Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 831 - :wheel

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan, like the **** of death, walked up and down on the battlefield. Although it was only the strength of two people, there was an irreparable rift in the position of the Angels.

Because the Mie Gate and Li Aotian invested too many troops, they attacked completely irrespective of their sacrifices, like a mercury flood.

Feeling the situation opened, Chu Cheng and Luo Yan, who did not wander in front, returned to the place where their legions assembled, and began to prepare to attack the Angel’s Gate.

Under normal circumstances, the biggest loss of war is usually in the stagnation stage. Once the balance is broken, it is not far from the crash.

But this is not the case in the magic world, especially in the world of gods.

After the rift appeared, more angels poured into the empty war zone, forming a strong line of defense.

Of course, this is to remember to eat or not to remember, the star map in the sky immediately covers the attack towards the area where the angels gather. If the angels are not assembled, they will not be able to block the large coalition forces. Once they are assembled, they will be hit by the sky. How many times has this scene been demonstrated repeatedly, the angel still has no solution.

This is also the reason why humans are added to the biochemical legion. Angels and biochemical weapons have similar places. They seem to have a higher IQ. When they are strategically deployed, they are almost the same as the early machines. Even with the support of big data, it is still impossible to make effective changes.

Because of the accumulation of a few months, the number of star maps is sufficient, and the power of the crape myrtle maps exceeds that of the Milky Way star maps.

Often the attack of a star chart is released cleanly, and all the angels within a few miles are killed.

Because it was a general attack, all robot troops were released, and all weapons in the warehouse were equipped. The war has not paid attention to cost performance, the triple door is now no longer in stock, and a large number of robots are invested in the theaters on both sides of the gate of the Guangming tomorrow.

The angel’s door is a huge portal from any angle, and its dimensions are different from those seen by ordinary people.

In fact, angels can rush out of the angel’s door at any angle, and you can’t block it in one direction.

The coalition forces did not block, and the triple gate dispatched aircraft to throw away all the stocked mines in the other three directions, leaving only one direction with a width of 100 miles, allowing the troops of Chucheng to enter.

Chucheng wanted this width, and he didn’t need a wider preparation zone.

The angel wanted to support the front. In addition to assaulting from the east, he had to fly over the minefield in other directions. Flying is an angel’s instinct, that is, it is not friendly to low-level angels. By flying, low-level angels consume a lot and will reduce the combat effectiveness.

Those mines are worthless, allowing angels to fly in the sky, and have already played their role.

That’s it, the triple gate and Li Aotian’s advancement still encountered huge troubles.

The new army of angels appeared and beheaded the angels.

This kind of angel is like an assassin, flying fast in the sky. They decapitated the command system on the ground, dispatched hundreds of beheaded angels at once, and hit the ground from the sky. These beheaded angels should be of a type that cannot be resurrected at all, and can produce a horrible output in an instant.

Many chariots were destroyed by a beheaded angel, and the noncommissioned officers were killed on the spot.

It is impossible for the coalition to study the beheading of angels and give up the attack. It can only provide attacks accompanying the infantry of the chariot. Once the beheading of the beheading angel appears, various robots and biochemical weapons are ejected on the ground, trying to kill the angels.

The effect is there, but beside the chariot, too much troops are assembled, making the formation strange and bloated.

In an area, more troops must be invested to avoid being attacked by beheaded angels.

On the other side of Chu City, all thorn angels, night angels, and even plague angels must be used after entering the kingdom of God. It is impossible to take them out and fight with the enemy now.

In mid-January, the troops of Chucheng departed from the preset location. At this time, the coalition forward had pushed into the area twenty miles before the Angel’s Gate. Within the last ten kilometers, almost all angels were piled up there.

At this distance, even if the star map covers the blow, the impact is not very large. After being deflected by the angel’s door, those spikes may still hurt their own people by mistake.

Chucheng ’s army is advancing. He is not worried about this. The Misaki Star Map will not be affected at all. He can put it into actual combat in a few years. He also has one on his head. The number is insufficient, so he did not take it out for strategic deployment. However, if there is a strong presence near the Angel’s Gate, Chucheng does not mind using the Migaki Star Map to erase it.

That’s what he waited for. Anyway, Migaki Star Chart can’t bring him into the angel’s door now.

Entering the angel’s gate, the power in the sky, he counted on the Legion of Thorns and Angels.

So he could only watch the sacrifice in front and wait for the moment to come. The time was too long. Chucheng felt that the gods were about to wake up. Even his battle this time was related to the arrangement of the gods.

Why is there such a powerful portal of angels, coming to the border of the Miya Empire.

