Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 166 - : Camp Battle

Chucheng did not summon the undead Pterosaurs to come out, this is not his war. He was surrounded by Flying Skull and Chu Bai, and he took back the Giant Ape Walker. When necessary, he will summon the Great Ape Walker to block the gun, and then fly away on his own undead pterosaurs.

Among the relics, Chucheng had to keep a back path for himself, and God knew what Penglai and the southern nobles really thought.

Green’s level is almost level three. He listened to Chu Cheng’s suggestion and did not summon the three undead that he had the best. The call of his undead, unlike Chucheng, is easy to truly die. The undead in Chucheng can be put away at any time, and there is no such thing as being killed and sent back to the undead space after being seriously injured.

Green’s call of the undead came from different planes or the world.

He now knows the coordinates of a half plane, and three powerful undead are all coming out of this half plane. During this period of practice, he mainly studied meditation with Chu Cheng, improved his meditation methods, and sensed more powerful undead in this half plane, some of which he could not manage, but the golden skull, snake body lich, and There is a **** three-headed dog.

And this half plane is rich in undead, he can also call headless knights, black warriors, skeleton cavalry, zombies and so on.

Now he summoned four black warriors to guard himself.

The Legion of Legacy stormed the camp wildly, and the adventurer’s front was torn quickly, but the adventurer retreated deep into the camp and did not collapse.

“Come.” Chucheng’s flesh-and-eyes saw the soldiers of the Legion approaching, and blessed the archers on the roof with giant bone shields. His huge bone shield can now release eight faces at once, but he is only responsible for two archers. Behind the two huge bone shields, there is a humanoid shadow, as if a samurai is holding a shield.

The huge bone shield was suspended in front of the archer, like a low wall, and the two archers rejoiced that the white shield did not affect their attack at all.

More than a dozen crossbow arrows flew up the roof and hit the bone shield, but the defense was not broken.

The second-tier bone shield has a high defensive power. The bow and arrow on the roof immediately hit back. Everyone fired three times in a row. At a distance, five enemies were hit by arrows. The steel arrows pierced the armor, plunged into the muscles, and burst into blood.

Behind Wang Luosheng, Li Sheng wore armor, took out his longbow, and shot from the ground.

A feather arrow struck an arc in the air and crashed down. With a puff, it penetrated the shoulder of a magician. The mage was too far ahead and wanted to attack the archer on the roof with magic, but was hit by Li Sheng. In this chaotic battle, any skill combination is meaningless. Only accurate attacks and sustained firepower can guarantee the victory of the battle.

Chucheng’s flesh and blood demon eyes clearly saw that the magician inside the adventurer was gathering, preparing to release fireball at the same time.

Soldiers of the Legion are advancing and will soon reach an open space.

Just when Chu Cheng thought the camp was okay, suddenly a large number of giant eagles appeared in the sky. On the giant eagles, riding archers, they started shooting from top to bottom.

The brilliance of the adventurers shone, and life-saving equipment was lit up one by one.

Behind the giant eagle shooter was a bipedal dragon. This kind of creature is rare in Gaia, but there are as many chickens in this ruin.

Hundreds of bipedal dragons flew out of the flanking mountains.

No, the bipedal dragon here is weaker than Gaia’s, and it doesn’t have much defense, but the spitting venom is the same. The flesh and blood eyes of Chucheng saw a venom of a flying dragon spray down, an adventurer warrior shrank behind the shield, the armor was still contaminated, and the metal armor suddenly rotted.

And his shield was already pitted, and another ruin was almost destroyed.

The adventurers on the ground used long-range skills to attack, and the two-footed dragons in the sky threw down, with bows and arrows, and sprayed venom on the ground. A pair of full-fledged flying dragons rushed to the top of a warrior’s head and used his feet to grab the warrior.

The soldier rolled to the side. Behind him, a spear pierced violently, stabbing the abdomen of the dragon.

The sharp spear was inserted as deep as possible, and the attacking adventurer was not as strong as the flying dragon. After he succeeded, he released his spear and jumped into the barracks.

The flying dragon was hit hard and became more aggressive, turning his head and spraying the venom in his mouth towards the adventurer in the back.

Few of these wild adventurers, the caster is basically an elemental mage, this is the simplest and the template is clear. The dense flying dragons pressed up, and all the mages released the fireball into the sky, and they could not control the situation on the ground.

The huge fireball exploded into pieces, and the magic resistance of the bipedal dragon was also useless. The explosion caused dozens of bipedal dragons to fall to the ground and flap their wings on the ground. A mad warrior holding a rapier more than two meters long, turned into a whirlwind and rushed past, the blood was sprayed like spring water.

“A lot of teams like us.” Wang Luosheng said to Chu Cheng.

The first to arrive here are almost all passengers, that is to say, the core team is rich people from the north of the empire, hiring dozens of adventurers. Those who are not hired and directly buy boat tickets have higher levels, and even third-tier wild adventurers appear.

