Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 815 - :war machine

However, if you think about it, you can accept that Tian Cang Cang Yuan is not the role of a patient. If you gave him the throne of Ashes to let him toss and let Tian Cao Cang Yuan return to the status of scientist.

If he is allowed to follow himself outside, it is estimated that Amakusa Cangyuan has already killed many people, and is still a companion around him.

In the sky, star charts gather, and there are mine explosions on the ground from time to time. The Angels advance carefully, but they cannot avoid downsizing.

Chucheng did not expect to destroy them on the road. If the Legion of Angels entered the magical eye range of the magic tower, it would be the most efficient stage for the star chart to strike. Now kill an angel, no more than a dozen metal thorns can’t do it.

The robot legion also highlighted the projection range of the kingdom of the gods, divided into small units in the wild, and attacked the angel legion.

Tomorrow’s ambassadors are also very depressed. Their scouts searched for enemies in front, but the enemies are puppets, without vital signs, and even the energy fluctuations are very different from ordinary puppets. It ’s not that we ca n’t detect it, it ’s too weak, and then the enemy threw countless tiny metal particles on the wilderness, all of which have energy fluctuations. In this case, it is equivalent to no flaws.

Unless those puppets rush out, the puppet’s energy fluctuates exactly like the metal particles in the soil.

Angel scouts can only use the most primitive way to search through the grass with their eyes.

Chu Cheng cannot attack, he has to take care of the Sanmen Gate. Because the internal defense line loopholes of the Triple Gate Divine Realm projection have not been rectified, in addition to the Divine Kingdom projection, the first to launch the star map strike must be the direction of the Triple Gate, which can relieve certain pressure and provide at least a half-month buffer for the coalition time.

Mila also came to the front of the tower. The biggest difference between the triple door and other directions is the number of the sixth-order strongmen. There are not enough Tier 6s, although the number of Tier 5s is more, but there are 5th-level plague creatures, even those of Tier 6s. In contrast, the mechanical forces of the Triple Gate, among those flesh and blood machinery, reach Tier 5s. The number is somewhat insufficient.

Although the number of the fourth order is massive, in the offensive and defensive battle, the role of a fifth order is often not replaced by the fourth order.

On the Chu city side, mines and mobile artillery can only be used for harassment, which slows down the advance of the Angels.

But the Angels insisted on attacking the middle route with large troops, that is, the defense areas of Chucheng and Li Aotian, and even more focused on the side of Chucheng, farther away from the triple gate defense line.

In the direction of the triple gate, the troops of the Angel Legion progressed slowly, and the number was not large.

Chucheng then discussed with everyone to concentrate its forces on the large enemy units. Although Mila is reluctant, the pressure on her side is indeed too low. If you continue to continue, when the Angel Legion strikes into the projection of the Kingdom of God, she may not have officially joined the battle.

Tactically, it is impossible to keep to the planned plan. If the Legion of Tomorrow wants to insert a war zone in the middle, then Chucheng and others cannot wait foolishly.

After proper consultation, Chucheng dispatched a mechanical legion, rushed out of the position in the projection of the kingdom of God, and ran straight to the enemy’s forward.

Beyond the projection of the Kingdom of God, this mechanical legion with more than 40,000 combat units, carrying the plague ground dragon, dug trenches.

A line of defense was placed at a position about ten miles away from the projection of the Kingdom of God.

This robot is not enough at all, but this position can already directly receive the fire support of the fixed turret. The fixed turret can be different from the mobile artillery. It is more powerful and can kill legendary angels.

The scout of the angel army was blocked by more than 40,000 robots, and the light of the line of defense was found. It immediately accelerated the advancement of the army. The original distance was more than two hundred miles. Once the angel army exerted its force, there were hundreds of thousands of troops. On the robot’s temporary line of defense.

Chucheng didn’t think about it, there would be such a good result. The angel army rushing up hurriedly, with the chariot as the core, the chariot is usually a formation of three thousand people. In the sky, there will be dozens of flying angels guarding In front of the chariot is a cavalry unit, with heavy armoured infantry on both wings.

In the magic world, especially the Angel Legion, the infantry is not slow.

The main function of the cavalry is the speed of the sudden burst of attack. There are clearly several kilometers away from the distance, but it can quickly put the striker on your head.

In front of the angel of the future, Chucheng immediately continued to invest in the front. Hundreds of thousands of robot troops rushed in the direction of the two-hundred-mile wide theater to support the weak horizontal defense line.

Of course, the Angel Legion must seize the opportunity. If the opponent’s defense line is weak, then speed up the attack.

In any case, this is a good time to destroy the energetic power of the enemy.

Chu Cheng knew too much about the Legion of the Angels. He did not fear sacrifices and did not say that his grasp of fighter planes was unmatched by the Human Legion. However, this kind of reaction is too procedural, because the fear of sacrifice, even if the Angels are facing a situation that may be a trap, they still dare to invest a lot of troops.

