Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 866 - : White Ape

With a feeling, Chucheng flew back to Gubei City, and then personally arranged the formation of Gubei City. The core nine-story tower was checked by him from top to bottom.

What needs to be refined is the formation pattern, and all the people here have worked together to standardize things.

Taking into account the need to fight against enemies at the level of An Bai, Chu Cheng shot himself and tried again with ashes. He did not ask others to agree, the core of Gubei City, the tower has added two more layers, into the eleventh layer of ashes tower.

On the eleventh floor of the Ash Tower, there is an ash demon eye suspended, and Chu City does not think about the project of the Kingdom of God anymore, there is An Bai’s fraud tactics.

The Migaki Star Map was transferred back and flew quickly in the air, and it could be reached in almost a day.

In fact, there is always a sufficient number of Big Dipper maps, because the number of ground troops is insufficient, the Big Dipper map is almost the last defense.

Chucheng forcibly built a two-story tower to create the Ash Eye, and the transformation of the eighteen magic tracks would take a lot of time.

He has no shortage of ashes, and the recent war has given him great gains.

Otherwise, he will not start to build the Legion of Ashes. Ash materials can only be obtained in large quantities if they are extracted from the divine material. Ordinary life bodies can only sacrifice a limited amount.

Li Aotian’s strength is concentrated in the projection area of ​​the Kingdom of God, the triple gate is the eastern defense line, and Shenluo City is at the forward base.

Because the focus of the war was not a breakthrough towards the Miya Empire, it became a contraction defense, so there was an immediate division of labor. The metal demon of the triple gate is quite good, even other units in the coalition will be used as supplementary equipment, but the triple gate is a complete biochemical mechanical system, and other allies are just looking for one or two types to supplement.

The Legion of Chucheng didn’t even need to be supplemented, just added some metal demons as cannon fodder.

The cost of the metal devil may not be lower than that of the ordinary plague knight, but the manufacturing speed of the plague knight is not as fast as that of the metal devil. The cannon fodder is not necessarily the cheapest, but it must be the fastest to supplement.

After Chucheng and Luoyan returned to Gubei City, they immediately formed a force to sweep the apes and monkeys and began to sweep outward.

The sweeping force has expanded to 200 combat units, and the upper limit is about 240, including the equipped biochemical mounts and chariots.

There are no black turtle chariots in the small units, they are all plagued dragon chariots, which are more balanced.

The plague dragon chariot is very mature, the cost is acceptable, the core member is only one human, plus four auxiliary biochemical soldiers. Once the chariot is untenable, the human command module will activate any gate formation to transport the human soldiers inside. Human soldiers will also be equipped with ash breastplates. After teleportation, they will seamlessly connect to the flight mode and escape under the protection of four biochemical soldiers.

In the current legion, humans have no ordinary soldiers, at least noncommissioned officers, who can command hundreds of combat units.

A team of more than two hundred people is equipped with a magic lord and a plague knight, and then at least two plague warlocks, sometimes with additional rotten mages. If there is a plague mage, the number of casters is at least 20 units, which is not less than one-tenth.

Warlocks respond quickly, and they can cast spells instantly in encounters without preparation.

But the warlock’s continuous combat ability is not as good as the plague mage. Long battles require warlocks to take drugs or simply burn their lives.

In the sweeping team, there are usually five non-combat characters, ash creatures and thorn creatures, which will only be shot when they encounter powerful enemies. This is a supplementary slow arm, and Chucheng cannot use it as cannon fodder.

At the same time, there will be a team of six flying units, one angel of thorns, two angels of night, and three angels of ashes.

Near the chariot were fifty heavy infantry, and on both wings a hundred plague knights.

There are also about fifty firearms or the like, which are mixed with various experimental models. The experiment is for technical reserve.

A team found hidden short-haired white apes in the forest in front, and the plague dragon chariot immediately called for support.

The area of ​​the woods is not large, but hundreds of short-haired white apes are hidden. It is better to be cautious. If it is two teams, it is easy to kill these warcrafts.

But the short-haired white ape is a wise Warcraft. After it was discovered, it rushed out of the woods and went straight to the sweeping team.

Sit and wait? nonexistent.

The white ape fluttered across the ground, exuding a white light, and connected to each other. However, Chu City had already given the standard combat mode, and the two plague warlocks simultaneously released the void fireball.

With a diameter of more than one meter, the fireball splits when it flies to a high place and scatters downward.

The strongmen of Gubei City were all arranged by Chucheng to carry out reconstruction work, and no one came out to hunt these Warcrafts. Therefore, it is impossible to send a legion out.