“People in the castle, want to see our strength.” Zhu Shen also said, how did he not know at this time, Penglai let him like this first, will definitely not let everyone quietly do the task.

On the ground, a third-order magician waved his staff and saw hundreds of blue wind blades sweeping towards the sky. Suddenly, most of the two-footed dragons made a move. Although the wind blade’s lethality is not enough to kill the two-legged flying dragon, but every flying dragon that was hit has become bloody, and it seems that there is a blood rain in the air.

The other warlock also waved the equipment in his hand and said something in his mouth. Those flying dragons didn’t know what spell they were in, and they fell one by one to the ground.

“It’s a deepening pain.” Tiancao Cangyuan said behind Chucheng.

“There is also a soul storm.” Wang Luosheng saw most flying dragons fall to the ground, knowing that the most dangerous time had passed. Although these flying dragons did not die, they could not live long.

There are more than a thousand people in the camp, all of them are professionals. Each person releasing a skill is enough to kill these things.

More and more bipedal dragons have fallen to the ground, but the casualties on the ground have not decreased. The archer on the giant eagle is a great threat to the ground.

“Fly Skull, you go.” Chu Cheng was very annoyed to see the giant eagle hovering in the sky, shooting cold arrows from time to time.

Flying Skull happily agreed: “Oh, Master, let the great Flying Skull come to an end!”

“Take off!”

“Why are you heading forward this time?”

“Because the nostrils will get in!”

“If you get into the wind, your stomach will bloat.”

“Do we have a stomach?”

“No, transfer it to fly, the hair style is all messed up before the head!”

The team in Chucheng was silent, the flying skull adjusted a few times, and the swish disappeared. The next moment had appeared in the sky, and came to the back of a giant eagle. On the back of the giant eagle, the archer saw three heads. The undead was startled and waved a long bow to slap the flying skull.

Flying skull was drawn into the face by a longbow, screaming.

The archer felt a light hand, and the flying skull had already bitten his longbow and took it away. The archer was dumbfounded, the flying skull shook his body, and the metal sleeve outside the spine was like a spear, piercing the archer’s chest.

“Dare to face! Are you the protagonist?”

The archer was dead, the flying skull shook his spine, and the body fell towards the ground. He sprayed an acid from his mouth and hit the neck of the giant eagle. The feathers of the giant eagle instantly dissolved, and the muscles on his neck ulcerated. The flying skull thrust into the spine, and the giant eagle rolled, trying to attack the flying skull, but the flying trajectory of the flying skull was more flexible, and it rushed to the back of another giant eagle in a blink of an eye.

The spine of the flying skull stabs violently, plunges into the base of the neck of the giant eagle, and rotates rapidly, just like a drill, penetrating the giant eagle.

“We’re turning so fast, shouldn’t we be caught in the face?”

“Don’t you think it’s silly to think so?”

“This eagle is falling down. That guy is stupid and still aiming!”

“I bet he missed the shot.”

“Ah, don’t stop! I slammed my face forward!”

The archer on the back of the giant eagle made an arrow toward the flying skull and bent the bow. The flying skull stopped rotating, and venom was sprayed from the opening of the head of the archer. The archer screamed ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ from the seat Fall down. The eagle was about to crash, and the flying skull withdrew its spine, and flew to another eagle.

Chu Cheng was surprised that the ability of flying skull ground melee was not top, but the air combat was unexpectedly powerful!

“Can’t play like this.”

“Yeah, I just inserted it too deeply and I almost couldn’t pull it out.”

“I mean kill the archer first! You are not pointed at the face by the bow.”

“Don’t he miss you?”

“Relax, how easy is it to hit the arrow.”

“Some kind of stop, feelings are not aimed at your face!”

The sound of a crisp fracture sounded, and the spine of the flying skull was drawn on the archer’s neck. The archer’s head drooped strangely. The eagle wailed, and the flying skull spit another venom on his face.

“Let you bark.”

“Scream so loud, as if I’m throwing you off!”

“Stupid, I have a poisonous mouth!”

“Save it, we have limited venom.”

“I really envy the undead Pterosaur guy, he has four stomachs.”

“It’s six.”

“I want the stomach too.”

“I don’t want it, and I don’t have a body. It’s stupid to have a stomach pouch. It looks like it’s grown.”


After the spine shot into an archer’s brain, the flying skull flew at high altitude, and the archer could not escape his attack.

“Too cruel, this picture is not suitable for children.”

“Especially Taiyi, he seems to be only twelve years old.”

“Yeah, change the way!”

Flying Skull rushed to the next target. He passed by the archer, his long hair wrapped around the archer’s neck, and yanked the archer from the seat on the back of the giant eagle. The archer danced with both hands, but he couldn’t catch the flying skull, his tongue spit out, and his eyes almost projected out of his eyes.

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