This is not normal at all, and it violates the Pantheon ’s rules for distributing benefits. If Chucheng is just an ordinary prince, he certainly would n’t think so much, but he was born again and worked in the Temple of Light. There are many doorways. The distribution of benefits in the Pantheon is much more rigorous than the summit of the mountains.

The pinnacle of the mountains is the first to distribute luck, and the fruits of the war have not yet been obtained.

The Pantheon is to distribute the benefits of the ancient gods of the old era, and every inch of land has been divided. The Angel Gate of the Bright God is here, not a small cross-border, for the Pantheon, it is a problem of changing the pattern of the mainland.

Chucheng must destroy this angel’s gate, take it in his hand, and absorb it into the equipment, so that it will completely lose the luck connection with the Gaia gods.

Chu Cheng knew that as long as he could do this, all the strategies of the Pantheon would fail with the loss of the angel’s gate.

Chucheng also took the Xuangui chariot. Together with Luo Yan, the other second-element gods were not rash, protected by chariots, and also protected the people around the chariots.

Chu Cheng and others were in the first group, with 64 tanks and the first thorn army.

Twenty-four thousand main force and eighteen thousand auxiliary soldiers.

In addition to these, the Thorns Legion has more than 3,000 extra combat units, plus more than 100,000 robot troops. Each Thorns Legion must be equipped with a set of Beidou Demon Eyes. Different levels of legions are equipped with different levels of magic eye systems.

The artillery fire intensively bombarded the angels in the protection area of ​​the Angel’s Gate. However, when the huge shells came at several times the speed of sound, those angels would burn their lives, release a holy light, and intercept the shells.

The magic pattern on the cannonball almost immediately failed. When the remaining cannonball body fell, an angel held up the shield to resist. At most one more angel would die, and the cannonball would be completely useless and would not explode.

Even in vain, the cannon is still roaring, even if an angel is destroyed.

With the military forces on both sides so dense, no one can turn around.

When the first legion of Chucheng arrived, seeing the difficult advancement, Chucheng was a little depressed. It was all in January, maybe more than ten days later than planned.

Li Aotian and Bai Lixue saw the arrival of the big troops of Chucheng, and they began to make preparations.

Chu Cheng saw that the Allied Forces had launched a huge metal weapon under the protection of hundreds of tanks. It was a wheel-like thing with a bronze color and a diameter larger than the height of the Angel ’s Gate. Such a huge behemoth, the outer periphery of the wheel is inscribed with runes, and the two sides correspond to each other, Yin and Yang.

The caster has a huge crystal over three meters in diameter in the center of the wheel, where the axle is usually placed.

After the crystallization entered, the rune on this metal wheel began to burn and turned forward.

Li Aotian said to Chu Cheng: “How do you feel about the last section of the road with the tank I designed?”

Chu Cheng stared at this huge wheel, and in the wheel, he even sensed a special space!

Chu Cheng was depressed: “Why didn’t you take it out early?”

“Hand-made, huh, hand-made, this one.” Li Aotian did not pretend, this thing, he made a temporary intention, he personally shot with the female generals.

At first I wanted to call the wheel of time and space, but there was only space, and the impact on time could not be exerted at all.

Moreover, the refining process changed again and again, leading to his offensive on this side, causing heavy casualties, but failed to break into the twenty-mile range of the Angel’s Gate.

Too much power has been pinned down, and all go to this job.

Chu Cheng is very serious, this wheel is really very creative!

If he came to refine it, it would definitely be better. Like his black turtle chariot, the wheels are all decorated. If it can be made miniature, the power is too powerful to pass almost anywhere.

It is estimated that it takes energy ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ is better than no choice.

When a black turtle chariot passes through complex terrain, it has to crawl on all fours and walk on all fours. In theory, it is much more efficient than wheeled action tools. However, the speed is intolerable and the upper limit is also low.

But during the battle, it needs to explode, and the speed of this wheel is valuable.

A wheel-shaped device that can pass through regardless of obstacles, the full name is probably like this.

Chu Cheng was excited, Li Aotian’s luck was still better than himself. This thing can be created, it is simply an accident in the accident, and it is still created in front of the attack on the angel’s door.

Chucheng wanted to change his strategic plan a little bit, but the army was already in place and he was waiting to attack, he could only sigh.

After giving him another year, he could steadily and steadily lay down the angel’s door, and the soldiers pointed directly at the core area of ​​the Miya Empire. There is no need to brag about Chucheng, his accumulation of troops is beyond the resistance of the Miya Empire.

Even if the Miya Empire took out their troops in all the ruins, they could not stop his plague wall.

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