If in the woods, the void fireball is easy to be ignited in advance, and the coverage effect will not be good.

Above the open ground, the void fireball split into countless colorful fireballs, and none of the short-haired white apes escaped, and many of them tumbling to the ground and wailing directly.

The number of firepower hands is not large, but the musket is still raised. This musket is a biochemical weapon. The projectile is similar to the biological crystal projectile. It has a certain lethality to this kind of warcraft immune to the blade.

Fifty heavy infantry released their shields at the same time, intercepted at the front, the plague knight greeted the knight, and arrayed on the side. When the short-haired white ape and the heavy infantry were together, he charged.

In the galaxy universe, this tactic is nothing. In the universe, there is a dedicated cannon fodder fleet, entangled with the enemy, giving the planetary-level battleship a chance to attack at full strength.

As long as the enemy is entangled, the planet-level battleship will launch a main gun strike, and no life will survive in the entire area.

The simpler the tactics, the more effective they are, and you have no way to crack them.

When the heavy warrior rushed up and collided with the white ape, the ripples in front of the shield had formed a spatial shock. Most of the white apes were originally injured and the number of shocks was only more than one hundred.

The plague knight is a legendary level, and after being transformed, its impact is comparable to ordinary plague giants.

The big knight took a charge on the side with his men and launched his skills. The group of white apes seemed to be hit by a hammer. They flew out one by one, and they had already become meat.

In the chariots, human non-commissioned officers feel that they are too worried and must be supported by their partners.

However, a white ape rushed towards the plague knight in the team, threw the knight on the ground, and opened his mouth to bite it. The white ape’s mouth was cracked, and the diameter was nearly one meter in size. A war horse can bite in his mouth.

In the throat of the white ape, the frequency of the sound waves was strange, with a shocking power.

In its world, the hunts of white apes in droves rely on this law of deterrence to disintegrate the enemy’s mind. Even if it is a momentary effort, it can bite off the enemy’s head.

The plague knight was knocked down, and the deterrence of God’s voice was useless. The white ape was so powerful that he was weak immediately after the end of the charge, and he was caught. But the white ape came to bite him, it was really …

The plague knight’s faceplate cracked, and a strange blood basin with a large mouth protruded, like a deep sea monster, with ring-shaped teeth layer by layer, swelled out, and the mouth of the white ape would be large.


The white ape’s head was bitten off by him, and the teeth were stacked one after another, but the huge head was crushed and swallowed.

Frontier is immune to this attack.

The engulfment of plagued creatures is also a rule of its own, not long range or melee, but biological ability.

The heavy infantry was advancing, pushing the white apes together again, and the plague knight turned to charge again, and the white ape with a sharp arrow hit a string on his spear, and then a string string.

None of the white apes can escape, because the outer casters only use fireballs to block the escape route.

The tank did not launch an attack. The tank attack was more powerful, but the cost was also high. It is better to be a mobile magic tower to provide support to plague mages and warlocks.

The noncommissioned officers in the chariot looked at the data on the light brain and knew that more than six hundred white apes had been killed.

White ape’s combat effectiveness is not high, it must be used in key places.

However, according to the data obtained by scientists, the largest of this kind of white ape is only five years old, and some are only two years old.

Generally speaking, the adulthood of ferocious Warcraft is slower than humans.

The magic world also needs to pay attention to ecological balance. In the abyss, not all are princes. Most of them are poor little demons, fighting each other to compete for the only territory.

This kind of white ape should be something created by the Temple of Dawn, but scientists haven’t seen any signs of crashes in the test. It seems that this thing is born two years and five years old. I haven’t seen the older white ape now ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ should be among the elite, they haven’t penetrated it yet, or hidden in a secret place.

The plain is vast, and Chucheng has not searched for that force yet.

More than a dozen white apes survived and were **** by magic chains. Five were sent back to the rear for research. The rest were used as target drills in situ.

The fireman took out his sword and hacked on those white apes, and found that it was not impossible to break the defense, but only required a little means, or skills.

Ordinary attacks are really like cutting on steel.

The stray bullets on the battlefield have almost no effect on them. The firearm’s biochemical musket can break through the defense, but the effect of expanding the damage is not good. If it is a human being, such a shot is basically dead.

It can be hit on the white ape, it is a deep wound.

After the Plague Knight chopped off a head with his sword, he did not continue. The chariot moved forward, and the team regrouped into a formation, bypassing the woods and searching for the next target.

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