Everyone else was watching the operation of Chucheng worriedly. Chucheng’s fueling tactics stimulated the angel army. The angel army covered millions of troops in just twenty miles. The speed in the front decreases, and the legions in the rear keep up, forming a heavy military advantage.

This is to break into the projection of the kingdom of God immediately after breaking through the defense line. Does not give Chucheng any breathing opportunities.

Chucheng adjusted the artillery density, the galaxy star map pushed forward, and the Big Dipper map began to prepare at the projection boundary of the kingdom of God.

Angels are very powerful, large in number, powerful in combat, fearless in death, and rich in arms. They are war weapons created by gods. But what are the defects of the gods?

Of course, it is impossible to develop science, because science will question the divinity, and God cannot be questioned.

Undoubtedly, certain things will inevitably be lost, such as the study of power. If you can gain strength by praying, why do you want to study it? Research is to question the gods.

Angel Legion is rich in tactics? It is not that Chucheng has n’t commanded yet. Compared with the biochemical weapons, the Angel Legion is more rigid, but there are more angel battle templates, so it seems to be very wise.

After several investigations by Chu Cheng, they figured out the plan of Guangming Tomorrow. They had to break through the center, arrange the array, and let the door of light open in the projection of the kingdom of God, and communicate directly with the mountain of light.

That is, the Kingdom of God of Light. By then, the entire Gubei City theater was shrouded in the deterrence of the Light God. Even if Chucheng came, it would not change much.

Chu Cheng used an aircraft to throw the temporarily borrowed Godslayer Chariot on the front line, and then waited for the battle to erupt.

The light chariot was charged with an artillery on top, and around that chariot, the power of light inflated like a huge balloon, covering the cavalry around, riding the angel of the unicorn, and dashed into the trenches. When the unicorn was charging, it seemed that there was magma flowing on the top of the head, and a terrible attack broke out at any time.

The robot counterattacked and collided with the unicorn cavalry. The tons of robots were hit by the unicorn and flew out. Some of them were not close, and the red light emitted by the unicorn dissolved into a huge hole.

Spell defense is too bad …

Seeing this scene, Chu Cheng knew that it was not a unicorn’s ability to cast spells, but a level of suppression, and the resulting robot could not defend against thermal attacks. This exceeds the upper limit of robot defense.

The robot itself is resistant to high temperatures. Thousands of degrees of high temperature will not affect the operation of the robot. But what if it is tens of thousands of degrees?

Like the skills of Chucheng, death roaring or something, you can destroy a large number of robots at once, as long as they are within the range of the burning attack, the legendary robots are also a wave of death.

Weapon defects cannot be solved for the time being, but unicorn cavalry is not considered a conventional armament.

Chucheng gritted his teeth and patience. The fireball launched by the Tushen chariot killed tens of thousands of angels. However, the Tushen chariot was shot into a hedgehog in an instant. The angel’s feather arrows ignored the armor of the chariot and destroyed its internal power. The energy core of the tank exploded, and the armor on the tank.

“You are proud, your stuff is so crisp!” Chu Cheng roared.

Li Aotian is speechless. If you do n’t look at the level of the archery angel, is that the sixth order? Not to mention my tank, even a hole in the magic tower.

Mila was silent. If the angel of the light attacked her defense zone like this, she would definitely not be able to withstand it. The angel door inside the projection of the kingdom of the gods weakened. Look at the army of the angel of the light. The shells covered it. Go to death, and then the shrapnel flew strangely to one place.

The artillery slammed into a single combat effect.

The artillery is still roaring, shock waves, shell fragments, toxins, as if for the Angel of Light, but a little trouble, high-level angels eliminate shock waves, legendary angels even attract artillery fragments, and most of the toxins are purified and cannot be purified It is also temporarily suppressed by the powerful survivability of the future ambassador.

As long as you do n’t die on the spot ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ angels can continue to fight.

Chucheng is in front, accumulating more than five million robots and more than four million plague creatures. Now, nearly one million robots have been put in. If you continue to invest, the defense line at the forefront of the God Kingdom projection will become empty.

No matter what the loss was, Chucheng continued to order the robot to attack.

The robot rushed out, was hit by a unicorn, and was shattered by the divine light. In the sky, the flying angel held a scepter and released a wide range of purification light. Killing undead robots may purify toxins and create a battle environment more suitable for angels.

Everything is methodical. The Legion of Angels is a sophisticated war weapon that moves forward, forward, and crushes the enemy.

The gate of light, more than two hundred, and angels continuously flow out, making people desperate.

Chu Cheng looked at all this, his expression remained the same, he did not find the arms that worried him, such as Seraph, Punishment Angel and Gospel Angel.

Except for the size of Angel’s Gate that worried him, the rest didn’t care much

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