is hypocritical, but we must think that we are doing right, not killing innocents indiscriminately.”

“It makes no difference to them?”

“For us, it ’s enough. The rules in the ruins are incomplete. The people inside must have some problems. Shenzhou ca n’t even include its own people in the territory of the territory. They will definitely not bring out these remnants. They will die. When Penglai decided to do this, the ruins were no longer people or numbers, but a thing. “

“We can’t turn things around.”

“Yes, the remnants of the ruins are destined to perish. Their civilization will be completely destroyed, just like the gods of Gaia treat us, and for the gods of Gaia, we are only one thing. However, we want Reversing the matter itself, for this goal, you have to accumulate strength, even to kill. “

“This reason is not good at all.”

Chu Cheng drove Fei skull away and asked him to find Master Tai Yi.

“This is not a reason, it is a very cruel truth. We are no different from the relics in the ruins, and we will suffer the fate of extinction. The remnants will resist, we will also resist. We are all prisoners, killing each other, maybe we can live Go on. As descendants of Homo sapiens, we have exterminated Neanderthals, and it ’s enough to do it again. “

“Original sin.” Chucheng Road.

“It is indeed the original sin. We can live because our ancestors exterminated another kind of human being.”

“Is this philosophy or history?” Zhu Shen smiled bitterly.

“This is chicken soup, love to drink or not.” Wang Luosheng said.

Flying Skull came to Taiyi, looked at the girl chatting with Taiyi’s young monk, and said, “Hello, Miss.”

“Hello.” The girl was not afraid of the strange appearance of Flying Skull and greeted him cordially.

“Good master, what are you talking about?” Fei skull is not crazy, he is a little afraid of Tai Yi. Of course, it is hard to say whether we can maintain this calmness all the time.

“Talking about destiny.”

“Wow, what a broad topic, I can talk to bed now!”

“From bed to new life!”

“Stop, don’t open the yellow tone!”

“What a cute monster, are you raised by the master?” The girl asked Taiyi.

Tai Yi took a breath of smoke and made a contemplative look. How could he possibly raise a flying skull like this undead. Miss Sister’s words were too subtle, he didn’t want to talk to death.

“Actually, the master can be my father.” Fei skull replied.

“Ah?” The girl was surprised, not understanding how a monk could produce such a freak.

“If I go on, he will be unhappy.”

“He will beat me if he is not happy.”

“Beating hard, I will call his father.”

The girl was pushed back and forth by Feishan, Tai Yi was depressed, I had heard of Xiong Dawu Brain, and I had never heard of Xiong Daxiao’s low smile. He didn’t dare to beat Fei Kang, because he was afraid that Fei Skull was really hit.

Fei Kang was very proud, three or two sentences, so Tai Yi did not dare to beat him, he was still very wise.

“What are you talking over there?” Tai Yi asked Fei Skull. He felt that Fei Skull came over and it was Chu Cheng who wanted him.

“Talking to the master.”

“They say the master smokes, drinks, and makes girlfriends, but he is still a good monk.”

“I said the master has tattoos.”

“They asked me to check it out.”

Tai Yi raised his hand and wanted to shoot Fei Skull under the deck, but he only scratched his head.

“The master is of course a good monk.” The girl smiled and said to Fei skull: “What happened to the tattoo, Yue Fei also has a tattoo.”

“Yes, it seems to be serving the country faithfully!”

“There is an ancient song called Jing Zhong Bao Guo.”

“Unfortunately I can’t sing.”

“Sister, will you?”

Tai Yi sighed and said: “Flying Skull, is Lord Chu Shi looking for me?”

“No, they see the master being lonely and let me come and chat with the master.”

Tai Yi continued to scratch her head, and the girl said to Fei Skull: “Are you going to Fufeng City for the Doubao Conference?”

“Yeah, sister, are you alone?”

“Well, I don’t know how to make friends.”

“Then you have it now.”

“it is me.”

“Buy one get two free.”

“Preferential Rewards!”

Tai Yi couldn’t talk anymore, he sighed, stood up, and walked to the position of the three of Chucheng. Flying skull jumped into Tai Yi’s chair, and his spine poked into the hole in the chair. But the spine is too thick, the hole is too thin, the flying skull is very embarrassing.

“Oh, I can’t plug it in!”

“I blame the master, made me so thick!”

“Don’t you blame me?”

“Stop talking, the chair is also the first time.”

“Hello, who is your master?” The girl asked curiously, and she couldn’t think of anyone who could make such a wonderful thing.

“Look over there, the most handsome one.”


“Don’t you feel it?”

“What does it feel like?” The girl was baffled.

“Feeling ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It’s like spring is coming. After a rain, the grass will be drilled out of the mud, and nothing can stop it.”

“You talk too much, grab my words!”

“And mine.”

“After a rain, you should stop.”

“I’m talking about grass.”

“Don’t be noisy, is that the one who came here?” The girl pointed to Chucheng looking at her in the distance, and said to Fei’s skull.

“it’s him.”

“My master.”

“Baron Chucheng.”

“Sister, what’s your name?”

“My, my name is Miao Hua, I am very happy to meet you, Fei skull.”

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