Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 858 - : Temple of Dawn

(Close tomorrow, not leave, no update, that ’s it)

The Ember Angel did not hesitate, launched the Ember Feather, and the overwhelming feathers blasted out. The Angel of Dawn had never thought of it. Having magic skills against divine creatures would be so powerful.

More than a dozen dawn angels took most of the waves away.

The Ember Angel took his men, accelerated, and broke through the interception, fleeing frantically towards the south.

Three night angels, holding the joystick of the rune machine gun in both hands, raised the muzzle of the shoulder, and the rune shells shot back, and the two angels of dawn caught up and were shot on the ground.

A burning lightsaber broke through the space and went straight to the wings of the ashes angel.

The sword ring flew from the Ash Angel’s wrist, and his sword was vigorous, and he cut the lightsaber.

The dawn angel was stunned for a moment. He was a sixth-order angel, but he failed to leave a fifth-order weapon.

This is amazing, only the sword, that is, the sixth rank must stay in place to defend.

The cicada wing sword ring was built by Luo Yan. The sword is true and true. The Angel of Dawn has not been in contact with Jianxiu, and he does not understand the principle of it. It is to feel the power and cohesion of the talent, which is different from any known system.

That feeling is not inferior to his divine use.

The Angel of Dawn did not continue to chase. The people around him were not enough, and then chased down, leaving at most a few enemies, it is impossible to win all of them.

It didn’t matter if things weren’t done. Anyway, the formations in the mountainous areas have already been arranged, and they can appear on the northern defense line more frequently in the future.

What if the other party knows?

When the flying squad escaped, all the people in the fortress were killed in battle. When the news was passed to Chucheng, Chucheng couldn’t sit still.

He didn’t expect that the first thing to happen was the northern line of defense. The mountainous area in the north was vast, although the enemy army could hardly penetrate.

But again, he couldn’t send more people to clean up.

Chucheng had no choice but to take people to the eastern defense line, and Luo Yan took them to the northern defense line. Although the Second Primordial God can walk at will, the normal combat power is still Tier 6, and the burst of Tier 7 power will not last long.

The power is in the equipment, and the normal Tier 7 will not be his opponent.

But he and Luo Yan, can block a large area?

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan went first. Because the ranks were restricted, he could not teach the inverted pyramid. He could only honestly spread the wings of ashes and carry Luo Yan.

The flying speed of Ember Wing is enough, that is, it is not as good as the bonus when it is fully open.

He is fully open, attacking and defending are very strong, and attacks of the same level cannot break the defense. The same level of defense is more unlikely to block his spells and swordsmanship.

Chucheng flew all the way north, while directing his own star chart to follow.

The only Migaki star map is still not as fast as him, but the Big Dipper map is slower, and it takes two days to reach the battlefield.

The star map is going to fly fast, and the consumption is too terrible. In this starry sky, there is no biochemical weapon that can directly supplement energy. The flight speed keeps up, and the cost is amazing.

If the cost is high, the war will be unsustainable.

Chucheng and Luo Yan went to fight the fire. In Gubei City, four joint scientific research institutions had already designed new weapons. The copyright is in the triple door, and everyone must pay for the triple door.

This is a combination of giant **** soldiers and flesh mechanical technology. It is designed as a metal demon by the triple door. The shape of the demon comes from the abyss crack of Sishen Island. There are many demons in it, although they are suppressed by Gaia. But the form itself is still very suitable for combat.

The new recruit is called Metal Flame Demon, and the flame attack is still second. Actually, it is not very good, but the magic resistance is amazing.

It is a high-temperature-resistant combat weapon, and its ability to kill fireballs, lightsabers and the like is much better than other arms.

Three models of metal flame monster, three meters, five meters, eight meters.

Three meters is the cheapest, easy to manufacture, and can be produced quickly, and five meters is slow to supplement, which is cost-effective. The combat strength of eight meters is strong, and the manufacturing speed is slower.

It is mainly used in the alloy formula, with the addition of rare blood rubies.

It’s the spoils of Chucheng. There are many things in Chucheng, and they are rarely used. A large piece of nails is enough for tens of thousands of metal flame demon alloys. But the difficulty of handling this stuff is also an important reason that affects the manufacturing time.

On the side of Gubei City, it is impossible to use all the magicians to create metal flame demon.

Other arms also require the magician to participate in manufacturing.

There are many plague mages, but the processing speed of divine alloy is slower, and it can be maintained by the number.

The first batch of metal flame monsters were transported directly to the northern defense line, which only penetrated into the mountainous area and was destroyed by the scattered soldiers of the Kelasu Empire. The fortress built behind was fine.

But people do not take the road of fortress at all, they are constantly infiltrating.

When dozens or hundreds of people enter the Great Plains, they really can’t do anything, but what if they gather together?

Not to mention the destruction, it can’t stand it, and it also restrains the troops, so that the north has to strengthen its defense.

In that case, the eastern defense will lack even more troops.

Chucheng wondered if it was necessary to place the teleportation array in Gubei City. If it is installed, then Gubei City can get strong support from the crown of thorns at any time, and the 3rd and sixth order is sent over, and everything is solved.

But this kind of transmission, the cooling time is extremely long, it should be used on the blade.

In case of entering the Miya Empire in the future, or attacking the Kelasu Empire, should we build another one? This stuff is peer-to-peer, if you lay it in a mesh, you can’t see the consumption.

When you start it, you cannot stop it. If you want to build a new one, the old one will be scrapped.

You have to know that this is a technological breakthrough. In Gaia, teleportation has always been very difficult to use. No one will use it at critical moments. Most nobles have teleportation arrays and can only teleport a few people. The distance is not far enough. It ’s not bad to run away. When the army besieged the city and the space was blocked, the efficiency was even worse.

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan were cruising in the mountainous area, killing some angels of dawn, and they were even more worried.

Obviously, the Angel of Light seems to have a higher attack power, but the Angel of Dawn’s resilience is extremely powerful and more difficult to kill. Similarly, killing a sixth-order angel, killing the angel of dawn, consumes more than five times that of the angel of the future. Some are even more disgusting to die, and consume more than ten times the power to kill them.

Even so, the resurrection ability of the angel of dawn is not much different from the angel of light tomorrow.

That is to say, once let the other party build a large angel’s gate, if you want to take it down, you have to be prepared for bankruptcy.

The law of ashes is very useful for killing angels of dawn.

However, the number of ashes in Chucheng is not large, and the manufacturing cost is high and the speed is slow. The power of the Temple of Dawn is close to his eyes, he can’t let the other party wait, etc. I have enough power to come again.

Fortunately, the army of the Galaxy Universe has strong maneuverability and can also be used with cannon fodder, otherwise it is a question whether the northern fortress can be kept.

In the mountainous areas, a large number of scouts collided with each other and attacked with tremendous intensity.

The two plagues of the Great Wall Legion were thrown in. Those plague creatures were equipped with low-cost springs on their legs to assist in running. This is cheaper and cheaper. It does not require any magic gold body. It is ordinary steel that can make the plague The soldiers ran wild in the mountains.

And this thing is relatively difficult for humans to control. If the enemy does not have a huge biochemical force, the significance of the creation is not particularly great.

Just used to hurry up, the speed is not as good as biochemical weapons.

Biochemical weapons control this thing, can be learned instantly through programming.

On this day, Chu Cheng flew in the air and saw a team of angels, about fifty angels of dawn, flying out of the mountain area. He directly remembered the ashes storm and wrapped the fifty angels of dawn.

The fifty angels of dawn, headed by a sixth-order angel, Chucheng felt very horrified.

The angel was covered by the ash storm, and the flame-like light floated on him. He looked at Chucheng coldly and said, “His Majesty the Pope, let me bring you a sentence.”

Luo Yan fell with a sword light, and she shot with all her strength. It was too late for the messenger to want to say that day. She was torn by the sword and the wounds on her body were like cicada wings.

Chu Cheng stared at the dying angel and said, “If she is dissatisfied with me, let her come to me.”

The angel opened his mouth and could not make a sound.

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan simply attacked with a flying sword. Two minutes later, the fifty angels were killed, and no one could speak.

Khorasu Empire, White Coral City, Temple of Dawn.

His Majesty the Pope looked at the distance on the seashore, and in the sky, the wind and clouds changed, projecting countless images.

Seeing Chucheng kill her angel, the pope laughed.

Unexpectedly, the little nobleman who helped him today has grown into such a behemoth that can resist the offensive of the Kolasu Empire.

It seems that the investment has failed. Maybe you should send a doppelganger in the past?

Doppelganger may not be able to win him, let alone grab it, but it is just a doppelganger of Chucheng, meaningless.

It’s a little troublesome, but it’s not unsolvable. Once you get to the location and arrange an angel’s gate, you will form a stronghold on the plain.

The Pope thought about it and commanded, “Call An Bai.”

The following people promised that before long, An Bai was taken to the pope.

“His Majesty.”

“Remember Chucheng?”

“Remember, a very nice person.”

“Now, she is our enemy.”

“Then kill him ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ An Bai looks naive and doesn’t think there is anything wrong with saying this. She is not a fanatic, but a girl who believes in the goddess of dawn.

“I want you to do this.”

“I’m afraid I can’t beat him.” An Bai waved his fist, feeling that he was progressing too slowly now.

“God will give you strength, and you will soon become an eighth order.”

“I want my stick.”

“It will take a few days for your weapon to come out. You are here to wait for me to give orders.”

“Yes.” An Bai sat on the floor.

His Majesty the Pope looked at the sky and turned into the temple. In a closed room, the dawn light was burning, like light and flame, and in the middle, on a black lacquered stick, the gods radiated Out of the powerful divinity.

List of chapters of high-speed writing hand fighting ashes

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